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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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iran mourns the death of members of the delegation in the islamic republic , a five-day mourning has been declared. the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz, the russian president said. the meeting of the president of russia with the head of the region , kasbek kokov, a conversation about the development of kavardin-bolkaria, where they are aimed at attracting investments, the head of state asks to pay attention to the condition of kindergartens and schools. the cabinet of ministers will continue to support
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new regions, new jobs will appear in the spotlight on small businesses, how much money will be allocated? and 16 villages were flooded in yakutia, 500 houses are under water, rescuers are helping local residents, the situation is also difficult in the omsk and tyumen regions, what are the forecasts? vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the first vice president. iran by mahammad mahber, after the death of ibrahim raisi, he acts as president of the republic. the russian leader once again expressed deep condolences to the country's leadership and the iranian people. he noted that he knew risi well and valued him as a reliable partner. earlier, let me remind you, putin sent a telegram of condolences to tehran. vladimir putin and mahammad mahber also expressed their desire to strengthen cooperation between moscow and tehran, the kremlin reported. reactions to the tragic events in the middle east are coming. world,
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what they say in the islamic republic itself and what statements were made by experts, leila alnazarova summarized. an emergency meeting of the government has already been held, i would like to note that the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz, the governor of the province of east azerbaijan stated this, the iranian authorities say that the bodies of president ibrahim raisi, who died in the plane crash, and his accompanying persons were burned, but they were identified; therefore, dna tests are not required. and the message emphasizes that only ayatla’s body. hashema was in better physical condition and had fewer burns, as he was alive within an hour after the helicopter crash and even called the head of the presidential administration on the phone, in connection with the tragedy a five-day national emergency had previously been declared. throughout the work of this noble and selfless man, both during the short term of his presidency and and before that, was fully carried out in unceasing efforts in serving the people, country and islam. raissi did not know fatigue; in this tragic... incident, the iranian people
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lost someone who sincerely served them. the iranian government, after an emergency meeting, issued a statement after the death of the russian president. the cabinet of ministers expressed condolences over the incident and emphasized that there would be no disruption in the governance of the country. it seems to me that the iranians have developed a whole system of measures aimed at ensuring that in case of possible surprises ensure continuity of power and in general. the normal development of the operational situation in the country, but of course, there is an aggravation of a certain struggle for tendencies for certain important details of the socio-economic development of the country, this is what will inevitably happen during the presidential election, this new competition between the leading political and religious figures of the country. according to
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article 131 of the iranian constitution, in the event of the death of the president, his powers are transferred to the first deputy in 2021, this position occupied by sixty-eight-year-old muhammad mokhber. the first vice president is considered close to the supreme leader and has the final say on all iranian government matters. according to the constitution, the first vice president will serve as president, a council consisting of the head of the judiciary and the speaker of parliament.
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the people's republic of china, the prime minister of iraq, the chairman of the european council and the head of the government of pakistan, public mourning has been declared there. lebanon has also declared mourning as a sign of solidarity with iran. leilal nazarova, daria leonova, vesti turkey. the iranian embassy in moscow lowered its flag at half-mast after the death of the country's president and head of the ministry of foreign affairs. as a sign of memory , roses are left at the di representative office on pokrovsky boulevard. people come with bouquets from the very morning. tehran has not yet asked moscow for help in investigating the helicopter crash. ibrahim rysia, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, no signals were received in this regard. as for the presence of foreign representatives at the funeral, peskov recalled that islamic traditions do not provide for this. press secretary the russian president also said that russia was ready to join the search operation in iran and had already prepared
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a group of rescuers for this. late the night before, well, actually closer to midnight, when alarming information began to arrive. from tehran, the president invited the iranian ambassador to moscow, a conversation took place where the president, having listened to the ambassador, immediately gave operational commands to the heads of departments, in the shortest possible time a special group was prepared, which included a group of 60 people prepared for mountaineering tasks, with all the necessary equipment, a group of the center... rescue and a special group leader, which could begin a rescue and search operation, they urgently flew towards tabriz, when the first plane had already approached tabriz, sad information arrived, tragic
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information that the remains of a helicopter had been found, in agreement with the eran side, our board actually turned over the tabriz airport in the air and already... went back to its home point, the second plane also turned around and landed back in zhukovsky. all over the world, condolences are being expressed in connection with the death of iranian president ibrahim raisiya. in addition, arab and turkish communities are discussing what could have caused the tragedy. natalya goncharova collected the latest details. the russian embassy in tehran expressed condolences after the death of ibrahim raisi and his associates. the diplomats wished the iranians patience and soul. perseverance. we were very eager to help. by decision of the russian president, rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations were urgently sent to iran. in solidarity with our iranian friends, state the flag of the russian federation on the embassy building will be lowered. prime minister
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of pakistan shahbas sharif addressed the citizens of the islamic republic. islamabad declared mourning as a sign of solidarity with the people of iran. countries in the arab world, for example, egyptian president abdulfattah, also joined in the words of grief. colleague whose efforts to bring peace to the iranian people and our region, i have personally witnessed. three days of mourning after the death of raisi were announced in lebanon and syria ; the krants appealed to the european union. chairman european. council charles michel said that brussels expresses condolences to the families of the victims. meanwhile, the arab media are analyzing the causes of the accident. the iranian president and his associates flew from azerbaijan on an american-made bel-212 helicopter. an aviation analyst expressed his opinion on the possible reasons for his
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fall on al jazeera. i believe the weather played a key role here - fog, rain, snow, mountainous terrain. most likely the helicopter was hit by a blade. islamic revolution during the iran-iraq war war. he was on the eu sanctions list for 2 years. arab and turkish media are analyzing how this will change.
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for the state, a decision, if you look from this position, then a change of president will not lead to significant changes. in iran, no disruptions in the functioning of the state system in the islamic republic are expected at all times. even before the official announcement of the death of risi and other high-ranking officials, the american atlantic published a material with the headline who benefits from the death of the iranian president. the publication predicts violent political struggle in the islamic republic while spreading fake news about fireworks in tehran tonight. elections in iran after the death of the president according to the constitution.
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kozbek, kokov, we discussed the development of the resort sector and social issues, maybe we can start with investment projects, i looked at yours, there this bruss zone is developing little by little, and the it park is developing, and in the it park, we are moving, now the land we have been given a very large project, together with the caucasus of the russian federation we are planning to implement it, just a few words about socio-economic development today.
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in addition to the condition of kindergartens, we must, of course, pay attention to schools, timely repairs, we need to carry out new construction, clinics and ifapa, as for the modernization of primary care. until the twenty-fifth year , we have allocated 7.2 billion rubles, today we are planning on major repairs, new construction, and the most important thing for the healthcare system is your decision on social additional payments to doctors, especially in rural areas, it’s up to us to solve all the problems, but with the personnel shortage in kabardino- balkaria they will receive 5,348. doctors, employees of medical organizations for a total amount of 1,200
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million rubles. only in the twenty-fourth year of payment, this is a serious help for them, and i am sure that this will solve the problem of personnel shortages. in the lpr, five civilians were injured as a result of the ukrainian strike on the anniversary, this is the suburb of lugansk. according to the head of the republic, leonid pasechnik , it was previously established that the ukrainian armed forces were killed in a residential area with rockets. french scalp production. dozens of buildings were damaged by shrapnel, glass was broken by the blast wave, and after the shelling a fire broke out and a residential building burned down. russian troops took control of the village of belogorovka in the lugansk people's republic. our ministry of defense reported this. in addition, our military personnel hit the place where a meeting of the command of the assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces was taking place, and also destroyed the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in another 138 districts. 45 drones shot down. grouping of troops. dnieper destroyed an entire group of saboteurs who were operating on pereyaslavsky island. well, in
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the zaporozhye region they awarded the fighters of the bars volunteer detachment, it is part of the dnieper army grouping. the soldiers of the detachment were awarded the newest medal from the ministry of defense, which stanislav vasilchenko will tell. in the military special operation zone, each of these fighters is at his own request. former managers, engineers, and trade workers left civilian life to fulfill their duty to the people. for the third year in the ranks of the volunteer detachment bars group dnieper troops heroically fight ukrainian war criminals in the zaporozhye region. we are volunteers, we have an idea, we came to defend the interests of our homeland, to carry out the tasks assigned by our supreme commander, we came ourselves to serve our homeland. for their courage and heroism, this time more than 110 volunteers were awarded state awards, a special warrior medal. volunteer. the fighters of the bars squad are among the first in history to receive this award. this is a completely new
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medal approved by the ministry of defense. it is deservedly received by volunteers who, after the expiration of the first contract, enter into a second, and then a third. the medal symbolically depicts minin and pozharsky. one day they also acted as volunteers, gathering a people’s militia against the polish interventionists. after the award, major general alexander tuliganov thanked the military for their effective work and wished the soldiers good luck in their successful performance. volunteers, wish you good health, military happiness, victory will be ours. the governor also took part in rewarding the volunteers. zaporozhye region evgeniy balitsky. the head of the region also spoke with words of gratitude, and also expressed hope that after the victory the fighters will return to zaporozhye and help restore peaceful life. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinokurov, yulia tyushevskaya, lead the southern sector of the military
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special operation. the leaders of south africa, brazil and china will not attend. from ukraine to switzerland, the event will also be ignored by egypt, nigeria, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, saudi arabia and a number of other influential countries of the global south, and even biden will not go there. on in the meantime, zelensky’s powers are expiring for ukraine and for western economies, supporting the kiev regime is becoming more and more expensive. against this background, even the press in the west is already calling kiev’s situation a failure. maria skorodilka will tell you why. scholz is a criminal, scholz is a criminal, in these shots sar is literally under water, powerful downpours are flooding german cities, the traffic light coalition arrives at the scene, scholz takes a selfie, looks at the streams, and pours water, promising to help, but problems remain. in just one hour everything went under water, the authorities can help are not going to. and
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the residents of germany are accustomed to this, and those who promised a lot before the elections but did nothing, the german authorities help everyone, but not. there are advisers who dictate to us that we need to do this and that, it’s harder to talk with the foam of urta, we won’t participate in the creation of a no-fly zone over ukraine, we won’t send soldiers, we’ll concentrate on supporting from a safe distance, but that would mean the beginning of our direct participation in this war, i say: no, neither nato nor the united states will become parties to the conflict. kyiv is begging for money and
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they ask their partners to train 150,000 soldiers in the combat zone, but the allies refuse. training bases on... nato western instructors, if they appear in ukraine, will become targets for russia, says former us deputy secretary of state victoria. even britain will not fight for ukraine, british defense minister sheps said in an interview with journalists; faith in any successes of kiev is melting before our eyes. zelensky’s five-year term in office is ending, but he has no plans to leave; there will be no elections. at the same time, ukraine’s romance with a former actor, seems to be coming to an end, write leading media outlets in the united states. general fatigue, a flood of headlines about corruption. another concentration of power in the hands of half a dozen functionaries has weakened the bonds, reporters state. kiev and moscow were steps away from ending the conflict in the twenty- second. negotiations in istanbul could become a lifeline, writes the french one. ukraine can no longer dream of the conditions spelled out in the draft agreement then, experts said. we call for an end to
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sending arms money to ukraine, we will ask france to facilitate a return to negotiations.
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ukrenergo warned citizens about large-scale power outages starting monday. there remains a significant shortage of electricity in the ukrainian energy system. christina kuruuma will tell you the details. so, christina, hello, what about utility prices? hello. ukrainian media, citing the state statistics service, report that electricity prices have risen by almost 70% over the year. ukrainian authorities have warned that restrictions on electricity supplies across the country will continue for several more months. from may 20 will. during the fall and winter, we need to be prepared for periodic shutdown schedules to be applied. we are in a situation where there is a very strong shortage of electricity production. power plants
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cannot be quickly restored after such severe damage, so shortages may occur from time to time and blackouts may return. ukrainian energy minister herman golushchenko said that over the past heating period, more energy capacity was lost than restored. both in monetary terms they constantly ask for money from western partners to restore energy, and in commodity terms through
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the supply of electrical equipment. the ukrainian authorities are counting on the help of foreign partners at least from the fall of 2023. as prime minister denis shmygal reported at the time, energy restoration had already cost $2.3 billion. the stations are powerful, the stations are old, the equipment for them was not produced on the territory of ukraine, they were built by the entire union, accordingly, it is simply impossible to find spare parts for them, well, except moreover, for example, in the twenty-third year, the kiev authorities seemed to have made a conscious choice in favor of refusing to carry out serious and large-scale work at electric power facilities; they preferred to rely more closely on the flow of electricity from the european union, but... in principle, in the twenty-third this was enough for them for a year. due to shortages in the energy supply system, we have to resort to importing electricity. in april , the country was forced to import a third
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more than in march. ukrainian media, with reference to the state statistics service, report that tariffs for utilities increased by almost 13% over the year. at the same time, electricity prices have risen by almost 70. another threat to the country's industrial sector is the lack of personnel. the largest steel producer, arsenal mittel. warned that there may be a shortage of workers at the enterprise in krivoy rog; according to the financial times, out of 18,000 people, 3,500 have been mobilized. are there risks for other sectors of the economy? the main blow of mobilization in ukraine, naturally, falls on agriculture, yes, since from the villages to the villages, the easiest way, so to speak, is to confiscate men, after the village. the economy is, of course, metallurgy, coal, the remaining coal mines, the oil industry, if we speak regionally, yes, then this is the center
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of the country, and accordingly the southwest. the ukrainian authorities have allocated more than $39 million for the restoration of the zmeyivka and trypillya thermal power plants. as the country warms, electricity consumption has dropped, but blackouts have been avoided entirely. at least for private consumers it is impossible. yes, thank you, christina. christina kuruma, spoke about energy and personnel problems in ukraine. the high court of london ruled in favor of dzhulyan asandzh. this will allow the wikileaks founder to again challenge the previous decision on extradition to the united states. what happens next is that the american authorities will not respect human rights, including the constitutional amendment on freedom of speech. this is what the british considered today,
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including vessels for the northern sea . replenishment of the domestic icebreaker fleet, the route became one of the main topics of the meeting of mikhail mishustin with deputy prime ministers. about, first deputy chairman of the government denis manturov reported to the prime minister how the work was progressing. we are also preparing to launch new modern production facilities, one of such sites is the oneshsky plant in petrozavodsk, where, on behalf of the president, the creation of the first digital shipyard is underway. they will be used on it. highly efficient robotic technologies, the government allocated 2 billion rubles for the implementation of the second stage of the deep modernization project of this korel enterprise. denis mindenovich, well, i want
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to ask you. report in general how things are going the situation with the construction of high ice class ships for the northern bord route, three nuclear-powered ships arctic, siberia and ural are already working in the arctic ocean, the next icebreaker yakutia is planned to be delivered at the end of this year, three more should be completed - work will replenish the fleet during the period from twenty-sixth to thirties . and of course, the most powerful icebreaker that is being built today is the only one of its kind in the world, 120 mw russia, which should also be built approximately by the year 1930. not the weather hit novosibirs, there was heavy rain and hail in the city. residents shared pictures of large ice floes on social networks. in one
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of the districts, the wind tore off the roof of a store, several trees were knocked down, and due to precipitation , nine-point traffic jams formed on the streets of novosibirsk, well, as the weather forecasters explained, hail in may, the consequences of active cyclonic activity.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing sometime, brusley, alive, we don’t need names, hers are not a trosh, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the machine gun, yes. what to do,
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commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to the call sign rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right. in russia, as a result of floods , almost 1,800 houses remain flooded, the situation is difficult in the omsk region and yakutia, where a state of emergency has been introduced, 16 villages are under water, approximately five thousand residential buildings and
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public buildings. now hundreds of specialists are helping to eliminate the consequences in the namsky district. vitaly prokopyev told the details. water is slowly liberating the flooded villages of the namsky district. people are starting to return to their recently flooded houses. the number of courtyards that were flooded amounts to six hundred. in some places, residents travel only by boats. the day before, 16 settlements in the namsky region of yakutia came under power in just a few hours. entrepreneurs suffered shops, destroyed courtyard buildings , damaged houses. we didn’t have time to get out our things, our car, nothing, nothing.


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