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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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about an outstanding politician who devoted himself entirely to serving his homeland, and also, who will now take office when the elections take place? on may 20, that is, today, vladimir zelensky’s term as head of ukraine expires, but he is trying in every possible way to hold on to power. what will the kiev regime do without a legitimate president? let's talk about how western propaganda is trying to circumvent ukrainian laws. the russian military is moving deeper into the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov direction. the goal is to push back the formation of the armed forces of ukraine from the belgorodskaya border areas. we are waiting for the latest data from our correspondent evgeniy. and we are also monitoring how special military operations are developing in other areas. belogorovka has been liberated in the lpr. in addition, russian troops are striking at the energy sector of ukraine, which serves the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. what are the results of this work? in 6 years
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, our country may have the most powerful icebreaker, russia; in the near future , 4 billion rubles will be allocated to new regions to support business. such other topics were discussed at an operational meeting of the government with mikhail mishustin. and the finish line before the unified state exam. rosubornadzor provided answers to the questions most interesting to graduates. will it be possible to rent? unified state exam for graduates of previous years and what rules will apply to ninth and eleventh graders in sevastopol. on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day: the helicopter with the president of iran fell due to a technical problem, the iranian agency irna reported. at the same time, journalists do not provide details about which specific systems failed during the flight. about the chronology of the emergency. elizaveta khramtsova. without holding back their tears,
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believers across iran gather for prayer to honor the memory of all those who died in the crash of the presidential helicopter. ibrahim raisi, the minister of foreign affairs, the iraqis, and other victims of the tragedy for the islamic republic are now martyrs. iran plunged into five days of mourning. the day before, a representative delegation was returning from ceremonial events held by the iranian authorities. and azerbaijan were carried out in the area of ​​the state border. these shots were taken aboard the presidential helicopter shortly before the start of the meeting. resi was flying in an american -made bel brand car; it was purchased on the secondary market at least 20 years ago. tehran and baku are jointly implementing a number of energy projects and president ibrahim raisi and ilham aliyev discovered a platinum on the araz river. at the end of the ceremony, the iranian delegation headed home in three helicopters, flying over the mountains in the conditions. mana and
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rain. two helicopters landed safely at their destination, but the car on which the president, the foreign minister, the governor of the province of east azerbaijan and the imam were tabriz made a hard landing, the local press reported at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. the search began. during the difficult hours of waiting, iranian residents were united by the hope that survivors would be found at the crash site. by the will of allah, the president will return to the arms of the people, he said with faith. supreme leader of iran ayatallah hamina met with the families of members of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. and the hope was justified with the two people on board, the rescuers were able to establish contact. we managed to contact one of the passengers and a member of the helicopter crew, from which we can conclude that the severity of the disaster was not too great. turkey and russia sent their air crews to help in the emergency zone. azerbaijan, saudi arabia and armenia offered assistance.
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the news of the death of ibrahim resi and other passengers was spread by the government of the islamic republic; the announcement was made in one of the shrines of iran, the imam riza mosque. the eighth president of the islamic republic of iran, hazrat ayatallah syed ibrahim reisi, was martyred while serving to the martyred people of iran and their companions. the supreme leader, ayatallah eminai, addressed the country and emphasized that...
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president raisi was not in office for long, the elections were held 3 years ago, but all this time he devoted to tireless service to the people. dear raisi was a stranger to fatigue, during this bitter event the people. iran has lost a sincere, dedicated and valuable servant. to everything he preferred expediency and the satisfaction of the people, which indicates divine contentment. therefore his suffering, caused by ingratitude and the barbs of his ill-wishers did not interfere with his round-the-clock efforts to resolve matters. in the deserted office of brahim resi, there is a portrait of the deceased president on the table, and a mourning bandage on his chair. upon receiving news of death. the government council met for an emergency meeting; it was chaired by first vice-president mohammed mukhbar, who will head the government until a new political leader is elected. the main topic of discussion was what
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ayatallah raisi had previously emphasized: on the path of our service there should never be any interruptions. the best tribute to this noble martyr and other martyrs is to continue this path with double speed. iran's acting chief executive, mohammad mahber. the russian leader expressed his deepest condolences to the supreme leader of iran, ali khminia, and mahammad mahber to everything iranian. in connection with the tragic death of iranian president ibrahim raisi and other government officials of the country in a plane crash. according to the iranian constitution, in case of death president and his powers are transferred to the first vice-president of the country, precisely mahammad mahber. but this is only possible with
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the approval of iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khaminiya. in iran, he holds the main power and fulfills his duties for life. the president, but also'. mr. mukhbera will need to work on how to strengthen his position in various, let’s say, elite units, parts of the elites, that is, the iranian government, this is among the kolerichal, among the clergy, among the islamic revolutionary guard corps. mahber resi will not serve until the end
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of his presidential term in 2025, but until early elections, the chairman of the iranian parliament's internal affairs committee, mohammad salih jakar, confirmed that they should take place. in the next 50 days, after his election, the new president will present a new cabinet of ministers to parliament for approval, there will be a consolidation of society for about two to three weeks, then there may be some provocations from western services that will try within, in 50 days should presidential elections will take place, and there of course, they can start to interfere with something, try to introduce some of their own programs, some of their own, some kind of color revolutions. but with iran, this is unlikely to happen, because iran has experienced very difficult losses more than once, the press, both iranian and western, calls mohammed mahber the main favorite of these early elections. makhber, like risi, is a conservative who has held the same views in politics for
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several decades and is quite popular in the country. however, there is another candidate, speaker of parliament mahammad ghalibav, former officer of the islamic revolutionary guard corps media him. he is called a technocrat, but this does not mean that he is devoid of political ambitions; he already ran for the presidency in 2007 and 2013 in the seventeenth year, but lost each time. well, the names of the former head of the foreign ministry, mahammad javad zarif , and the former speaker of parliament, ali larijani, are also mentioned. they are considered more liberal politicians than raisi and mahber. the world press is now speculating on a different topic. ibrahim raisi was most likely named.
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russia in tehran expressed condolences after the death of ibrahim raisi and his associates. the diplomats wished the iranians patience and mental fortitude. we were very eager to help iran, according to the decision of the president.
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meanwhile, the arab media are analyzing the causes of the accident: the president of iran, together with his associates, flew from azerbaijan on an american-made bel-212 helicopter. an aviation analyst expressed his opinion on the possible reasons for his fall on al jazeera. i believe the weather played a key role here. there was fog, rain, snow, mountainous terrain. most likely, the helicopter was hit by a main rotor blade during the pilot's maneuver when he was trying to land the plane. there may have been a technical problem, but we also cannot exclude the possibility that
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the helicopter’s tail rotor stopped working. now, until the elections , presidential powers will pass to mahammad makhber. he is an experienced politician, served as an officer in the medical corps of the islamic revolutionary guard during the iran-iraq war. he was on the eu sanctions list for 2 years. arab and turkish media analyze how tehran's policy will change after the death of russia and whether this was outside interference.
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this has been proven over 40 years of its work; the country can quickly rebuild itself. even before the official announcement of the death of racey and other high-ranking officials, the american atlantic published a material with the headline who benefits from the death of the iranian president. the publication predicts a fierce political struggle in the islamic republic and at the same time. spreads fake news about fireworks tonight in tehran, elections in iran after the death of the president, according to the constitution countries must take place within 50 days. natalya goncharova, lead. and just at these moments a message was received on the agency’s news feeds that early presidential elections in iran would be held on july 28. this was stated by the press secretary of the election headquarters of the islamic republic, mahsen islami. june can be considered the day of the fourteenth presidential elections, the news agency quotes him as saying, so let’s continue, if we
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quote him, that the council of guardians of the constitution was proposed to register candidates began on may 28, this is already next tuesday for a second, it’s worth explaining that what is the constitutional guardian council, this is a supra-parliamentary body in iran that is responsible for approving candidates for elections, including the president, right? well , it tells us that there are also reports on the topic of iran funeral regarding the funeral of iranian president ibrahim rasi, they will be held on may 23 in raisi’s hometown of mashhadi, the vice president of iran announced this. well, in other news, the west does not have a weapon that would reverse the negative.
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on the harmful influence of russia, the truth is that since 2014, washington and its allies have created a sea guinea pig in the person of ukraine.
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kabardino-bolkaria was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the region, kazbek kokov, and the progress of ongoing projects, including in the resort sector, was discussed. maybe we’ll start with investment projects, i looked at you there and this brooks zone is developing little by little, and the it park is developing, and in the it park, we are moving, now the land has been provided to us, a very large project. together with kavkaz rev we plan to implement it. just a few words about the socio-economic development. today, the budget of the republic, already in the twenty-fourth year, is about 20 billion. and if you take it. with municipalities it will be 24.8 25 billion, all this allows us to solve social issues, we need, of course, to pay additional attention to the condition
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of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, we need to carry out new construction of a clinic and a health center, as for the modernization of primary care until 25 we have allocated 7.2 billion rubles.
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high-tech products, raw materials and components in all key areas, and of course, which will allow us to rapidly develop science, technology, and
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technology that is based on this. of course, this requires a dynamic expansion of the component base, and both photonics and laser technologies have significant potential in this area. also during the working trip, mikhail mishustin visited the st. seraphim-deveevsky monastery of st. troitsk, where ... kazakhstan kasym zhamart takaev. well
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, also in ukraine, day x has arrived. already tonight, the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky will cease to be legitimate leader of the country. his five-year term is about to expire, but he doesn't seem to care. let us briefly recall that zelensky was elected to the post of president in april 2019, at the beginning of 24 in the country, and in the world as a whole, they began to actively discuss the question of how legitimate the government in ukraine is in general. this is due to the canceled parliamentary elections last year and the failure to hold presidential elections in march this year. why did zelensky decide to abandon all these important political procedures? according to the official version, he allegedly has the right to do this, since martial law has been introduced in the country, but in reality this line contradicts. from the constitution of the country, according to the document, such an excuse only works in the case of parliamentary elections, but not a word is said about the presidential elections, so today the political future
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of ukraine is under a big question mark, but ukrainians, however, are not so much concerned about the question of their legitimacy the president, how much of his further capacity to act within the framework of the current situation in ukraine. as stated in the press bureau of the russian foreign intelligence service zelensky's popularity in the armed forces of ukraine is no more than 20%. the ukrainian himself, still president zelensky, feels that he is losing ground, therefore, as stated in the svr, on the eve of the expiration of his term of office, he is desperately trying to get rid of the unreliable ones. however, the department notes that anti-zelensky sentiments are growing in the country, and residents of ukraine will definitely have the opportunity to realize the scale of the pyramid of lies built by zelensky. but the west is still advising the tired ukrainian leader to do its best. americans and their allies persistently recommend zelensky not to loosen his grip on working with the country’s population and to continue
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creating an atmosphere of fear. among civilians, grossly distorting the objectives of the special military operation carried out by russia. as the entire history of mankind shows, attempts to retain power relying on lies and intimidation have never been successful. this will be the case with ukraine. residents of the country will definitely have the opportunity to realize the scale of the pyramid of lies built by zelensky and give the period of his rule a worthy assessment. it is unlikely that they will have printed vocabulary for this. he reacts to everything in an interesting way. this is the western media , for example, the british magazine economist published an entire article entitled “vladimir zelensky’s presidential term expires on may 20.” and i tried to put together a kind of, well, let’s call it an explanation about what this means for ukraine, russia and the entire western world. and so, as the publication writes, zelensky is literally trapped. on the one hand, he cannot hold elections because of the war, but on the other, he will still have to hold them someday in order to establish himself in power. but even western publications note:
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zelensky will have a difficult time, because ukrainians are already asking themselves: could another leader lead the country along a more effective path. well, here the washington post enters into the debate; the publication openly indicates that the head of the presidential office, andrei yermak, is being nominated for the role of the unofficial leader of the country. he, as the publication notes, is extremely popular among the citizens of ukraine and is even considered the most powerful head of the presidential office. history of the country, so when asked who will be president ukraine tomorrow, now you can give more than one answer.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign
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trigger. everyone has a nickname, adam i, and why adam and not adam, chechen, i’m an artist, white rose , you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusley, she’s alive, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, chamomile, god's light, homer, to the machine gun, no, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebina. no, this is my brother's sweetheart, will you remain a passenger? yes sir.
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now there is new footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon, please. today i propose to discuss not only the current state of the fuel and energy sector.


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