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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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[000:02:21;00] fierce fighting continues in the kharkov region. russian units are developing an initiative, the goal of which is to push the enemy deeper into the kharkov
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region and secure it. which is separated from the north by the volchi river, is still under the control of the formation of the kiev regime, also fierce battles are taking place near the settlement of leptsy, why are these two settlements so important: volchansk and leptsy, the enemy used them as a holding area for multiple launch rocket systems, who were involved with with the aim of striking belgorod and
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other major cities of belgorod. region in residential areas, in order to push the enemy back to a distance that will not allow the use of multiple launch rocket systems to strike the cities of the belgorod region, our troops are pushing the enemy back deep into the kharkov region, which the enemy is doing, the enemy is now trying to transfer all possible reserves and at any cost slow down the advance of our army deep into the kharkov region... but also special purpose units, more and these are not only infantry units, but also special units that use fpv drones, the enemy is doing everything possible to isolate the combat area, really massively using attack
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drones in order to strike at... by delivering personnel to the front line also prevents the evacuation of civilians from volchansk and other small settlements that find themselves in the zone of active... their actions , the enemy uses operational-tactical missile systems, several times today a tactical danger was declared throughout the entire territory of the belgorod region, it was said that the enemy was preparing to use operational-tactical missiles, this is either point u or alha, there are western modifications, here now the formation of the kiev regime is accepting virtually all the most modern western weapons systems, which are available in kiev. also in the sky, in the kharkov region, not only our aviation operates, using parrying bombs, but also the enemy uses aviation fire weapons with bombs of french and american production, with planning and
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correction modules, strike, try to strike even on the territory of the russian federation, but the air defense system that the russian army has built is a 90% threat here in the belgorod region. destroys in the sky, here this also applies to rockets and otrk missiles, we are also talking about aerial bombs, aerial bombs, our air defense specialists, in general, destroy virtually all ammunition that in one way or another threatens the residents of the belgorod region, but of course everything it is simply impossible to destroy threats; not a single
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air defense system in the world can shoot down 100%. delivery, both from the enemy and from our side, is limited by fire damage carried out by our army, and the formation of the kiev regime, movements are actually carried out only at night, they are associated with
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a constant risk, because once again it is worth emphasizing, the enemy has transferred to the kharkov region all possible reserves, this applies not only to those units that were restoring combat capability, but... but also to those units that units that were located in other sections of the line of combat contact, in the entire zone of the special military operation, that is , the enemy is from the southern part, the enemy is also from the donetsk people's republic, and is transferring additional forces to slobozhanshchina, it is also worth noting that during the operation it became clear that the formation of the kiev regime did not ensure the evacuation of the civilian population. from the area of ​​​​fierce fighting, now our fighters are doing everything possible to remove civilians from the zone of active fighting from the shelling zones, but the enemy is attacking civilian transport, so evacuation is complicated, colleagues, yes,
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evgeny, thank you, war correspondent evgeny podubny spoke about the situation in the kharkov region, and also about the progress of a special military operation, the russian military of the southern group of troops took control of a populated area.. . cooking, assaults, clearing the area, a labor-intensive and daily process, somewhere the enemy gives up positions and runs without a fight, but somewhere you need to explain to the militants that it’s time to retreat, you won’t last long, and counterattacks won’t help, and how many of them are being undertaken on all fronts,
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but this does not lead to the desired result. in the kharkov region, a unit of the north group repelled two counterattacks, one of them in the staritsa area, this settlement came under russian control a couple of days ago. but, as you can see, the vsushniki cannot accept this fact, it is even harder to accept the fact that it is increasingly difficult to hold positions in volchansk, ours are putting the pressure on, hundreds of meters a day, moving forward, towards the city, and... these are good results. in this direction kyiv's losses per day amounted to about 400 people. in order to contain the russian advance, kiev is sending reserves to the northern direction, from where it can, including western equipment, with which, this is what comes out of it. it was an american stryker armored personnel carrier. he didn’t last long, he met with our lancet. yes, he remained without signs of life on the southeastern outskirts of volchansk. good news from the neighboring front, fighters of the southern group. liberated the strategically important settlement of belogorovka, occupying more profitable
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frontiers position. during active operations, units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions. the enemy's manpower and equipment were defeated in the sporny, rozdolovka, kleshcheevka and konstantinovka areas. as a result of successful military operations , belogorivka of the lugansk people's republic was liberated. enemy losses amounted to more than 340 military personnel. three tanks, three cars. without exaggeration, a big victory, in this direction in belogorovka everything is tied to the key hill of the settlement white mountain the armed forces of ukraine tried to hold it for a long time, but now the line of defense here has fallen. and from this mountain, as the fighters say, seversk is clearly visible, and this is another logistics hub of kiev, to which the militants hold tightly, but after leaving belogorovka the logical question is: for how long? there are enough of them on the dnieper, the group of the same name
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figured out the location, destroyed the enemy’s drg, the armed forces tried to make a sortie, but failed to advance further than pereislavsky island. the enemy is now on the defensive, not taking any offensive actions, based on this we can conclude that now they are not hoarding shells, because even for counter-battery combat against us, they use fewer shells. what they were supposed to use it with, and these shots are not specified, from what direction, our artillerymen eliminated the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces, a lot of personal transport, the militants were hiding somewhere in the private sector, so our military had to demonstrate precise accuracy, they did not let us down, here are some more high-precision pilots paired with rocket scientists destroyed the radar of the german anti-aircraft complex
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iris and the launcher of the s-125 air defense system. will cease to be the legitimate leader of the country, his five-year term of office is expiring, but he seems to care little about this. well, let us briefly recall that zelensky was elected to the post of president in april 2019, at the beginning of 24 in the country, and in the world as a whole, they began to actively discuss the question of how legitimate the government in ukraine is in general. this is due to the canceled parliamentary elections last year and the failure to hold presidential elections in march this year. why zelensky solved. from all these important political procedures, according to the official version, he supposedly
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has the right to do this, since martial law has been introduced in the country, however, this line is believed to be contrary to the constitution of the country, the country, according to the document, such an excuse only works in the case of parliamentary elections, not a word has been said about the presidential elections, so today the political future of ukraine is under a big question mark, but ukrainians, however, are concerned not so much with the question of the legitimacy of their president, but... his further capacity within the current situation in ukraine. as stated in the press bureau of the russian foreign intelligence service , zelensky’s popularity in the armed forces of ukraine is no more than 20%. the ukrainian himself, still president zelensky, feels that he is losing ground, therefore, as stated in the foreign intelligence service, on the eve of the expiration of his term of office, he is desperately trying to get rid of unreliable ones. however, the department notes that anti-green sentiments are growing in the country, and residents of ukraine... will definitely have the opportunity to realize the scale of the built
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zelensky is a pyramid of lies, but the west is still advising the tired ukrainian leader to try his best not to loosen his grip. the americans and their allies persistently recommend zelensky not to loosen his grip on working with the country’s population, to continue to create an atmosphere of fear among civilians, grossly distorting the goals of the special military operation carried out by russia. as the entire history of man shows. attempts to retain power relying on lies and intimidation have never been successful. this will be the case with ukraine. residents of the country will definitely have the opportunity realize the scale of the pyramid built by zelensky. and to give the period of his reign a worthy assessment, they are unlikely to have the printed vocabulary for this. the western media are reacting interestingly to all this. for example, the british magazine economist published an entire article entitled “ vladimir zelensky’s presidential term expires on may 20” and tried to create a kind of, well, let’s call
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it an explanation about what this means for ukraine, russia and the entire western world. and so, as the publication writes, zelensky is literally trapped. he cannot hold elections because of the war, but on the other hand, he will still have to carry them out someday in order to establish himself in power, but even western publications note that zelensky will have a difficult time, because already now ukrainians are wondering: could another leader lead the country in a more effective way ways? well, here the washington post is entering into the debate; the publication openly indicates that the head of the president’s office, andrei, is being nominated for the role of the unofficial leader of the country. well, as the publication notes, he is extremely popular among citizens of ukraine and is even considered the most powerful head of the presidential office in the history of the country. so, to the question of who will be the president of ukraine tomorrow, now more than one answer can be given. meanwhile, in the novosibirsk region
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, the consequences of a powerful thunderstorm are being eliminated. at the same time, a yellow level of danger and threat has been announced for the next 24 hours in the regions of western and central russia. we can talk about this with the leading specialist of the fobst centers, evgei tishkovets. yes, evgeniy is live. hello, period of warm and dry weather it turns out it's coming to an end. good afternoon. yes, but the rains in mid-latitudes will only linger for a couple of days, so residents of the south of siberia should prepare for longer bad weather. thunderclouds covered novosibirs in the middle of the day, at the moment of maximum warming up. a powerful downpour dropped the temperature by 7° from +21 to +21 in a matter of minutes. from 14. the following videos speak about the intensity of precipitation. in some places , real waterfalls appeared on the slopes and road junctions, and the little trees were flooded. some streets were covered with a meter of water, parked cars went into the water on glass. another negative weather factor was squally winds gusting up to
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24 m/s, which tore off roofs. during a break, students at one of the novosibirsk universities saw a fragment of the roof flying away from their building. in some areas of novosibirsk and the novosibirsk region, winter seems to have returned. the downpour there turned into hail, which covered the ground with a layer of several centimeters, and the diameter of some hailstones, according to eyewitnesses, reached 2 cm. in novosibirsk today there are still possible rains, by the end of the day in asat cameras can get up to 42 mm, which corresponds. monthly norm, until the end of the week the weather in the city will remain cyclonic, which means the rains will continue. in total, up to 33 mm of rain is predicted over the coming days. at the same time, the thermometer readings in the daytime will begin to drop from +20 tomorrow to +12 at the weekend. weather disasters similar to the one in novosibirsk on
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monday night were encountered in the czech republic in the vicinity of pordubica and a squally storm was seen. then a rainstorm hit the area, which... brought up to 48 mm of precipitation. rescuers received dozens of calls about flooding, while the rain also turned into hail up to 4 cm in diameter. on tuesday, the cold front of the same cyclonic system that caused the storm in the czech republic will reach central russia. it will bring thunderstorms and showers, which, however, will not prevent the daytime temperature from remaining at the summer level of +225. the most unfavorable weather conditions are expected in the russian north. there in the rear of the cyclone. there are local short-lived precipitation in a mixed phase with night frosts and daytime temperatures from +2 to +7. today's day in moscow has become the warmest since the beginning of the year. the thermometer rose above +24. in the city center it was +25. at night it will be partly cloudy with no precipitation +10-13. tomorrow
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the situation in the atmosphere will become unstable. towards evening , cumulonimbus clouds up to 10 km high will appear in the sky. this means there will be short-lived thunderstorm showers with an intensity of up to 10 mm. the air will nevertheless have time to warm up to +223. a cold front will bring patchy rain and lightning on wednesday . at night it is still + 8:13, in the daytime it is slightly above +20. and in the second half during the week, the weather in the capital will be influenced by the partly cloudy scandinavian anticyclone, which in the future could lead to air warming up to +25-27 by the weekend. without precipitation, ice
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a children's sber card. there are only a few days left before the final school exams: the main period of the unified state exam starts on may 23. today at the cathedral supervision there was a hotline dedicated to the state final certification. we’ll tell you about the new features of this examination campaign right now. so, this year the unified state exam will be attended by about 700,000 participants. final exams will take place in all russian regions, as well as in 54 countries. more than 5,500 points are organized to conduct the final certification. and in accordance with the orders of the ministry of education and rosvobornadzor, usep, in the main. the period will be from may 23 to july 1 and an additional period from september 4 to 23, as noted by the head of rosobrnadzor
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anzor muzaev, everything is ready for the examinations, it was introduced several years ago, thanks to the federal institute of pedagogical measurements, it has been put into practice, so to speak, navigator of the state final certification, where you can use all useful resources not only. bornadzor, in general, all the useful resources that exist today, our testing has shown that we are ready to conduct the next state final certification campaign in 2024, in anticipation of this i once again want to wish everyone success, the main period will open with exams in geography, literature and chemistry, they will appoint ...on may 23. the unified state examination in the russian language will be held on may 28, and in specialized and basic mathematics on may 31. i would like to note that exams in
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compulsory subjects are one of the first on the schedule. next, the final certification in social studies and physics, on june 7 and 8 , students will be asked the oral part and computer science in a foreign language. on june 11, the unified state examination will be held in biology, history, foreign language, and its written part. well, this year there are a number of important innovations. so, first, for graduates in sevastopol, the unified state exam and the unified state exam will be voluntary, as announced by the city governor mikhail razvazhaev. according to him, this is a necessary measure against the backdrop of a turbulent situation. in a week, sevastopol was attacked four times. this morning the air raid signal also sounded: schoolchildren will be able to choose the form of exams yourself and receive certificates for the ninth to eleventh grades. also this year, eleventh-graders will be able to retake the unified state exam. on july 4th they will be waiting for those who did not write computer science, social studies, russian, physics, foreign language and chemistry the first time. and on july 5, schoolchildren will be given
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the opportunity to correct their biology results. the results of the unified state exam appear on average 7-14 days after passing. it all depends on how popular the subject is, that is, the more people take it, the more time required for verification. therefore, results in russian and mathematics take the longest to calculate. you can find out the grades on the unified information portal of the unified state examination, at school, and also at government services. to do this you will need a verified account. uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account.
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bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. pet russia 24, we continue, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the executive duties of the president of iran, mahammad maghber, the russian leader expressed


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