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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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and upcoming contacts in various formats, and also confirmed their mutual commitment to further strengthening the alliance and strategic partnership. vladimir putin also shared his impressions of the state visit to the people's republic of china that ended yesterday. units of the russian group of forces north continue to advance into the depths of enemy defenses in the kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense, another settlement, staritsa, has been occupied. units of the ukrainian armed forces are retreating with losses. units of the north group of troops in as a result of active actions , the settlement of elder, kharkov region, was liberated and the advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense continued. the manpower and equipment of the 106-13 and 129 terrestrial defense brigades were defeated in the areas of the settlements of veterinary in the kharkov region, miroporya and loknya, and the sumy region. during the day, four counterattacks of assault groups, the 42nd mechanized one, were repelled in the kharkov region. the losses
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of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to 150 military personnel, a tank, two armored combat vehicles and two cars. vladimir putin and sidzenpin discussed beijing's security initiative, the head of the russian foreign ministry announced this at the thirty-second assembly of the council on foreign defense policy. regarding relations between russia and china.
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until western leaders abandon even attempts to disunite and weaken russia, a regional organization of eurasia that already has relations with each other can, according to lavov, become the basis of the concept of pan-eurasian security. the suspect in the attempted murder of the prime minister of slovakia admitted his guilt. to juraj's court tsintula was delivered this morning under heightened security measures. there they decided to take him into custody. the offender faces 25 years. prison to
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life imprisonment, according to the head of the ministry of defense of the republic, robert fitzo’s condition is stable, but still serious, in turn, the minister of health noted that the doctors’ forecasts inspire optimism, let me remind you that the day before the prime minister had another operation, the politician is conscious, but the doctors for now they are afraid to transport him to bratislava. mass demonstrations in support of palestine take place in several countries at once, rallies timed to coincide with the events of 1900... the state of israel appeared on the liberated territory. in france, spain, germany and the uk, activists brought tens of thousands of their supporters onto the streets. the main demand is to immediately stop the military operation in the gas sector. the protesters call on local authorities to influence the leadership of the jewish state and bring it to justice. despite the concerns of local authorities, increased security measures were taken.
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the protests have so far taken place without serious incidents. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket - just grow with us, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year no interest, get a supercake in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, not just profitable, alpha you... 7 days fly
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today ended in tragedy, it was held in the village of melnikovo, many people gathered to watch the spectacular races, one of the cars skidded when entering a dangerous turn and... it flew straight into the spectators who were standing by the track. two people were seriously injured, one of them a forty-nine-year-old man. he later died in intensive care. after after the incident, the race was stopped, investigators and traffic police officers arrived at the scene. georgian president salami zurabishvili vetoed the law on foreign agents, as she announced today at a briefing. on tuesday, the parliament of the republic adopted the law in the third final reading. the entire discussion process was accompanied. supported the protesters and , however, the georgian parliament can overcome since it announced plans to block the law, a presidential veto, this requires a simple majority of votes. participation of president
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vladimir putin in the start of the russian-chinese the harbin expo caused quite a stir among the local population. the chinese buy food from russia for the whole family. about the first days of the exhibition center. in the report by alexander baletsky. russian goods in china have not needed advertising for a long time, so they take ice cream two at a time, sometimes three, and then kamchatka crabs. after the russian-chinese expo opened the day before in the presence of vladimir putin , there was a stir at the stands of 16 russian regions. i knew that the russian president was at the opening of the exhibition, and that means everything here is of very good quality, that’s why i came here. this is the second fair in china made in russia. the first in the neighboring province of launing on the eve of the chinese new year, broke records for foreign retail sales, now especially thrifty ones with bags on wheels, the chinese country has such natural meat, and everything is very tasty, sausage, honey, candy, bryansk angus steaks are fried right here. now
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it will be faster, cheaper and easier to deliver russian meat to china, with the support of the russian export center, made in russia is also his initiative; a new land railway is opening. solution, we will compensate part of the delivery costs and thus today we welcome this complex product as a new opportunity for russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation, chinese streamers are selling goods right here on social networks, girls are queuing up for arkhanel cosmetics, immediately look 10 years younger , the russian-chinese expo, which alternately takes place in yekaterinburg and then in kharabin, now it’s the turn of the chinese city, in this year there are hundreds of companies. for whom an expo is not even just an exhibition, the site traditionally becomes a place
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for signing new contracts, from negotiation rooms to negotiation rooms in heels and running, the regions are immediately looking for partners to re-equip their own production facilities for mutual investments, work is actively underway to resume the work of our automotive cluster , let me remind you that we have three factories, the former volvo, the former peugeot citraën and the former volkswagen, two of them are already up and running, including number and thanks. our partnership with chinese companies. the chinese are no less interested in russian technologies in harbin. stands of investment funds and state corporations, rosatom, rostec, innovations that russia is proud of , despite all sanctions, are confidently developing. here are unique chips, ours are ready to assemble them together with the chinese. this is exactly the product that must be used in order for artificial intelligence to work as we require. russian helicopters make up a quarter of the chinese helicopter fleet. aviation engines, powerful turbines, such as were never produced in russia before, but now they have learned,
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will, by the way, be part of the joint project with china , power of siberia 2. the chinese and i are discussing the possibility of creating a joint unit to ensure gas pumping through the territories through which the new gas pipeline passes in china. but this is already for specialists, and ordinary khorbin residents again go shopping for food, due to the huge influx, the fair even had to be opened at a local one.
6:13 pm
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but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. fire rate up to 17.5% per annum. with a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on gazprom, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i
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’ll come back for you, do you hear, hello, the main legal topic. according to the news agency, two people were urgently hospitalized, one of them later died from multiple fractures. the driver of the car was detained and the race was stopped. more news in moscow: they are looking for a criminal who carried out an armed attack on a bank branch this morning. here are the shots:
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a man in a blue jacket, hiding his face under the hood, enters the office and hits the cashier. threatening the head with a weapon, he demands to give him the money, the woman at gunpoint goes to her workplace, but there is no cash there, the robber himself inspects the cash register, and in the end leaves with nothing. the injured cashier was provided with medical assistance; the identity of the robber is being determined by the police, they we worked at the crime scene for several hours, collecting evidence, looking for clues that would help lead to the trail of the criminal. a criminal case of robbery has been opened. and now briefly about what will happen next in our program. the judge's word for half a million , an influential judge from rostov-on-don was suspected of taking a bribe, how long has the conveyor belt been operating in the region to make the necessary decisions, a verdict for a criminal bigwig. in moscow, the jury found the authoritative businessman oleg medvedev guilty, for which the stars of chanson loved him and how now
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the victims of his atrocities live. i drank aspirin. don’t get behind the wheel, a list of medications prohibited for use by drivers has been published, what kind of list is this, will those with colds with allergies be fined. let's talk to an auto expert. the denouement of a mysterious murder during a hunt in the ryazan region, only here, footage of the confession of a now former policeman, is it really mixed up with a person? and why authoritative businessmen and officials are increasingly becoming participants in bloody fun for the elite. well, now the footage that we just received, a major accident in the north-west of moscow, several cars collided near mitinsky park, there were victims, according to some reports, two adults and a child, as eyewitnesses report, a helicopter and fire engines arrived at the scene of the incident, we will monitor the incoming information. a court in
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slovakia has arrested a suspect in the assassination attempt on prime minister robert. the meeting was held under increased security measures, the detainee juraj centulu admitted his guilt for the crime committed, he faces 25 years in prison to life imprisonment. doctors assess the politician’s condition as stable, but still serious. the day before , the prime minister underwent another operation. this week in moscow, a jury decided the fate of one of the country's most powerful underworld figures. we are talking about the authoritative businessman oleg medvedev. or shishkan, as it is called in certain circles. investigators proved that for a long time this man in a light suit was engaged in dark deeds, murders, and extortion. banditry, a colleague of the jury needed several days to make your decision. surprisingly, this tiny mobile phone played a huge role in the shishkan case.
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about how authority clung to freedom and how it eventually lost it? andrey romanov. this blue electric bus left the moscow city court on thursday evening. we can't show it closer. the faces of the passengers are one of the main secrets in the criminal case of the odious businessman. oleg medvedev, a specially rented vehicle took the jury from the temple of thymis, who sentenced a guilty verdict against a distinguished defendant out of seventeen of his probable accomplices. this process has been going on since november last year; oleg medvedev himself demanded a jury trial. an interesting detail: it was possible to form a board only the fifth time, and potential assessors, having learned that they would have to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, simply refused to participate in the meetings. to protect those who found the courage to look into the case of oleg medvedev and his henchmen , unprecedented measures were taken, the jury they were brought to the trial under guard; on the day
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of the final hearing, the appeal corps of the moscow city court, where the case was heard, was surrounded in a tight circle by armed police and soldiers of the russian guard. all the jurors were people of fairly advanced age, they were recruited from different regions. the story of their stay looked like this: on monday they arrived for the trial from their homes - they stayed in the hotel until wednesday, the trial monday, tuesday, wednesday, on wednesday evening they left back home. the jury found the defendants guilty, by majority episodes, the high-profile case is nearing its conclusion, it began in the summer of 2019, then special forces stormed an apartment in lyubertsy near moscow, where medvedev was hiding. a few days before the arrest, someone warned a reputable businessman about the visit of the security forces and he tried to lie low... together with oleg medvedev , the security forces lifted the murky criminal sediment of his activities from the bottom. first, investigators
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accused the reputable businessman of occupying the highest position in the country's criminal hierarchy and creating the ramensky criminal group. medvedev denied everything, but volumes criminal cases grew by leaps and bounds. the consequence turned out to be 17 of his probable accomplices. later, charges of banditry, extortion, and arson were added. medvedev and his accomplices, the murder of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding plant. local government deputy tatyana sidrova and three members of her family were killed in order to take possession of land plots of a breeding farm. after the crime , a huge amount from the company’s accounts could have fallen into the hands of the bandits shortly before the murder. according to investigators, the bandits dealt with deputy and her relatives, and then buried their bodies near
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snt near moscow. after 7 years, investigators found the remains of the victims at a depth of about 4 m. then, in 2019 , the film crew of our program was the first to visit the site of a mass grave. this place resembles a large sand quarry. the depth is at least 10 m. judging by the scale, the work is here. tatiana sidorova in the village of malakhova, her eldest son now lives, he miraculously escaped reprisals. he was not at home, so he and his wife lived in another place, they survived. none of the inhabitants of this the good-quality cottage never came out to our film crew. most likely, the sidorovs are still afraid to speak openly about their family tragedy. before medvedev’s arrest , local residents called him the owner of the ramensky district. here he was born and raised in 1981, received his first so far only sentence, as they say, he took the blame for
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the rape and murder that his older comrades committed. medvedev served his sentence in the legendary vladimir central prison and was released as a different person. on recommendation, uh the well-known vyacheslav kirillovich ivankov, nicknamed the jap, and he was crowned. so they crowned him. in moscow, and at the coronation he received the criminal nickname oleg ramensky, and at the same time they also called him shishkan. by the mid-2000s, medvedev was called a dollar billionaire. a reputable businessman built an estate for himself in the village of popovka near moscow. behind a three-meter fence on an area of ​​several hectares there are cottages and guest houses, a tennis court, a football field and an indoor swimming pool, at the bottom of which, at the request of the owner tile worker. posted a wind rose or a thief's star, as they say in the underworld . medvedev lived in luxury, organized social events, and invited pop stars to visit. this is oleg, don't talk about
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the explosion. shishkan’s career reached its criminal peak after the arrest of the so -called leader of the russian underworld zakhary kalashov, known as shakro the young. in the courtroom, the authority told our film crew who he would like to see in his place. shishkan is an ideal, ideal, ideal person. enjoy shishkan did not have time to receive a new title; after his capture, the image of a philanthropist and benefactor collapsed at the very first. when asked, the target was confronted with a self-confident type who made it clear that he had never had any official sources of income. they paid taxes to pay taxes, i had no such desire. during the years of the investigation, medvedev’s luxurious estate fell into disrepair; weeds and young growth of trees on the football field are visible from behind the fence. the gate is covered with graffiti, and a bush has grown through the brickwork of the fence. but the owner the territory did not lose its influence during
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the trial. a huge scandal broke out; it turned out that medvedev was given the opportunity to use mobile communications during his trips from the pre-trial detention center; eight convoy service employees were under investigation. there is evidence that oleg medvedev used this miniature phone to communicate, this is not a toy, look, the mobile phone turns on, if necessary, you can dial the number to contact the necessary subscribers. a device of this size has been popular among inhabitants, colonies and... for many years. are there many options for hiding a mini-gadget from a convoy where an authoritative businessman kept his communication device? is shishkan known only to the security forces who confiscated his equipment? perhaps it was precisely because the reputable businessman was deprived of contacts with freedom that his criminal case survived in court and the arguments presented convinced the jury that they were facing a seasoned criminal. now the word is up to the servants of themis, based on the guilty verdict, the court must impose a punishment on medvedev, judging by the severity. but
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can be very harsh. andrey romanov, alexander polivka, anastasia ivanova, alexander bikarevich, lead: duty unit. the russian prosecutor general's office filed a lawsuit against the former co-owner of yukas, mikhail khodorkovsky, who was recognized as an agent of the ex-president of minotep bank platon lebedev. the details of the claim have not yet been disclosed; it is known that it is in the interests of the state. experts suggested that we could be talking about the seizure of property for the debts of the defendants. judgment day seems to have arrived for the now former chairman. valuable advice, how much did it cost and what should she do now? veronica bogma, a colleague also accused of corruption, from the rostov region will advise. the criminal case against the now former chairman of the sovetsky district court of rostov, elena kobleva, is an echo and
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continuation of the scandal that broke out . in the fall, then the security forces suspected kobleva and several of her subordinates of corruption, searches were carried out in the building, what was the reason remained unclear until the end, now, it seems, the story is beginning to become clearer, as rostov news agencies report, we are talking about a bribe of half a million rubles. this amount elena kobleva allegedly appreciated her professional advice given to a local entrepreneur. as part of the criminal case , a seine and a couple of boats were confiscated from him; apparently, he was engaged in illegal fishing. listener fimi. recommended the probable poacher to draw up a fictitious contract for the sale of this property, the security forces found out about the dubious trade in valuable advice, once they raided the court with searches, did not cancel the meeting, which he decided, they began to conduct surveillance within the framework of the zakoblivaya case, as the media write, they established a hidden camera in restroom, but for most this madam remained incognito, after the scandal on the internet you can’t find any photos or videos with her participation, as if someone specially covered up her tracks, but
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some sites are full of... reviews about his judging. kobleva, you're a wrecker, you're getting a life sentence. kobleva covered up the swindler judge basenka. basenko was fired, but this criminal is in prison. go to jail for complicity in crimes against the population. after the searches, the lady hastily resigned and, apparently, was waiting for her fate to be decided at home. judge koblevo can live here in nakhichevan. this is an old district of rostov, part of its quiet one-story center, however, here it is also two-three-story. let's ring the doorbell, maybe. the owner of the mansion is still at home, the two-story mansion rises among pines and spruces, the courtyard brotherhood is hidden from view behind a thick brick fence, it is noteworthy that the windows are barred even on the second floor, this is certainly not an attackable fortress, and the koblevoy’s relatives are holding the defense here with all their might, this seems to be news about the initiation of a criminal case has violated the well-fed family peace, are you a spouse, yes, probably not, no, lover, get out of here, what's your business, you don't come anymore,
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there's an estate nearby and probably... intermediaries in the transfer of bribes.


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