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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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here, developers from bashkiria are offering a whole system of prefabricated shelter dugouts for military equipment. they made themselves a shelter where they can protect themselves from the rain and basically protect themselves from drones. all this is assembled in a couple of hours from plywood bills, which... take up
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a lot of space, one two-meter straight shelter, purely for a dugout, and a three-meter-high tent for equipment, here are the parts, well, as you can see, there are not many of them, and in order to build this, with the help of logs you need, well, drive a kamaz, your military -field they immediately demonstrate the designer to the fighters at the training ground, carefully listening to their comments, bmp, it will fit. so with the barbecue, here it is lower in profile, so if the tank is, well, i understand, it will be necessary to raise it, okay, no problem, it will work, i have no doubt, perhaps something will turn out to be useless, but the main thing is that people are involved in the process and are trying with all their might make it easier for the soldiers to complete the task, because even washing at the front is a big problem, once a month is a luxury, but partative...
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since last year, we have been working in this direction, in order to be needed, to be suitable for our guys. in bashkakartastan, several manufacturers of such mobile bathhouses are already working for the front. barrel baths are made entirely of cedar. marrat gafarov assembles two banyas from siberian cedar per week. the bunchki bathhouses should be made compact so that they are mobile, they really are. the trailer's electrical system was connected, journalists from the bashkir state television and radio broadcasting company purchased one bathhouse for the water treatment system at their own expense, and a few more barrels were built by the world champion in mixed martial arts, and now a citizen of russia and deputy of the kurultai of bashkartastan, jeff monson.
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i've been to dambas many times, maybe once. stalin did not call sholukhov and did not ask him to hand over the stalin prize. i guessed it myself, but the others also guessed that we need to invest, we need tanks, we need networks, we need everything, anything, increased obligations, so the state should be behind this, and i hope that now it is also slowly behind this, at the front everything will come in handy, due to the weather of constant shelling, things quickly become unusable, you need socks, new ones combat boots, equipment, generators, stoves, uazs and many drones, even more means to fight them, now fp and drones against...
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a small company resident of skolkovo dsvo was engaged in the production of equipment for microchipping asitres, identifying specific fish from the general mass. now they make portable devices for identifying enemy copters. the shadow detector warns fighters of an approaching drone. kamika drone detected.
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it’s the non-standard ones that are sewn into the drone in order to later make a detector, well then there is, in order to understand who we are fighting, you need to at least see the enemy in the face, so to speak, but i not only saw him in the face, i even dissected him, ideally there should be such a box... every fighter, battery enough for about 8 hours. 5 ghz telemetry channel detected. so far , only a few hundred detectors are made here per month, but recently the administration of the tula region invited shadow developers to open a workshop in the local center for unmanned systems
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that can produce thousands of detectors on an assembly line. but some enthusiasts equipment is still soldered in garages on the knee. our best rap was made by the father of a fighter, from the tenth, from the tenth brigade of molkin, just a dad, he is a pensioner, he took it, looked at how to make this rap, made a backpack for his son, and this backpack of the rebs was the best of all in the front sector, it extinguished everything, both our own and someone else’s, but nevertheless it worked perfectly, and it cost a penny there. dmitry, a former rostelecom engineer, has developed a rap station that only affects enemy drones. he was able to unite and detector suppression system in one installation, pyroed m. this is a narrowly targeted powerful tool so that the interference density is much higher, it does not work 360°, in a narrow beam. accordingly, such a narrow interference allows us not to jam our equipment, to increase
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the density of interference for the drone intruder, which we need to suppress, and not to interfere with surrounding neighboring units and objects with our suppression. at the training ground we used two different drones, a conditional enemy kamikaze is our reconnaissance officer, look, i see the target, and... he 270, yeah, the distance is now 1.200, here it is approaching 1.150, 1.100, here it is, we turn the turret, turn on the suppression and observe what will happen to our target, the pyroet could have identified an enemy drone and broken the radio control channel between it with the operator’s console, kamikaze collapsed to the ground, our reconnaissance aircraft continued its flight. the only drawback of such a system is its size, so
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an individual anti-drone kit was developed, which is attached to body armor. this was developed practicing engineers who are also at the front, fighting. initially, the request was generally formed for an evacuation group, rotation, in order to free up their hands and be able to carry the wounded without fear for the drones, in fact, a small one. wearable device. the production of reb kits was located at one of the russian enterprises. most of the parts are also made in our country. in the fighter’s hands is a spectral analyzer, which allows the fighter to detect enemy uav drones, various types of fpv and maviki, at a safe distance, scouts. after detecting an enemy drone, the fighter goes into readiness mode and takes out his gun. against a drone. in russia, they recently developed a special interception cartridge, inside of which there is a kivlar mesh with weights
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in a row; if the cartridge does not hit the drone, then the copter’s propellers will certainly become entangled in the mesh and the drone will fall before reaching the target. now we will check how these cartridges actually work. let's try to shoot down a drone from 20-30 m. our old mavic air passed all the hot spots from a ton. to tripoli now his last flight, of course, it’s one thing to shoot at a stationary target on a training ground, it’s another thing in combat conditions, when a kamikaze drone is flying at you with 2 kg spent, but the main thing here is to understand whether these cartridges work at all or not, the cartridge works, with the second shot the copter was shot down, the buckshot broke the guide beam with the motor, and... the lar net cut off the blade of one of the propellers like a razor, they make an interception in izhevsk,
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each cartridge is loaded manually so that the threads do not get tangled. the area, or let’s say, of the projectile that flies at the drone, it much higher due to these threads. how it differs from a shot cartridge is its range, since the shot is dispersed, effective shooting can be up to a maximum of 50 m. the same cartridge can be reached. up to 100 m, that's all. the tehrim plant specialized in hunting cartridges, gas cartridges and traumatic weapons. now we need to respond to the challenges of the time and come up with something to combat drones. and they hit an fpv drone. hit by a thread because it cut off two blades, one blade from each propeller, the designers call
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the ideal distance for the full opening of the threads is 30-50 m; of course, a lot here depends on the weather conditions, and on the skill of the shooter and on his composure. in general, the cartridge is effective; of course, we still need to work on the probability of destruction so that such targets are hit at a given distance. is there on the battlefield, feeling support from russia, they would probably
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feel differently, they would have more of this power to win. the krasnodar region is near the ied, ukrainian drones often fly here, and according to the crimean the bridge connecting kerch with tamaniya is constantly being attacked. that dad recognized my candle, i’m here. i’ll put five nets, just so he knows straight away. yegor's father is now at the front, and the boy hopes that this candle can warm the soldier on a cold night. if he comes across something like...
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children's school alan khadayev is an ossetian by nationality, but at heart a kuban cossack, he was recently wounded behind a ribbon, they brought him to the cargo and put him everywhere, and as they say, a drone, well, in short, they did a drop from a drone, well i got a stiff feeling in my knee, nothing like that here no, all the volunteers who go to the front line are not all like this, everyone takes risks, my son died there in zaporozhye, brother, and as they say, we need to help the guys, because this is... very important, there is nothing superfluous at the front and no matter, even ordinary stoves , potbelly stoves, are smoked for the sake of common victory, you need a lot of such stoves in every dugout, we accidentally saw them somewhere, these are cylinders from freon, that is, they collected them all over gerenzhuk, they went to metal reception areas, collected them, then people started already bring it themselves, that is,
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when the volumes increased, it went well, they started open workshops, that is, respectively, stoves made from gas cylinders in the army. they are dismantling it with a bang, what we are doing is, i think, a drop in the ocean, if only 20-30 percent, if people stood up, would still be lifted from their sofas, i think we would throw hats at them if everything was simple, but here we are, of course, we try, from morning to night, we try and we will try, someone treats like that, that is, well, it doesn’t seem to have affected me, i don’t need it, as it were so that there are more people. participated, the sooner we win, the sooner this will all end. an ordinary auto repair shop in gelendzhak now turns civilian cars into light armored cars. craftsmen insert additional sheets of iron into the doors and under the bottom. we will completely strengthen the bottom of the car, that is
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, we will install another sheet of three metals so that there are fragments from below, so that it does not break. we will dismantle the original seats, because it will be uncomfortable for the guys to sit in bulletproof vests, that is, the volume and weight are large, where do you get these cars, do you buy decommissioned ones or do you buy them in this condition, you buy participants, where do we buy participants in general, we look at the condition, thanks to the volunteers of gelenzhuk, they help us with the purchase of cars, we prepare them and send the cars. to be honest, i’ve lost count of how many you’ve sent, well, more than ten vehicles, of different types, and who are you handing them over to, we’re handing them over to different units, this machine will go to the dsb veterans, the former minister of the ministry of internal affairs anatoly kulikov has one son who is fighting one of the grandchildren, says how could one stay away here,
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the general himself sends humanitarian aid and helps others with it; a volunteer is in charge of the military leaders’ club.
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i remember the first and second chechen campaign, it was characterized by an unusually broad activity of so-called human rights activists who defended only wahhabis, only criminals, only separatists, just anyone, but not our side, this is what we had as a civil society, now suddenly i found out that we have another civil society, right in the shopping centers between the storefronts. calls our home military-industrial complex, let’s say, a sniper, you can’t see him, he’s even crouched down, zhenya, he’s crouched down, you see, he’s not visible, at
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the same time, look, our product turned into a tent, what’s good about it, here his fighter is also not visible, where he can calmly rest, children make candles, adults rivet armored cars and stoves, but during all this time... not a single submarine or even a patrol boat, built with the money of a famous family from russia , appeared list of forms, the entire cost is here the number of yachts that our oligarchs have, they at least exceed the cost of the black sea fleet in total; instead of these yachts, money today should be sent here, because victory is impossible... without fulfilling the goals of the north sea military district, russia will not be able to be considered sovereign in the future state, they will crush us, and we will once again look at us
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from the outside, it’s all of us, our civil society, that’s how it is, amazing and in many ways underestimated. this, after all, is the very bond on which the entire state rests, and this society will sew rapists rivet stoves, potbelly stoves, even despite the oligarchs’ yachts and corruption scandals with generals, someone will spit on all this, take a backpack with grandmother’s socks, go to the military registration and enlistment office to register as volunteers, once again to save their homeland, because it is alone.
5:53 pm
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5:56 pm
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vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the president of kazakhstan kassym dzhamart takayev, according to the kremlin service, the heads of state discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and upcoming
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contacts in various. formats, and also confirmed their mutual commitment to further strengthening the alliance and strategic partnership. vladimir putin also shared his impressions of the state visit to the people's republic of china that ended yesterday. a unit of the russian group of forces north continues to advance into the depths of enemy defenses in the kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense, another settlement, staritsa, has been occupied. units of the ukrainian armed forces are retreating with losses. units of the north group of troops in as a result of active actions , the settlement of staritsa, kharkov region, was liberated and the advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense continued. the manpower and equipment of the 106th, 113th and 129th defense brigades were defeated in the areas of veterinaryna settlements in the kharkov region, miroporya and loknya in the sumy region. during the day, four counterattacks of assault groups were repelled: forty-second - mechanized, fifty-seventh
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motorized infantry, eighty-second airborne. assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces.


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