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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any shifts, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, yes, how he looks, well, how they look , it looks like that, there are so many different things there, a surprise, well, of course it ’s like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for just everyone, we’ll meet in the future with... tell me when 100 years from now.
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cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt, let you enjoy the deliciousness together, and samat will take care of the dishes. the fifth studio is on the air, i’m anton potkovenko, we’re talking about the main international news, as a result of a plane crash, a helicopter crash in the northwest. iranian president ibrahimsi was killed in the province of east azerbaijan, as well as the head of the country's ministry of foreign affairs, all members of the delegation and the helicopter crew. let’s talk about the political consequences of this tragedy with andrei baklanov, deputy chairman of the association of russian diplomats, professor of the faculty of world economy and world politics neushe, now we are in contact with the fifth studio, andrey glebovich, i greet you.
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to ensure the continuity of power and the generally normal development of the operational situation in the country in the event of possible surprises, but... of course, the aggravation of a certain struggle for tendencies for certain important details of the socio-economic development of the country, this is what is inevitable during the presidential, this new competition between the leading political and religious figures of the country. in your do you think the relationship between russia and iran in connection with everything that happened?
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goes in full - the transport corridor, north, south, in part concerning interaction in particular across the caspian sea and further with our iranian friends, there is a lot that has already been worked out and continuity, i am sure, will be ensured, thank you, thank you very much, connections with the fifth the studio was andrey baklanov, deputy chairman of the association of russian diplomats, professor at the faculty of world economy and world politics nio... higher school of economics, we continue to discuss the political consequences of the death of iranian president ibrahim reisi in a plane crash, now livan dzhegaryan, russian ambassador to the islamic
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republic of iran in 2011-22, now russian ambassador to sri lanka, livan sevenovich, i greet you, good afternoon, good day, so, what... islamic republic of iran. head of the foreign ministry mr. hussein amir abdulakhyan and other high-ranking representatives of the islamic republic of iran, and regarding your question, i would like to note that the political system the islamic republic of iran, it is quite
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strong; frankly speaking, i do not see any, as you said, tectonic shocks that this country can feel. i think so anyway.
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in connection with this plane crash, and you know, the main directions of iran's foreign policy are determined by the supreme leader, saidali hamnei, he gives basic guidelines on the main, priority directions of the country's foreign policy life, which are implemented by the country's government, the foreign policy department, i am convinced of that they will remain virtually unchanged, first of all... with regard to friendly relations between our countries and close interaction between tehran and moscow on major foreign policy, regional and global issues. so you preempted my question about the relations between moscow and
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tehran, that is, there is stability here, yes, as you think, yes, regardless of the fact that such a shock has occurred, absolutely, i am sure of it. confident in maintaining the continuity of iranian foreign policies on the main key, international and regional problems, and somewhat without doubting that the traditional friendly relations between our countries... i would like to say that this direction of the country's foreign policy is also determined
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by the supreme leader of the country, and i believe that continuity is this will continue in other key areas. levana semenovich, please tell me, this question still cannot be asked, yes, of course, the investigation will still be sorted out, there is a very, very big job ahead, we are talking about fog, we are talking about bad weather, a plane crash occurred. in the mountains, please tell me, what do you think, is it only the weather that is to blame here, or could there be some kind of criminal intent here? i ’m asking in the context of what, that is, not building a chain, but simply reasoning, the assassination attempt on robert fitz was recently, now the death of the president of iran, could there be any logic here, who could benefit from everything that happened, in your opinion. well, i understand the essence of your question, and
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you are far from the only one who conducts there is a certain connection between all these events, but it seems to me that we need to calmly wait for the results of the investigation, i have no doubt that an investigative team will probably be appointed that will conduct an investigation into the causes of the plane crash, the reasons why there are such unfavorable weather conditions and..
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he is also known as a great advocate of russian-iranian economic cooperation, in general i am positive and optimistic, yeah, and levan semenovich, you know, you mentioned the iranian foreign minister who died in the war. as a result of this disaster, maybe a few words about the personality of this person, i... began my work as the russian ambassador to iran in 2011, at that time
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mr. amir abdollahyan was already deputy minister of foreign affairs, where he was in charge of the arab-african direction in the foreign policy of iran and we were in close contact primarily in connection with the events that began in syria during that period, you remember, when terrorist groups with the support of izhne tried to overthrow the legitimate government of bashar assad. and then we, together with our iranian friends, actively opposed this and i, i want to say again, had very active and fruitful contacts with mr. amir abdullahyan. after some time, mr. amir abdullahyan went to work in the irish iranian parliament, majlis, where he was in charge of foreign policy, external relations of the iranian parliament, and we also actively collaborated with him regarding the development and deepening of russian-iranian interparliamentary ties during this period. i visited tekiran several times chairman of the state duma of the russian federation.
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volodin. in 2016, valendina ivanovna matvienko came to tehran. and we want to say again that we worked very actively and fruitfully with mr. amir abdullahyan to prepare these significant visits. well, i want to say that during the conversation with him it was very pleasant to see that this interlocutor, the minister of foreign affairs. he is not only an experienced professional, an excellent connoisseur of the arabic language, arab countries, but he was also an active friend of our country in... we have lost him truly a great friend of our country, we will miss him very much, thank you, thank you very much for these words, livan semyonovich, yes livan dzhagoryan, russian ambassador to the islamic republic of iran in 2011-22, now the russian ambassador to sri lanka was in touch with the fifth studio, should we expect significant
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shifts on the political map of the middle east as a whole in connection with the death of the president. iran ibrahim resi, how acute is the issue of maintaining tehran’s previous course, in particular in relations with the west, with the european community, we will discuss all this with vladimir dzhabarov, the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs is with us now. vladimir mikhailovich, i greet you. hello. well, first of all about iran, of course, what to expect in a political sense in your opinion. in connection with this tragedy, what consequences could there be? well, this tragedy, i think, shocked the whole world, because the sudden death of a head of state always causes a lot of reactions and positive enemies, and negative friends, we are definitely
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among the friends of iran, we had excellent relations with our... republic of iran, we were, we were received in parliaments, we were received at, in general , the highest, highest echelons of power, we even visited qom , this is a city closed to foreign tourists, they let us in, we looked, i want to say that the situation in iran is absolutely stable, nothing will change the internal political course of iran,
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iran is making a lot of efforts for this, even after the overthrow. shrakha, when it came to iran the authorities of ayatallah khamini, and then his followers, the situation in the country has stabilized, the west and the americans really don’t like this, we remember the conflicts that the americans had with iran, we remember all the conflicts that iran had with its middle eastern neighbors, but still less i think that internal society, the society of people, will fully support this power. which will come to replace the razi, but as for foreign policy aspects, a lot depends on what happened in reality, when they will be found and the conditional black boxes are deciphered, the cause of the tragedy will become clear, whether it is a pilot error, a malfunction of the helicopter, this is one thing, but
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if god forbid it is the intervention of a third force, in the form of a terrorist attack, sabotage, of course, this is completely different. searches and investigations will be immediately organized regarding who could have done this, then, knowing that iran is a very decisive, wise, but decisive country, i do not exclude some complications of the situation in the middle east, we will wait for the results of the investigation, well iranian we wish the people stability, tranquility, so that the one who is now acting as the president of russia, the president of iran, excuse me, this is a person who has a good attitude towards our country, towards russia, this is a person who , unlike many western leaders, does not condemn a special military operation, even its somehow secretly supported, and i think that the relations that are developing between our countries have great prospects. iran is joining this north-south corridor,
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very actively, and i think that all this will allow it to bypass many american ones. there is such an opinion, what do you think, how true is this, but at the same time they write that iran’s line in foreign policy is unlikely to change much?
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shy away, as some states do from side to side. iran is clearly following the development path that ayat allah amini once outlined, and which they have been adhering to for the last decades. and in this regard , i am confident that iran’s relations with its neighbors will be built on fair conditions, in the event that there are no actions on the part of the neighbors aimed at... undermining internal political situation in the islamic republic of iran. let's move on to another international topic of enormous significance, this is vladimir putin's visit to china, of course,
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during the summit meetings the vector was confirmed, an already established vector, a long- established vector for progressive development for mutual trust for common benefit, precisely this stability, this is precisely what experts emphasize, stability. in relations between moscow and beijing, as a particularly important aspect of this meeting and negotiations against the background of the general international political instability, this is the headline that is now on the screen, respectively, this is the new york times, and the new york times writes: “the warm embrace of sidzenping with putin in china is a challenge to the west, that is, it turns out that good neighborly relations between moscow and beijing and washington like a bone in the throat." please comment on the results of vladimir putin’s visit to china. and accordingly, the reaction of the west is quite, well, you know, the results of the visit were so many comments, brilliant comments from our political scientists, our friends,
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it’s difficult to add anything, in my opinion, the visit is historic, the visit shows that we are moving together, and although we are back to back, in the struggle for peace, we are always close to china, and we feel its help and support, i think , the fact that the hysteria started in the west was... by accident, for some reason they really wanted to quarrel us with china, they tried, therefore, to completely isolate russia, china did not allow this, china is no less interested in cooperation with us , than we are in developing relations with the people's republic of china, that's what i i want to say, this is the value of this visit, as our president said, it is clear that this is the first visit abroad, but pay attention to this detail, it was a visit to one country, that is, sometimes it happens when visits go to distant countries, along the way you can to visit another country with whom there is some kind of preliminary agreement, no, there was
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a visit to china and back to moscow, we emphasized the importance of this visit, that for our visit, this visit is of fundamental importance for us, but as for the west, well it's clear that he upset, but excuse me, we don’t get upset when they gather with the big seven and attack...
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but you know, we need migrants, these are very disciplined, very organized people who will work, do their, their amount of work, and return everything
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to homeland, and no... well, firstly, from my side this is a sign that this conference will discuss the situation in a country whose president will be illegitimate starting tomorrow, we deliberately did not talk about this for a long time, although it has long been known that on may 21 powers he is drained completely, today is the last day of his presidential powers, and what function will mr. zelensky perform at
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these presidential negotiations. what, who, who elected him? i think this is the weakest point of this conference. secondly, you see, the leading countries of the world either completely refused to participate in this conference, or they are sending people not the leaders of their states and not even second persons, but third, fourth, that is, they seem to pay tribute, but nothing more , thirdly, switzerland, unfortunately, to our great, already is not a neutral state, so switzerland’s platform for peace negotiations, in my opinion, is not the most successful, here ’s the last thing, the fact is that this conference begins at the moment when the ukrainian army really begins to lose to us, yes, there is still no big counter-offensive, but the offensive actions that we are already conducting in the kharkov direction, in other directions, in a special military operation show that the ukrainian army is very intensively retreating
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with all its support. support that they the west, in reality, it cannot resist our army, the entry into force of the law on the mobilization of this draconian will lead to the fact that men of military age will simply leave ukraine, there will be no one to fight there over time, but we hope that the ukrainian people will get rid of this regime , sooner or later we will have a counterpart for negotiations who will be a patriot of his country and a friend of our state. thank you very much, thank you vladimir mikhailovich for the detailed answers, vladimir dzhabarov, first deputy chairman the federation council committee on international affairs was in contact with the fifth studio, discussing the most pressing news on the international agenda. studio 5 was live, see you. contract military personnel receive regional support measures. combat veteran status. exemption from land
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tax. compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran in connection with the death president of the republic ibrahim reisi. the telegram was published on the kremlin website. the russian leader noted that racey was an outstanding politician and, as a true friend of russia, made an invaluable personal contribution to
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the development of good neighborly relations between our countries. countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. a helicopter carrying iranian high-ranking officials crashed in the east of the islamic republic. the government delegation was returning after a visit to azerbaijan. and now the connection with our own correspondent in turkey, leyla alnazarova, comes out of the studio. leila, hello, what information do you have up to this hour? daria, greetings, national mourning has been declared earlier. in connection with the death of the country's president ibrahim raisi, it is reported that the process of identifying all the bodies of those killed in the helicopter crash is now underway. ibrahim raisi, who became the eighth president of islamic iran 3 years ago, was martyred on the night of the birth of imam riza, peace be upon him. the iranian government issued a statement after the death of president raisi. and
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