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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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shell c1, cake and beech hits these missiles in all combined characteristics. of course, the ukrainians will cling to the last word about missiles that cannot be shot down; they must at least believe in something. but the reality is harsh in relation to the murderers with the bank account. according to experts, hundreds of such ammunition could have been given to kiev, but like other western handouts from scalpa and stormshed. could not ensure at least some success in the mtr. not only has the russian army learned to confidently shoot down such ammunition, but we also consistently knock out warehouses where british winged shadows are stored. here the question comes down to the quality of intelligence data. and as we can see over the past year, the level of intelligence data available to the russian armed forces has increased significantly. at the same time , the level of data development, which... among our
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opponents, it dropped significantly. will ukrainians now stop idolizing british-french missiles? it’s unlikely, we ’ve shot them down before, every time a story couldn’t simply be silenced, ukrainian propaganda started a barrel organ, they say it was by chance and in general lucky, well, let them believe what they want, denying reality always backfires. evgeniyats is a battered rocket. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. i am drowning in your eyes, like the uhilland in the tisza. ukrainian comedians make fun of their dead fellow citizens. where are the jokes about a glitch in the reserve plus application for mobilization or, given the number of drowned people, is this already a reserve minus?
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tyboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. what about comfort? sounds the boil diamond the engine purrs with pleasure in life's whirlwind of successes and failures, hope fills you with viglanch in the rhythm of working with many tasks , your break fills with meat sauce, satisfying , hot with meat and noodles, fills with a warm sunset over the rooftops, and life is filled with couples roman burger and roman burger. with chicken at a good price in italian, delicious, period , apply for a loan with sber and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber. the ministry of defense today
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announced the complete liberation of the village of belogoriv, ​​lugansk narodnaya republic, fighters of the southern group of russian troops, in the dpr on the ovdeevsky sector of the front, where the center group operates, meanwhile, over 300 enemy personnel, two german marder infantry fighting vehicles and one bred for the usa were destroyed. about the situation on the contact line, report by alexey baranov. the sand that rises literally envelops the tank after each shot, like additional camouflage. in those seconds until the cloud dissipates, the machine manages to apply again. t-90 strike the breakthrough works with a closed firing position, from here to the front line is about 6 km. tankers of the central military district are now working in the avdeevsky direction. modern russian vehicles operating on the line
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of combat contact are equipped with the latest targeting system. the crews have already appreciated its advantages. we worked in the forest clearing, which is located directly in front of umansky, the outermost clearing. where our infantry should gain a foothold, we worked from new complexes provided by the ural carriage works, three the forest regiments were supposed to be taken to umansky in 2 days; they rolled out three times in columns of armored vehicles. t-90 breakthroughs operate in pairs; working from indirect firing positions is, of course, less dangerous than close combat, but requires increased targeting accuracy and clear coordination with reconnaissance, which determines the coordinates of targets using unmanned aerial vehicles. the vdeevsky direction received the task of escorting infantry equipment. and the car is a very good car.
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we are talking about the country’s leading basketball player , player of the kiev club vadim zaplatinsky,
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just a couple of weeks ago he was recognized as the best defender of the ukrainian super league, but after the end of the season, and therefore the protection from mobilization, the twenty-six-year-old athlete immediately tried to escape from square, walked through the mountains towards romania, and in the company of the same tourists-evaders, but border guards turned out to be faster, and as a result , the titled basketball player was instantly sent to the vssu assembly line. first to the military registration and enlistment office, and then to the training center for airborne assault troops. well, by the way, the mountain escape route from ukraine is considered one of the most difficult ones, you need to walk for almost a week and spend the night in dug holes in the ground so that the soul catchers are not detected using thermal imagers, so many are still trying to get over to romania across the tisza river, but they are often unsuccessful, and why even death seems preferable to serving in the armed forces of ukraine, thought evgenia petrukhina, evgenia, hello, but apparently the river, unlike the kiev regime, leaves at least some. yes, alexey, hello, but judging by the number of drowned people, not everyone has a chance.
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fugitives from the kiev regime are drowning in yew trees, and ukrainian comedians, without even waiting for the drowning victims’ funerals, make fun of such death. in all zelensky’s attempts to recruit at least some number of soldiers, so far he has only got a minus reserve, because the fugitives, apparently, prefer self-destruction in a trench in the ssu. here is another drowned man in tisza, they write that his body is ukrainian. from the shore, if you look closely at the photographs, this man was clearly preparing to escape, look, he matched his wetsuit to the color of the water, he wanted to be invisible, telegram channels, referring to the border service of ukraine, are already writing that in
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their villages, when they laugh at death, we are really talking about fear, especially in conditions of
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forced mobilization, here is the reaction of the internet audience: ukrainian users recommend send comedians to the front, make jokes in the trenches, and they also advise combatants to look for draft dodgers in the auditoriums at concerts like this. tcc cloners will now, apparently, be tracked through the new reserve plus application, however, technical issues began with it on the very first day of work problems, maybe because this service is a copy of the mriya system for schoolchildren, there is even functionality left in video assessments and homework . looks like the ukrainian ministry of defense. but in fact, this is another option for deception and the qr code will probably help to mobilize, there will be no need to identify a person, no need to collect any documents, this application is not to simplify life and not to run
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from shopping centers, but to it was easier for the tck, that is, for those comrades who mobilize the ukrainians. a certain number of people to him of course it will be possible to mobilize in this way, of course, because according to the new law , mobilization includes people who have tuberculosis or hiv, but not in the active stage, a person who will not be treated, who is sick with hiv or tuberculosis, will very quickly go into the active stage, this is just for them, for those who will be taken into a trench with tuberculosis, and agent tamara eidelman in this video shows that they should go to the shopping center in orderly rows, or better yet, straight to the line. lecture with his distorted fabrication, and now eidelman is cheerfully marching on his chest icon with the ukrainian flag. she cheerfully marches with a smile, and the fact that this is not
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prepared, people are sent to death, and the fact that... zelensky with his own hands is carrying out the genocide of the ukrainian people and her nationalism will progress when a person begins this search for a third path behind bandera, that he was some kind of opponent of nazi and soviet power, but no, he wanted to establish the same nationalist regime on nazi grounds as on the third voyage. it's all very similar. to today’s attempts of the kiev regime, so it’s quite it’s clear why many ukrainians say that it’s better to serve time, just not to be mobilized, people live normally there, they’ll meet you, especially if you come, they’ll come to you because you don’t want to serve, you don’t want to support the government, it’s similar to zelensky’s syrsky, in terms of personnel, again it is not a reserve plus, but a reserve minus, already
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some kind of ukrainian trend, so that kiev itself is already like a drowned man, a drowned man who just recently laughed hysterically at a funeral. evgenia petrukhina and dead water. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. ukrainian propaganda is waking up, shops are closing. in kharkov , shopping centers are emptying, there is almost no one on the streets, apartments have fallen in price. where is everyone? order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases, withdraw cash for free, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, you owe the bank.
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can also purr with pleasure when it has tyboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, allowing it to maintain stability under any operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? damond's engine purrs with pleasure. well, let's go to nature? oh, what is this? and this is a spending scheme, there are different cards with cashback. for what? you need one vtb card. transfer to it for free from any bank, without any restrictions, receive cashback for purchases up to 25% in rubles. vtb, together everything will work out. this is sasha. it's important to him. so that friends are close, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start
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cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. instead of a wallet , he took out a huge knife from his inner pocket, instead of a couple of liters of foam , he demanded the contents of the cash register, this is a sensational video recording with a surveillance camera in a kharkov beer store, which, according to publications of the ukrainian blasphemer, was robbed by an active serviceman of the ninety-second brigade of a separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, and money it wasn’t enough for him when he noticed a wedding ring on the saleswoman’s finger, the guy seems to have decided that... that it will also be useful, please don’t, i beg you very much, you’re a normal man,
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please, you have it too, please, it’s a sin, please, don’t, god forbid they kill their husband because of this ring, but however , tears or admonishment did not help, having achieved his goal, the character calmly retreated to his home and there was simply no one nearby who could stop him... you can, because the police are in the second largest city in ukraine is now not enough, and for robbers with the moroders have come to real freedom, because in addition to small retail outlets, they can organize raids on entire supermarkets and shopping centers, provide evidence and explain how this relates to the situation at the front, anastasia ivanova is ready, anastasia, hello, as far as i understand, they are simply kicked out of the shopping center and sellers, owners. hello, alexey, it is not yet known how directly this is forced, but the fact that shopping centers are emptying is a fact. fear and hatred of the kyiv regime and according to ukrainian propaganda, kharkov is now being abandoned not only by those who are afraid of the military commissars, but also by those who succumbed to panic against the backdrop of the advance of russian fighters in the kharkov region.
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for example, one of the residents walks around the local shopping center, worried, she looks around, looks confused at the boxes near the closed chain stores, she talked with businessmen, but it didn’t get any easier. they have some information, because it can’t be that everyone is closing down right now, that’s all. completely, so, well, in short, it seems to me that it’s clear, we need to go pack our things, one said, another heard, the third drew conclusions, a diagram of a broken phone, it is taken literally in kharkov, from here, here is such a picture on the city street: 9:40 in the morning, and we are going to kharkov to look on the street of kharkov, now let's go up the hill, let's see what it is, the video is not staged, yeah, a lot of people.
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housing prices fell by 90% compared to last year, the construction of new residential complexes was suspended, against this background, of course, the cost of prices for apartments in kharkov and belgorod fell, before
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were approximately at the same level, but if the belgorod one costs more than 11 million rubles. then a kharkov three ruble is almost 3800 dollars or 3.5 million rubles. maybe people just don’t want the susushniks to come into their house, who often like to equip support towers in civilian objects and hide behind civilians. in the city, our baht are strengthening, they already had this practice in marioppol, when residential buildings are used, when kindergartens are used. they understand that by doing so, they simply endanger those people who live, entry national battalions always means the absence of any law and rights, you cannot defend, 99% of the time they will just shoot you , they will say that you are a saboteur, and therefore people, well , they really get scared, so it turns out that to sell the only roof, to have at least some money in hand, it’s much safer than trusting the zelensky regime,
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it’s easy to leave, just move into a new one... we arrived in dnepr, already looked at several options for apartments, there are no good options, prices have risen, realtors take 75%, only a good option appears, someone immediately picks up, we liked one option, they just posted it today, we called right away, they said, no, they’ve already given a deposit, also people from kharkov, people who work remotely are leaving due to interruptions in communication, it’s not always possible to get online , they leave and... business, all sorts of civilian activists there, who shouted the most about how they help the army, how they hate russia, in fact, all these people are either packing their bags, or have even already moved away from kharkov, because they understand , that even if the russian army... bypasses
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kharkov, then administrative chaos can and will definitely arise inside, in fact, the townspeople themselves will generally remember all this russophobic rhetoric, whatever one may say, fairy tales about evil orcs also work in ukraine, while real criminals are sitting at the bank, they will feed their citizens with fictitious ones stories about russians, because they have nothing else to offer. anastasia ivanova is an almost dead city.
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within 24 hours, russian aviation, artillery and missile forces hit more than 135 areas where troops and equipment were concentrated in the armed forces of ukraine. such data is provided today by the ministry of defense. clarifying that in the donetsk direction alone the enemy lost over 340 personnel, in the kharkov direction he lost up to 380 militants. the latest summary in the material by denis alekseev. our troop groups are expanding the zone.


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