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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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central asia is returning to a unified energy system, how it will be organized, what advantages it will create, as well as other news from central asia , see robert frantsov’s review immediately after the advertisement. it's hard to miss the legendary loan. alphabank card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, get a superkick in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, not just profitable, alpha profitable! ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of flavors, try your favorite ice flavors delux and new mango only at a delicious point! remember what they told you when you?
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asia. in the next half hour we invite you to send. join us on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today the program is “decommunization in reverse.” central asia returns to unified energy system developed back in the soviet union. at the same time, the region is preparing for an acute water shortage in the summer, and china is ready to fill the markets of central asia with its vegetables and fruits. a verdict was passed in astana in a sensational case. former minister of national economy of kazakhstan. akuandyk beshinbaev was sentenced to 24 years in prison. the guilty verdict was handed down on two counts: murder with extreme cruelty and torture. beshimbayev was detained in november last year. in one of the restaurants in astana there was a quarrel between him and his common-law wife sultana tnukenova. the woman died from beatings. the director
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of the gastrocenter, bakhidzhan baizhanov, who is a relative of bishimbayev, was convicted of concealment and sentenced to four years in prison. well, against the backdrop of another scandal of sexual violence, a diplomat beat his wife in kazakhstan, now they will additionally check the psycho-emotional state of foreign ministry employees. the test was introduced after accusations of domestic violence against the former adviser to the ambassador of kazakhstan to the united arab emirates, saken mamash. on may 6, meade recalled the diplomat to kazakhstan after the publication of a video message from his wife, karina mamash, where she stated regular domestic violence. the ministry also arranged a flight home for the wife and her children. after this, the woman is interviewed. told reporters that her husband’s relatives knew that he was beating her. the ministry of foreign affairs of kazakhstan continues to understand the situation, but just in case, they have already introduced a new psychological test for diplomatic workers. every year, when traveling abroad , employees who work in embassies undergo psychological and neurological
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commissions. we recently launched a new program with the civil service agency that all our employees must complete. testing checks the psycho-emotional state. this is necessary because to work abroad. a thorough examination needs to be carried out. the alleged accomplice of mukhtar ablyazov, alexey bogdanov, voluntarily returned to kazakhstan from belgium. for 15 years he was wanted in connection with theft at bta bank. according to some reports, he acted as a figurehead for the fugitive kazakh oligarch mukhtar ablyazov. let's remember the story of the fugitive banker and self-proclaimed main opposition leader of kazakhstan. in 2017, a court in kazakhstan sentenced mukhtar ablyazov. to 20 years in prison with confiscation of property for creating a criminal community and theft of 7.5 billion dollars, and a year later this was added to life imprisonment for organizing the murder of the former chairman of the board of bta bank, however, the person involved was
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only brought to trial in absentia, he is hiding abroad for 15 years now, the oligarch himself has repeatedly positioned himself as the alleged leader opposition and prisoner co. at the beginning of the 2000s, he participated in the activities of the so-called democratic choice of kazakhstan, which , under the pretext of the fight for human rights, actually called for a coup. then oblyazov was accused of abuse of power and sentenced to prison, but was pardoned when he promised that he would no longer engage in politics. however, mukhtar ablyazov recalled his political ambitions in january 2022. he assured that someone was manageable. their headquarters coordinates mass riots with the aim of seizing administrative buildings and seeks western intervention, although a little later the ex-banker retracted his words, and astana did not receive an official reaction to them. bogdanov was not even taken into custody, he paid bail and is at large,
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apparently, he has already handed over all the necessary documents. we will discuss what this news means for the opposition and for the state system with kazakh political scientist seifulin. freedom is a forced measure, as you know, we have an interdepartmental commission headed by the anti-corruption service for 2 years, and after the january events it has been conducting an active fight against those who withdrew funds from kazakhstan, a lot of work is being done to return these assets, and mukhtar ablyazov is one of the main beneficiaries, beneficiaries, who withdrew several billion dollars over 10 years from...
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but the fact is that one of his accomplices, one of the figureheads, who was a nominal leader in his companies, decided to return to his homeland to cooperate with the investigation, this is the work of our law enforcement agencies, this is not, again, i repeat, not his sense of patriotism, yes... 15 years since he was hiding abroad, and as is known, he was extradited from belgium. and given the transmitted data, how, in your opinion, can this affect the future fate of oblyazov? well, in fairness, it should be noted that bogdanov is not the first counterfeiter of oblyazov who returns to his homeland and cooperates with the investigation; before that, his uncle, also one of the front men in his offshore companies, returned to kazakhstan several years ago, too. actively cooperates, actively works, and i think, of course, we don’t know all the details of criminal cases, yes, but
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we can believe that, of course, a very large layer of information, which, let’s say, reveals all of oblyazov’s schemes, they, of course, go to our law enforcement agencies, but there is another important point to note, i think, in fact , in principle, nothing can help oblyazov maybe, but it will do a lot of harm, because he is already at the maximum yes... upon returning to kazakhstan he will receive because of his financial frauds and for, we must recall , incitement in the january events, yes, when we had riots, he was one of those who from abroad very actively called people to unlawful actions, to offenses, crimes, this case is open, so here oblyazov, you need to understand, is not an opponent of this or that political regime in the country, he is... a professional opponent of the country, its foundations, its laws, so here, i i think, plus
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several criminal cases, of course, are very important within the framework of the law, yes, but they, i think, will not harm him in any way, he will get the maximum if he returns to his homeland, and of course, now our main task is, the task of our law enforcement agencies is to lead negotiations with the country where he is now located. as you know, this is france, but about extraditing him to his homeland, and for him to stand trial. and to other events of the week. migrants applying for russian citizenship will likely have to take a language exam in a new format. rosobrnadzor proposed supplementing the written test with an oral task, that is, a test of speaking ability. this approach should minimize the likelihood of falsification. let me remind you earlier that... exams were withdrawn from commercial organizations, now only state
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universities have it, which again minimizes the likelihood of corruption schemes. employees of the bishkek city hall are now prohibited from using personal cars on tuesdays and thursdays. mayor aibek dzhunushaliev explained his decision by saying that, according to statistics , on the second and fourth days of the week the roads of the capital of kyrgyzstan are especially heavily loaded, and transferring municipal employees to public transport will at least help. reduce traffic jams a bit. a festival symposium shashmakom dedicated to traditional tajik poetics and musical culture, which is included in the unesco list of intangible heritage. her works sound like this. well, and also about the preservation of folk arts. this is an eighty-year-old resident of kazakhstan's oktao, bullar atibai. who sews authentic outfits from fabric and camel wool in the national style, also creates decorations for yurts, she
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constantly receives orders from all over the country, and despite her venerable age, the grandmother works every day. central asia is systematically restoring a unified energy system according to soviet patterns, already within this month tajikistan plans to connect to a single energy ring, and... the desire to connect countries in the energy sector of uzbekistan, zhurabek mirza , within the framework of a single project, was told by minister makhmudov. it really turns out that the secret of the bright future of the region is in the soviet, dark, according to some. the unified energy ring of central asia was designed back in the sixties by the best soviet engineers; even then the region faced an acute problem of how provide energy to the population and industry while saving scarce water. the project began to operate only in the late nineties, then the ring consisted of 83 stations, most of them were located in the mountains of kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. in the autumn-winter
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period, these two republics had to accumulate water resources in order to release them downstream in the summer, producing... primarily uzbekistan. moreover, during the cold period, when tajikistan and kyrgyzstan experienced a shortage of electricity, they they compensated for it with supplies of petroleum products, gas and coal at preferential prices. turkmenistan was the first to leave the energy ring in 2003, then 6 years later tashkent, followed by dushanbe. they decided to revive the project in 2019. and it’s simple: the strategy for the development of the region, as it was seen in soviet times, and those. the problems that they tried to solve in connection with this, all this is still relevant today: a growing population, a lack of water and electricity, topics number one, critical issues to this day, it turned out that it is better to solve them really together, this is actually what is happening, uzbekistan will allocate 922 cubic meters of water to kazakhstan for the irrigation period, the decision was made
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at a meeting of the interstate commission, which includes kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan. for now. central asia. who else we will definitely have to cooperate with is afghanistan. the construction of the giant koshtipa canal, which we have already talked about many times, could affect the fragile water supply system of the entire region in the most dramatic way. the length of the first section of the canal is 108 km. it originates from the river omu darya and reaches the vlatobatsky district of balkh. construction continued. in the second stage, it is planned to build a section of the canal with a length of another 177 km. a decrease in water in the amu darya will inevitably lead to an increase in water withdrawal for agricultural and other needs from the syr dorya, which will again give rise to problems of shortages for other regions. well, dry , lifeless soil, as you know, is the best soil for conflicts. the taliban, however, reassure the neighbors, at least in their own way,
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saying: don’t worry, we physically cannot take more water than we are supposed to according to... people's law. we will discuss how things are going with the canal on the eve of the new irrigation season with bulat yesekin, coordinator of the central asian platform on water resources management and climate change. so water remains a scarce resource for the region, what are the forecasts for this irrigation season? water is the main barrier to the future development of all central asian countries, that is, not energy resources, not human capital, not the economy. namely water resources, so all forecasts indicate that there will be tension with water increase, because glaciers are melting very quickly, the president of tajikistan spoke about this, other scientific institutes talk about this, that is, we see a reduction in water flow along all rivers, while economies are taking more and more water, because in all countries of central asia in in afghanistan, the government has plans to
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increase, to increase water intake , that is, tension will increase and a decision on... there is no response to this. this will be the first irrigation season when the canal will be fully operational koshtipa. what is the latest data coming from there, what are the forecasts for the neighbors? there is open access in publications containing data on the latest satellite observations, it shows that the canal continues to be built at a very fast pace and will soon reach its design indicators, its length is 285 km with water intake of almost 20% of it. doria with the selection of this water for irrigated lands, of course, it is a very significant additional burden on the entire basin of the naral sea, which, as is known to the whole world, suffered an environmental disaster, that is , the largest body of water on the planet simply completely disappeared, so the tension will increase, and all countries, which means today i understand that there are no worked out
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solutions in central asia, the only thing that was proposed by president akaev and the presidents of uzbekistan and turkmenistan , in order to massively introduce water-saving technologies, and president takaev, he proposed that this means creating a regional city consortium for the basin, which will jointly regulate the interests of the use of production, use water energy in the interests of all parties, including afghanistan, it seems to me that this work must now be increased and implemented to replace the previous soviet-era water allocation decisions, which in conditions of water shortage are becoming less and less effective. in your opinion, in general, how vulnerable is the water supply system of the entire region now and how such a factor is the emergence of... a new channel can become a kind of trigger for that domino, which will be followed by an irreversible process. today, all over the world, the main thing is
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first place comes to the problem of preserving nature, preserving the stability of the climate, as part of this near-sustainability, therefore, today everyone understands that by undermining the natural foundation, destroying natural ecosystems, we are very quickly worsening the conditions in which human life is generally possible. an example from central asia. the aral sea is a striking example of the excess of anthropogenic activity above the capabilities of natural ecosystems, which means, of course, the natural ecosystem of the orey basin vulnerable, we saw this from the disaster and it is necessary today to take measures to preserve at least the remaining aquatic ecosystems, the northern plowshare, other bodies of water, to slowly restore the economy on them and around them, especially the lives of interlocal people. because only this today is the best response to growing climate change and increasing water scarcity. and to other
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events. one of the enterprises of the russian defense industry offered a job to a native of uzbekistan, dvornik alimjon ibragimov, who became famous throughout the country after rescued two residents of st. petersburg from a fire. let me remind you that he climbed up to the hot apartment through a drainpipe, without any insurance, and only after. it turned out that ibragimov has the rank of welder, that is, his skills could be useful at a defense plant. meanwhile, the governor of st. petersburg noted the courage of kazakhstani erkhan akhanov. he was one of the concerned passers-by who came to the aid of the passengers of the bus that crashed into the car wash. along with others, he received a badge of honor from alexander beglov. beauty traditional turkmen embroidery could be appreciated at a competition in ashgabat, where talented craftswomen from all over the republic gathered. on first. at the competition stages they had to demonstrate their knowledge about the history of national ornaments, and at the final stage they had to embroider a very complex pattern in a limited time. representatives of the central asian
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republics took part in the fifteenth international economic forum russia - islamic world. various regional products were presented at the kazan expo site manufacturers from manufactured goods to agricultural products, and numerous contacts took place at the level of large businesses. and continuing the theme of the forum: afghanistan needs russian wheat. the issue is very sensitive for afghans. according to the taliban minister of industry and trade nuriddin azizi, afghanistan specifically needs russian wheat. at the same time, kabul is asking for a price reduction. and there is an unexpected turn in the development of the food security issue. china will feed central asia. new food supply channel opened in senzyan. a cooling and dispatch system has been launched at the jiudin wholesale agricultural produce market in urumqi. trucks loaded with forty tons of fresh vegetables and fruits
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headed through the khargos checkpoint to almaty. well, about the scale, according to chinese officials, the market will be able to send from 100 to 200 tons of fresh vegetables and fruits to central asia every day. according to statistics from chinese customs in hargos, from january to march this year, the volume of exports of fruits and vegetables through the checkpoint. state total 112. increased compared to the same period last year year by almost 700%. on the one hand, of course, i want vegetables and fruits to be cheaper, this is like an objective desire, the problem is different, the problem is that destabilization of prices for all sorts of different supplies in our situation can cause serious local losses for farmers and suppliers along the chain, like in kazakhstan. so in russia, so in uzbekistan and so on, that is, in fact , the market is quite balanced, yes, everyone supplies their vegetables and fruits on time, small batches are enough, which will
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bring down prices during the season, and seasonal supplies may bring local suppliers less money, and less money means the inability to cover loans taken for planting, taken out for maintaining the crop, for growing, and this in general can be serious. a chain, well, not bankruptcies, but a chain of troubles can definitely happen. and again in the saddle, the national leader of the turkmen people, gurbanguly birdumuhamedov, made a working trip to arkadag, where he visited the international academy of horse breeding. hero arkadak is the official title of berdamukhamedov sr., met with children interested traditions of national horse breeding. they talked, of course, about the beautiful okhaltyak residents. during a horseback ride around the arena, arkadak told young listeners about the features of equestrian sport and its history. that's all for now, stay in the saddle and see you next
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week as usual in the center of asia. and take care of yourself. and now, in addition to the messages of the slent news agency, vladimir putin sent a telegram to sidinpinu, in which he thanked the chinese leader for the warm welcome in china and expressed hope for the continuation of the dialogue. vladimir putin said he would be happy continuation of constructive, comradely dialogue and close teamwork. and he also noted that sidinpin is always a welcome and dear guest in the russian federation. and now let's return to the first topic of the issue: the helicopter crash with iranian president ibrahim rasi. russia was ready to join the search operation and had already prepared two helicopters for this. and this is what the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov said. late the night before, well actually closer to midnight, when alarming information began to arrive from tehran, the president invited ambassador
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irano. a conversation took place in moscow, where the president, after listening to the ambassador, immediately gave operational commands to the heads of departments; in the shortest possible time , a special group was prepared, which included a group of 60 people prepared for mountaineering tasks, with all the necessary equipment, a rescue center group and a special group leader, who could begin ... a rescue and search operation, they urgently flew towards tabriz, when the first plane had already approached tabrizo, she came sad information, tragic information that the remains of a helicopter were found, by agreement with the eran side, our plane actually turned around over the tabrizo airport in the air and already went back to its home point, the second plane also turned around.
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iran mourns the dead members of the delegation. five days of mourning have been declared in the islamic republic. the funeral will be held tomorrow in tabriz. the russian president expressed his condolences; flowers are being brought to the iranian embassy in moscow. in the lpr, a series of powerful explosions by the ukrainian armed forces
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hit civilians in the yubileiny village. already french-made rockets are known. how is the situation there now? the cabinet of ministers will continue to support new regions. the focus on small businesses will create new jobs. how much money will be allocated? and 16 villages are flooded in yakutia, 500 houses are under water. rescuers are helping local residents. difficult situation in the omsk and tyumen regions. what are the forecasts? vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran in connection with the death of the president of the republic ibrahim rasi, telegram published on the kremlin website. the russian leader noted that raisi was outstanding politicians and as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. putin's contacts.


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