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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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stoloto stores meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. if you live in certain parts of this country, especially rural areas, you know people who have or have had lyme disease, and for most of them it's not a big deal, you get a large dose of antibiotics, some symptoms appear and then go away, but in some cases, you may have heard about them, the disease completely destroys life, people are bedridden in a carriage for years, their productive life ends, so what? what it is?
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what is lyme disease? there is still active debate on this issue. some have dismissed it as a psychological symptom, but even people who recognize it as a physical syndrome are not always clear about it, and they certainly do not agree with each other as to its nature and origin. in 2008, a woman named chris newby made a documentary about lyme disease. in that at that moment it was becoming a serious global disease, and its origin was a mystery, and various rumors were circulating. but no one knew for sure, the documentary is called under our skin, here is a selection, some infectious disease doctors do not believe in lyme disease, and they say that i am faking, faking, in order to avoid going to school, lyme is the fastest growing infectious disease in the country , 2000 cases a year, maybe more, this is a political and economic disease, as well as a bacterial one... i would never have thought that
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a bacterial infection can be so politicized that the truth can be so distorted. the unknown is very scary, it's not easy, so that's what scared me, a national health crisis that is being completely ignored, being ignored, that you have a long way to go, this is going to happen, you could write it off and some.
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so, can you give us a quick overview of what a lime is? so, lyme disease is caused by spiroketal bacteria and you can get it through a tick bite, and if if you immediately receive treatment with doxycycline or amoxicillin, it will go away. the problem is that very often the diagnosis is made incorrectly or late, and this is where problems arise. disputes over the disease, it can persist for months or years, then it is very difficult to get rid of, and to complicate matters further, a tick can carry up to twenty different pathogens, and if the tick carries two, three or four of them
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in one bite, this creates a confusing set of symptoms that are difficult for doctors to diagnose. interesting, so the problem is with tick-borne diseases is that there are a lot more ticks now. more than before, some parts of the northeast are seeing tick populations exploding to the point where large mammals are disappearing, they're losing blood, they're dying because they have too many ticks on them, so it's not somebody's imagination, it's measurable. so, if there is a disease spread by ticks and there are many more ticks, there will be many more cases of the disease. has this been measured, is it measurable? yes, i would say, it's just that cases of lyme disease are increasing. and this proves that ticks bite people, the centers for disease control and prevention estimates it's half a million a year, that's an average of 1,300 people a day, so it's important why they're spreading so quickly, i talk about this a little bit in the book,
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it's definitely happening globally climate change, meaning that winters are not as harsh and many ticks do not die, this is common in the state... research for my book, i found that lyme disease was not a problem, a noticeable problem until the mid-seventies. my research has shown that there are in fact three very dangerous tick-borne diseases that have emerged in the vicinity of the town of lyme,
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connecticut at the mouth of the connecticut river, directly across from plum island, which was the headquarters of the us research program. these three bizarre diseases appeared in the united states: first, lyme arthritis caused by spirachete, then syos, rocky mountain spotted fever, and also a parasite of cattle. this was the second time it was found in people in that area. the parasite is called babesia, and i became infected lyme disease. there's a concentration of three previously rare diseases right across the river from government bioweapons testing centers, did i hear you correctly,
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yes, if you work at the centers for disease control and prevention monitoring natural... or unnatural disease outbreaks, then the emergence of three new tick-borne diseases more deadly than before will cause you... will attract your attention and an investigation will be carried out, which is what happened. sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory to me if previously rare diseases suddenly appear near the site of biological weapons development does not mean that. okay, the ministry of health agency conducted an investigation, what did they find? well, a housewife from the city.
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he was an employee of the epidemic intelligence service, and he began an investigation, and he realized that it was carried by ticks, but he could not determine the pathogen, at this moment... panic, just take doxycycline for 2 weeks and the problem will disappear, but it did not
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disappear, here my book gained popularity, i began to study prehistory and wonder question of what really happened, and people related to this story behaved unusually, as a rule, when you discover a new dangerous disease, you say: oh, this is terrible, give us money, we will study it, but instead they became more and more secretive. so do you believe that willy burgdorfer, who i think is no longer alive, knew the truth about what happened, and what do you think is the truth? well, i worked on a documentary about lyme disease with a fresh perspective because knew nothing about this disease until my husband and i became infected, and what are the unusual symptoms listed on the cdc website in medical textbooks? completely different from what we experienced. i then teamed up with director andy wilson and
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we spent 3 and a half years researching the disease. and we learned that this is just a huge epidemic, so many people are suffering, and the treatment recommended by health authorities, namely two weeks of taking doxycycline, did not cure this disease, but for patients who have the same symptoms over and over again, antibiotics. they didn’t give us any more, then we wanted to understand what was happening with the disease. so andy and i called everyone at the centers for disease control and prevention, the national institutes of health, but they wouldn't talk to us. one of the discoverers even hung up. i said i just wanted someone to talk on camera about how this organism causes disease. but when the professor, you know, who discovered the disease hung up, it was just unusual. there was paranoia among the experts. so we decided to visit williburgdorfer, the retired man
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who discovered lyme disease, and while we were setting up the cameras, someone from the lab knocked on the door and said, “i need to be there for this interview.” there are things willie can't talk about, and the director kicked him out in outrage, but during this interview, willie hinted that lyme disease is more than...
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researchers from universities, the centers for disease control and prevention, national institutes of health could receive a share of the profits from a new test or vaccine for the disease. a cdc employee could receive fees equal to his salary for a vaccine or testing kit.
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no attention, i just need to know what is really going on with this disease. he said that in 1962 he did the strangest thing in his entire crazy career, that is, he dropped poisonous ticks on cubans working in sugar cane plantations. the operation was called mongoose. so, this was the first evidence that we were sending ticks into another country as a biological weapon, and one more. one of my director friends turned to wille burgdorfer at the end of a very long interview , he said: “yes, when i was researching lyme diseases, in the late seventies, early eighties, there was another organism, not only the lyme pathogen that caused diseases in people. it was, and i was told to hide it. it was probably rickettsia, he didn't reveal
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all the information, but what he said was confirmed by copies of his laboratory books and. subsequent interviews that i conducted with him, excuse my ignorance, what kind of disease did you just describe, that other one, so, rickettsia, the same organism that causes rocky mountain spotted fever, and it is the deadliest tick-borne disease in the united states, in at that time the american military... so what is a tick as a weapon? in an interview, willie said the following: i spent over ten years in the biological weapons program, working for the contractor fordrick, working on turning fleas,
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ticks and mosquitoes into weapons, trying to mass-produce them produce. tries to create new diseases by mixing bacteria and viruses in mites to make the perfect hidden weapon, this is a poor man's nuke, you throw these insects at the enemy, it weakens the population, ties up medical resources, but does not destroy
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infrastructure like a nuke, in one military report stated: tularemia, tick-borne tularemia, also known as rabbit fever, could kill 10,000 people at a cost of $1.33 per life. one way or another, it was behind tick-borne diseases, covered something more than we realized, i began to suspect that willie was right, given this context. it’s hard to digest all this, it’s so monstrous, it’s hard to believe that this could happen in the united states. but i think you're right, it happened, it may still be happening. let me ask what you think happened in the particular case of the lime. similar experiments were carried out on plum island, is this confirmed? well, at plum island they only dealt with animal diseases. there was another branch in maryland, ford detrick. they
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they produced weapons against people, but i don’t know exactly where. and what kind of leaks took place, because if you draw a five-mile circle around lyme, connecticut, you will see play island and several military bases in it. many pharmaceutical companies were funded by the military to develop treatments for these diseases, so they had to have samples of them in place. so, my investigation continues and... there are a couple of, well, first of all, let's go back to turning a living system into a weapon, for example, bug or microorganisms in a beetle, over the years they separated the microorganisms and turned them into an aerosol, they froze them, turned them into powder then sprayed them. the plan was
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to spray them onto enemy aircraft, buoys, or vehicles. so, to develop such a weapon, you need someone like williburgdorfer to make sure that it is possible to make these living systems work and to develop a lethal dose of these. organisms, then you need to conduct pilot studies, which can usually be to do, you know, in connecticut or tric in maryland, and then there would be larger studies, for example, at the dugway proving ground in utah, so there were a lot of possible leak sites for any accidents that could happen in this weapons program. so what willie said, and i think he's a really credible witness because he had the most to lose by admitting at the end of his life, i hid
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something really important and now i feel guilty. all the fame came to him at 56 years when he discovered lyme disease. so he said, and he didn't give me details about the organism that was a biological weapon, but he said: accidents have happened. so my next job is to try to figure out where the leak was, and most importantly, why a lot of tick-borne diseases emerged in this very, very small area, some of which also appeared in northern wisconsin, where we had bioweapons, this a place where genetic engineering was carried out as part of a program to create a biological weapons. so, i look for cases in documents, grants and newspapers.
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testing with hundreds of thousands of alien mites, and he wanted to see how far they could get in months or years, because if you use and... as a weapon, you need to know this information. so, he took some pregnant ticks from willy burgdorfer from montana. they are called
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gravid eggs and contain between two and 400 eggs. he injected them with a radioactive isotope. the ticks hatched all their larvae, and then they remained radioactive throughout their lives. so first of all you're going to release. them at will, whether it will cause mutations within the organisms, but one way or another, he took a thousand ticks, a thousand ticks per square, placed them in a swampy field, and then he and his assistants, every month, went out there, they used a geiger counter, to find out how far the mites had penetrated during this time, and then wrote the studies.
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indeed, after these tests ended, an unusual epidemic of rocky mountain spotted fever occurred on long island, which was spread by these type of ticks. many people died, usually on long island. in the late sixties there was one death a year, but after this experiment more than 100 people became seriously ill, there were quite a few deaths, which is why willy burgdorfer opened up to try to find out what happened there, the fact is that this is just one experiment that we know of as part of the biological weapons program, why is it important now because of human arrogance. we cannot control nature, and if we are going to play god, create new microorganisms inside ticks and then releasing them can have unforeseen
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consequences. and i believe that what we call lyme disease could be many organisms that cause disease in humans, but no, for some reason the government said, it's just one spirachete, it can be cured with two weeks of antibiotics, and i think it's completely wrong, thank you very much for the interview, thank you, this is fascinating, thank you for all the responsible research you have done, thank you, yes. thank you very much for the conversation.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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12:00 am
the russian army liberated the village of belogorovka. has revealed the long-built fortification system in the ssu and is pushing the militants away from the triangle of lesechansk, severo-donetsk, and bezhnaya. this makes it possible to create a cordon sanitaire, making it possible to begin the full restoration of lesichansk; zelensky’s formation lost almost 1,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven tanks, six other armored vehicles and 18 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems were destroyed. about
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promotion in the kharkov region of ours.


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