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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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this is russia-24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin instructed to assess damage from floods over the summer and restore damaged residential buildings as soon as possible. the situation with floods in the regions became one of the main topics of the meeting between the president and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander.
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in the russian federation , 1,373 residential buildings, 5,892 country houses, 10,720 personal plots, 29 low-level bridges, 84 sections of highways and 11 socially significant facilities were flooded in 117 settlements. in the orenburg region they remain flooded in in two settlements, 232 residential buildings, 272 household plots, eight low-water bridges and 11 sections of highways, a total of 17,800 people were evacuated, including 4,947 children, of which 282 people, including 51 children, were placed in tap families. the work of a telephone line, a telephone hotline of the government of the orenburg region, was organized, which received 47,325 messages, and the work of 44 commissions was organized to assess damage from the flood.
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21,819 households were surveyed, which is more than 70% of the total victims of the flood. the population is being informed, work has been organized and carried out to eliminate the consequences of the flood, 29.92 residential buildings, 747 individual wells, 13.928 cesspools, 70 social infrastructure facilities and about ten... territories have been disinfected, 10.159 households have been dried, 14.494 houses have been sanitized, 1944 garden plots and 43 social infrastructure facilities, 428 km of road surfaces were cleaned, 101 km of roads were restored, power supply remains disrupted for 348... and
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gas supply to 592 subscribers, in order to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 540,440 applications were accepted, payments were made totaling almost 7 billion rubles. in the kurgan region , 164 residential and 5,542 country houses, 5,786 residential plots, four low-level bridges and 12 sections of highways remain flooded in four settlements. the level of the tobol river in the city of kurgan is 632 cm, a decrease of 10 cm per day. a total of 15,052 people were evacuated, including 2,258 children, of whom they were placed in three temporary temporary detention centers, 151 people were accommodated, including 40 children. in order to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 40,906 applications were accepted, payments totaling more than 240 million were made. in the tyumen region
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, 285 residential and 347 country houses, 3,209 personal plots, 10 low-water bridges remain flooded in 43 settlements, 38 thanks to coordinated actions, it was possible to prevent flooding of the federal highway p-402 tyumen-omsk. the governor told me about this from the very beginning, so they started holding the corresponding event on time. in the water level is currently decreasing. a total of 6,951 people were evacuated, including 2,029 children, including 14 temporary temporary detention centers. 210 people were accommodated, including 64 children. in order to provide financial assistance to affected citizens, 28,937 applications were accepted, payments were made totaling more than 120 million rubles. in the omsk region , 605 residential buildings and
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1,037 household plots and 7 sections of highways remain flooded in 34 settlements. the situation that has developed in the omsk region is a government decision. from may 17 assigned to federal emergency, a total of 2,041 people were evacuated, including 704 children, of which 292 people, including 111 children, were accommodated in eight temporary temporary detention centers. the most difficult situation has developed in the ust and shimsky districts of the omsk region during a visit to the region on may 16, together with the minister of construction faizulina, who assessed the actions of the group to protect economic facilities. measures taken to evacuate the population to ensure their livelihoods in order to provide financial assistance to the victims citizens, 5,290 applications were accepted, one-time financial assistance payments were made to 145 citizens for a total amount of 1,450 thousand rubles. dear vladimir
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vladimevich, in order to minimize the consequences of damage from pavok, four meetings of the government commission were held under my leadership, at which all the necessary instructions for the provision of services were given. comprehensive assistance to the affected population, organization of payments for emergency restoration work, including the ministry of natural resources to prepare a proposal for the preparation of reservoirs for spring floods in the following periods, as well as measures planned by the subjects to straighten river beds, clear them and regulate flow, in the context of wild fires, according to operational data , there are 51 outbreaks of forest fires on the territory of the russian federation in an area with...
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the largest number of areas of forest fires on the territory of the amur region, in total, since the beginning of the year , 2261 forest fires have occurred on the territory of the russian federation ... please just pay attention to this, because it’s all fast, the summer will pass quickly, we already over the summer, we will do everything as much as possible in order to restore the housing stock, okay, thank you, dear vladimirevich, as of may 18
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, there are two regions where the water level is rising, which has already reached dangerous levels, or will reach before the end of may, these are the tyumen region and omsk region, in the tyumen region there are two rivers, one is tabol, the second is irtysh. we have one settlement located on tabol , it is called ievlevo. there are three settlements on the irtysh river: the city of tobolsk, the village of uvat and the village of demyanskoye. and, we predict that growth will continue by may 25 will reach dangerous levels. accordingly, the forecast was provided before april 25 in advance in each locality, each with its own date, that is, there is time to prepare and take all measures accordingly. in the omsk region. we have two rivers ertysh and tara, on the ertysh river we have two settlements, this is usilim and the working village of tevrist, and we see that the water rise and the excess will increase to 3 dash on june 7, well, by a few centimeters, the increase will be small, but growth will continue
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along the tara river, one inhabited, this is a worker the village of muromtsevo, the peak will occur on may 21-25, then it will decrease, this is according to... colleagues, regional leaders, together with the ministry of emergency situations, are carrying out blasting operations, and we predict that this will last somewhere until june 12 at maximum. in the second half of may june in the northern caucasus in the southern federal district, precipitation will begin to fall in the mountains, there will be a sharp rise in the water level in mountain rivers, this rise will occur within hours, and it is necessary, well, according to alexandravich, this is correct. the commission discussed, it is necessary to check the river beds, under-bridge crossings, low-water bridges,
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dams for the presence of culverts on these rivers, and accordingly take these measures, there is still time, the rivers, they are identified, settlements, everyone understands, this is traditional, unfortunately, now there is no such forecast throughout the world, when it would be possible to assume this in a month, at most it can be done there in a few hours, at most up to a day, well, at least... the hydrometeorological service has been conducting analytics for 150 years, that is, it can already be based on it accordingly, in july in august we we are predicting rain floods in the far east, this is along the amur basin, accordingly, a cyclone from the sea of ​​japan will approach them, you also need to be prepared, this is due to floods, as for fire, forest fire situation, from the beginning of the year to date, it is the lands of the forest fund.. which we control, we have burned almost 400,000 hectares in
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the twenty-third year, as of this date the figure was 895,000, that is, we have good positive dynamics. in may , the trans-baikal territory is in our peak zone, this is in mainly magochinsky district, amur region, two districts, this is severama makdogachinsky skovorodinsky, they border near transbaikalia, in principle, from the report that we are now seeing, 90% of all fires are there.
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in terms of territory, we assume that this will be the north of the khabarovsk territory, the amur region, except for the central and southern parts, the east and center of yakutia, the center of the trans-baikal territory, the irkutsk region, the northern part of the urals, the altai territory, the tomsk krasnoyarsk territory. ae and also the northeast of krasnoyarsk, yakutia, the north of the khabarovsk territory, and the north of the urals,
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as i said. at the headquarters of roslikhoz, we reviewed all these forecasts, approved plans for interregional maneuvering to attract additional funds and forces from neighboring regions, and also indicating the forces of the means, uh, where and how, who will go. around the country, we have a total grouping of 26,700, of which 5,000 are route pilots, paratroopers, that is, this is our entire grouping that we will attract, we also have the possibility of interregional maneuvering of our federal grouping, these are 700 people who are the federal reserve for bicycle protection, which also has the ability to extinguish the fire in a fair way, that is , to stop the fire with a blast wave, and we also have the ability to attract three vessels, one is ours, bicycle protection, two, thanks to our colleagues from yakutia, governor did this, he reported to you about it, we have the ability to cause precipitation. and we used this very successfully last year, especially in yakutia and other regions also look at
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the example of yakutia and are also ready to work in this direction, the main thing is to extinguish the fire in a timely manner and make decisions immediately, dmitry nikolayevich patrushev and i literally met yesterday , taking into account the fact that his powers, as they say in the example, are distributed to supervise this direction, have included him in this agenda and we will work together with the governors within the framework of the fire hazard season. thank you for your attention, report law. alexandrevich, is that you? you head our intergovernmental commission with the korean people's democratic republic, and you have already built a work plan that corresponds to happening now? we have big plans with our korean comrades, we recently fulfilled some of them, we had a good exchange of tourist groups, that is, for the first time there , a large group from the primorsky territory, the kaliningrad region, and a number of other regions of our country visited the modern ussr, we exchanged tourists, this
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time we are discussing issues related to the development of agricultural selection. we have questions related to such ordinary things that seem like an ordinary person lives and does not understand, let’s say the moscow zoo, i recently visited, exchanged, our theater performed a ballet in pkhikhin, and a number of other issues that are constantly in contact, because well, people should communicate with each other, we have a lot in common historically, now what are your plans, we have plans...
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filming trips, including in the destroyed mariupol, was written by our colleague voenkor vesti grigoriev dovin. not only about what was filmed during this time and what is happening now, but about what events led to this, and also about the people to whom everything fell it's to live. mikhail fedotov read it. the book was one of the first, the war on both sides of the screen, a kaleidoscope of stories, destinies, characters, kilometers of front-line roads traveled, the result of a dozen business trips to donbass before and after the start of the special operation. the book appeared completely unexpectedly. it seemed important to me then to start recording all this, because all this naturally cannot be shown on tv. documentary prose by grigory vdovin about how vainkor often leaves wounded people behind the scenes of news reports.
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old people frozen in the basement and those who all over russia volunteered to defend them, viewers of the news have already met many on our broadcast, a tanker with a ground forty-ninth year of birth, but i came
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here precisely to defend the interests of russia or the battalion commander was an evil businessman from kramatorsk until 2004, there is nothing humane, children, for them, old people are a sacrifice that they allow, and what does a reporter feel when, following the assault troops, he enters the newly liberated zaitsevo or artyomovsky? some kind of monstrous dream and abstraction, we don’t know what will happen further, but i am sure that sooner or later the moment will come when it will be possible to get into the car and go to kiev. it all starts with a call from the editorial office, when you can go to donetsk, this is from the preface of the book, there will be new chapters in it. mikhail fedotov, news. the health situation in the island territory of france, new caledonia, is becoming critical, this follows from... due to mass pogroms and barricades, the local government is unable to install equipment in the hospital. medical staff are working on their last legs, without shifts,
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because colleagues cannot get to work. authorities are calling on people at the barricades not to interfere with the passage of supply convoys, because human lives are at stake. earlier, france declared martial law in new caledonia. all demonstrations are prohibited from entering the island, and media representatives are restricted. anti-government rallies demanding early elections took place on saturday in tel aviv and sixty other settlements in israel. another protest of thousands took place at the so -called hostage square in tel aviv. representatives of germany, austria and other states whose citizens were captured by the hamas movement on october 7 spoke in front of the relatives of the abducted with words of support. people took to the streets after reaching a dead end. regular negotiations for the release of hostages. amid popular outrage, the new york times published an indictment of the israeli government. with details anna voronina. unpunished
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or how extremists took over israel, it would take more than an hour to read the investigation published in the new york times. the article, which talks about the high level of nationalism in the jewish state and its penetration into the highest structures of power, was created by several authors. but they decided to extradite it right now, when all the attention of the world community is focused on the gas sector, and the illegal jewish settlements on the west bank seem to have been forgotten; as an example , they cite the situation of residents from six palestinian villages who were forced to leave their homes. in an appeal to the supreme court of israel, they indicated that in a few days after the attack on october 7, a group of people, which included jews, settlers and israeli soldiers, attacked villagers, threatened to kill, and destroyed property. a... said the raid was part of a massive displacement of ancient palestinian communities in which settlers, working hand-in -hand with soldiers, are taking advantage of the current war in gaza to achieve a long-held goal of clearing
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the west bank. and this was facilitated by widespread and unprecedented ignorance on the part of the state and its actual consent to mass acts of deportation palestinians. moreover, as the article notes, israeli settlements on the west bank are illegal, according to international law and even according to the laws of israel itself. the military is also supposed to stop illegal construction, however, as the new york times writes, since the far right appeared in the government, the situation has worsened, and investigations have practically ceased. since far-right leader... target smotrich took office, efforts to curb illegal settlement construction have not just diminished, they have disappeared. moreover, smotrich and his allies were thwarting the very law enforcement measures that the government had promised israeli courts would take. responsibility for the strengthening of nationalist and far-right sentiments, as well as for impunity, for what is happening on the west bank, but not in the gas sector. the new york times also blames the minister of national security of israel and tamar
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bengvir, who together with the inspector. has repeatedly criticized the american authorities. washington was accused of hypocrisy and interference in israel's internal affairs. the white house does not need such people in power in israel. biden is trying to take advantage of the situation, yes, to reformat israeli policy for himself. that is, for him, such a grant plan is, in fact, to arrange a regime change. in israel, remove netanyahu from power, disperse his right-wing cabinet, especially remove those very right-wing and israeli politicians like. smotrich, who the americans don’t like, well, put in netanyahu’s place, that is, in the place of the prime minister of israel, and a person who would be much it’s more manageable and understandable for us democrats. and , according to experts, it is vital for washington to manage the israeli government, otherwise they risk losing influence in the middle east. if the statehood of israel, thanks to netanyahu’s unseemly policies and washington’s shortcomings
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