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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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on the air of the parliamentary hour, we continue the main topic of the week, the approval of the new composition of the country's government. what program for the development of departments were presented by the candidates for the post of ministers, what the deputies said about the assigned tasks, what opinions were expressed by the leaders of the faction. alexander shavirin will tell you everything in detail. the procedure for approving the ministers of the new government took 8 hours. at the beginning of the plenary session , vyacheslav volodin set the tone for the conversation. are you right ?
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candidates came to the podium in alphabetical order order, the former head of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov was confirmed as minister of industry and trade. i consider it important to preserve the high potential and solid groundwork that has been formed, while i am fully aware of the complexity and the need to unconditionally achieve the new national goals that were set by the president in his message to the federal assembly. experience working in a border region will help.
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additionally at least 350 sports facilities in small towns, rural areas annually, it is also necessary to bring educational buildings, sports facilities, dormitories, specialized universities and schools are in order; we have 27 of them. supporting a healthy lifestyle and mass sports should become the main focus of the ministry’s work, said vyacheslav volodin. the chairman of the state duma emphasized that it is necessary to stop the practice of selecting the most talented. athletes, and then they are sent abroad, there is money, we just need to redirect it to children, to support youth sports schools, that’s what we’re talking about, we must do everything so that our guys, those who are raving about sports, must realize themselves and remain in the country, the post of minister of natural resources and ecology was retained... alexander kozlov.
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in 1920, deputies approved his candidacy according to a new procedure. therefore, parliamentarians’ questions are not only about the ministry’s plans. you now need to be held accountable for the work done and the mistakes made. i have a question regarding the project for the improvement of the volga: the built honest structures in such important areas as astrakhan, tverskaya, yaroslavl either do not work or do not achieve the required standard indicators for wastewater treatment. 16 regions and several departments are participating in the project, the minister said. and more. and we are now working with the governors of the security bloc to figure out why this happened. vyacheslav volodin emphasized that these problems should not be left to the regions; control and personal participation are needed here. take control of this issue. you, your deputy, once a week
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via video conferencing with a trip to the region, how projects are being implemented, necessarily we need to involve the relevant committee, start doing this, all candidates for ministerial portfolios were discussed in the relevant committees before the meeting, they are the ones who present the candidates in the plenary meeting hall, the longest conversation of about 4 hours took place at a meeting of members of the social committee with anton... who has now been approved in the position of minister of labor and social protection. there were disputes, there were objections, there were words of gratitude for the joint work. there were also wishes, further vectors of our interactions. the priority today is the issues of personnel shortages, support for participants in special military operations and demography, said anton kotyakov. as part of the new national project, the family will collect all the measures that have been proven. our effectiveness, as well as
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offer new solutions, such popular support measures as maternity capital, preferential mortgages, payments in the amount of 450 thousand rubles will be extended. during the discussion. according to the speaker of the state duma, the pandemic has passed, and the digital methods of communication that were then used justifiably and have not yet been cancelled. through video conferencing and all sorts of means of just such communications, the child will not effectively receive knowledge, so there is no need to be disingenuous. either we change our attitude, or this is a very responsible conversation, and we will continue to discuss with the presidency the government and its consequences. sergei krovtsov agreed and promised that the ministry would never abandon the traditional education system.
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he also noted that constructive criticism from deputies helps make the work more effective. effective. with your support, a lot has already been done, including the return of labor lessons, military, and basic military training to schools . opening of extended day groups, the possibility of transferring schools to the regional level. the ministry of agriculture was headed by oksana lut. she worked in the ministry and under her leadership a system for the integrated development of rural areas was created. russia today, according to oksana lut, maintains a strong position in world food markets, and the harvest and volumes of livestock products allow annually provide all the internal needs of the country. a question from deputies about how to attract new personnel. what do you think needs to be done? to increase the prestige of agricultural education in general, today the professions of grain grower, agronomist, livestock breeder and so on. we place special emphasis on personnel training, here we, together with the ministry of
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education and science of the ministry of education, are building a full cycle system from the agricultural class, but now we already have about 1,800 agricultural classes, they need to be increased, then this is secondary vocational education, higher education. they also talked about personnel when considering the candidacy of olga lyubimova for the post of minister of culture, in plans for large-scale work to renovate cultural institutions, the construction of children's art schools in villages and small towns, who will come to work in them, a question from the relevant committee. our committee not only raised this issue, we sounded the alarm on the issue of shortage of personnel in rural areas, and the president showed political will in his message and gave instructions to develop a zemstvo cultural worker program.
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we don't have enough pediatricians, we don't have enough narrow specialists, your main task is to have a doctor, while gaining high-quality knowledge, here is the doctor’s certification, who is it given to, commercial organizations, but you have a proposal, we’ll pass a law, this needs to be returned to the state, so that there is state control, the ministry of health will deal with this problems, we have until the twenty- sixth.
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supporting citizens and families with children, fulfilling social obligations is the main priority. the implementation of everything planned will require the support of state duma deputies, noted the head of the budget and tax committee andrey makarov. a budget package will be introduced. we will have to consider it
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directly during the spring session. amendments will be made to the budget code, which will ensure that the regions' debt is written off. how will we write off? this is what we also have to decide. the ex-governor of the kursk region and former head of rosavtodor, roman starovoyd, has been appointed to the post of minister of transport.
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will concentrate efforts on training highly qualified personnel for priority sectors of the economy and developing
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advanced research and development. the program has received the support of the relevant committee. the committee believes that the position of the candidate’s program is consistent with the goals and objectives in the areas of science of higher education, which are defined by the president in the message to the federal assembly of the twenty-fourth year of the strategy for scientific and technological development, the decree on national goals. of the national corps in the cabinet of ministers. previously, the minister of energy headed the kemerovo region. the man is deeply immersed in
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energy issues, worked in the coal industry for many years, and has been governor of kuzbass, a region that accounts for more than 50% of russian coal production. tech must rely on the russian engineering school, on russian science, on russian industry, and use the best experience in its work. russian experience of previous generations, from this experience we must take only fire, ashes, leaving history. alexey chikunkov once again headed the ministry of eastern development. during the discussion of his candidacy, the chairman of the profile committee, nikolai kharitonov, focused on the results achieved together. we already have a solid legislative framework to ensure the rapid development of the far east and the arctic. priority development territory, free port of vladivostok. far eastern arctic hectare, far eastern concession, far eastern mortgage,
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24 federal laws, 209 government acts in the interests of the development of the far east and the arctic have been adopted, seven federal laws have passed the first reading, are now under consideration in the state duma, creation of our own low-orbit satellite constellation, access to mass production domestic base stations for the mobile network, eliminating the digital divide and combating cyber fraud.
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representatives of all duma factions expressed their positions on the candidates. vladimir vasiliev noted that today the rating of approval of the government’s work by citizens is growing. and this, according to the deputy, was the result.
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this is based on the speedy achievement of the goals of a special military operation, today we are faced with a disaster, which is called a war against the russian world, and i once again urge all of us, together with the new ministers to mobilize for victory, in order for us to be competitive and win, we need to have a pace of 5-7%. leonid slutsky called for consolidation for the sake of victory in the northern military district. the faction supported all candidates.
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we need to act together in a unified system together with state duma deputies and regions of the russian federation. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, sergey vergunov, alexey chaburkov. duma tv. parliamentary hour. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency in the saratov region this week. volodin visited the sokolova village in saratov,
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over which he had previously taken patronage. military families live in the village. he familiarized himself with the progress. work on the construction of a school ice arena and swimming pool. sports facilities are being built as part of a parliamentary project. previously, with the support of vyacheslav volodin , a modern clinic was built in sokolovo, landscaping was carried out, the school sports stadium was reconstructed, and an overpass was built that connects the village with the city center. ice aryana swimming pool, there is already a clinic, we’re settling in, there’s an overpass, it’s going to be a completely different village. but he has completely changed, of course, of course, his name is falcon. heroic people live here, dynasties, yes, all those who work for the country and protect it. state duma deputies take part in the fifteenth international economic forum russia-islamic world, which takes place in kazan.
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russia's cooperation with islamic states opens up new opportunities for strengthening the security sector. economy, noted the leader of the ldpr faction. we are in kazan, in the fields forum russia islamic world, which every year is increasingly a key platform for our cooperation with the countries of the islamic world, and we fully coincide in the formation of a new global majority around the idea of ​​​​the approaches of the russian president to form a peaceful, stable and multipolar one. at the forum, the head of the state duma committee on the financial market , anatoly oksakov, proposed expanding the geography of the experiment on islamic banking in russia, extending it to other countries. and ingushetia, based on the one adopted last year law, the process is going quite quickly, the volume is about 2 billion rubles, but we expect that by
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the end of the year the volume of operations based on partner financing will grow to 50 billion rubles. the system implies conducting banking activities on the basis of islamic principles, for example, the payment of interest and interest-related transactions derived from it, transactions with conditions of uncertainty are prohibited. as well as financing the mining business, pork production, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, weapons and ammunition. this area of ​​our business, our economy, there are great prospects, and we expect that our partners from abroad, from islamic countries, will actively participate in the process, especially since representatives of iran, the united arab emirates and other islamic countries have come here. the state duma is preparing for the hour of government. this week a meeting of relevant committees was held with the participation of domf general director vittaly
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mutko. chairman of the izhkha construction committee sergei pokhomov noted the close interaction with the institute. over the past 5 years, 27 laws have been adopted, four more are currently under consideration by the committee. these are projects related to individual housing construction. considering the new ones. vitaly mutko told the deputies about the strategy for the development of the housing sector and the priority areas of activity of the joint-stock company. of course, we
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have a unique tool, this is the housing construction information system, whoever is familiar with it, you understand, we see every house in the online system, this is a unique service, the president sets the task of creating it in all sectors of the economy, i think we have created this, this for developers, for citizens, we have it there all the time, a citizen can come in and want to buy it. go to our portal and see your home. during the discussion, the deputies identified a number of problematic issues to the leadership of the house of the russian federation, for example, the clear predominance of one-room apartments in new buildings, the methodology for subsidizing the construction of rental housing in the regions, and others. deputies will hear vitaly mutko’s report at a plenary session in the state duma on may 22. the next concert and charity tour , dobrovedenie donbass, has ended. author.
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over the past year, participants in good vision gave 70 concerts on the front line in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, says the author of the project, deputy oleg nilov. this year
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we also added performances for civilians, regular participants in the charity project, soloists of the folk music ensemble vataga of the bryansk regional philharmonic. in donbass they sing for military personnel, medical volunteers. there is a difference if they perform for fighters and for warriors, even for wounded guys. that by our performance, guys, we spiritually strengthen and support, then speaking in front of your gracious audience, we are charged more times, we charge them, but we are charged even more, a slightly different exchange, energy, but we are very happy about this event. project participants donated icons, trench candles, stretchers, and camouflage nets made by parishioners of churches in moscow, tver and st. petersburg to the defenders of the fatherland. in addition, the soldiers received hundreds of postcards and letters as gifts from children and war veterans, as well as , according to tradition, guitars set up by oleg nilov, button accordions and accordions. what is your name? here
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we are presenting such a boyan, you will continue our work, beautiful, public and veteran organizations, trade unions, as well as university school teams took part in collecting humanitarian aid and gifts for the soldiers. oleg nilov sent them letters of gratitude, expressing gratitude for their civic position, support for the heroes and the approach of a common victory. build russia , working people, build russia, russia, the next concert tour of the dobrovision laureates is timed to coincide with victory day and will be held in hospitals in rostov, st. petersburg and moscow. yana dobrovolskaya,
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vladislav alekseev, anna melikyan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program. see you live.
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study together, right? yes, in the same class, i don’t remember, in the same class, in the same school, only i saw him for the first time today, it happens like that, i don’t understand, how is that? 100 years ahead! how ordinary residents of russia, as well as commercial companies, help troops in the northern military district zone and what devices and units instead of foreign ones, watch everything for the front in the documentary right after the advertisement.


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