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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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profitable alpha profitable non-production. it doesn’t matter to them at all whether the fishing season is open, if there are permitting documents, and most importantly, who is in their sights, a flock of wild ducks, a ferocious boar or pregnant moose cow, it seems to them that money decides everything, but sooner or later it gets in their way.
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he failed to escape, he drove off the road and crashed into a road sign, as a result, devydenko brought nine people to the police, then the case of illegal hunting began to come apart at the seams, according to the hunting expert, one of the poachers turned out to be a top manager of a large
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company, a poor elk, in in the end, these vibraconiers suffered some kind of punishment, they fabricated the case. they made only one person guilty, shchennikov, who was given a suspended sentence, i don’t remember now what the term was, well got off with a suspended sentence. employees of the investigative committee called the game manager's statement about the involvement of high-ranking officials in poaching unfounded. moreover, alexander davidenko himself found himself under investigation for abuse of office with the use of weapons. one of those detained during...
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spruce forests and groves with their numerous inhabitants rightfully considers his sponsored. we are destroying nature without thinking about the consequences, how our children, grandchildren will live , and so on. beast, he doesn't stand a chance
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none for survival, that is, we use off-road equipment, high-speed, snowmobiles, atvs, plus rifled weapons with all kinds of optics. we were with the cubs, they destroyed two of these moose cows,
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we are going to the meeting. so go out to the towers, make salt licks, put salt, and, if possible, add grain. poaching, even in such a not very forested region as the moscow region, is a serious problem, especially at a time
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when hunting is prohibited. well, roughly speaking, here we are now walking, in such rubble maybe, roughly speaking, the moose cows are already going to bed now.
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about five days ago, well, and accordingly, here ’s the topic of our poaching, a find, literally from the road, yeah, literally meters from the asphalt, probably, that is, there is a highway, and the highway is 700-800 meters away, well, accordingly, this is supposedly her they killed it, my guess is that it was most likely shot from the road, there was a killed elk at the edge of the forest, according to the huntsman, it’s a fairly large male, 250 kg for sure, yeah. quite adults are already good, that is, by and large, this is not the extraction of meat, this is just murder.
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here is another story from the yaroslavl region. the half-abandoned village of popadiano. in december 2022 i got there. in the headlines of all russian publications, a company of capital businessmen indiscriminately dealt with twenty moose; very small moose calves and pregnant moose cows fell into the hands of ruthless poachers. we cannot show these frames without computer retouching; next to the killed animals, the hunters had a real banquet, it is clearly visible.
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carried out the illegal shooting of several moose, the court sent vasily baranov to prison
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house arrest, and while the investigation was going on, all the vip hunters felt quite at ease, they were hiding from journalists with businessman, hunter yuri berezovsky, we met after interrogation at the investigative department of the investigative committee for the yaroslavl region, i hope you are today without a gun, with a gun, you how many specifically were killed out of twenty, for now... berezovsky, oh, how i didn’t like the attention of our film crew, yuri mikhailovich, well, it’s rude to remain silent, we’re not in the forest, you asked me if i wanted to give you an interview, but i shouldn't to ask you, you asked if they wanted to be your prey, and this is another participant in the massacre, yegor nikolai muratov, according to the investigation, he performed functions for...
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the russian federation has completed a criminal investigation against the former chairman of one of the branches of the hunters society, who is the organizer of illegal hunting, as well as eight hunters. as a result of the which caused damage to the state represented by the department of environmental protection and natural resources management of the yaroslavl region in the amount of more than 1,500,000 rub. the tutaevsky city court of the yaroslavl region dismissed the criminal case due to the imposition of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine.
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the weapons and ammunition confiscated by the court and transferred to the forensic collection of the federal clinical center of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the yaroslavl region. one hunting rifle was handed over to the russian guard in the yaroslavl region. we have no right to discuss the decision of the tutaevsky city court of the yaroslavl region, but we are surprised by the lenient sentence. and the country learned about this high-profile story.
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the phone was unreachable, i started writing, text messages to me, that’s it, everything is intact, he doesn’t answer, even text messages didn’t reach him anymore, according to nina pentelina, he allegedly organized illegal leisure activities, in february in the ryazan region there was a ban on shooting animals, and the company also included vips -guests, deputy head of the criminal investigation department.
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they are sleeping, i left them, we went here with a friend in a car, we met on a collective farm, in sobchakovo, i say, show me this place where you dropped him off, he shows me in the air or draws me in the snow, that’s all. woman i wrote a statement to the police and asked for help from volunteers. activists around the clock and...
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18:20 at night. other oddities emerged in the case. recordings from video cameras installed near the office of sergei petin’s agricultural enterprises, where the okhotnikov company played billiards, disappeared. desperate, the mother of the missing person turned to the media, as a result , employees of the central offices, the fsb, the main directorate of security services, the ministry of internal affairs of russia and the investigative committee joined the search.
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the head of the mikhailovsky intermunicipal police station was also sent to the pre-trial detention center and the former deputy police department stanislav kostin and agricultural industrialist sergei petin. it was he who , after the mysterious disappearance of sergei pentelin, actively confused the tracks and did not indicate the exact location of the hunt. according to local media. he was quite accustomed to being behind bars, allegedly petin had already served his sentence, was associated with the rezansky organized crime groups, in certain circles he was known by his nickname, and
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he hid the body together with the counterfeiters. during an illegal hunt, a resident of the city of ryazan, born in 1970, fired several shots from the gun he had with him. along the shooting line. shooting a weasel mortally wounded one of the hunters. after this, in order to avoid liability , the man, together with two participants in the illegal hunt, took the victim’s body to a household waste site, where they buried it in the ground. relatives. sergei pentelin will be able to have a funeral very soon; investigators will continue to look into this high-profile criminal case. now let’s return to
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the poaching story that we talked about at the beginning of our program. residents of the ryazan region, alexey and nikita. the accused themselves, according to former police officer dmitry komov, have no illusions, the trial is in full swing,
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we will find out what the verdict will be very soon. an honor, since this material will be used in a compromising way, and i would not like to until a guilty verdict is pronounced and... nikolai oitsev, who gave us a tour of the forest land, believes that the development of this story was a good final chord in his work before retirement, he says, often such cases fall apart due to negligence of local inspectors. here you must, first of all, be the most honest person, so that no one can do it for you. say that you are a poacher, yeah, then you can work, and if you are involved in something, you don’t have to work anymore, perhaps
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that’s why nikolai ivanovich is still attracted to the ryazan forests, he goes out on voluntary patrol again, poachers try to avoid side of its patrol routes. well, that's enough guys, what is this, they're accompanying me, i understand, you know, where do you work, i didn't look, the minister of health, the minister health care of dambasa region, well, now we’ll see, he’s coming, yes, i didn’t say anything, i’m going, you didn’t say it. of course, we, like many residents of the tambov region, hope
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that criminal cases against the former minister of health of the region in rio, alexei ovchinnikov, will be brought to an end, and other participants in the bloody entertainment will not escape responsibility.
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once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any change of shoes, the main thing remains love, i see, the way he looks at you, the way he looks, well, the way they look, he looks like that, there are so many different things there, a surprise, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in
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the future. tell me when 100 years ago.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the president of kazakhstan kasvim zhamart takaev. according to the kremlin press service, the heads of state discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and upcoming contacts in various formats, and also confirmed their mutual commitment to further strengthening the alliance and strategic partnership. vladimir putin also shared his impressions of
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those who completed it. yesterday on a state visit to the people's republic of china. units of the russian group of forces north continue to advance into the depths of the defense of opponents of the kharkov region. as reported by the ministry of defense, another settlement, staritsa, has been occupied, and units of the ukrainian armed forces are retreating with losses. units of the northern troops group in as a result of active actions, the settlement of elder, kharkov region, was liberated and the advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense continued. the manpower and equipment of the 106th, 113th and 129th defense brigades were defeated in the areas of veterinaryna , kharkov region, miroporye and loknya , sumy region. during the day, four counterattacks of 40 assault groups were repelled.
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