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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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in the lpr, a series of powerful explosions from the armed forces of ukraine hit civilians in the village of yubileiny. the french-made missiles are already known, as is the current situation on the ground. cadmin will continue to support new regions. the focus is on small businesses. new jobs will appear. how much money will be allocated? and 16 villages are flooded in yakutia, 500 houses are under water. rescuers are helping local residents. difficult situation. what are the forecasts? vladimir putin expressed condolences to the iranian leadership over the death of the president of the republic, ibrahim raisi. telegram published on kremlin website. the russian leader noted that risi was an outstanding politician and, as a true friend of russia, made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. contacts of putin risi. they were kept
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constantly, the last time they met in person in moscow was in december last year, this year they spoke twice on the phone, the last time on april 16. in total, since reisy took office in the twenty- first year, he and putin had five face-to-face meetings and a dozen and a half telephone conversations. it is already known that the funeral of the flights will take place tomorrow in the city of tabriz, local authorities announced this. the country's spiritual leader ali khaminiya declared five days of mourning in the republic. mourning has also been declared in pakistan and lebanon. neighboring countries are closely monitoring what is happening ; our own correspondent leila alnazarova contacts the studio. leila, hello, what will the power structure in iran look like in the near future and, in general , what statements have already been made? yes, alexey, greetings, an emergency meeting of the government has already taken place, now i’ll tell you more about it, but before that i would like to note that the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz. this was stated by the governor of east azerbaijan province. iranian authorities say the bodies are dead.
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in connection with the strategy , a five-day national lockdown has been announced in iran. all the while the work of this noble and selfless man, both during the short term of his presidency and before that, was completely carried out in unceasing efforts in serving the people, country and islam. ravisi never felt tired. in this tragic incident , the iranian people lost someone who served them sincerely. the iranian government, after an emergency meeting, issued a statement after the death of the rsi president.
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the struggle of tendencies for certain important details of the socio-economic development of the country, this is what will inevitably happen during the presidential, this new competition between the leading political and religious figures of the country. i agree, article 131 of the iranian constitution in the event of the death of the president, his powers are transferred. to first deputy from 2021,
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this position is occupied by sixty-eight-year-old muhammad mokhber, the first vice president is considered close to supreme leader ali khamenei, who has the final say in all government matters of iran. according to the constitution, the first vice president will act as president; a council consisting of the head of the judiciary, the speaker of parliament and the first vice president are required to decide on the election of a new president.
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in iran. the helicopter crash was a real shock for millions of iranians. the search operation continued throughout the night. now experts have to answer the question of what exactly caused the disaster. our own correspondent in the middle east , alexander belibov, studied footage from the scene of the tragedy. these are the first images from the scene of the helicopter crash of iranian president ibrahim raisi. the search and rescue operation continued all night, but it was only at dawn that rescuers were able to establish the exact location helicopter. judging by these images, the aircraft crashed onto a steep slope and caught fire. it can be seen that the body of the helicopter was completely burned out. among the officials on board , in addition to the iranian president, was the minister of foreign affairs. country governor of the iranian province of east azerbaijan, imam of tabriz. according to preliminary data, none of those on the helicopter survived. this was reported by the local news agency irna with reference to the head of the iranian red crescent society. when we discovered the location of the crashed helicopter
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president, there was no sign of living passengers. later , another iranian news agency, mehr, also published a message about the death of president ibrahim raisi. and the vice president of iran is mahsen mansouri. i posted this post on my social network page: we belong to allah and we will return to him. in this footage, taken just a few hours before the incident , iranian president ibrahim raisi is on board a helicopter heading to the province of east azerbaijan, where a ceremony to launch a waterworks complex on the border took place on sunday. araks river, in which the leader of the neighboring republic ilham aliyev also took part. after the event is over. the iranian delegation led by president risi departed in three helicopters towards the administrative capital of the province, the city of tabris. this photo shows the exact moment the presidential helicopter took off. it is known that on this trip racey traveled in an american bell helicopter. there are several of these in the iranian government air squad. two
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planes reached their destination safely, but the third one, on which there was the head of the islamic republic, as reported, the iranian media made a forced one. hard landing in a remote mountainous area, contact with him was lost. the first images taken by search and rescue teams in the area of ​​the helicopter's possible landing spoke for themselves: thick dense fog, limiting visibility to just a few meters and heavy rain, difficult weather conditions even for the most experienced pilots. it is possible that the weather was the cause of the disaster; it is also possible that questions will be to the technical condition of the helicopter. cars of this type by iran... were purchased on the secondary market about 20-30 years ago, perhaps it was not the weather or technology that was behind the crash, but the human factor. in any case, there are now far more questions than answers. the tragedy that occurred, of course, became a huge shock for the entire islamic republic, especially now at a difficult
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time for the entire region, when the middle east is engulfed in a series of conflicts and confrontations. however, the peculiarities of the iranian political system are such that in fact... the first person in the state is not even the president, but the supreme spiritual leader ayatallah ali khaminii, who has already stated that what happened will not shake the stability and security of iran, and the country will continue to follow the path of the islamic revolution, both in internal affairs and in international arena. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and aleftina sorokina, lead the middle east. the iranian embassy in moscow lowered its flag at half-mast after the death of the president and head of the country's ministry of foreign affairs. as a sign of memory at the diplomatic representation on pokrovsky. islamic traditions do not provide for international presence at the funeral, said the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, he also noted that russia was ready to join the search operation and had already prepared a group of rescuers for this.
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late the night before, well, actually closer to midnight, when alarming information began to arrive from tehran. the president invited the iranian ambassador to moscow, a conversation took place where the president, after listening to the ambassador, in fact, immediately gave operational commands to the heads departments, a special group was prepared in the shortest possible time, which included a group of 60 people prepared for mountaineering tasks, with all the necessary equipment, a group from the spas center and a special group. which could begin a rescue and search operation, they urgently took off towards tabriz, when the first plane had already approached tabriz, sad information arrived, tragic information that the remains
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of a helicopter had been found, in agreement with the iranian side , our board actually turned over tabrizo airport in the air and already went back to... the home point, the second plane also turned around and landed back in zhukovsky. well, now here’s some footage from the president’s press service, maybe we’ll start with the investment projects, i looked at your ibrus zone there. it is developing little by little and the it park is developing, now we are planning construction,
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yes vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects that have been approved by the government of the russian federation, this is the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc, today it is planned to invest budgetary funds for 24-26 funds amount to 14.5 billion rubles, all this money goes towards infrastructure solutions. mechanisms, places, parking and so on, but besides this, it will be the participants of the free economic zone who will invest there, about 39 billion rubles will be invested, these are hotel complexes, leisure facilities, the second major project in the field of agriculture, we are already... the first stage completed, this is 100 hectares of closed ground, about 18 billion rubles
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the project itself, the first stage of 37 hectares was already commissioned in july 2023, in addition to housing construction - these are complex developments of two large microdistricts, the vostochny microdistrict of about 1.2 m2 of housing and the mei microdistrict of about 300,000 km, we also see economic effects here, because we agree with the developers that at least 10 to 20% should be commercial area, this is again business, offices, trade and so on, in addition to the fact that today we see the multiplier effect through construction as very serious, besides this, of course, we hope that literally soon, this is ternaut tungsten and malebdenovo is a very large project, but what did you say about the it park? “we are moving, now the land has been provided to us, a very large project, together with the caucasus of the russian federation we are planning
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to implement it, indeed our guys are working well in this direction, today they are training guys who work well in programming, they need the necessary infrastructure, because they are all now located on commercial premises, this is where we want to support them, this is in terms of investment, in general..." in the main capital invested in the twenty-third year was about 68 billion or 108% of the same period last year, a good result, good, well, i just wanted to report just a few words about socio-economic development, in principle , the gross regional product, what is already estimated at twenty in the third year - this is 291 billion, we expect, but in general the forecast?
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let’s take the estimate that it’s only the republic’s own, about 20 billion, and if we take it with municipalities, it will be 24.8–25 billion, all this allows us to solve social questions precisely within the scope of republican powers. of course, you need to pay additional attention to the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, new construction needs to be carried out. clinics and ifapa. just a few words: as for kindergartens, on your instructions, we
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have already started working, prepared, out of 305 publications, we need to repair 202. even this year, we are already renovating two large kindergartens at our own expense. in addition, through the integrated rural development program, it is also effective. we renovated two kindergartens. and in general, since 1918, we have introduced 55 new preschool education buildings, and accordingly , we will continue to carry out a truly major overhaul, a very serious program. as for the modernization of primary care, we have allocated 7.2 billion rubles until the twenty-fifth year, today we are on track with major repairs, new construction, 271 units of medical equipment should be supplied as part of the program, we have already received 217 today, more than half a billion
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rubles, automotive equipment, medical equipment out of 90. 60 have already been purchased, but we are on schedule, but at the same time this does not solve all our problems, because in terms of visits we are a little behind the federal indicators, if we have 195 per 10,000, then in the russian federation this figure is more than 230, and here we hope that the program, as per your instructions, will continue. work and we have already planned to participate in it, because we need to build four hospitals, about 18 outpatient clinics are needed to build, although we are now building a large clinic in the city of nalchiki, with completion already in the twenty-fourth year for 500 visits per shift, so for 1100 km, we think that it will be
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one of the best in the north caucasus. polyclinics, that is, here we are also very actively involved, i am sincerely grateful to you for the decision to overhaul the children's republican clinical hospital, we have completed the renovation, updated the infrastructure, 17,500 children receive medical services there every year, so well, the most important thing for the healthcare system, this is your decision on social additional payments to doctors. especially in rural areas, we need to solve all the problems with the personnel shortage in kabardino in kabardino-balkaria, 5,348 doctors and employees of medical organizations will receive a total of 1,200 million rubles. only in the twenty-fourth year of payment, this is
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a serious help for them, and i am sure that this will solve the problem of personnel shortages, okay. thanks a lot. this was footage of a meeting between the russian president and the head of the kabardian-balkarian republic. vladimir putin noted that the trip to china left him with bright, unforgettable impressions. the head of the russian state announced this in a message to the chairman of the people's republic of china, sidin ping. the telegram was published on the kremlin website, in which the president also expressed gratitude for the warm, cordial welcome and hospitality. now there is a short advertisement, stay tuned. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property, submit just one application per mortgage in the domclick service. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks.
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bringing victory closer. serve under contract. leaders, brazil and china. egypt, nigeria, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, saudi arabia, and a number of other countries of the global south, even biden will not go there, in ukraine, however over time, zelensky’s powers are drained; the situation in which the kiev authorities find themselves has already been called a failure by the western media. maria skorodilka will tell you why. scholz is a criminal, scholz is a criminal. under water , powerful downpours flood german cities, the traffic light coalition arrives at the scene, scholz takes a selfie, looks at the streams, and pours water, promising to help, but problems
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remain. in just one hour everything went under water, the authorities are not going to help. and to this, and those who promised a lot before the elections, but did nothing, the residents of germany are accustomed to the german authorities they help everyone, but not their own, their money has been given to ukraine for years, but it’s a ukrainian project. we will not concentrate on support from a safe place, we will not send soldiers, we will distance ourselves, but this would mean the beginning of our
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direct participation in this war, i say: no, neither nato nor the united states will become parties to the conflict. kiev is begging for money, asking its partners to train 150,000 soldiers in the combat zone, but the allies refuse. nato training bases and western instructors, if they appear in ukraine, will become targets for russia. believes ex-us deputy secretary of state victoria will not fight for ukraine, even britain, british defense minister shep said in an interview with reporters, faith in any successes of kiev is melting before our eyes. zelensky’s five-year term in office is ending, but he has no plans to leave; there will be no elections. at the same time, ukraine’s romance with the former actor seems to be coming to an end, leading media outlets in the united states write. general fatigue, a stream of headlines about corruption and another concentration of power in the hands of half a dozen...
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literally everyone is being taken to the front, that ukrainians are just meat, officials don’t even hide it. another light war, during the second world war such people were called alarmists, they were simply shot, what to do with such people now? i think the same. in odessa, a local activist was taken to a shopping center. he recorded a video directly from inside the car where the military commissars put him. they wrapped me up, just under the machine guns and said we were going somewhere.
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colleagues who made every effort to help. i would also like to separately thank the russian people and those citizens who came to our embassy laid wine. in fact , this case is still under investigation, but there is no way for one of the versions to be confirmed, so it is still under consideration.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions.
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now economic news, briefly. trade turnover between russia and india in the first quarter reached a record $17.5 billion, an increase of 5% compared to last year. news is written about this with reference to indian. promtorg. more than 90% of trade volume was accounted for by russian supplies. these are mainly minerals. at the same time, our country retained second place in indian imports. only china is ahead with volumes of $25 billion. at the same time , china is also increasing its purchases of russian energy resources. over 4 months, oil supplies in this direction increased by 16%, to almost 38 million tons. in monetary terms, this is 22 billion
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dollars and an increase of a quarter. such data was published by the general administration of customs of china. russia still remains the main supplier of oil to china. in second place saudi arabia, in third - cancer


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