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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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yakutia, where a state of emergency has been introduced. there are 16 villages under water, about half a thousand residential buildings and outbuildings. now hundreds of specialists are helping to eliminate the consequences in the namsky district. vitaly prokopyev provided the details. water is slowly liberating the flooded villages of the namsky district. people are starting to return to their recently flooded houses. the number of courtyards that were flooded amounts to six hundred. in some places, residents only move around. by boat on the eve of 16 settlements of the namsky region of yakutia literally in a few hours they found themselves at the mercy of the lena river. shop hope. entrepreneurs' stores were damaged, courtyard buildings were destroyed, and houses were damaged. we didn’t have time to get out our things, our car, nothing, nothing. the porch, we have such a high porch, at first there was water on the porch, then even more water, then even more, then we can’t go out anymore. 92
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units of equipment, including 92 people from the ministry of emergency situations of russia, rescuers organized targeted assistance to the population, evacuation to temporary accommodation points, from gonskot, bank protection work is underway. in several areas , the regional road was also flooded; travel is only allowed in specialized vehicles, but in some areas that’s all.
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it remains to be calculated: now volunteer specialists are providing the population with all the necessary assistance, bringing food, warm clothes and ready-made meals, but the main thing is that the full-flowing lena returns to normal as soon as possible. vitaly prokopiev, sergey zaborovsky, lead yakutia. now economic news, briefly. trade turnover between russia and india in the first quarter reached a record $17.5 billion, an increase of 5% compared to last year. they write about this with a link. to the indian ministry of industry and trade. more than 90% of trade volume came from russian supplies, mainly minerals. at the same time, our country retained second place in indian imports, ahead only of china with volumes of $25 billion. the russian container transportation market grew by 11.5% over 4 months. the total volume is 2.2000 twenty-foot equivalent units. fez's group reports this. container import.
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7%, export 12, transit 20%. the main driver of growth remains transportation through the port of st. petersburg. according to the results of the quarter, bank house of the russian federation doubled its net profit; it earned almost 10 billion rubles. this is data from a report on international standards. the loan portfolio was expanded by 14%. the volume of client funds increased by 11. as for assets, there is an increase of 3%, a total of more than 2.5 trillion rubles. house of the russian federation is a completely state-owned bank with a focus on the mortgage and housing sector. and georgia sharply increased wine supplies to russia in 4 months twice at once. a total of 37 entered our market. a ton worth almost $100 million. this is data from the country's national statistics service. shipments of other goods are also growing, for example, 70,000 tons of mineral water and carbonated drinks were imported, 11% more than the year before. in monetary terms, total.
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magnet, treat for dogs titbit 59.99. magnet, price, what you need. it's hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card. with a whole year of no interest on all purchases. you receive a supercake in rubles every month for free. what do we bring from traveling with avito cashback bonuses? the next avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. children are growing up. we need new
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solutions such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a vautariff, a month. free connections and 100 gb, full control of mine expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card - an adult approach. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. that would be a house with a countryside. better apartment in the center. or not yet. everything can be there from everywhere. find a property immediately and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. the heads of russian regions express condolences over the death of iranian president ibrahim
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resia. the leaders of dagestan, chechnya, tatarstan and the samara region sent words of grief to tehran. one of the first to react to the tragic news was the middle east was the president of russia. vladimir putin. details from anna voronina. an outstanding politician is a true friend of russia. this is how vladimir putin described ibrahim raisi in a telegram of condolences to the leadership of iran. the russian leader noted that the contribution of the president of the islamic republic to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries is invaluable. as soon as the tragedy became known, russia announced its readiness to join the search operation. the president invited the iranian ambassador to moscow. a conversation took place where... the president after listening to the ambassador, he immediately gave operational commands to the heads of departments, in the shortest possible time a special group was prepared with all the necessary equipment, they urgently flew towards tabrizo, when the first plane had already
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approached tabriz, sad information came, tragic information that they had been found the remains of the helicopter, as agreed by the saransk ... country, our board actually turned over the tabrizo airport in the air and was already heading back to its home point. raisi gave his life selfless service to the interests of the people, noted the chairman of the federation council. valentina matvienko emphasized that in the persons of the dead, russia has lost true friends. sergei lavrov, who lost his colleague, the minister of foreign affairs of iran, in a crashed helicopter, also spoke about friendship and trusting partnership in his statement. he noted that outstanding political figures will be remembered as... true patriots of the islamic republic, while, as russian diplomats note, iran's foreign policy will remain the same. i am confident that the continuity of iranian foreign policy on key key international and regional issues will be maintained, and i have no doubt that the traditionally
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friendly relations between our countries will continue to strengthen, and we will continue our close interactions on those regional and not only regional problems. which are of mutual interest. wherein. russian experts emphasize that the foreign policy agenda will depend on the results of the investigation into the causes helicopter crash. when the conditional black boxes are found and decrypted, it will become clear.
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development of the operational situation in the country, but of course, there is a definite aggravation of the tendency of the struggle for certain important details of the socio-economic development of the country, this is what will inevitably happen during the presidential election, this new competition between the leading political and religious figures of the country. in the meantime, in iran there is a time of mourning in the country. five days of mourning have been declared; the building of the republican embassy in moscow is lowered at half-mast flag, flowers are brought to the walls as a sign
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of solidarity with the loss of the iranian people. anna voronina, daria leonova, news. in sevastopol , due to the turbulent situation, exams for the unified state examination and the unified state examination this year will be voluntary for schoolchildren in the region, said governor mikhail razvazhaev. rosobnadzor today also answered questions related to the conduct of the unified state exam, organized a hotline, including the topic of the new procedure for retaking the unified state exam, especially. that, as department experts note, graduates of previous years will have to retake they won’t be able to take one of their elective subjects; anastasia ponko understood the innovations. there will be no global changes in the examination procedure for schoolchildren this year, but still the main news for 2024 is the possibility of retaking the unified state exam. almost every student was probably waiting for this news, because previously, if a student was not satisfied with the final score, he could retake the subject only after a year, and accordingly. he lost the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions immediately after graduation in school. the unified state exam is a very important stage in the life
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of schoolchildren, it determines which university on what basis the children will enter next, sometimes they prepare for a very long time, very responsibly, of course, they are very worried about this procedure, and this excitement, this stress can play a role against them, they may become confused, unable to collect themselves, and this will affect the final result. so, now, if a student doesn’t like his result, then he can... after passing the main exams, retake a subject of his choice, but there are conditions that allow retake only one subject, and if the student agrees to these conditions, then the previous unified state exam result will be canceled, specifically for this subject, which he will retake, and accordingly, he will be admitted to the university based on the new result after retaking, often the presence of such an opportunity, it’s not necessary to use it, that’s already a factor... peace of mind when passing all other exams, if anything, but i have this
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opportunity, retaking is not in order to force everyone to take a mandatory one retake, retake specifically for those guys who are 100% sure that their result will be better. during the hotline, department specialists seemed to answer several dozen of the most popular, pressing questions for students, parents, and teachers. will the unified state exam be canceled in the future and the answer is no, because there is no worthy alternative yet, well, every year the structuring work changes, somewhere the number of test tasks is added or removed, the criteria for evaluating work change, specifically this year there are some global ones there will be no changes in the works, they will be more of a targeted nature, but if we talk about the works themselves, then the unified state exam options for...
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these two tasks are just a few days left before the exams, the points for the unified state exam and the unified state exam are already ready, eleventh grade graduates, first the exam will be taken on may 23, they will write literature, geography and chemistry. ninth grade students will take their first foreign language exam on may 21. anastasia ponko, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev, svetlana mineeva, vesti. children's clinic on kostromskaya street in the north-east of moscow they plan to open in the fall. now there is a major renovation going on, communications in the building will be replaced, the façade and ventilation system will be put in order, the interior space will change, it will become more convenient for
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doctors’ patients, and the offices will be equipped with modern medical equipment. how is the work going? this is a huge volume in all districts of moscow, the task is to complete the main work on these hundred objects by the end of the year, and i would like to draw the attention of the department of health to ensure that they are equipped with equipment and necessary supplies on time. personnel, since in some clinics the number of doctors will increase. informational and entertaining at the same time. the moscow region tv channel 360 celebrates its first decade on air. its recognition has long gone beyond the capital region. varvara nevskaya learned how our colleagues manage to report news, communicate with viewers and talk about the moscow region literally from a bird's eye view. this is
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tv 360 and we are starting. new design, new team, etc. of course, new meanings then in 2014, instead of the former moscow region , 360 appeared on the country's televisions, attractively bright, ambitiously bold, not afraid of experiments, new formats and genres, but most importantly for the people and about the people, about the present. 10 years ago, when this channel appeared, it was, well, one of many regional tv channels in the country, which, well, even in the moscow region.
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he gave us a candidate who he considered progressive, capable of creating channels to engage in smes, and is still with us. the ideas of vyacheslav dukhin formed the basis of the concept tv channel, maintain the informational component, but at the same time become more entertaining, be in contact with the viewer and respond to requests for help to purchase a helicopter in order to talk about the situation from a bird's eye view. to create a television studio where, as it seemed, it simply could not function right in the house of the government of the moscow region. when this studio was being invented, a lot of professional people, sound engineers, said that it did not meet the state standards, that the noise here was not the same as from there , daylight will shine through these windows and generally throw off the entire lighting
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scheme, they were probably right, but we decided to do the studio anyway, firstly, it turned out to be very inexpensive, therefore smart. millions of subscribers and tens of millions of views on social networks, a special pride of the channel: we are thinking through new content, new moves, vertical formats, horizontal, circles and so on, we are thinking about how to adjust the content to the audience’s request, moreover, we communicate with audience, all our cars
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and here in the foreground is the history of a person, his problems that need to be voiced. for 10 years now, 360 has been changing along with its viewer, without wasting that adventurous spirit of a startup, when trying is not scary, but interesting, and therefore the first ten years is just the beginning, happy birthday, colleagues. voronevskaya, news. russian companies are introducing new technologies into the work of their hr departments. some are just experimenting with innovations, while others are already confidently using them, for example, in level checking. engineering personnel or preparation for the future work, this can be done remotely and, what is especially valuable, in an extremely short time, dmitry akimov saw in what areas another reality has found application. i’ve always
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been afraid of heights, but now i can try, maybe even overcome this fear. special glasses, joysticks in your hands, headphones, after just a couple of minutes it seems like you’re really climbing stairs, it’s downright scary, downright scary to step on. there’s a floor under my feet, but i feel like i’m falling into an abyss, diving almost instantly, phew, i’m already sweating, well, of course i’m not afraid of heights got rid of it, but at least i learned how to attach the safety cables, when we find ourselves in virtual reality, we can work very well with emotional immersion, when a person really begins to believe in the situation in which he is, after just a couple of lessons, perform real production tasks, in addition, they will do this in compliance with all safety rules, because otherwise the program
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will not skip the next level. here we have a toolbox already prepared, and now we can fix the roofing sheet. injuries after such training for young specialists are reduced by as much as 84%. because these young professionals are already in this. here in a virtual format they tried the whole complex procedure, some chain of actions, they already come there not just knowledgeable, but already, to some extent, able. previously, large companies developed such programs on their own, but now a new platform has appeared in russia, where industrialists and educational institutions can already use finished products. we provide the market with the opportunity to get some kind of showcase where they can choose exactly. ready-made solutions that do not need to be developed from scratch, you do not need to spend a lot of money on it, so the second thing is to get a convenient tool for managing all these simulators, and this simulator, developed at the st. petersburg polytechnic university,
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will allow you to manage an entire enterprise, your task is to satisfy the demand in the product market, it is dictated by external factors and conditions, we have a department procurement, where we purchase raw materials and components, we have workplaces lined up, we can manage the workshop layout, move... these workers, the main advantage here is that in a fairly short period of time we can give participants the opportunity to conduct a simulation to show a the results of the decisions they made. in this simulator, the main emphasis is on lean manufacturing, so that any employee is constantly thinking about improving and optimizing processes. initially, the polytechnic held offline courses, employees invited to the machine. offered to solve optimization problems, now everything is online. over the past year, for example, i managed to train over 5.00 employees of various
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enterprises using computer simulators, and if this were translated into a traditional training format, it would have taken me about 20 years. all these tools, of course, will not replace traditional education and theoretical training, but the level of engineering personnel and, most importantly, the speed of their training. in the near future should increase significantly. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news, st. petersburg. thanks to shopping at the mega market, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. they're attacking credit card debts, i'll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them in 24 months, and
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this is russia 24, the main facts right now.
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what will the kiev regime do without a legitimate president? we’ll tell you how western propaganda is trying to circumvent ukrainian laws. the russian military is moving deeper into the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov direction. the goal is to push back the formation of the vso from the border of the belgorod region. we are waiting for the latest data from our war correspondent. similar, as well as we are monitoring how special military operations are developing in other directions; belogorovka has been liberated in the lpr. in addition, russian troops are striking at ukraine’s energy sector, which serves the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. what are the results of this work? in 6 years , our country may have the most powerful icebreaker, russia, in the near future.


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