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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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why don’t you kill it on me, or what’s wrong, it’s not yours, well, you, little face, god’s light, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain for the passengers, yes sir. the russian army liberated the village of belogorovka in the lpr, opened the long-built fortification system of the armed forces of ukraine and is pushing the militants further away from the triangle of lesechansk, severo-donetsk, rubezhnoye. this allows us to create
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a cordon sanitaire and makes it possible to begin the full restoration of lisichansk. formations zelensky lost almost 1,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers, seven tanks, six other armored vehicles and 18 self-propelled guns, gunships and missile systems were destroyed. our military correspondent, evgeniy poddubny, talks about progress in the kharkov region. our troops continue the operation, the purpose of which is to protect the residents of the cities of the belgorod region, who over the past few months have been targets for terrorist attacks ; the formation of the kiev regime, which operates in slobozhanshchina, the operation of russian troops has been going on for more than a week, now our units and units are building on the success that was achieved in the first days of the start of active operations, fierce battles are now taking place directly in the city of volchansk, let me remind you that the city is now half controlled by the russians...
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the cities of the belgorod region in residential areas, in order to push back the enemy at a distance that will not allow the use of multiple launch rocket systems to strike the cities of the belgorod region, our troops push the enemy back deep into the kharkov region, which the enemy does, the enemy is now trying to transfer all possible reserves and at any cost slow down the advance of our army deep into the kharkov region.
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according to our film crew, there are now more than 37 battalions, and the formation of the kiev regime has deployed weak forces, and these are not only infantry units, but also special forces units, moreover, special units that use fpv drones, the enemy is doing everything possible to isolate combat area, is indeed massively using attack drones in order to strike transport by... means of delivering personnel to the front line also prevents the evacuation of civilians from volchansk and other small settlements that find themselves in the zone of active hostilities. the enemy is using operational-tactical missile systems, and today a tactical danger was declared several times throughout the belgorod region. the point was that the enemy was preparing to use operational-tactical missiles, this was either point u or alha. yes, yes. western modifications
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here now the formation of the kiev regime is using virtually all the most modern western weapons systems that kiev has at its disposal, also in the skies in the kharkov region not only our aviation is operating, using parry bombs, but also the enemy is using aviation fire weapons with bombs of french and american production , with planning and correction modules , strikes, tries to strike even on the territory... of the russian federation, but the air defense system that the russian army has built is here in in the belgorod region, 90% of threats are destroyed in the sky, here this also applies to rockets and otrk missiles, we are also talking about aerial bombs, really fierce battles continue on the front line, the enemy is actively defending himself, now not only are working against our forces... rifle
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units formations of the kiev regime, but also special forces; moreover, many of these units are staffed by foreign military specialists, these are mercenaries and military specialists. countries members of the north atlantic alliance, which are responsible for organizing communications, combat control, who are responsible for the use of complex weapons systems, it is worth emphasizing that the enemy transferred all possible reserves to the kharkov region, this applies not only to those units that were restoring combat capability, but also to those units that were in other sections of the line of combat contact throughout... in the zone of special military operation, that is , the enemy is from the southern part, the enemy is also from the donetsk people's republic, and is transferring additional forces for slobozhanshchina, it is also worth noting that during the operation it became clear that the formation of the kiev regime did not ensure
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the evacuation of the civilian population from the area of ​​​​fierce fighting; now our fighters are doing everything possible to remove civilians from the zone of active fighting, from shelling zones.
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and brains in a russophobic, nationalist and neo-nazi spirit. the american authorities have really succeeded in this. the pig really grew up to be aggressive and crazy. but no matter how hard the westerners try puppeteers,
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it is impossible to raise another more powerful animal from a domestic pig. well, now the devil has considered russia’s draft resolution on preventing an arms race in space and has not adopted it. this is how the state department commented on the death of the president of iran and eight other people; they crashed in an american- made helicopter. on the reaction to the tragedy - anton dadykin. the un security council meeting began with a minute of silence in memory of
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the iranian president and his companions. passport of russia, who was one of the first to speak, quoted a telegram of condolences sent by vladimir putin to tehran. as the president said. china, as well as algeria, guyana, switzerland, japan, sierra leone, these are representatives of many western ones. states have come to the conclusion that a minute of silence is enough for them. the french figaro noted that the condolences of the leaders of western countries were only a tribute to politeness, and the german welt honestly called them fake. the us state department actually confirmed these estimates. we regret any death, for example
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when we see that people have died as a result helicopter crashes, but most importantly, our fundamental approach to iran has not changed and will not change. we will continue to confront iran. in connection with the death of the president, the foreign minister, as well as seven other passengers and pilots , five days of mourning were declared in the islamic republic. tens of thousands of iranians came out to honor the memory of the victims. how i wish all this were not true, we were shocked by the loss of such a man, he made the world proud of iran, he plunged his enemies into despondency, for example, just for the last month we saw how he humiliated israel and america with his power, raising iran to greatness. the west is using the death of the president to split iranian society, stooping to outright lies. reuters interviewed the couple.
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raur was declared by pakistan, india, turkey, iraq, syria and lebanon. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, vesti. the sanctions did not prevent the stable development of the russian fuel and energy complex. vladimir putin stated this: gas production volumes have increased, and electricity consumption is also steadily growing. despite the sanctions, strong volatility on global and regional levels. in the energy markets, domestic technology is developing steadily, new
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export directions are opening, and what is fundamentally important and is a priority for us is to reliably fully meet growing domestic needs. in january-april , gas production in russia amounted to 246 billion 400 million cubic meters, which is almost 8% more than in the same period last year. yes. but stable indicators in the oil industry, for example, since the beginning of this year , crude oil production amounted to 195,700,000 tons, which is slightly 1.8% less than in the same period last year, but we proceed from the fact that we have agreements under opec plus, and this is a voluntary reduction. in addition, this reflects general positive trends in the economy and production.
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combine the efforts of the scientific community, developers and industrialists and localize the entire technological production chain. such tasks are facing russia. on this topic , prime minister mikhail mishustin held a meeting in sorovye about what has already been done. it is important that these devices are now undergoing different, different levels of clinical trials, that is, they are already preparing for work in the medical network. the head of rosatom tells the prime minister about the tasks and achievements of the nuclear center; for mikhail mishusten, this is the first working trip after his reassignment. telecommunications, medicine, electronic engineering, space devices and even agriculture, where are photonic technologies not used? to date , three laser complexes have been developed, the first of which is
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a cataract surgery complex euthalmic, the next one is a laser lithotripter, a device designed for crushing kidney stones. mishustin, not only an economist, but also an engineer by training, was also interested in working with a 3d printer. flotonics is a field in... which studies the properties of light, especially its interaction with matter, the practical application is enormous, the volume of this market is tens of billions of dollars, to become a world leader in order to strengthen technologically. and the sovereignty of the country, the prime minister outlined this goal during the meeting, will ensure additional opportunities for our country to develop advanced solutions that are necessary for the development of the economy, so that modern and in-demand companies are also opened that would be based on these scientific solutions, adjusted to current tasks and challenges
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, today everyone knows this on the market for this technology great, one of the most promising... in the world. photonic technologies underlie a number of experimental megascience installations created by the state corporation rosatom. for example, this giant white a ball weighing 120 tons. fel 2m is the most powerful laser in the world. its target power is 2.8 megaaj, which is about one and a half times more than the american nif laser. this is a concentration of the most modern technologies and the result of the work of a huge team. it is already conducting unique research in the field of plasma physics, thanks to which , of course, a significantly expanded line of its own high-tech products will be expanded. at the meeting in sarov, where when the country’s nuclear shield was attacked, special attention was paid to the young generation of scientists. work on personnel training is important. every year rusatom hires
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more than 2,700 young specialists. the country's leading universities, united under the auspices, are working towards this. niyau myfi is a consortium of leading universities, and a separate topic and special attention is devoted to issues of theoretical physics, and in a special way the branch of moscow state university in sorov is also involved in this work, the first 42 graduates graduated from the walls of moscow state university last year, 32 of them remained in industry, in vnief, 17 of them are photon specialists. thanks also and young specialists, russia has established its own production of solid-state lasers; one of the main goals is to provide our own russian equipment, ranging from materials to finished products. alexandra perfileva, lead. donald trump is demanding that president biden undergo drug and doping tests and intends to make such
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a test mandatory for election debates. they are in june. and the presidential race. the head of our bureau in the usa is valentin bogdanov. in pursuit of the elusive african american voters, joe biden rushes to jet thrust of all four engines of his boeing. a mini tour of black america. first stop atlanta. utrapa party activist of the georgia democrats. everything is as chosen. the participants in the photo shoot showed genuine enthusiasm, but ordinary voters felt somehow different. his motorcade drove through empty streets. the limousine nicknamed the beast, accompanied by motorcyclists, sped off into the distance, but the internet remembers everything. there are comments left online. the only people waiting to see if biden can draw a crowd are people who need to cross the street. it's still a contrast here. month donald trump flew back to the same city.
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and a republican. in the last election , the loser in the state where a criminal trial is currently underway against him was greeted as if he were family, and trump treated them all like family. we're going to order 30 milkshakes, we'll give them to the customers and take some for you. trump then plunged into the crowd at a diner, biden was in a hurry to meet with marhouse college students, but he was not welcome there either. biden's presence is ruining our graduation.
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and president in the usa in 2020 for 3 years already it was not obama, but trump, the head of the white house has not yet confused him with anyone, this is already at the level of reflexes. trump does not seek to lead america, he wants revenge, but the future of leadership cannot be built. trump doesn't really hide it. just think, our
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president is a man with a low iq, and he has to deal with steel with chairman xi. we will start negotiations right now, these are not games. argument that in the debate he will be able to justify his main president biden hopes that donald trump, in his opinion, represents threat to national democracy. democracy works in a very specific way, the opinions of millions of americans are not taken into account at all, because they support the third candidate , robert kennedy jr., and he was not even invited to the debate. the white house is pretending that... robert kennody the younger does not exist at all, and donald trump has not yet responded to his proposal to hold a debate at the next convention of the libertarian party, where
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he is going. 13% support for an alternative candidate is a headache for both democrats and republicans, because it is unknown how many of them he will bite off. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and vlada tsurkan, usa news. beijing has imposed new sanctions against several american companies that supply weapons to taiwan. in this way he reacted to the statement of the president of the island, who demanded that china recognize the independence of taiwan, that is, he set a course for aggravation. the head of our beijing bureau, alexander baritsky, found out what is behind this. taiwan welcomed its new leader with a military parade, but right in the administration building they say the day before. just last month
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, the united states passed the indo-pacific security supplemental appropriations act for 2024. this will provide additional security assistance to the indo-pacific region. us delegates to taipei are the main guests, but a violation of the one-china principle. the house does not see this, beijing has said that it will not tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs. these kinds of regressive actions challenge not only china's sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also international justice, conscience and post- military international order. among those invited to taiba are ukrainian deputies; the taiwanese democratic party has a lot in common with them; having lost their majority in the local parliament , political opponents recently staged a mass fight in it with theft of documents. the main complaint is that none of the previous promises in the economic and social sphere have been fulfilled,
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but the military budget has grown to $18 billion, recently it became known that back in april the fleet of taiwan and the united states was deployed in the pacific in the ocean, some secret maneuvers continue to escalate. china has launched what is believed to be the world's first dedicated unmanned aircraft carrier. the communist country already has the largest navy in the world. the american press publishes materials from military experts that the scenarios that have already been lost have determined the so-called five fields of these battles: the battle for space, the missile war, small islands. just to one of these small islands controlled by taiwan, jinmen, off mainland china a couple of kilometers away, the chinese are just now building a bridge to develop the economy and trade, that is, they are not thinking about war. daden island in china has the official status of one of the three islands. it was here for the fifties that the front line of the armed confrontation between the chinese people's liberation army and the kuomintang troops, which were supported by the united states, was located. well, now there is a park
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for patriotic education, and what’s curious is that the coastline is no longer visible there, instead there is a sand quarry. the chinese seem to emphasize that they don’t look at that side of the strait through the gun sights. but beijing nevertheless imposed sanctions on three corporations of the american military-industrial complex for selling weapons to taiwan, obliging at the same time the military-space sector. boeing divisions will pay a fine of twice the amount of contracts with taiwan. alexander balsky on lvova, nikolai petrov, lead china. in mexico, for the first time, two women are vying for the post of head of state. in two weeks, the country will elect not only a new president, but also a new parliament. my colleague appreciated the degree of political tension sergei brilev. in the central square of mexico, called socola, this flagpole will help us. it is strictly vertical, now pay attention, you can see from it how the cathedral is leaning, the fact is that this entire area is located on a filled-in lake, a former sacred lake of the indians, the soil
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is moving. but today, we are even more keenly interested in what else is walking beneath the surface of latin american politics. the presenters defined the format of today's debate in one phrase. that is, the candidates and the candidate. that's right, one man, on all issues an outsider, for the first time in the history of the country there are two women who are actually fighting for the post of president of the republic. while the candidate from the ruling party is claudia.
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with such a rich country as russia, and i mean wealth not only in the literal sense of the word, but in every sense, it is also important what the culture of russia and the russian people represents. let’s not exaggerate anything, lopez obrador, who is completing his constitutional term, is not a pro-russian politician, and mexico is connected with the us and canada on the trade agreement, but the president calls himself a supporter of peace, for example, he condemned the supply of german tanks to ukraine, and also memorably stayed in...
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america, migrants increasingly go not only through mexico to the united states, but remain in mexico, which thus bears an increasing burden . let's listen to the third presidential candidate: a man. in order to demand respect on the northern border, we must respect human rights on the southern border. stop being the backyard of the united states. there were no objections from anyone on this issue.
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elections in mexico are in 2 weeks. 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this shot pit. for contacting the partisans , all the inhabitants of the village were burned. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be destroyed. why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians
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are trying. the criminals are already dead, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, we install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries ,


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