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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow 9:30 and further briefly about the main thing. iran's first vice president will serve as acting president until the elections. this was reported by the iranian media after confirmation of the death of ibrahim reisi in the republic.
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declared grass. russian su-34 bombers attacked the ukrainian command post with high-explosive bombs with a planning module. in the south donetsk direction of the special operation, where the combat work is carried out by the group of russian troops vostok, an armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces and a mortar crew were destroyed. they took aim from the acacia launcher. in the kherson region was hit by a us-made m777 gaubs. in yakut , a regional emergency has been declared due to palodka. almost 500 residential buildings and 700 courtyards were flooded in the region. the most difficult situation is in the namsky district. rescuers are strengthening dams and temporary accommodation centers have been set up. restoration work has begun in areas where the water has already drained. frosts in russia killed about one percent of the crops. the harvest was damaged in forty-one regions of the country. now we have to re-process it.
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sow about 9, deputy prime minister dmitry patryshev called on the region to do this quickly. and again let's return to the topic of the helicopter crash of iranian president ibrahim raisi, about what the weather was like at the time of the emergency, let's talk with our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she joins me, katya, greetings, now a lot is said about the reasons for what happened, but here is the moment of the tragedy itself , what were the weather conditions? weather conditions between iran and azerbaijan in... the search area for the iranian president's helicopter , dense clouds , it was impossible to see anything with the naked eye in such conditions impossible, night vision equipment helped locate the crash site. the main obstacle during the search in the first hours after the emergency was low cloudiness and dense fog. visibility at times did not exceed several tens of meters, and periodically there were quite heavy showers of rain turning into... snow. the weather conditions
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were indeed unfavorable. the satellite image shows that the mountain peaks and passes were covered with clouds. according to data from the nearest weather stations, the upper limit of the clouds reached 10 km, the lower edge dropped to 300 m, and in some places the clouds came into contact with the ground. at the same time , wind shear was observed in the lower layer of air, and this is one of the most dangerous factors for aviation. at an altitude of 1 km, 300 m was noted. south wind, while 200 m higher the air currents turned 90° to the west . at an altitude of just over three kilometers, the northwest wind was already blowing even higher, where the air temperature became negative and another risk factor appeared: the possibility of icing of the aircraft. such difficult weather conditions have become a consequence of the formation of thermal depression. it is formed as a result of strong heating of some part of the earth's surface. an area of ​​overheating occurs in this zone. low pressure, the air
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rises, cools, condenses, thick clouds form, thermal depression is always a zone of increased turbulence or, as pilots say, strong bumpiness. well, the complex of factors listed, of course, could have become an indirect cause of the crash. thank you, katya, it was ekaterina grigorova with a story about the weather, the moment the iranian president's helicopter crashed. and again to this topic, to the tragedy in iran. the president of the country was killed in a helicopter crash. ibrahim raisi, minister of foreign affairs and several other officials. according to media reports, there were at least eight people on board; they were returning after participating in events at the border. one of the helicopters crashed in a mountainous area and completely burned out. according to the head of the iranian red crescent society, the search operation at the crash site has been completed and the bodies of the dead have been sent to seabreeze. the first vice president of iran, who will serve as head of state for now, held a regular meeting of the cabinet of ministers outside. he declared. the government will
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run smoothly. according to the constitution, a special council must organize presidential elections within 50 days. draur was declared in the republic; the russian embassy in sikiray expressed condolences. we will talk further about the life of ibrahim raisi and his work as president of iran. ibrahim raisii was born on december 14, 1960 in the city of mishhadi in iran. in 1975 he entered the seminary in qom, studied with famous islamic scholars, received a doctorate in jurisprudence and law from shahid matahari university. for some time he served as a prosecutor in the cities of kerrej and hamadan. in 1985 he was appointed deputy. prosecutor of tehran. from 1989 to 1994, he served as prosecutor of tehran, and then for 10 years he worked as head of the general inspectorate of the islamic republic. from 2014 to 2016 he was the prosecutor general of iran. from 2016 to 2019
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he headed the largest varaneholding astankhovy, which consists of several charitable foundations. they include dozens of organizations and thousands of employees. in 2017 he participated in the presidential elections. iran, but lost to hassan rouhani, who was re-elected for a second term. in 2019 , risi was appointed head of iran's judiciary, known for a large-scale campaign against corruption in the country, and also initiated the development of legislation protecting women's rights from domestic violence. on june 18, 2021, he won the presidential elections in iran. in election promises were the fight against corruption and poverty and the protection of the rights of iranian citizens. raisi was a strong anti-western advocate. in 2009, the united states imposed personal sanctions on reisy, accusing him of repression inside and outside iran . after the death of iranian general qasem sulaymaniyah during the us operation, raisi promised to clear the middle east of the american presence and advocated active military, economic, trade,
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political and technological cooperation with russia. ibrahim reisi is survived by his wife, two daughters and two grandchildren. in yakutia, where due to floods, a state of emergency of regional significance has been introduced. almost 400 specialists are helping to eliminate the consequences; within a few hours , 16 villages were in the water at once, that’s about half a thousand residential buildings and public buildings. vitaly prokopyev has all the details. water is slowly freeing the flooded villages of the namsky district, people are beginning to return to houses that were recently flooded under the roof. the number of courtyards that were flooded amounts to six hundred. in some places, residents only move around. by boat on the eve of 16 settlements of the namsky region of yakutia literally in a few hours we found ourselves at the mercy of the lena river. shop hope. entrepreneurs' stores were damaged, courtyard buildings were destroyed, and houses were damaged. we didn’t have time to get out our things, our car,
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nothing, nothing. the porch, we have such a high porch, at first there was water on the porch, then even more water, then even more, then we can’t go out anymore. russia involved 92 people. rescuers have organized targeted assistance to the population, evacuation to temporary accommodation centers, from cattle, and bank protection work is underway. the regional road was also flooded in several areas; travel is only allowed in specialized vehicles, but some...
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warm clothes and ready-made meals, but most importantly, all the necessary help, food is brought so that the full-flowing lena can quickly return to normal. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, news, yakutia! you owe the bank! i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on the yandex market. heartburn from food, take it, relieves it. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes extinguishes and extinguishes the goon. appetite anywhere.
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the terminal screen and just look into the camera, receive cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay, now messages with the mark are urgently received from the ministry of foreign affairs sergey lavrov. says that he is deeply saddened by the news of the tragic death of the russian president and iranian foreign minister. he also added that, i quote, we will always remember risi, the head of the iranian foreign ministry and persons accompanying them as true patriots of the country. we’ll return to this topic a little later, but for now let’s move on to other news. augmented reality glasses as a tool for testing presidents for work. russian companies are introducing new technologies into the work of their hr departments. check the level of engineering personnel.
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in addition, they will do this in compliance with all safety rules, because
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otherwise the program will not skip the next level. here we have a toolbox already prepared, and now we can fix the roofing sheet. injuries after such training, young specialists decrease by as much as 84%. because these young specialists, they have already tried the whole complex procedure in this virtual format, as... a new platform has appeared where industrialists and educational institutions will be able to use ready-made products. we provide the market with the opportunity to both get a certain showcase where they can choose ready-made solutions that do not need to be developed from scratch, do not need to spend a lot of money on it, and secondly, get a convenient tool for managing all these simulators, and this simulator, developed at
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the st. petersburg polytechnic university, will allow you to manage entire enterprises. before you... the task is to satisfy the demand in the product market, it is dictated by external factors, conditions, we have a purchasing department, where we purchase raw materials and components, we have built jobs, we can manage the workshop plan, move these workers, the main advantage here is that in a fairly short period of time we can enable participants to conduct a simulation show the results of the decisions they made. in this simulator, the main emphasis is on... lean manufacturing, so that any employee is constantly thinking about improving and optimizing processes. at first , offline courses were held at the polytechnic, employees were invited to the machine and asked to solve optimization problems. now everything is online. over the past year, for example, i managed to train over 5,000 employees
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of various enterprises using computer simulators. if we translate this as if tell me, who is closest to the championship? sasha, good morning, i can’t say it right away, because dynamo and krasnodar and zenit have a chance. dynamo fans will probably not be able to spend the rest of the week without volidol or volokordi, but not a single generation of dynamo fans has simply seen the championship of their favorite team live. the last time this happened was 48 years
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ago. during this period, dynamo were closer to the title than they were now in the last round, thanks. brace from defender bulbuena, as well as goals from gamaglio and bitello, blue and white home with a full house in the stands of vtb arena they saw the defeat of samara wings with a score of 4:1. this victory allowed dynamo to become the sole leader of the standings, gaining 56 points. it was difficult because of the sun, but it was kind of the same for them, because everyone was in the same conditions, and of course the fans charged us, and we turned on the second tempo. in the next match , dynamo will have to go to krasnodar for , without prejudice, the most important match for them in almost half a century; in this case, the fate of the championship is solely in their hands. in case of victory, first place will remain the team of the czech marcel lička, who took over dynamo just before the start of this
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season. when bitelo forgot the third goal there, i did that a little bit. i had a rest and i think the whole team has already thanked the team for me , they made the tone the result we need , let’s go to krasnodar and there we will go, as if it’s clear to fight for our happiness and side, we can decide everything for us then, well, the intrigue is also good because the opponent dynamo in the last match is krasnodar, which can also become a champion, for this it needs beat dynamo and... wait for zenit to lose points in the game with rostov, it’s hard to remember such an exciting end to the season, despite the fact that krasnodar looked extremely unconvincing and confused in the last matches, the team, which changed its coach in the spring, replacing ivich with musaev, was rebuilding along the way the second part, and before the game, sochi had not scored once in three games, gaining one point out of nine, but in
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the last round, losing 1:2 a few minutes before the end, visiting krasnodar not only crushed sochi, but scored twice. snatched victory in stoppage time 3:2, another unpredictable scenario, in the last games we showed decent football, we had one point, today luck was on our side and we fought until the end, this is the importance of a psychological point of view, there was a team on the field, an amazing match , pride in the players, now our full attention, there is one game left, one final, the winner of... five seasons in the russian championship, the most gigemon of rplit is also extremely unstable in the end, although the blue and white have a chance of becoming a champion - there are blue ones, but not everything depends on them, you need to beat them. rostov at home and wait for krasnodar's mandatory victory over dynamo. zenit, like krasnodar, failed in the end, many spectators and experts were sincerely surprised, but
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simak’s team scored one point out of a possible twelve in four matches, scoring only once. in the formidable one, the st. petersburg team managed not only to win, but to do it devastatingly. also with the first pentatric in the history of the league. its author was colombian mateo casiera, who scored all five goals against akhmat. 5:1 win for zenit. rivals dynamo and krasnodar, tyukavina cordoba. spartak again does not participate in the championship race, but the end of the season is quite successful, not counting its elimination from the cup.
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interim bosnian coach vladimir sliskovic's unbeaten run continues. in the last home match of the season they beat kazan rubin. spartak managed to score two goals in the first half. theo bangonda and roman zobnin hit the same corner with a difference of 8 minutes. after the break , martin scored. third, and daku scored a prestige goal, 3:1, a victory for the red and white. this game became the last in their stadium for the long-time captain of spartak georgy dzhika, who is leaving the team. according to georgy himself, he would be happy with any contract and was ready to stay at the club, but no one had a dialogue with him, and he never received an offer from spartak. his teammates gave him a farewell corridor right before his substitution in the second half, and after the end of the match, georgy took a lap of honor to thank him. to the fans for their support, over these long years that i have been at the club, i am very pleased that the fans always supported me, that i
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never had any problems, that’s why they were always there whenever possible, i can only say a huge thank you for everything they have done, are doing and will do for spartak. in other matches of the tour, lokomotiv beat voronezh falk 2 at home. but timur suleymanov scored a double, ural and orenburg had a hot second half and the ekaterinburg team won back with a score of 1:3. there is another match ahead between nizhny and cska. as a result, at the moment the situation is as follows: dynamo, the championship leader, has the team has 56 points, zenit - 54, krasnodar - 56. the intrigue is maximally twisted, any of the three teams can become the champion. at the bottom of the table i was definitely relegated to the fnl, only sochi and baltika were not. orenburg, ural and fakel will determine who will go to the playoffs and who, together with sochi, will fall into the division with a lower rank. and this is what the schedule for the last round matches looks like, they will all take place at the same time, starting at
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16:30 moscow time on saturday , may 25. our two film crews will go to the main points of the country, where it will be decided the fate of the championship. my colleague stas ridikultsev will go to krasnodar for the match between krasnodar and dynamo, alexander abramov st. petersburg for the match between zenit and rostov. that 's all about sports for now, meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker, a children's sber card - an adult approach, say no to silicone and yes, shaoma shampoo, 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from
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in moscow 10, we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour: the russian media expressed condolences in connection with the death of iranian president ibrahim
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ricey. islamic foreign minister.


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