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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue to broadcast morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour. russian media expressed condolences over the death of iranian president ibrahim raisi, as well as the islamic foreign minister. sergei lavrov noted the invaluable
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role of ibrahim raisi and the head of the iranian foreign ministry in strengthening the cooperation dialogue between moscow and tehran. in yakutia, due to the flood , a regional state of emergency was declared, almost 500 residential buildings and 700 courtyards were flooded. the most difficult situation is in the namsky district. rescuers are strengthening the dams, organized by the point. placement in areas where the water had already drained, restoration work began. the head of the kiev regime launched a wide media campaign exposing an alleged conspiracy against him by the leadership of the state security department. there are large-scale purges in the army, reshuffles in the government, the leadership of the sbu and the security council. such data is provided by the russian foreign intelligence service. according to her information, instill an atmosphere of fear. in
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ukraine the west is demanding, they are concerned about the rapid decline in zelensky’s ratings. russian su-34 bombers attacked the ukrainian command post with high-explosive bombs from the planning module. in the south don direction of the special operation, where combat work is carried out by the russian vostok grouping, an armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces and a mortar crew were destroyed. the target was hit from an akas launcher. in the kherson region it is affected. us co-production. the big news this morning comes from iran. the vice president of the country, major news agencies confirmed president ibrahim raisi, as well as the minister of foreign affairs, all members of the delegation, and the crew died in a helicopter crash. the russian embassy in iran expressed condolences; the zip mission noted that moscow sought to help tehran by sending emergencies ministry specialists to a search and rescue operation. i reacted to the disaster.
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iran's neighbors heard words of grief from the leaders of iraq and pakistan; islamabad even declared a national day of mourning. the head of state said that the islamic world has lost the quote of a remarkable leader. the leader of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev, also called the death of russia a huge tragedy. in his statement, he emphasized that in baku he was ready to provide any assistance to his brotherly neighbor. it is known that the iranian delegation was returning after the opening ceremony of waterworks on the araz river. there were three aircraft in total in the colony.
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and emphasized that there will be no disruptions in the governance of the country, in the political sense of the word nothing will change radically, because i want to note that the president is, although the responsible person in the state hierarchy of yaram, but not the very first, according to the constitution, according to the real situation affairs, the first person is the supreme leader the country's ayatalami, rahbar, as he is also called, he determines foreign policy, he monitors domestic policy, the prime minister of the country, he is rather involved. political,
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let's say, direction, quite actively. the head of the iranian foreign ministry was also on board the crashed presidential helicopter; the deputy minister of foreign affairs issued a statement in which he also emphasized that there would be no disruptions in their work, but the position of the head of the foreign ministry remains vacant. i am shocked by the news of the martyrdom of the president and minister foreign affairs my heart is sad, we are all grieving, but as the leader of the revolution said, there will be no disruptions in our work and the country, mr. amir abdallahyan had a very hard time during this period, he worked very hard, the war in the gas sector placed a huge burden on foreign policy, and he worked with calm and courage, the position
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of mr. amir abdalahian in the ministry of foreign affairs will be vacant, as for who will act as president rasi, according to. unfortunately, there was a technical glitch, i would like to remind you that our special correspondent, leila alnazarova, was in direct contact with the studio with a story about the details of the tragedy. in iran, now the iranian people are receiving words of condolences from all over the world. alexander beribov has all the details. these are the first images from the scene of the helicopter crash of iranian president ibrahim raisi. the search and rescue operation continued all night, but it was only at dawn that rescuers were able to establish
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the exact location of the helicopter. judging by these images, the aircraft crashed onto a steep slope and caught fire. it is clear that the figurine the helicopter was completely burned out. among the officials on board, in addition to the president... of iran, was the country's foreign minister, the governor of the iranian province of east azerbaijan, the imam of tabriz. according to preliminary data, none of those on the helicopter survived. this was reported by the local news agency irna with reference to the head of the iranian red crescent society. when we located the crashed presidential helicopter, there was no sign of any living passengers. later death reported president ibrahim raisi was also published by another iranian fur news agency. and iranian vice president mahsen mansouri posted the following post on his social network page: we belong to allah and we will return to him. these images, taken just a few hours before the incident , show iranian president ibrahim raisi on board a helicopter heading to east azerbaijan province. there, on sunday
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, a ceremony was held to launch a hydroelectric complex on the border araks river, in which he also took part the leader of the neighboring republic ilham aliyev. after the event, the iranian delegation led by president risi departed on three helicopters towards the administrative capital of the province, the city of tubris. this photo shows the exact moment the presidential helicopter took off. it is known that on this trip racey traveled in an american bell helicopter. there are several of these in the iranian government air squad. two planes reached their destination safely, but the third one, on which there was the leader of the islamic republic, as... iranian media reported, he made an emergency hard landing in a remote mountainous area, contact with him was lost. the first images taken by search and rescue teams in the area of ​​the helicopter's possible landing spoke for themselves: thick dense fog, limiting visibility to just a few meters and heavy rain,
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difficult weather conditions even for the most experienced pilots. perhaps it was the weather that caused the disaster. it is also possible that questions will be about the technical condition. cars of this type were purchased by iran on the secondary market about 20-30 years ago, perhaps it was not the weather or technology that was behind the crash, but the human factor. in any case, there are now far more questions than answers. the tragedy that occurred, of course, became a huge shock for the entire islamic republic, especially now at a difficult time for the entire region, when the middle east is engulfed in a series of conflicts and confrontations. however, the features of the iranian...
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91 rubles, the euro is trading above the level of 99 and chinese currency costs 12 rubles and actually 60 kopecks. the most exchange index at the opening of trading was 3.500. 19 points, and rts is also adding a little now 1.212 points. let's tidy up for a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this day. i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you control me, regularly. and i am the new vtb loyalty program! vtb! choose
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the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. apply for a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. it's more profitable with sberim. now the latest news from the lugansk republic, residents of the region report about powerful explosions in the jubilee area, you can now see the first images from the site of the impact on your screens, you can see a column of smoke rising into the sky, other details have not yet been given, there are no official statements, we will monitor the development of events and will report everything on our air. let's continue talking about the latest news. thus, the fsb blocked the smuggling channel for the supply of synthetic drugs from asia,
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the department’s press service reported. according to the intelligence service , two natives of one of the central asian countries were detained, a shipment was confiscated from them of a prohibited substance weighing more than 79 kg, which they brought from abroad. they were going to implement it in our country. a criminal case was opened, people were detained and arrested. how to remain an information channel, but... at the same time be entertaining, not only tell viewers the news, but quickly respond to requests for help, and also talk about the moscow region from a bird's eye view. all this has been done on channel 360 for 10 years. colleagues are celebrating their anniversary today, and varvara nevskaya will talk about the channel from the moscow region, which are watched by viewers in all corners of the country. this is tv 360 and we are starting. new design, new team and, of course, new meanings. then in 2014, instead of the previous moscow region
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, 360 appeared on the country’s televisions. attractively bright, ambitiously bold, unafraid.
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maintain the informational component, but at the same time become more entertaining, be in contact with the viewer and respond to requests for help, purchase a helicopter to tell about the situation in the region from a bird's eye view, create a television studio there, where, as it seemed, it simply would not be able to function directly in the house of the moscow region government. when this studio was invented, there were a lot of professional people. they said that it did not meet the guest standards, that there seemed to be wrong noises here, that from there daylight would shine through these windows and generally throw off the entire lighting scheme, they were probably right, but we decided to build the studio anyway, -firstly, it turned out to be a very inexpensive, therefore smart solution, and secondly, this studio is constantly busy. 360 has been around for a long time migrated from television buttons to
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mobile devices of viewers, becoming even closer to each user, millions of subscribers... and tens of millions of views on social networks, a special pride of the channel, we are thinking through new content, new moves, vertical formats, horizontal, circles and so on , we think about how to adjust content to the audience’s request, moreover, we communicate with the audience, all our authors know the nicknames of our subscribers by heart, we congratulate them on their birthday, in the stream we address them directly, we we read out their comments, news with a human face, behind each material there is a specific author, always... ready to answer the viewer’s questions, regardless of the audience, 360 coverage continues to help both residents of the moscow region and new regions, since february 2022, film crews channels regularly operate in the nwo zone. we cover the humanitarian mission of the moscow region in donbass, we talk about the civilian population, about the work of our soldiers, and here in
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the foreground is the history of a person, his problems that are needed. already 10 years 360 changes along with its viewer, without wasting that adventurous spirit of a startup, when trying is not scary, but interesting, and therefore the first ten years, just the beginning, happy birthday, colleagues, varvara nevskaya, news, i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet with you, finally, she has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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now footage from the government house. good morning, dear colleagues, the government remains focused on small and medium-sized enterprises, its... the development of this sector remains one of our priorities in accordance with the national development goals, which are defined by the new may presidential decree. it is important to improve
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the infrastructure for supporting small medium-sized businesses in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. and for this, we make a decision and allocate additional federal resources from the budget of these four regions for a total amount. including to help local residents who they also pay tax on professional income to those who are just planning to start their own business. the decision made will make it easier for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and create new jobs. the next question is from the healthcare sector: we continue to take systematic measures to ensure access to treatment for our citizens. we are modernizing and creating new medical organizations equipped with the necessary equipment in all regions of the country. the implementation of such activities is included in one of the priority areas
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the work of the government that the president outlined, i spoke about them in detail at a plenary session in the state duma. and today’s decision concerns the completion of the first stage of construction of the kamchatka regional hospital. you know, when we visited kamchatka, we saw that... in fact , this is one of the few regions where there was no regional hospital. today we are allocating 1 billion rubles in order to complete the first stage of construction; with these funds, by the end of this year , engineering infrastructure facilities will be erected there, and so what is very important - diagnostic and treatment clinical buildings. the residents of the region really need such a medical facility; as i already said, they have been waiting for it for a very long time. marachivdzhanovich, you know how important this is, i would ask you personally to monitor the progress of the work. so that they would be completed on time, we promised this to people, and so that they could, of course, then receive high-quality, including high-tech medical care. another topic is
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the implementation of the priority task of developing the northern sea route, its routes pass within the territorial waters of russia and, under conditions of external sanctions, are such a reliable transport corridor for exporting products to friendly countries. to ensure safety. and year-round traffic in northern latitudes, of course, we need a large operating arctic fleet, and to increase the construction of such vessels, we are preparing to launch new modern production facilities, one of such sites is the onega plant in petrozavodsk, where, on instructions from the president, the creation of the first digital shipyard is underway, on it will be used highly efficient robotic technologies, the government has allocated 2 billion rubles for implementation, the second stage. a project for the deep modernization of this royal enterprise, thanks to which its production capabilities will significantly expand in the next 2 years. well, i would like
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to ask you to report in general on how the situation stands with the construction of high- ice-class ships for the northern bordeaux route, over to you. thank you very much, dear mihai ivadimovic, dear colleagues, comprehensive work to expand the fleet for the northern the sea route is being carried out as part of the president’s task to increase the cargo flow on this most important international transport artery, especially in today’s time, in order to ensure year-round wiring, the baltic plant continues to build a series of nuclear lidobreakers with a capacity of 60 megawatts, three nuclear-powered ships, the arctic, siberia and the urals are already operating in the seas of the arctic ocean, the next icebreaker yakutia,
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tentatively by the thirtieth year, it is no less important to ensure the safety of navigation, now in the interests of the ministry of transport and the rossmorovich fleet is building 15 rescue vessels to operate along its own route, including tugs and multifunctional vessels of different directions and power. veres in komsomolsky on the sea are involved in this. in kaliningrad, nizhny novgorod and tatarstan. development of work in this area;
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contracting is planned over the next 6 years. another thirty vessels, finally, directly for the removal of our cargo base, including along the northern moscow route, the zvezda complex has already handed over to customers five non-line tankers of the tipamax type, in addition to this number, 26 more large-tonnage vessels of various purposes have been contracted. in the shipyard's loading plans until the thirty-seventh year, 92 ice-class cargo ships are already provided, including container ships, bulk carriers, bulk carriers and tankers. in general, the main production infrastructure in the interests of developing snp has been formed, but in order to guarantee that such a capacious order can be handled,
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united courts are needed. a construction company with e vtb, with a bank, is considering the possibility of building another high-tech version, the final decision on the qualification position will be made at the end of this year, while in order to fulfill all the plans i have voiced, we continue to fulfill the cross-cutting task for the entire industry, bearing in mind the replacement of critical positions.
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acceptance, and the first samples will begin to appear on the market starting next year, they will be used, including on ice-class vessels, for vessels, including fishing ones, that will operate in northern latitudes, on the northern sea route, thank you for your attention, thank you, denis vantinovich, very much it is important to complete this work as quickly as possible, i mean... establishing our own production of all the necessary equipment, units, key components, and achieving technological independence in this area, this is a very important element, i hope that with our colleagues from usc we will achieve this achieve goals. this was footage of a meeting between the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishusin, and the deputy prime ministers.
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very cool, exciting, simple, i love children, this is a real, unreal movie, this is right on the level, this is a childhood story, this is a gosya from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past and from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, and the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any change of mind, the main thing remains love, the way he
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looks at you, yes, the way he looks, well , the way they look, he looks like that, there are so many different things there, a surprise, well, of course that’s it, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now .


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