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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 8:30pm-8:59pm MSK

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so exactly in the premises of the duty officer of the military automobile inspection , control over ensuring road safety is organized, as well as the management of traffic police squads, soldiers who serve jointly with state traffic inspectorate employees, decide to hand over to you the historical work that we developed for the main police department together with the institute military history
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of the military academy of the general staff, to the tenth anniversary of the military police of the modern armed forces, here now is footage from the presidential press service, we have several topics, let's start with the main one, with the current one, the hottest in the literal sense of the word, it means we haven't run out of wires yet, i'd like to hear your report on what 's happening in these regions, but at the same time...
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it's flooded 1,373 residential buildings, 5,892 country houses, 10,720 personal plots, 29 low-level bridges, 84 sections of highways and 11 socially significant objects. in the orenburg region , 232 residential buildings, 272 household plots, and eight low-level bridges remain flooded in two settlements and 11 plots. highways, a total of 17,800 people were evacuated, including 4,947 children, of whom 282 people, including 51 children, were placed in tap families. the work of a telephone line, a telephone hotline of the government of the orenburg region, was organized, on which 47,325 messages were received, the work of 44 commissions was organized to assess damage from the flood.
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21,819 households were surveyed, which is more than 70% of the total number of flood victims, the population was informed, and work is being carried out to eliminate the consequences of the flood, 29.92 residential buildings, 747 individual wells, 13.928 cesspools, 70 social infrastructure facilities and about 10 square kilometers of territory have been disinfected, 10.159 households have been dried, 14.494 houses have been sanitized, 19.004 garden plots and 43 social infrastructure facilities, 428 km of road surfaces were cleaned, 101 km of roads were restored, power supply to 348 subscribers and... gas
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supply to 592 subscribers remained disrupted, in order to provide 540. 440 applications were accepted for financial assistance to affected citizens, payments were made totaling almost 7 billion rubles. in the kurgan region , 164 residential and 5,542 country houses, 5,786 residential plots, four low-level bridges and 12 sections of highways remain flooded in four settlements. level. of the tobol river in the city of kurgan is 632 cm, a decrease of 10 cm per day. a total of 15,052 people were evacuated, including 2,258 children, of whom 151 people, including 40 children, were accommodated in three temporary temporary detention centers. in order to to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 40,906 applications were accepted, payments were made totaling more than 240 million rubles. in the tyumen region
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, 285 residential and 347 country houses, 3,209 personal plots, 10 low-water bridges, 38 sections of highways and four socially significant objects remain flooded in 43 settlements; thanks to coordinated actions, it was possible to prevent flooding of the federal highway p-402 tyumen-omsk. governor, i spoke about this from the very beginning, so they began to implement it on time corresponding event. thank you, currently the water level is decreasing, a total of 6,951 people were evacuated, including 2,029 children, of whom they were accommodated in fourteen temporary detention centers. 210 people, including 64 children. in order to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 28,937 applications were accepted, payments were made totaling more than 120 million rubles. in the omsk region , 605 residential buildings and 1,037
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household plots and seven sections of highways remain flooded in thirty-four settlements. the current situation on the territory of the omsk region by decision of the government commission. since may 17, it has been classified as a federal emergency ; a total of 2,041 people were evacuated, including 704 children, of which 292 people, including 111 children, were accommodated in eight temporary temporary detention centers. the most difficult situation has developed in the ust and shimsky districts of the omsk region during a visit to the region on may 16 , together with the minister of construction faizulina , they assessed the actions of the group to protect economic facilities, accepting.
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assistance to the affected population, organizations payments and emergency restoration work, including the ministry of natural resources will prepare proposals for preparing reservoirs for spring floods in the following periods, as well as planned activities for subjects to straighten river beds, clear them and regulate flow, depending on the situation with natural fires. according to operational data , there are 51 forest fires on the territory of the russian federation on an area of ​​43.1.58 hectares, of which 14 fires on an area of ​​1.160 hectares have been localized. within a five-kilometer zone from populated areas there are 10 forest fires on an area of ​​519 hectares, of which three fires on an area of ​​136 hectares have been localized. the largest number
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of areas of forest fires is in the amur region. in total, since the beginning of the year , 2,261 forest fires have occurred on the territory of the russian federation over a total area. i just ask you to pay attention to this, because it’s all fast, the summer will pass quickly, we need to do everything as much as possible over the summer in order to restore the housing stock, okay, thank you, dear, as of may 18, there are two regions
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where the water level is rising , who is already has reached dangerous levels, or will not reach until the end of may, these are the tyumen region and the omsk region, in the tyumen region there are two rivers, one is tabol, the second is irtysh. on tabol we have one settlement, it is called ievlevo, on the irtesh river there are three settlements, the city of tobolsk, the village of uvat and the village of demyanskoye. and we predict that growth will continue to reach dangerous levels by may 25. accordingly, the forecast was provided before april 25 to each locality, each with its own date, that is, there is time to prepare and take all measures accordingly. in the omsk region we have doors. june 7, well, a few centimeters at a time, the growth will be small, but the growth will continue along
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the tara river, one settlement is the working village of murmtsevo, the peak will be on may 21-25, then it will decrease, this is on the issues: and floods on the rivers, except moreover, in yakutia , the lena, aldan, velyu and kalyma rivers are hidden and short-term ice jams form, from several hours to a day, there colleagues... regional leaders, together with the ministry of emergency situations, carry out blasting operations, and we we predict that this will last until june 12th at the most. in the second half of may june in the northern caucasus in the southern federal district, precipitation will begin to fall in the mountains and there will be a sharp rise in water levels in mountain rivers. this rise will take hours. and it is necessary, aleksandovich has this at the government commission.
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hydrometeors have been conducting analytics for 150 years, that is, it can already be based on it, in july, in august we predict rain floods in the far east, this is along the amur basin, accordingly there will be when a cyclone approaches from the sea of ​​japan, you also need to be prepared, this is during a flood, as for firefighters, the forest fire situation, from the beginning of the year to date, it is the lands of the forest fund that... we control, we have burned through almost 400,000 hectares, in twenty in the third year on
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this date the figure was 895,000, that is , we have good positive dynamics, in may we have the trans-baikal territory in the peak zone, this is mainly the mogochinsky district, the amur region, two districts, these are the north, mogdagachinsky skovardinsky, they are next to transbaikalia borders, in principle, from the report that we are now observing, 90% of all fires are there. and we brought in an inter-maneuver group of the federal center, almost 100 people were sent to each fire, well, relatively speaking, in the region, we help them, but there is a strong wind load of the order of up to 25 m/sec, now we are seeing it, so aviation is not working and we understand that now the fires will fan out, here we will, as soon as the wind drops, immediately mobilize and extinguish accordingly, just extinguish every day, and by the end of may we we see... and the forecast for buryat, the central western part of the irkutsk region, the south
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of the krasnoyarsk territory, the altai territory, the republic of tva and the tomsk region, by may 27 our colleagues from roshydromet will make an updated forecast, they update it monthly, and we will get it for june. from the previously provided forecast for june, we will begin a summer fire season, how does it differ from the spring? will the north start to flare up? and the north for us is remote territories, they are difficult to reach, we will need to attract aviation there, and not everywhere we can even aviation can reach, and of course, dry thunderstorms, mountainous areas, in terms of territory we assume that this will be the north of the khabarovsk territory, the amur region, except for the central and southern parts, the east and center of yakutia, the center of the trans-baikal territory, the irkutsk region, the north to part of the urals , altai territory, tomsk krasnoyarsk territory, and... and also the northeast of krasnoyarsk, yakutia, the north of the khabarovsk territory, well, the north of the urals, as i
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said. at the headquarters of rosleskhoz, we reviewed all these forecasts and approved plans for interregional maneuvering for attracting additional resources from the forces of neighboring regions, and also indicating the forces of the funds, where and how, who will go. around the country we have a total group of 26,700, of which 5.00 are pro-shutists. paratroopers, that is, this is our entire group, which we will involve, we also have the possibility of interregional maneuvering of our federal group, this is 700 people, which is the federal reserve of bicycle guards, which, among other things, has the ability to extinguish by explosive means, that is , to stop a fire with a blast wave, and also we have the ability to attract three vessels, one of ours, a bicycle security vessel, two, thanks to our colleagues from yakutia, the governor did this, he reported to you about it, we have the ability to cause precipitation and we... used this very successfully last year, especially in yakutia and other regions also look at the example of yakutia and are also ready
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to work in this direction. the main thing is to maneuver in time and make decisions immediately. dmitry nikolaevich patrushev and i literally met yesterday, taking into account the fact that his powers, as they say, we have been allocated to oversee this area, we have included it in this agenda and we will work together with the governors within the framework of the fire season. thank you for your attention. you head our intergovernmental commission with the democratic people's republic of korea, i'm pleased that you have built an appropriate work plan, what is happening here now?
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it’s time to continue this work further. so, this was footage of the meeting between the president and the head of the ministry of emergency situations and the minister of natural resources and environment. the strongest children's hockey teams from russia and belarus will compete for the unison cup. the tournament is one of the most authoritative in the country, started in krasnogorsk near moscow. this is one of
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the programs of the national projects demography. the matches will be held today tomorrow in nonstop format. on behalf of the ministry of sports, on my own behalf, i want to congratulate you on the opening of this tournament, wish everyone success, so that you show your best qualities, make friends, be real gentlemen on the ice, and the national hockey school has given the world many great champions, coaches, and as vladimir says. vladimirovich putin, our national leader, elite sport begins with children's and youth sports, this is what you need to do, says the president, and we are doing it together, i really hope that this ice rink will allow you
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to show your character and the best qualities that you are taught by coaches, parents who... are worried about you today, i want to wish everyone good luck, victories only forward. the west has wondered who really makes decisions in ukraine; as the washington post writes, the head of the office is playing an increasingly important role president yarmak. according to the newspaper, he acts as a mediator in negotiations with the united states and intervenes in military issues. by the way, the position of the ukrainian armed forces at the front continues to deteriorate, even the western media admit this. how do they assess the situation on the battlefield? ekaterina shamaeva will tell you. front sections. analysts at the british newspaper telegraph do not rule out such a scenario, noting that the russian offensive is greatly depleting ukrainian reserves. experts blame the failures on corruption and negligence in building the defense. in the west they are trying to remove they are abdicating responsibility for the delay in arms supplies and turning the tables on
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kiev. the danger for the ukrainian armed forces is not a shortage of western weapons and ammunition, but a shortage. it takes months to prepare the reserves, since they will need to be registered and trained. kiev, in turn, openly bites the hand that feeds it, rejecting the olympic truce proposed by macron and accusing the west of being stingy in the supply of air defense systems. zelensky complained that ukraine has only a quarter of the necessary air defense weapons. appetites are growing independent in the matter of aviation. according to the head of the kiev regime, to ensure parity , ukraine needs from 120 to 130 modern aircraft, in particular the f-16, but according to military analysts, washington is deliberately in no hurry to supply fighters. as the ukrainians told me, the united states told them that it could train eight f-16 pilots. this political decision was made by the american country, and to be honest, this entire conflict has so far determined the us course, which is to help ukraine
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defend itself without entering into confrontation with russia. this is the list of complaints from ukraine. ends. zelensky complained that restrictions on strikes on russia gave moscow a big advantage. according to the wall street journal, ukrainian authorities asked washington to give the go-ahead for strikes on territory that the states recognize as russian, and also asked for intelligence information about targets that ukraine could attack with its own weapons. however, for now the white house adheres to its previous position. we are not we encourage attacks on russian territory using american ones.
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attempts to push through the decision to protect the skies of western ukraine from the territory of nato countries, despite the refusal of chancellor scholz. member of the bundestag defense committee joe wein garten believes that the supply of air defense systems to front-line areas is not enough, and petriat complexes located on the eastern borders of poland, slovakia and hungary would cover up to 100 km of ukrainian airspace. paris is being drawn even more actively into the conflict. according to radio station rtl, the french army in during the exercises in estonia, is preparing. top-secret intelligence officers who - quote, can be useful in ukraine. the unit is responsible for identifying enemy strongholds. the territory of estonia was not chosen by chance because its characteristics are very similar to those
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of ukraine. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. warmth has returned to moscow, and with it beach soccer. the sports club crystals of st. petersburg beat the moscow lokomotiv and won the russian super cup. the competition itself, by the way, is being held for the third time, both teams have done it before. won it and today our correspondent stas radikultsev refereed the game. it’s organic near the walls of the lokomotiv stadium, which seems to have always been the case, although they played here for the first time on the sand only last year. very comfortable, very beautiful stadium, we are very glad that a new location has appeared, it’s nice to play here, the sand is great, and today the stands were full, very cool. by the opening of the season , the moscow may had cleared up, and it was organized for the fans. picnic with tea from copper samovars. lokomotiv moscow crystal st. petersburg - russian classic beach soccer. the two most titled teams in the country are playing each
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other for the third time in the super cup in the fiftieth anniversary meeting. there are nine world champions on the field at once, and the tenth is ilya leonov, head coach of lokomotiv. in addition to the revived trophy, and the beach soccer super cup has not been played since 2018, eight-time russian champion crystal has noticeably rejuvenated. swiss mentor angelo schirinzi returned as coach. in the first period, the teams are cautious and end the reconnaissance with the score 1:1. first of all, this is the beginning of the season, yes you can say this is the first important game at the beginning of the start before the summer, and therefore, of course, we ourselves understood a little, we got used to the sand a little more, again we looked at the opponent, in what condition the opponent was. in the second twelve minutes things went more vigorously with two goals from lock, the st. petersburg team responded with four accurate shots, punishing the opponent for fouls. what was the key episode in the match in your opinion and what period? probably the second, when we started to lose 1:2, we seemed to pull ourselves together and started leading at two to three, and then we just
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finished the game. railway workers don't even think give up, bite into the result and even equalize the score 4 minutes before the end of the match, but immediately concede 6:5, a victory for the eight-time russian champion. the championship is just around the corner, in a week we begin the first stages in anapa. the game, yes, it actually turned out to be spectacular for... the fans , the brazilians came to lokomotiv, we need a new combination - play, play together, i can’t even tell you what the key moment in the match is, but it’s good that we won, it’s good that missed less than the locomotive, the team deserved it, work please, result, the first trophy of the season in beach soccer is won by crystal, which changed the composition, but remained true to itself, fight for victory in every tournament, the national championship starts on may 24 in anapa, stas ridikultsev, igor nikulin, vladimir klimov and umar tuskaev, lead. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops
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captured beijing. ui appeared in the northeast not by accident. all this was planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians occurred everywhere at that time. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to allow history to be rewritten. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. their quirks, they wanted to have fun in the forest and even though the grass did not grow, as a result of their indiscriminate shooting, dozens of animals died, poor thing!
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there is no elk supervision as such, the animal has no chance left, they are sure that they have everything captured and paid for everything, such as the illegal business of shooting wild animals? basically, this is all hunting from the roads, it’s just murder, who has already been caught poaching, all participants in the crime, including officials, have established. that today, without a gun, with a gun, how many moose specifically have you killed out of twenty, just not, it even looks simple, welcome to asia, here the heart
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of the continent beats.
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wait, who are they? everyone has call signs. i am adam, why adam and not adam? i am a chechen, an artist. white rose, can you? can. sing something. brusley. we don't need names. her don't bother me or what? don't touch it, it's not yours. well, you, chamomile, are the light of god. komen to the bullet gun. no, what to do, commander. shoot. passenger's call sign. call sign passenger, i suggest changing to. rebina's call sign, no, my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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contract military personnel receive regional support measures: combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, here’s why. serve under contract.


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