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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. why is the west trying to create the illusion of zelensky’s legitimacy? the bbc and inagentoychveli are lying like a carbon copy, but what are they really saying in ukraine about kiev? the assault on the position of the ukrainian armed forces
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was the first for these guys; they put the enemy to flight and occupied the dugout. the story of the feat of the special forces fighters khakas and zheka. the insidious weapon of nato criminals. footage of the destruction of a french scalp over lugansk caused anger in the okropublik. why is it not an easy task to safely shoot down this missile? i'm drowning in in your eyes, like the uhilland in tisza. ukrainian comedians make fun of. dead fellow citizens, and where are the jokes about the glitch in the reserve plus application for mobilization, or considering the number of drowned people, this is already a reserve minus. ukrainian propaganda is waking up, shops are closing. in kharkov, shopping centers are emptying, there is almost no one on the streets, apartments have fallen in price. where is everyone?
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“there is no alternative president, elections are not a priority for the population, and the legitimacy of the ukrainian leader is not questioned. quote from a bbc material, authored by carefully choosing his expression, he tries to convince the western public that ukraine is still a democratic state. the article, one might say, is celebratory; just today zelensky has officially turned from president into a usurper. his term of office is over." but british journalists do not see a problem, they say, even without elections, the military situation and some kind of popularity allows him to remain in power. the statement, however, is very controversial, according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the rating of the head of kiev office, even among ideologically indoctrinated citizens, is critically low. well, for example, zelensky’s support for the ukrainian army does not exceed 20%, and other theses with the help of which the western media create a mirage of democracy in the ukrainian desert. are also
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easily refuted, anton podkovenko will confirm, anton, greetings, well, real ratings will never be shown to western readers, greetings, and of course they won’t be shown online, nevertheless , some videos are leaked, and there’s stuff about zelensky, just everything that crosses out the bbc: western media are trying to pump up zelensky with legitimacy, but it turns out badly, posts and articles that do not withstand basic fact checks are written like carbon copies, they would at least...
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what are people really saying? every day i realize that every day i am convinced that our government does not act in the interests of ukraine, with every new fact it crashes. endless theft and brutal mobilization in the rear, more and more deaths at the front. here is the real interim result, given that zelensky does not resign from the end of a five-year presidential term, a tragic intermediate result of the rule of the kiev regime. there is no president now,
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there were no elections, which means orders can not be carried out, and the bbc claims that in ukraine supposedly. the economists talk about the legal background of zelensky’s supposed legitimacy after may 20, but even the british admit that everything is very confusing in the ukrainian constitution, they write exactly like this: according to one article , the presidential term lasts 5 years, according to another, the head of state fulfills his
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duties until the inauguration of the new president, while there is an unconstitutional norm that during martial law, which zelensky is extending and extending, elections cannot be held, so if... the norm is not constitutional, then why is he guided by it? this answer can only be given by the constitutional court, its work is blocked, moreover, zelensky’s office is making every possible effort to ensure that such a request to the constitutional court does not happen, yes, because the answer, well, with the greatest probability, will clearly not be in zelensky’s favor. american media on the topic zelensky’s illusory legitimacy does not particularly spread, which is why washington has finally become disillusioned. their puppets, the americans simply have less motivation here to somehow justify zelensky, that’s because, well, i admit that they really are already tired of him in many ways, and they would not be against a change of regime in kiev, with the coming to power of one of other politicians, well, who would be manageable.
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it’s not for nothing that not only the countries of the global south and china refuse to go to the notorious peace conference in switzerland, but also biden, it seems will not be. apparently, the summit that zelensky so hoped for failed before it even began. a lot of extensive experience in political technologies suggests that when there is a big dissync between reality, relatively speaking, we broadcast, yes, at some point it breaks and breaks with the most brutal loudness, as they say. zelensky’s legitimacy is as expensive a bloody mirage as the west’s hopes for russia’s defeat in ukraine, and this is the price. illusion may well turn out to be fatal. anton potkovenko and the ghost of democracy. outstanding a politician whose entire life was devoted to serving his homeland, and also a true friend of russia, words of condolences from the telegram that vladimir putin sent today regarding the plane crash that claimed the life of the president
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of iran, ibrahim raisiya, as well as other statesmen of the islamic republic. the day before, nine people died after a helicopter crash in a mountainous area , the country declared a five-day period. without holding back their tears, believers across iran gather for prayer to honor the memory of all those who died as a result of the crash of the presidential helicopter. ibrahim raisi, the minister of foreign affairs, hassein amir abdalahian and other victims of the tragedy for the islamic republic are now martyrs. iran plunged into five days of mourning. representative delegation. the day before she was returning from ceremonial events held by the authorities of iran and azerbaijan in the area of ​​the state border. these shots were taken aboard the presidential helicopter shortly before the meeting began. recy was flying in an american-made car , markie bell. it was not purchased on the secondary market
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less than 20 years ago. tehran and baku are jointly implementing a number of energy projects and president ibrahim raisi and ilham aliyev opened platinum on the araz river. at the end of the ceremony, the iranian delegation over... during the difficult hours of waiting, the residents of iran were united by the hope that more survivors would be found at the crash site. iran's supreme leader aet allah hamina said with faith at a meeting with the families of members of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. and the hope was justified with the two people on board, the rescuers were able to establish contact. managed
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contact one of the passengers and a crew member of the helicopter, from which we can conclude that the severity of the disaster was not too great. turkey sent its air crews to help iran in the emergency zone. and russia , azerbaijan, saudi arabia and armenia offered assistance. the search took place in difficult conditions; more than 2,000 people, including military personnel, worked in thick fog. appeared around 9:00 pm. message that the helicopter had been found, but the information was soon refuted and only early in the morning the drone managed to locate the crash site helicopter. a distance of 2 km, later the bodies of the martyrs were transferred to ambulances, the place where the helicopter crashed was at an altitude of 2500 m. but the death of ibrahim resi and other passengers was spread by the government of the islamic republic. the eighth
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president of the islamic republic of iran, hazrat ayatallah saed ibrahim reisi, was martyred while serving the martyred people of iran and his companions. supreme leader ayatallah eminai addressed the country and emphasized that president risi was not in office for long, the elections took place 3 years ago, but all this time he devoted to tireless service to the people. fatigue was alien, during this bitter event the people of iran lost a sincere, devoted and valuable servant, to everything he preferred expediency and the satisfaction of the people, which indicates divine satisfaction, therefore his suffering caused by the ingratitude and causticity of his ill-wishers did not hinder his round-the-clock efforts to solve and fixing things. in the deserted office of ibrahim rysi there is a portrait of the deceased on the table... president, there is a mourning bandage on his chair. having received the news of the death of the head of the secular authority of the republic,
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the government council met before an emergency meeting. it was chaired by first vice-president mohammed mukhbar, who will head the government until a new political leader is elected. the main topic of discussion was that ayatla raisiya had previously emphasized that there should never be any interruption in the path of our service. the best tribute to this noble martyr. other martyrs continue this path at double speed. iran's supreme leader has confirmed mohammad mukhbar as acting president. eetala hamina stressed that the official will have 50 days to spend in the country in early elections. elizaveta khramtsova, news. they occupied dugouts close to the ukrainian positions, moved forward despite the constant attacks of kamikaze drones and achieved their goal in the face of the fiercest resistance of the ukrainian armed forces. these are excerpts from artie’s material about the exploits of special forces soldiers akhmat. just the two of them managed to drive out superior forces of enemy
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infantry from one of the hottest sections of the donetsk direction in the area of ​​​​the village of krasnoye. actually, here are some very dramatic shots taken directly during the assault. reconnaissance drones monitor in real time how the situation is changing, record every action of the guys and help predict the enemy’s moves. but the success of the operation, of course, can only be guaranteed by the courage and determination of the stormtroopers themselves, who are not themselves. will be rewarded according to merit, commander akhmata abche alaudinov has already promised to present both soldiers for state awards, who they are, how they were able to complete the task, stanislav bernval will tell you, stanislav, hello, is it really true that this assault was their first, hello, alexey, this is really the guys had their first assault, they completed the task simply meticulously, for which i really thank them very much. these feelings cannot simply be described in words. a day before its first assault, life seems. slows down, minutes stretch into hours, in my ears ringing silence and only the monotonous muttering
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of a fellow soldier interrupts it, i cover , we run across, take cover, fire, we run across again, you go through the route on the map with your eyes hundreds of times, here you need to take cover, here you need to look around, cover your friend, he will cover you, a day passes before the perfect assault for the soldiers , something like this. our colleagues from arti interviewed the heroes of the stormtroopers, here they are, the assault couple khakas and a fighter with the call sign zheka, after their first mission they were nicknamed stormtroopers from god, and not only they not only succeeded to put the enemy to flight, but to occupy his trench, and also fortify himself in it, and also to take one of the dry land prisoners prisoner, you have no right to make a mistake, in general you have no right to be offended, here is dill, here it is, here is another dill, watch, khakassia , nimble, i’m above you,
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come on, come on, it’s still a long way for you, khakassia, go, go, go, you see how the unit commander personally leads the stormtroopers, he is their eyes, the task has been set, to get close to the military positions, to occupy a dugout in the gray zone to gain a foothold, it was there that they advanced from the position of experience from the point - two deuces, the sky became unsafe, the birds flew, my partner and i lay down, did not move, in general it was visible, but we tried not to move the birds, as if... they would not notice us, they lay there, probably for more than an hour in the grass, a skilled commander he led us competently, the command was given, we moved to the opornik, the whole unit watched with bated breath as the attack aircraft entered enemy positions, their nerves were tense like a string, yes, yes, yes, yes, well done, handsome men, you are my handsome men, come on, come on alone
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strictly covers the other, come on, come on, come on, come on, new oporniks are coming in, we weren’t there at all, for a day and a half the guys were strengthening themselves in the occupied position, the enemy tried to knock out the attack aircraft, but in vain, and the queues died down when they’re shooting at you, well then there is artillery, birds are throwing drops, it’s somehow calmer anyway, you know that no one is storming you, when there is silence, calm and you begin... to listen, is the enemy storming you? khakas and zheki had to strengthen themselves not only under permanent shelling from the enemy, the cold penetrating to the bones, the decaying smell of decaying bodies abandoned right there by their own dryers, the horror in which it was necessary not only to survive, but to survive to carry out the order, and in order to avoid this,
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there was an assault on another enemy position ahead, we occupied it, it was lying in our dugout. a couple of two hundredths, the smells were appropriate, i didn’t want to think about food, and even without them i would have been in such a state, but i don’t know, it’s something like a combat trance or something like that, well, on the second day we already started eating chocolate, it was very cold at night, that’s what i remember, it was cold, just wild cold, and during the day it started to get hot. the sun, the corpses began to stink strongly, imagine 36 hours, the longest 36 hours in life, khakhas speaks about this, here is a new order, air reconnaissance discovered 50 m from the attack aircraft, the so -called fox holes of the dryers, first the positions are attacked by our fpv drones, it begins ground operation at the same moment when we
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had already, just worked, this is 300, he is 300, oh, that's it, take it, that's it, we didn't leave the position, that's it, abandoned position, shout, surrender, no, if you surrender, surrender, let him live, here it is, special forces man, you are better, after a successful next assault, the khakass and zheka, together with the captured high-water gunman, began evacuating towards their positions, then the enemy appeared again , as they say, in all its glory, when we had already... fled with captivity, i, as they say, ran ahead with captivity, i was behind, covering them, well, when we started to run up to a safe place, their artillery began to attack us , they already wanted theirs, as they say, with artillery destroy, but you still decided to surrender, you didn’t decide to shoot yourself there, you had the opportunity, you didn’t resist,
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i want to live, i want to live, my mother has been waiting for me for a long time. artur, taken prisoner by our guys, says that on march 8 he was captured by the tskashniks and immediately straight from home without any medical commission or pre-war preparation they were sent to die in the thick of it, he says that russian attack aircraft saved his life when their own tried to kill him. get rid of him, for completing assigned tasks and heroic action on the battlefield, attack aircraft khakas and zheka are presented with state awards, truly a perfect assault. stanislav bernwald and the heroic stormtroopers. within 24 hours , units of the russian group of forces north repelled two counterattacks in the ssu in the kharkov region and eliminated up to 380 ukrainian militants. in addition, the enemy lost a lot of equipment, including three self-propelled artillery units and eight vehicles. but at the same time, the kiev regime continues to bring fresh
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cannon fodder to slow down the advance of our military at least for a while. but russian fighters are ready for anything. the scenario was confirmed by vgtrk war correspondent evgeniy poddubny. our troops continue the operation, the purpose of which is to protect residents of the cities of the belgorod region, which over the past few months have been targets for terrorist attacks by the formation of the kiev regime, which operates in slobozhanshchina. the operation of the russian troops has been going on for more than a week, now our units are building on the success that was achieved in the first days of the start. active actions, fierce battles are now taking place directly in the city of volchansk, let me remind you that the city is now half controlled by russian units, the southern part of volchansk, which... is separated from the north by the volchi river, is still under the control of the formation of the kiev regime, and fierce battles are also going on not far from
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the settlement of libtsy, why are these two settlements so important: volchansk and leptsy, the enemy used them as a holding area for multiple launch rocket systems fire, which were used to strike belgorod and other large cities in belgorod. region in residential areas, in order to push the enemy back to a distance that will not allow the use of multiple launch rocket systems to strike the cities of the belgorod region, our troops are pushing the enemy back deep into the kharkov region. what is the enemy doing? the enemy is now trying to transfer all possible reserves and at any cost slow down the advance of our army deep into the kharkov region, according to according to our film crew. now there are already more than 37 battalions, and the formation of the kiev regime has transferred the slobodzhanshchina, and these are not only infantry units, but also
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special forces units, moreover, special units that use fpv drones, the enemy is doing everything possible to isolate the combat area, really massively uses attack drones to strike vehicles by delivering personnel to the front. region also prevents the evacuation of civilians from volchansk and other small settlements that find themselves in the zone of active hostilities, the enemy is using operational-tactical missile systems, today a tactical danger was declared several times throughout the entire territory of the belgorod region, it was said that the enemy was preparing to use operational-tactical missiles, this either dot y or alha, there are western modifications, here now. the formation of the kiev regime uses virtually all the most modern western weapons systems that are in at the disposal of kiev, also in the sky in the kharkov region, not only our
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aviation is operating, using parry bombs, but also the enemy is using aviation firepower with bombs of french and american production, with planning and correction modules , striking, trying to strike even on the territory of the russian federation, but the air defense system that the russian army has built here in the belgorod region destroys 90% of threats in the sky, and here this also applies to rockets and otrk missiles, we are also talking about aerial bombs, our air defense specialists destroy virtually all ammunition that in one way or another threatens the inhabitants of the white mountains, but of course it is simply impossible to destroy all threats, not a single air defense system in the world can hit. 100% of the target, the enemy always tries to overcome those anti-aircraft defense crews who are actually on duty and sometimes, unfortunately, the enemy
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succeeds, but on the front line really fierce battles continue, the enemy is actively defending himself, now against our forces not only motorized rifle units of the formation of the kiev regime are working, but also special forces units. moreover, many of these detachments are staffed by foreign military specialists, these are mercenaries and military specialists from countries that are members of the north atlantic alliance, who are responsible for organizing communications, combat control, who are responsible for the use of complex weapons systems, in fact, the most fierce battles take place in the volchansk area , during the day, actually a delivery, both from the enemy and from our side, limited by fire damage. which our army is leading, and the formation of the kiev regime of movement is carried out in fact only at night, they are associated with constant risk, because once again it is worth emphasizing that
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the enemy has transferred all possible reserves to the kharkov region, this applies not only to those units that were in the process of restoring combat capability, but also those units that were located in other sections of the line of combat contact throughout...
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well, then a short, but at the same time, truly epic video, which was filmed in the sky over the lugansk people's republic. this morning, a certain object flashed there flying towards the ground, but after a couple of seconds all that was left of it was a fiery flash and a cloud of smoke. well, a little later it turned out that the video clip witnessed the work of our air defense systems to repel a missile attack by the kiev regime, and the cruise missile itself in this case turned out to be nato. this is as stated by scalp. essentially the same stormshadow, only with markings. although evidence to the contrary appeared regularly, and now, perhaps, a particularly illustrative episode, at the same time it is important to emphasize the remarkable footage not just by the fact of the shootdown itself, but as if the russian troops had no control over it, what else do we learn from evgeniy tishkovets, evgeniy , greetings, by the way, what kind of streak is left
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in the sky, well, after detonation. good evening, alexey, this is an additional accumulative charge, and i’ll tell you about everything in detail now. this is what the collapse of illusions looks like. apparently, the first detailed recording of the destruction of a nato cruise missile has leaked online. before there were no such clear frames of scalp and g interception in the public domain. we say special thanks to the russian air defense operator for the beauty. it was air defense covering the area. that is, it really, apparently, was a shell, there was a defeat, the rocket absolutely changed course and fell. the short video can be divided into two phases: the first direct defeat of scalp by a russian anti-missile. at the point where our air defense went off, a small black cloud remained, but the second phase is much more interesting. later a few seconds already amazed and beaten.
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french version of the british-developed stormshadow missile. they are identical in their characteristics, and both have a special tandem broch warhead, which is designed to destroy well- protected targets. it consists of two separate warheads. the first cumulative ones are triggered when approaching the target. throws a cumulative jet forward in front of itself, which is capable of piercing steel, soil or concrete to a depth of several meters, and only then penetrates into the formed channel the main warhead, so this is the stripe in the sky that we see in the footage from near lugansk, this is the cumulative part that went off, and it’s good that it detonated before the debris fell to the ground, the video shows, in my opinion, just the detonation first this alloying
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charge, that is... it’s kind of directed, if the rocket just breaks up partially in the air, but often they just fall and lie there, that is, until its head is found in time, well, to neutralize it, could fall and not explode, but it still remains very dangerous, there is one more important detail that attracts attention, we can consider everything in detail due to the fact that the missile was hit at a low altitude, this is also good news, scalp and jik... a treacherous ammunition, it is launched from an airplane, but at a higher level part of the route it passes at low altitudes and only in front of the target, soaring into the air, as a rule, only at this moment the missile becomes visible to the radar, but judging by the video from near lugansk, we know how to shoot down nato ammunition, even on the march. our air defense systems were created for real combat, so they have characteristics capable of
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defeating these missiles. such things as shell c1, cake and beech are striking these missiles in all their combined characteristics. of course, ukrainians will cling to the myth of indestructible missiles to the last, but they must at least believe in something. but the reality is harsh in relation to the murderers with the bank account. according to experts, kiev could have been given hundreds of such ammunition, but like other western handouts. scalps and stormshadow could not secure in the ssu at least some kind of success. not only has the russian army learned to confidently shoot down such ammunition, but we are also steadily knocking out warehouses where british winged shadows are stored. here the question comes down to the quality of the intelligence officers. and as we can see over the past year, the level of intelligence data that the russian armed forces have has increased significantly. at the same time level.
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intelligence data that our opponents have, it has dropped significantly.


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