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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:32pm MSK

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gomen to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger , i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right. contract servicemen receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, and land exemption.
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vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract. this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin demanded not to delay the assessment of damage and its compensation to the residents of the region.
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victims of floods, the situation with floods and wildfires became the main topic of a special meeting of the president with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the minister of natural resources and ecology, alexander kozlov. it means we haven’t finished the wiring yet. i would like to hear your report on what is happening in these regions, but at the same time, fires are starting. in any case, a fire-hazardous situation is developing in the regions. households, which is more than 70% of total number of flood victims, the population is being informed, work has been organized and carried out to eliminate the consequences of the flood, 29.92 residential buildings, 747 individual wells, 13,928 cesspools have been disinfected.
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hectare in the twenty-third year on this date the figure was 895,000, that is, we have good positive dynamics. in may, in our peak zone there is the trans-baikal territory, this is mainly the magochinsky district, the amur region, two districts, this is severam magdagachinsky, they border next to the grocery store, in principle, here from the summary that we are now seeing, 90% of all fires are this. and today vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the president of kazakhstan.
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units of the russian group of forces north continue to advance into the depths of the defense. as a result of active operations, units of the north group of forces liberated the village of staritsa, kharkov region, and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the manpower and equipment of the 106th, 113th and 129th terrestrial defense brigades were defeated in populated areas veterinary points in the kharkov region.
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sumy region. during the day, four counterattacks of assault groups were repelled: forty-second - mechanized, fifty-seventh motorized infantry, eighty-second air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, 125.
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people with disabilities will not be left alone, they are required to undergo a medical examination again. in this version of the law , all persons with disabilities have the right to defer, that is, they can be called up for military service only under a contract. 60 days to update data, refused, received
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a fine from 17 to 25,000 hryvnia, which is almost 60,000 rubles. the procedure is carried out online through the reserve plus application, everything would be fine, but it doesn’t work, the withdrawal is still needed. come to the shopping center yourself. we had criminal visibility. criminal liability, as it was provided for, is up to 5 years in prison if a person evades mobilization or conscription. and to prevent this from happening, you still need to come to the tsk, undergo a medical examination, and if a person there refuses to do military service, then a criminal case will be initiated. the conscription age is from 25, the summonses themselves will now be handed out around the clock, not only by employees of the trade center, so -called groups will be sent to hunt.
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this is the demand of zelensky’s western partners for the continuation of the war to be placed under full accounting and control, while excluding any possibility for these citizens to avoid mobilization; before it was still some kind of
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courts, lawyers, medical commissions, examinations, various ways to evade, today this law will lead... that a person will be required to visit a shopping mall, undergo a medical examination, and accordingly, no one guarantees that immediately after the medical examination he will not receive a combat summons. most women in ukraine are still standing up for their husbands, but soon many of them will register with the trade center. doctors and pharmacists are required to serve in the military; they , along with men, need to update their data; women, dentists, toxicologists, and those who work in the production of medicines and perform therapeutic massage are now included in military registration. highway kyiv-odessa. the kiev-odessa highway is against the draconian laws of the semi-legitimate green government, guys quickly responded to the strike so that we could be heard at least a little, so that the guys who drive $2,000 viana mercedes from odessa, so that they understand that we are normal people, citizens of ukraine, that
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ukraine rests on us, and not on them. the national police have already reported on the restoration of traffic, but for several hours the kiev-odessa highway was blocked, even under the threat of the arrival of officers. in the shopping center, truckers opposed the destruction of ukrainians by the kiev authorities, but will it be possible to convey their position to zelensky’s officials, if so, despite no matter what, they passed a rabid law. lead. the condition of slovak prime minister robert fitz after two operations is stable, but still serious. complications are possible, deputy prime minister robert klinyak announced this after the consultation. meanwhile , the special criminal court in the city of pezinok took into custody the accused of the assassination attempt. they tried to shoot the head of the country's government on may 15 while communicating with citizens; he was shot several times at point-blank range. from a pistol, boris ivanin has all the latest details. howl of police sirens
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saturday morning broke the silence of the small slovak town of pezinok, so juraj cintula, who is accused of an attempt on the life of the country's prime minister robert fitz, was brought to a special criminal court. the meeting was held in a special regime; reporters were not allowed inside. during the hearing , the suspect reportedly admitted his guilt, but repeated that he would kill.
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there will be at least two meetings next week, one as scheduled, the other ad hoc due to negotiations on euro funds, as submission deadlines approach law to parliament, the cabinet of ministers must continue to work. however, the situation in slovak society remains tense. a number of local politicians, including the head of the republic's ministry of internal affairs, received threats. the police are already studying calls and comments on social networks, as well as in the opposition press, where the actions of the attacker, who was motivated by political motives, are justified. yuri qing.
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however, the party founded by prime minister robert fica, which won the last parliamentary elections in slovakia, just after elections to the european parliament are 3 weeks away, and despite all the calls from the authorities to mute the campaign, against the backdrop of the assassination attempt, the polarization of various political forces is only growing, and not only in slovakia, but throughout the european union, the press notes in neighboring austria. support for the right is growing. than the european union currently is. the economic and political impasse into which
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the current political establishment has led the european union is what is actually driving the growth of the positions of right-wing candidates. by saturday evening , the special criminal court of slovakia arrested juraya tsintulu. the seventy-one-year-old pensioner will continue to be detained. he faces 25 years to life in prison, in his case. practically the same thing. boris ivanin, anna pogonina, evgenia zemtsova and vladislav dichenko. news. georgian president salami zarabishvili vetoed the law.
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are taking place in several countries at once, the rallies are timed to coincide with the events of 1948, when about 7,000 people were forcibly expelled from their homes, in the liberated territory, the state of israel appeared, in france, spain, germany and great britain, activists brought tens of thousands of their supporters into the streets, the main demand is to immediately stop the military operation in the gas sector. the protesters call on the local authorities to influence ... the leadership of the jewish state and bring it to justice, despite the concerns of the local authorities about increased security measures, the protests have so far taken place without serious incidents. war on both sides of the screen, a book about the events in donbass, so far more than a dozen business trips, after more than a dozen business trips filming, including
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in the destroyed mariupol, our colleague military correspondent grigory vdovin wrote news, not only about what it was. that all this naturally cannot be shown on tv, documentary prose by grigory vdovin that vainkor often leaves behind the scenes of news reports the wounded and burned, as we saw mariupol, what the camera managed to film and what is most difficult to film. the people say something to edik, and i clearly hear the word “coffin”. he explains: “now they will bury the child.” four men carry a small coffin on the curtains,
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made from office cabinet doors. this girl was killed with a sniper bullet in the chest. what grigory does, this is actually a chronicle of our special military operation, this is a chronicle of our truth, in this book all the heroes, the main ones, who froze in the basement, the old people and those who volunteered from all over russia to protect them, viewers of the news have already met with many on our air, a tanker with a ground forty-ninth year of birth, and i came here precisely to defend the interests of russia, or
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the battalion commander was an evil businessman from kramatorsk until 2014, there is nothing humane, children. for them, old people are a sacrifice that they allow. and what does a reporter feel when, following the assault troops, he enters the newly liberated zaitseva or artyomovsk. some kind of monstrous dream and abstraction. we don’t know what will happen next, but i am sure that sooner or later the moment will come when it will be possible to get into a car and go to kiev. it all starts with a call from the editorial office, when you can go to donetsk, this is from the preface of the book, there will be new chapters in it. mikhail fedotov. news, well now watch the new episode of the atom horizons program, without any room for error , about how future employees of the newest nuclear power plants are trained.
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the sixth power unit of the novoronezh nuclear power plant, one of the most powerful in russia, the virtual digital station allows you to create its exact copy or, as engineers say, a replica. from here you can simulate the operation of the entire facility, as well as simulate any emergency situations. for example, the alarm sounds now, but there is calm around the power unit control account. yes, this is our emergency situation, what happened? now we have simulated the rupture of the cold loop with the full cross-section of the first main circulation pump towards the first steam generator. an emergency situation is emitted five thousand kilometers from the location of novo-voronezhskaya itself. in moscow, on the territory of the all-russian research institute for the operation of nuclear power plants of the rosenerget concern, simulators for
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power facilities are created here, even hypothetical emergency situations are practiced at such a virtual training ground, because nothing can be ruled out, only the signals are sent not by sensors, as on the speakers, but by a supercomputer. the data accuracy is maximum; experts call this detailed modeling. as a result of the simulated failure, we have coolant leaking out of the cold loop, the coolant is designed to cool the fuel in the core, so we lose core cooling, we lose fuel cooling, this is one of the most dangerous situations in a power unit, namely loss of cooling. and during such an accident , hydrogen may be released, and this is a danger explosion. engineers working on the digital twin in moscow closely monitor...
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situations, of course, the vast majority of these situations have never been encountered on a real object, and i kind of hope they will never be implemented on it, yes, however less personnel must be prepared, without the right to the slightest mistake, therefore even the most experienced specialist is regularly tested, passes exams, maintains his qualifications, there can be no good students, no c students, only passed or failed, those who work at the nuclear power plant knows the subject 100%, if, strictly speaking, he... confirms his qualifications at the level of verification activities, then receives a license related to the operational management of the facility. such monitoring
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of personnel readiness occurs not only in simulators, but in a real control center of the second power unit of the leningrad as2, one of the two new generation vvr reactors. today, according to the plan, the so-called to is a test of the system channel. safety with starting a diesel generator. alexey, we are starting to disable the mechanisms of the third channel sb, after disconnecting we inspect it. let's, according to the program, point 645, turn off the pumping unit 20 yot30 ap-01. coordinated work of the shift supervisor and engineers. everyone clearly knows their tasks. the work is very interesting, in some places it, uh, requires endurance, it requires calmness, the ability to make decisions, naturally. interaction with staff, different, there are different staff, smart, smarter and smarter again, because at a nuclear power plant there are no dumb people, it’s dangerous. at the control center
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they control and manage all processes, occurring inside the nuclear reactor and all systems of the power unit. in fact, this is the nerve center of the nuclear power plant. today we carried out a comprehensive testing of one of the security system channels. based on the results of these tests, it is confirmed that we... comply with the requirements of the regulations and can continue to operate safely, but this is a routine check of security systems, and in order to practice the actions of employees in case of emergency situations, a digital double. a modern water-water power reactor vvr requires the mandatory presence of a training unit with a simulator, right here now... we see an exact copy of the block control center of the bpu, where we were just now, and these are employees from another shift, but their
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task is to constantly maintain qualifications , in order to ensure a high level of security, this place is different from my work place, but differs purely cosmetically, the phone may be a different color, that is, what concerns operational actions and even more so action in an emergency or in a situation with violations, this place provides everything. opportunities to practice skills, not only can i say that during intensive training there is a complete feeling that you are on the block, this is normal and adrenaline is released, you go in, of course you go in, here you can simulate any unforeseen situation at a nuclear power plant, everything the necessary response measures are clearly spelled out. the pressure in the above-core zone decreases, we expect it to be activated, so we expect it to be activated above the turbine. in 10 seconds we control the shutdown of the turbine, and if scientists in moscow, simulating an emergency situation, calmly work out algorithms for getting out of it, then here they use the simulator.
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workshops, corridors, with the ability to rearrange , programmers achieved the effect of presence in objects, open cells, press buttons, you are in a room with a 10 kv section, it corresponds to a real section, that is, an exact copy, as it is there now, an exact copy, yes you need it now be guided to fulfill the requirements
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that are set out. on your tablet, when with the help of this virtual space you can also enter the steam valve block, in reality this is only done by employees of the reactor workshop, the slightest violation of safety regulations or inattention can cost lives, do not enter this room unless necessary, with the help of such a digital twin, which is called virtual work possible at any time, equipment, for example, has... its own dimensions, its own weight, yes, and this is one of the types of training, we can carry out the same actions many times without compromising the real equipment you are now in the service corridor of the switchgear device. create
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the opportunity to work at plants that are still under construction in reality, just the other day they sent such a system to turkey to the akuyu nuclear power plant, which is being built by rosatom, and in order to implement the new direction of creating a low-power nuclear power plant, the basis for the development of its digital twin was precisely the virtual one. digital system created for large nuclear power plants. our institute is developing digital twins of low-power nuclear power plants. 200n, which will be in yakutia in uskuiga, at twenty in the eighth year it should be connected to the network, with a capacity of 57 mw, based on shelfm - this is a ten-megawatt reactor, also for the conditions of the far north, we are actually developing a digital twin in parallel with the creation of the project and can already check the performance of the systems at the design stage, suggest ways to optimize the project to designers , ahead are simulators for afm, those same
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stations. power and predictive analytics to predict the behavior of the system depending on various changes, gradually artificial intelligence is also being connected, now this is one of the promising areas in the state corporation; the peculiarity of the conditions in remote, hard-to-reach territories requires new solutions that will ensure reliability and safety. and... over rough terrain , such an allabay can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. this vehicle has very high cross-country ability, a very powerful engine, we are now completely focused on helping the front. this trolley, of course, is the most convenient, unfolds, folds, literally in few seconds. this is for internal operational work. the drone flies up to the object, an activation signal is given.
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