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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the death of the president of the republic, ibrahim resi. published on the kremlin website. the russian leader noted that raisi was an outstanding politician and, as a true friend of russia, made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between the two countries. he made great efforts to strengthen the strategic partnership. reactions to the tragic events in the middle east are coming from all over the world. leila alnazarova will tell you what representatives of the islamic republic itself, as well as experts, say. an emergency meeting has already taken place. the government would like to note that the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz, the governor of the east azerbaijan province announced. iranian authorities say that the bodies of president ibrahim raisi and his entourage, who died in the plane crash, were burned, but they were identified. therefore, dna tests are not required. and the report emphasizes that only the body of ayatyla al-hashem was in better physical condition and had fewer burns, since he was alive within an hour after the helicopter crash and even made a phone call head of administration. president,
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a five-day general national emergency has been declared in connection with the tragedy in iran. at all times, the work of this noble selfless man, both during the short term of his presidency and before that, was entirely spent in continuous efforts in the service of the people, the country and islam. raisi did not know fatigue. in this tragic incident, the iranian people lost someone who served them sincerely. the iranian government issued a statement after an emergency meeting after the death president.
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islamic traditions do not provide for international presence at funerals, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stated this; he also noted that russia was ready to join the search operation; it had already prepared and sent for...
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a group of rescuers, late the night before, well, actually closer to midnight, when alarming information began to arrive from tehran, the president invited the iranian ambassador to moscow, a conversation took place where the president, after listening to the ambassador, immediately gave operational commands to the heads of departments in a special group was prepared in the shortest possible time. which included a group of 60 people prepared for mountaineering tasks, with all the necessary equipment, a group from the rescue center and a special leader group that could begin a rescue and search operation, they urgently flew towards tabriz when the first plane had already arrived sad information came to tabrizo, tragic information that
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the remains of a helicopter had been found, in agreement with the iranian side, our board actually turned over the tabrizo airport in the air and already went back to... the base point, the second plane also turned around and landed back in zhgokovsky. the iranian embassy in moscow lowered its flag at half-mast after the death of the country's president and foreign minister. roses are left as a sign of memory for the representative office on pokrovsky boulevard. people come with bouquets from the very morning. in the lpr, after the ukrainian strike on the anniversary, this is a suburb of lugansk , five civilians were injured. the head of the republic announced this. according to leonid pasechnik. it has been previously established that the armed forces of ukraine used a french -made scalp missile. as a result of the shelling , a fire broke out, a residential building burned down, and dozens of buildings in the neighborhood were damaged by shrapnel. the blast wave also broke the glass. all circumstances are now being established. now there is a short advertisement, don’t go anywhere. great
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news, magnit stores have it. free delivery, and also a 40% discount on popular products, order a magnet in the app, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go to the long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help at the end, it helps restore memory and attention. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on,
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well, here’s real-time footage, heavy rain with hail in novosibirsk, we can see for ourselves what’s happening in the city. generally quite foggy, due to strong winds falling trees, the roof of one of the buildings in the city center was literally blown off, these shots, one can really conclude that there were gusts of wind, because the roof actually practically flew away. the downpour lasted about 30 minutes and ended as suddenly as it began. well, the novosibirsk hydromedical center reported that it was raining with hail. this is quite a normal phenomenon for may in siberia. the authorities of yakutia declared a regional emergency due to the flood . almost 500 residential buildings were flooded in 16 settlements of the namsky district. this was announced by the head of the republic, aisen nikolaev.
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now he is in direct contact with us. aisen sergeevich, hello, and first of all, this is how critical the flood situation is in the region. are there threats of flooding spreading to other areas? how dangerous is it there now? i am now in the village of khatyryk, namsky district of yakutia. here , just yesterday afternoon , the water was standing somewhere up to my knees. today we flew with the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations of the republic, along the lena, looked at populated areas, we see that after all, everyone has made a breakthrough. the ice break has occurred, the ice drift is going well, of course, now we have the main danger for the four settlements of the kabelsky district, which are downstream, just now we have held a republican, republican commission on cherichal situations through the vks, the situation there is tense, but
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still we hope that before an emergency situation such as we have here in amsky, where 12 settlements were flooded, now there are still... many houses are still in the water, it will not come to such a situation, well, we see now these shots sergeevich, how many people actually live in the flood zone, and most importantly, where both people and animals are being evacuated, many have animals there, and we are still here , there were about 3,000 people right in the flood zone, we all no... there were decisions to evacuate this village of khatrek , it was all in full, it was evacuated to the school, there is a stone school next to me, now the temporary temporary detention center is working, there were a maximum of 400 people there, now there are already 140 people, hot meals are provided,
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well, i met with people, talked, of course there were a lot of requests, requests varied from the restoration of documents to the delivery of the ege, for all of them, again, we have a solution. we are accepting, the temporary temporary residence and document restoration is already underway right there, the mfc specialists are working, in principle, all decisions have also been made, where possible the children will be taken in schools, well, after the water recedes. where, after all, schools and social facilities, we feel, have suffered greatly, we will ideally dump these children in other schools, so the situation for us, for yakutia, is enough, well, unfortunately, it’s common, because our rivers are huge and there are always ice drifts associated with flooding, but the village of khataryka was last flooded almost 100 years ago, so of course this is such a big blow for him, unfortunately there are cattle and horses here. but again , an instruction was given within 10 days for our regional ministry of agriculture to develop and
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implement mechanisms to support our farmers who suffered from this flood; we will not leave people alone with the misfortune. yes, the task is important, it was also reported that in the namsky region the body of a drowned man was found who had fallen out of an overturned boat. so, in this regard, how is it now possible and safe to move on boats in such an environment? of course, here you can move around in boats, they do, of course, you must follow safety precautions and categorically, you cannot move at night, unfortunately, what happened just says that these safety rules on the water must be observed, right now, right now, what are the main tasks, what is needed for stabilization. situation, maybe some kind of help from neighbors is needed, help from other federal structures, we are already fully
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carrying out all the work, restoration work on the roads has already begun, here in the village, which literally yesterday there was no access, today it has been restored and access has appeared, work is underway restoration of electricity and gas supply, about 600, more than 600 houses are now disconnected from gas, today it has already been reported that 98 of them have already received gas, but they are also waiting for the water to recede, and in the near future there will also be electricity has been fully restored, and as for the help of federal structures, we are in constant contact with the leadership of the country's ministry of emergency situations, and after tomorrow the minister of emergency situations kurenkov will fly to us, and of course we will definitely assess the entire current situation with confidence from all sides. that if necessary, the necessary assistance will be provided to us, daevich, well, and the forecast
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for further flooding, are there any figures for possible damage to the region and how long will it last? we still have floods on our northern rivers, we are in particular danger called the city of srednekolymsk, tonight the water almost reached critical, there 11 m 87 cm at 12 critical. literally 15 cm remained, but fortunately nature had mercy, a large jam was broken there downstream, and today we no longer see a threat to srednekolymsk, but now the ice drift will continue to flow along the kolyma towards the nizhnekolymsky region, where we have the village of chersky, podhodskoe village, here they are just presenting them as a dangerous tracker, there was danger according to orders, but again in the city in the region... but again, now only at the committee for emergency situations stated that, judging by all the measurements already
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, the jams that formed there, they collapsed and the water level began to decrease, and of course, along the lena river, as i already said, the main thing is that the ice drift passes through the normal kabyai region, the amount of damage after the collapse the waters will be assessed, but we estimate it at about hundreds of millions of rubles based on modest estimates, but the mood is... well, i met with people, they have all come, they have all pulled themselves together, they see that help is coming,
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very big help is coming on the part of volunteers, many volunteers came from yakutsk is helping, assistance is provided by various organizations, i am sure that we as a whole will cope with these difficulties, with the consequences of the disaster, we yakutians always unite, always united, and this time , too, this is the best quality of our population, i see with my own eyes. yes, thank you very much asn nikolaev, the head of yakutia, was in direct contact directly from the scene of the emergency. vladimir putin noted what the trip to china left him with. bright, unforgettable impressions, the head of the russian state announced this in message to the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpin. the telegram was published on the kremlin website, in which the president also expressed gratitude for the warm, cordial welcome and hospitality. the development of kavardi investment projects in balkaria was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the region, kazbek kokov. we discussed the progress of ongoing projects, including in the resort sector.
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should we start with investment projects? i looked at you there. this brooks zone is developing little by little and the it-park is developing into cash , and we are moving towards the it-park now, the land is ours a very large project has been provided, together with the caucasus of the russian federation, we plan to implement it, literally a few words about socio-economic development, today the republic’s budget already in the twenty-fourth year is about 20 billion, and if we take the municipalities together it will be 24.8 25 billion, this allows us to decide everything social issues, of course, you need to pay additional attention to the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, you need to carry out new construction of a clinic and ifapa. as for the modernization of primary care, up to twenty for the fifth year, we have allocated 7.2 billion rubles
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; today we are planning a major overhaul, a new one. construction, and the most important thing for the healthcare system is your decision on social additional payments to doctors, especially in rural areas, this will solve all our problems with the personnel shortage in kabardino in kabardino-balkaria, 5,348 doctors, employees of medical organizations will receive a total of rub 1,200 million only in the twenty-fourth year of payment. this is a serious help for them, and i am sure that this will solve the problem of staff shortages. breaking news is now arriving on the news agent feed. vladimir putin spoke by phone with first vice president of iran mahammad makber and expressed condolences to the iranian people over the death of ibrahim rasi, the kremlin reports. putin, in a conversation with
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makber, noted that he knew and valued resi well as a reliable partner who made an invaluable contribution to the development of relations. between russia and iran, it is also reported that putin expressed condolences to iran's spiritual leader khamenya, acting president muhammad mahber to the iranian people in connection with the death of raisiya, well, now a short advertisement, stay with us. kitford coffee maker or upright vacuum cleaner with discounts of up to 15% and greenworks battery-powered garden equipment with discounts of up to 20% on the yandex market close exits.
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additional subsidies were also discussed at the government operational meeting. vera moroz has details. so, vera, greetings, what else does the government plan to allocate money for? alexei, i welcome small and medium-sized businesses in new regions to replace ship components. expand yours. business create jobs. new regions will receive additional support. the cabinet of ministers will allocate 3.750 million rubles to entrepreneurs of the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. we are talking about small medium-sized businesses, said prime minister mikhail mishustin. the government remains focused on small and medium-sized enterprises, these funds will also go to to help local residents who... they also pay tax on professional income to those who are just planning to start their own business. the decision made will make it easier for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and create new
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jobs. additional support will be received by the onega plant in petrozavodsk, where they also build ships for the arctic fleet. the government is allocating 2 billion rubles for the reconstruction of the enterprise. this is important for the development of strategically important transport. corridor of the northern sea route. one such site is onezhesky plant in petrozavodsk, where, on behalf of the president, the first digital shipyard is being created. it will use highly efficient robotic technologies. the government has allocated 2 billion rubles for the implementation of the second stage of the deep modernization project of this korel enterprise, thanks to which its production capabilities will significantly expand in the next 2 years. in general, the fleet for the northern sea route is expanding, so russia plans to build the world’s most powerful nuclear icebreaker by 2030, in the verf star, said first deputy
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prime minister denis manturov, and by 2037 will produce 92 ice-class cargo ships, including container ships, bulk carriers, bulk carriers and tankers, in order to be guaranteed to cope with such a capacious order, is considering the possibility of building another high-tech one. the government allocated 17 billion rubles for especially important ship components. thus, 35 enterprises have already started implementing 60 complex projects. the first
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samples should arrive. on the market already in next year, as mikhail mishustin emphasized, it is important to establish our own production of all necessary equipment as quickly as possible and achieve technological independence in this area. now it’s 2012, i’m absolutely delighted, i’m amazed, very cool, mind-blowing, simple, i love children, it’s unreal, unreal. history
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well, now we are returning again to the situation in iran, in direct communication with us is political scientist, expert at the ruden faculty of economics, specialist on iran, farhad ibragimov. farhad alishanovich, hello, and first of all, how in iran they are reacting to this tragedy, what it means for the country, for the political system
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of the islamic republic. well, i must say that this is indeed a shock for the whole country, this is an unexpected blow, because no one thought that the life of president raisi, who outlined quite grandiose plans for the development of the country, could end so suddenly, who in those three less than half years that he was in presidential power in the country, noticed a huge number of projects, turned iran really into something very serious direction, which implied his test strengthening relations with new centers of power, people prayed for the health of iranian president ibrahim raisi and foreign minister hoping that good news would come, but unfortunately it did not arrive, now of course people are hoping that the country will pass the stress test very quickly and, specifically answering your
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question, what will happen next. islamic revolution in parliament, which also has considerable weight in iran, one way or another otherwise, of course, the situation now is quite unpleasant, but i think iran will deal with it very quickly. in general , different versions of this incident are being considered, it is clear that there is an investigation ahead, so when to expect the results of this investigation on the one hand, and how they will affect the global architecture.


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