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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. why is the west trying to create the illusion of zelensky’s legitimacy? bbc foreign agencies are lying like a carbon copy, but what are they really saying in ukraine about the kiev regime? the assault on the ukrainian armed forces position was the first for these guys. we put the enemy to flight and occupied the dugout. the story of the feat of special forces fighters khakas and zheka. the insidious weapon of nato criminals. footage of the destruction of a french skype over lugansk aroused anger in the public domain. why is it safe to shoot this one down? rocket - not an easy task. i am drowning in your eyes, like the hilands in the yew tree. ukrainian comedians make fun of their dead fellow citizens. and where are the jokes about the glitch in the reserve app for mobilization or considering the number of drownings?
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there is no alternative president, elections are not a priority for the population, and the legitimacy of the ukrainian leader is not questioned, quotes from the bbc material, the author of which i carefully select in...
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critically low, but for example, support for zelensky in the ukrainian army does not exceed 20% , and other theses with the help of which western media create a mirage of democracy in the ukrainian desert, which is also easily refuted, anton potkovenko will confirm. western media are trying to pump zelensky up with legitimacy, but it’s not working out well. posts and articles that do not stand up to basic fact checks are written as carbon copies; they should at least somehow distribute the theses among themselves so as not to repeat themselves. “not a single ukrainian politician can now compare with zelensky in terms of trust and support, the british bbc writes, they say, if there were elections, zelensky would undoubtedly win them, where do they get the data from? ukrainian sociology has already ceased to exist as a kind of scientific and serious factor. manipulation is organized quite simply, by either correctly constructing the necessary questions, or interpreting the data obtained."
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and the bbc claims that political life is supposedly in full swing in ukraine, that zelensky supposedly has an opposition, although he has long crushed all the media that could even say a word against say, the western media have created a reputation for him as a fighter for freedom, for ideas, for democracy, and naturally, if suddenly in at some point it turns out that zelensky has become a provincial usurper, then this is... zelensky after may 20, but even the british admit that everything in the ukrainian constitution is very confusing, they write just like this: according to one article, the presidential term lasts 5 years, according to another, the head of state performs his duties until the inauguration of the new president, while there is a non-constitutional norm that during martial law, which zelensky extends and extends, elections cannot be held...
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american media on the topic of illusory zelensky’s legitimacy is not particularly extended, that’s why? has washington finally given up on its puppet? the americans simply have less motivation here to somehow justify zelensky, because, well, i admit that they are really tired of him in many ways, and they would not be against a change of regime in kiev, with his coming to power. some of the other politicians, well, who would be manageable, it’s not for nothing that not only the countries of the global south and china refuse to go to the notorious peace conference in switzerland, but also biden, it seems will not be. apparently, the summit that zelensky so hoped for failed before it even began. extensive, extensive experience in
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political technologies suggests that when there is a large discrepancy between reality, relatively speaking, what is being broadcast, yes, at some point it breaks and breaks with the most brutal loudness. as they say, zelensky’s legitimacy is as expensive a bloody mirage as the west’s hopes for russia’s defeat in ukraine, and the price of this illusion may well turn out to be cancerous. an outstanding politician whose whole life was dedicated to serving the motherland, and also a true friend of russia. words of condolences from the telegram that vladimir putin sent today regarding the plane crash that claimed the life of the president of iran, ibrahim reisiya, as well as other statesmen of the islamic republic. the day before, nine people died after a helicopter crash in a mountainous area; a five-day mourning period was declared in the country, against the backdrop of which an investigation into the tragedy is underway; alexander khristenko will tell you what versions there are. the rescuers barely reached the scene of the helicopter crash due to the nature of destruction, they immediately realized that there were no survivors,
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the journalists who were allowed to the scene of the emergency could not hide their emotions. you see, here are the parts of the helicopter, in this place it fell apart, here is the engine, you see scattered parts of the crashed one. helicopter, everything is on your screens. rain, strong wind, fog, and then darkness descending on the mountains. in such conditions , the search and rescue operation continued for more than 12 hours. dozens of units were involved, including special forces of the army and the islamic revolutionary guard corps, totaling about 2,000 people. after contacting tehran immediately, by decision of vladimir putin, two special il-76 aircraft with equipment and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations, trained to carry out the most difficult tasks, flew from zhukovsky to iranian tabriz.
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people, the president of the islamic republic of iran , dr. ibrahim raisi, achieved the high title of martyr on the path of serving the people. in total , nine people died as a result of the helicopter crash. the president was accompanied by foreign minister hassein amir abdalahian, the governor of the province and other officials. racey's helicopter was discovered on 2.5 km altitude in the wooded mountains in the north-west of the country between the cities of varzakan and julfa. the iranian delegation was returning from an official event. on the border with azerbaijan, the leaders of the countries ibrahim raisi and ilham aliyev met there to inaugurate the hydroelectric complexes at the khudoferinskaya hydroelectric station, located on the border araks river. this is a demonstration of our cooperative and close relationship. there are
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many examples of cooperation with you. there are light clouds in the sky, the sun is shining, but obviously, by the end of the ceremony the weather became quickly spoil. ricey often used helicopters, among other things. developed back in the sixties, the board of the iranian president was made in the nineties in the usa, at first it was assigned to the karan army, then it was repainted, used for civilian purposes and for transporting top officials, capable of carrying up to 14 people and reaching a cruising speed of 190 km/h . it is known that high altitude conditions require...
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the helicopter will be turned off, i think that after the funeral of president ibrahim raisi, at the moment you...
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ibrahim roysi was 63 years old from the family of a clergyman, studied with the famous aetol in the country, in his youth took an active part in the islamic revolution of the seventy -ninth year, advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah pihlivi and even, according to unconfirmed reports, participated in the storming of the american embassy in tehran, made a career in area of ​​law, served as prosecutor general, and was known in the country as a tough anti-western, extremely conservative politician. thanks to our efforts , it was possible to significantly help the syrian
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government to overcome the threats associated with international terrorism. thank you for the invitations to moscow. i am glad that we are having a meeting today, i want to say thank you for your assistance in making iran a full-fledged member of the sco. we have been opposing the americans for more than 40 years and we never... the next day, the president of the islamic republic spoke in the state duma, and contacts between the leaders of russia and iran became regular. moscow and tehran agreed to develop a north-south transport corridor, to cooperate in the caspian sea, in bushehr , russian specialists are building a second and third stage of the nuclear power plant. trade turnover increased by tens of percent. democracy is a code
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name for robbery, war and domination. our people in west asia have touched western democracy with their flesh and skin. the west, now facing a crisis of identity and functionality, sees the world as a forest, itself as a beautiful garden, but they are the superpowers of the past. and we are the future. risi advocated returning to the nuclear deal but said his foreign policy would put national interests above all else. iran is a member of the sco, since january 1 this year - a full-fledged member of brix. the last time putin and risi met was in december in moscow. today the flag was flown at half-mast over the iranian embassy in moscow. people carry flowers in memory of president ibrahimi risi, the country's ambassador thanked the russians for their solidarity. today's government meeting in iran is empty. reisiya's chair was framed with a mourning ribbon; his duties will be temporarily fulfilled, according to
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article 131 of the iranian constitution, by the first vice-president, sixty-eight-year-old mahammad mahber. he is known as a like-minded russian, already in the morning gathered military leaders for an extraordinary meeting, a sign that everything is stable in iran and under his leadership continuity of course will be ensured. and it could hardly have been otherwise, due to the peculiarities of the country’s political structure. iran is a theocracy, the supreme leader of the country is ayatala.
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according to the law, a presidential candidate must be of iranian origin, belong to the official religion of the country, the requirements also include age from 40 to 75 years, managerial experience from 4 years, no criminal record, presence at least a master of science degree. the decision on admitting candidates to the elections is made by the council. guards, a body consisting of 12 people, six of whom are representatives of the islamic clergy, the other half are lawyers. the snap elections in iran are already scheduled for june 28. in the meantime, it has been announced in the country. nationwide five days of mourning for the fallen president. alexander khristenko, maxim kolpakchiy, inna koshkina, lead. they occupied dugouts close to the ukrainian positions, moved forward, despite the constant attacks of kamikaze drones, and achieved their goal in conditions of the most severe resistance from the ukrainian armed forces. these are excerpts from artie’s material about the feat of special forces soldiers akhmat. just the two of them managed
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to drive out the superior forces of the enemy infantry from one of the hottest sections of the donetsk direction of the northern military district in the area of ​​​​the village of krasny. in fact, here are some very dramatic shots taken directly during the assault. reconnaissance drones monitor in real time how the situation is changing, record every action of the guys , help predict the enemy’s moves, but the success of the operation, of course, can only be guaranteed by the courage and determination of the stormtroopers themselves, who will undoubtedly be rewarded. the commanders are already promising to present both soldiers with state awards, who they are and how they were able to complete the task, stanislav bernwald will tell. these feelings cannot simply be described in words. a day before your first assault, life seems to slow down. minutes drag on for hours, there is a ringing silence in my ears, only the monotonous muttering of a fellow soldier interrupts it. i'm covering we run across, take cover, fire, we run across again. you go through the route on the map with your eyes hundreds of times. here you need to take cover,
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here you need to look around, cover your friend, he will cover you. it takes the fighters a day to set an example before the perfect assault. escape, but to occupy his trench, and also not only managed to turn the enemy into strengthening himself in it, but also to capture one of the dry land, you have no right to flinch, in general you have no right to flinch, here is the dill, here it is, here it is. leads the stormtroopers, he is their eyes, the task is set, to get close to the positions in time, occupy a dugout in the gray zone
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to gain a foothold, it was there that the sukras were pushed out of the position. from the point of two deuces, the sky became unsafe, the birds flew, my partner and i lay down, did not move, in general it was visible, but we tried not to move the birds, as if they would not notice us, we lay there, probably for more than an hour in the grass, a skillful commander led we acted competently, we acted on the command, we advanced to the opornik, and the entire unit watched with bated breath as the attack aircraft entered the enemy positions.
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artillery, birds throwing drops, somehow it’s calmer anyway, you know that no one is attacking you, when there is silence, calm, and you begin to listen to whether the enemy is storming you, you had to strengthen yourself and not only under constant shelling from the enemy, the cold piercing to the bones, the decaying smell of decaying bodies , abandoned immediately by their dryers, the horror in which it was necessary.
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well, on the second day we already started eating chocolate, it was very cold at night, that’s what i remember, it was cold, just wild cold, and during the day the sun began to heat up the corpses began stink hard, imagine 36 hours, the longest 36 hours in life, khakhas speaks about this, here is a new order, air reconnaissance discovered 50 meters from the attack aircraft, the so -called vysushnikov fox holes, first the positions are attacked by our fpv drones. the ground operation begins at the same moment. this 300 shakes him very much. that's it, they didn't leave the position. shout, you surrender, no, if you surrender, let him live, here it is, special forces zakhman, you are better, after a successful next assault,
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khakass and zheka together with the captured they began to evacuate in the direction of their positions, then the enemy appeared again, as they say, in all its glory, when we were already running away with captivity, i, as they say, ran ahead with captivity, i covered them from behind, well, when we started running up to safety place, their artillery had already started for us, they wanted to destroy their own, as they say, with artillery, but you still decided to surrender, you didn’t decide to shoot yourself there, you had the opportunity and didn’t resist, i want to live, i i want to live, my mother is waiting for me at home, arthur was captured by ours guys, says that on march 8 he was captured. kashniks were sent straight from home without any medical commission or pre-war training to die in the thick of it, says that russian attack aircraft saved his life when
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their own tried to get rid of him for completing assigned tasks and heroic actions on the battlefield, attack aircraft khakas and zheka are presented state awards, truly an ideal assault. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. i'm drowning in your eyes, like a hilly in a yew tree, ukrainian comedians make fun of their dead fellow citizens. where are the jokes about a glitch in the reserve plus application for mobilization or, given the number of drowned people, is this already a reserve minus? there are a lot of things that can be confused, but
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about a year ago, all this time. automatic propaganda insisted that the russian troops had no control over him, although evidence to the contrary appeared regularly, and now, perhaps, a particularly clear episode has come to light; at the same time, it is important to emphasize the remarkable footage not just in itself confirmed fact of the downing, and what else do we learn from evgeniy tishkovets, this is what the collapse of illusions looks like, apparently the first detailed recording of the destruction of a nato cruise missile has been leaked online, before that it was so publicly available...
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a small black cloud remains, but much more interesting second phase: after a few seconds , the ammunition, already hit and beaten from the course, detonates, and after the explosion , a long strip lines the sky. this is the expected picture. scalp ag french version of the british-developed storm missile shadow. they are identical in their characteristics, and both have a special tandem warhead "broch", which is designed to destroy well -protected targets. it consists of two separate warheads. the first cumulative ones are triggered when approaching the target. the scalp throws a cumulative jet forward in front of itself, which is capable of piercing steel, soil or concrete to a depth of several meters, and only then the main warhead penetrates into the formed channel. so this is the stripe in the sky that we see in the footage from near lugansk - this is a cumulative part that went off, and it’s good that it
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detonated before it fell. breaks to the ground, in the video you can see, in my opinion, just the detonation of this alloying charge first, that is , this is the direction, if just the rocket is partially destroyed in the air, but often they just fall and lie there, that is as long as its head is in time, well , find it and neutralize it, it could fall and not explode, but it still remains very dangerous, there is another important detail that attracts attention, we can consider everything in detail due to the fact that the missile was hit at a low altitude. this is also good news: scalp hg is a treacherous ammunition, it is launched from an airplane, but most of the route it passes at low altitudes and only in front of the target, soaring into the air. as a rule, only at this moment does the missile become visible to the radar, but judging by the video from near lugansk, we are able to shoot down nato ammunition even on the march. our air defense systems were created for real combat, so they have
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characteristics. it is necessary to cling to the myth of indestructible missiles. of course, the ukrainians will at least have some faith in them until the very end. but the reality is harsh in relation to the murderers with the bank account. according to experts, hundreds of such ammunition could have been given to kiev, but like other western handouts skal. and storm shadow were unable to provide the ukrainian armed forces with any success. not only has the russian army learned to confidently shoot down such ammunition, but we are also steadily knocking out warehouses where british winged shadows are stored. here the question comes down to quality of intelligence. and as we can see, over the past year, the level of intelligence that the russian armed forces have, it has grown significantly, too.


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