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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:29pm MSK

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this is for you, the men from the yard said, fighter, it ’s you who was never afraid of a fight, it’s with you, she’s calm everywhere, it’s you that friends can always rely on, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own .
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about the consequences, how is it supposed to hand it over to the police, we are destroying nature, without thinking , we killed it, most likely they shot from the road, by and large, this is not meat extraction, this is...
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as a result of their indiscriminate shooting , dozens of animals die at any time of the year , but it’s worth presenting to the servants of the law claims, as the red crusts go, vip poachers behave boorishly, threaten the huntsmen and police officers with trouble, or even dismissal, they are sure that they have everything covered, they have paid for everything, the law is not written to them, but this is not so, on cynical violators ...
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there is a government, a criminal code and honest, incorruptible people in uniform, how does the illegal business of shooting wild animals work, who has already been caught poaching, who is trying to cover up for vip hunters? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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a dark green field rushes along the yellow rapeseed hunting fields in the shatsky district of the ryazan region. in the passenger seat is the threat of local poachers nikolai oitsev, a former hunting inspector. out of old habit, he conducts patrol. nikolai ivanovich, you probably know every bush here, yes, of course, go, how often have you encountered poachers? of course they shoot? yes, we did, of course. for 34 years, oitsev worked
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as a state inspector, all this time he selflessly fought against violators, for which he gained fame. before his retirement, nikolai oytsev became the hero of one outrageous story. in january 2023, he detained poachers who went
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illegal fishing after the end of the hunting season. among the violators was police major dmitry komov. then he was in charge. since this car was already featured, i saw it, in general, on the twenty-fourth, this same car, and on the twenty-fifth i already took it,
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here they were, here, here, for example. on the field, three carcasses of roe deer lay like blood, no longer roe deer, the blood remained from these beaten roe deer, and the car drove up, from this place they took it from them. about what's in in the shat forests, poachers operate out of season, nikolai ivanovich was informed by residents of nearby villages. he immediately drove towards the lands. okhotsk inspector. perfectly oriented on the terrain, so he was able to predict which road the offenders would try to escape. the car was already coming from the side of the field through the village, that is, they blocked their way, but i blocked their way, the way they behaved, they
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didn’t get out of the car at first, the employees and i then ordered to get out of the car, got out of the car, i already i saw him lying in the car two guns, when they came out, we... the police officers told us to open the car, they opened it, it turned out there were three bags and three roes in each bag, after the arrest the group members tried to get rid of the evidence, major dmitry komov was more worried about his fate than others, before arriving he tried to throw down the gun of his colleagues from the task force.
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he, along with his friends alexei and nikita dmitry komov, were fired from the authorities, and now the okhtins are in the dock of the shatsky district court. potential poachers avoided talking to our film crew in every possible way, well in essence, what can i say in essence, when the trial is finished, then i will give it, well, after all, here are three roe deer, which one did you
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shoot? where did you get the idea that it was me, who? that is, your friends, here’s the thing, yes, ours, why are you asking me provocative questions, provocative in this. there is nothing, it ’s just that at that time, as i understand it, you were an employee, a current employee of the ministry of internal affairs, yes, i understand correctly, so there is interest in this issue, interest in this matter, should you stop such things? to the police, did you find them, or what? of course, us but no one listened, we found them, took
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them to hand them over to the police, and why didn’t we get there? yes, yes, they took a police officer with them to accompany us, but it was all a mess, you see how, we will return to this story, but for now we will move to the next one. tambov region. this is footage from the lapel video recorder of employees of the traffic police department in the tambov region. on the caspian highway in the pervomaisky district, police stopped a campaign in two cars. they asked to show documents and open the trunk, but they didn’t talk.
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i’m driving and there is a weapon, mine is a weapon, but here it is, here it’s not, in the trunk of the car the law enforcement officers found a carbine, ovchinikov demonstrates the weapon, holding it in his hands, it is strictly forbidden to touch it, a butchered carcass of a roe deer lies a little deeper , shoulder blades, ribs and fillets in a bag. the hunting season for this animal ended in the first half of january, but for the official it seems
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the law is not written, i mean yes, i say this with obscenities, hello, the complaints are so bad, i honestly say, and so are you, you are threatening again, no, of course , yes i i am amazed, judging by these shots, ovchinnikov can barely stand on his feet, probably tired from hunting, yet he does not mince words, showers the police with obscene language and threatens them with serious problems. in the end, obchinnikov and the company were taken to the department. first of all, they decided to check the official for alcohol intoxication. agreed, but at the hospital he eluded the police
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and jumped out of a first-floor window, or so witnesses say. the hunting base, where alexey ovchinikov rested intensively, is located in the forests, not far from the village of lychnaya, convenient location, large holiday home, pesetka, barbecue area. and in this green building the hunters
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butcher their prey. the land belongs to the pervomaiskaya society of hunters and fishermen. its chairman is murat gabuev, a well-known entrepreneur in the region with strong connections in the regional government. the police appeared to be visiting for the first time. and the inquiry of the department of internal affairs of russia in the tambov region , a criminal case was opened on the grounds of the crime provided for in paragraphs a and b, part one of article 258 of the criminal code russian federation, illegal hunting. currently, a set of investigative and operational measures is being carried out aimed at consolidating the evidence base to identify those involved in this
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crime. for several days there was no word or breath about alexei obchinnikov. there was deathly silence outside the door of his apartment, the personal car of the chief doctor of the region was parked in the courtyard, no one saw the official at his workplace, and only a few visitors were greeted in his office. i did not take part in any illegal hunting which animals did i
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actually go hunting at the time assigned to me on the weekend of february 10, 2024, but i did not carry out the hunt itself. the scandalous story of hunting is far from the only one in the biography of alexei obchinnikov. rumor has it that he was caught committing petty hooliganism while drinking alcohol in a public place, and once a tambov doctor was robbed on komsomol square in moscow. the watch was taken off his hand and money was taken out of his pocket. at the same time, in tambov he was known
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and loved as a brilliant surgeon. in september in 2022, obchinnikov was elected to the city council.
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the fact of insulting government officials. a local expert conducted a linguistic express examination, but for some reason did not notice any threats or rudeness towards the police. the regional prosecutor's office canceled the case, saying that the officials were not swearing at police officers, but just like that. then alexander bastrykin ordered to reopen the case. and this is the comment we received from the regional ic. examinations that were carried out in various institutions in different regions did not reveal obscene statements by the former acting minister of health of the tambus region. targeted towards specific police officers, we, of course, are not linguists, but let's listen to alexey obchinnikov
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again, i, yes, i say, this is obscenity, hello, complaints, i honestly say, and you too, you threaten again, no , of course, well, yes, i’m threatening, perhaps the officials really didn’t have a specific policeman in mind. or maybe he was talking about all the people in uniform? we don’t undertake to confirm, we continue to listen to tambovsky’s commentary skr management. taking into account the fact that the investigative body still had questions regarding the assessment of the circumstances of the events that occurred, a repeat linguistic forensic examination was scheduled on april 23 of this year, the production of which was entrusted to an expert from the forensic center of the investigative committee of russia. the final procedural decision will be made. after receiving the results of this examination, did it really take several months to give a legal assessment of the actions and words of alexey ovchinnikov, who at that time
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the ill-fated evening, being in an inadequate state, tried to explain in his own specific language to the traffic police officers that they, to put it mildly, were wrong. state duma deputy mikhail starshinov. i carefully studied this video recording, this is how he commented on it: the thought that comes to mind is that this is a ready-made plot, what should not be done, everything there is not with the prefix, there is no need to engage in illegal hunting, uh, there is no need to have such friends, with which, you know, as in that proverb, with such friends you don’t need enemies, an absolutely disgusting scene with waving your id, i’m writing swear words at you there, but this is some kind of primitive trash. many residents of the tambov region were not surprised by how leniently
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the region’s law enforcement agencies treated alexey ovchinnikov. perhaps the official gained authority among the local elite. most likely, this is why, after the loud hunting scandal in the local press, absolutely no one spoke out with criticism . we decided to meet personally with the scandalous ex-official, and it turned out to be difficult; we had to take several attempts, and one early morning luck smiled at us, alexey vladimirovich, we can run after you as much as we can, but answer our questions, however, a meaningful dialogue never happened, alexey ovchinikov locked himself away.
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no one ever came to the surgeon, and that ’s not all, the tambov region police are not going to freeze the case of illegal vip hunting and very soon both the official and his friends, the alleged poachers, may be in the dock. during the investigation of the criminal case initiated under part one of article 258 of the criminal code russian federation, illegal hunting, a set of operational and growth measures was carried out and established. all participants in the crime, including officials. more than twenty examinations of various types were assigned and carried out. currently, investigators are awaiting the receipt of
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veterinary and ballistic examination reports. based on the conclusions of the examinations received, an indictment will be drawn up in the near future , which, together with the materials of the criminal case , will be sent to the prosecutor's office for approval referral to court. the criminal investigation is currently under the control of the management of the department of internal affairs. if the position of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs and its head, major general nikolai skokov, is clear to us, then what the regional department of the investigative committee, which has been headed by major general of justice alexander polshakov for 8 years, has been doing all this time is still unclear. next in the program, how the illegal shooting of animals in russia turned into a bloody business, very drunk, he climbs the snow.
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