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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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were installed, even if these criminals are already dead, are used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website,
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fugitives from the kiev regime they are drowning in yew trees, and ukrainian comedians, without even waiting for the funeral of the drowned, make fun of such death. zelensky, in all his attempts to recruit at least some number of soldiers, so far only gets a minus reserve, because the fugitives, judging by apparently, they prefer self-destruction. trench
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of the ukrainian armed forces. here is another drowned man in tisza. they write that ukrainian border guards found his body under the railway bridge between the settlements of grushevaya, transcarpathian region, and kimpulunk latisa - this is romania. judging by these reports, the body of the ukrainian was found by romanian border guards, 10 meters from the shore. if you look closely at the photographs, this man was clearly preparing to escape. look, i chose the wetsuit to match the color of the water, i wanted to be invisible.
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burning huts of belarusian villages when they laugh over death, we are actually talking about fear, especially in conditions of violent mobilization. and here is the reaction of the internet audience: ukrainian users recommend sending comedians to the front, making jokes in the trenches, and also advise combatants to look for clones in the auditoriums at concerts like this. apparently, tcc dodgers will now be tracked through the new reserve plus application. true,
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technical problems began with him on the very first day of work. maybe because this service is a copy of the mriya system for schoolchildren. there's even the functionality remained in the form of grades and homework . it seems that the ukrainian ministry of defense has once again saved money. ukrainians are lured into registering in the application, saying that this is just updating the data and there is no need to stand in line at the shopping center. but in fact, this is another version of deception and the qr code will probably help to mobilize, there will be no need to identify the person. there is no need to collect any documents, this application is not to make life easier and not to run away from the tsk, but so that the tsk, that is, those comrades who mobilize ukrainians, have easier. he will, of course, be able to mobilize a certain number of people in this way, of course, because according to the new law , mobilization includes people who have tuberculosis or hiv, just not in the active stage, a person who will not be treated, who is sick with hiv or tuberculosis , he will very quickly move into the active stage, this is just...
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a lecture with his distorted fabrication, and now eidelman is cheerfully marching on his chest with a badge with the ukrainian flag. she cheerfully marches with a smile, but the fact that this is not prepared, people are sent to death, otherwise what zelensky is doing with his own hands. genocide of the ukrainian people, and its nationalism will progress when a person begins this search for a third path behind bandera, that he was some kind of opponent of the nazi soviet power, but no, he
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wanted to establish the same nationalist regime on nazi lines as in third flight, all this is very similar to today’s attempts of the kiev regime, so it is quite understandable why many ukrainians say that we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, we entered, for the first time there they wounded me, all the bullets were gone, one was a root,
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there was almost no more strength, i thought that was it, at that moment he came up to me i’m a local guy, i didn’t even notice where he came from, i’ll still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy, what this day in history is memorable for, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on may 21, 1731, empress anna ioannovna signed a decree establishing the okhotsk military flotilla with a base in the city okhotsk. this was russia's first permanent naval formation. in the far east he was assigned to carry out patrol duty to protect fisheries. important expeditions were equipped from here, including to the shores of america and japan. in the middle of the 19th century , the city of petropavlovsk, now petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, became the new base of the flotel. defending it during
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the crimean war, the russian mms in the pacific ocean took part in hostilities for the first time. izokhodsk flatela relocated to nikolaevsk-on-amur and finally to vladivostok. century in the russo-japanese war flotilla participated already as a siberian flotilla on a par with the amur flotilla. in 1935 , the pacific fleet was created here, which during world war ii contributed to the liberation of north korea and china from japanese invaders. the pacific fleet began to actively develop in the fifties, but after the collapse of the ussr it found itself in a difficult situation. however, it was modernized in 2019 and recognized as the best fleet of russia. and may 21. the day of the decree on the founding of the okhod flotilla is now celebrated as the day of the russian pacific fleet. exactly 120 years ago, may 21 in 1904, the international football federation was founded in paris. therefore, the abbreviation fifa is from the french name. by
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the beginning of the 20th century, football had become very popular. international competitions appeared and the system needed to be streamlined. true, the four football associations of great britain did not come up with the idea... and the founders of fifa were france, spain, belgium, the netherlands, denmark, switzerland and sweden. after 2 years , great britain also joined. in 1909, fifa accepted the south african football association into its ranks, then argentina and the usa. after world war ii war football federations have already appeared on all continents. the ussr became a member of fifa. the world fame of football was promoted by television broadcasts of matches. ass left, handsome!
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soldiers detained heinrich himmler, one of the most influential figures of nazi germany, ideologist and main organizer of the holocaust. even before hitler came to power, himler became a reekstur. the ss turned 300 guards into a multimillion-dollar paramilitary party organization of the national socialists. it was the ss members who created and guarded the concentration camps. it was himler who gave the orders for the extermination of 6 million jews, half a million gypsies, millions of slavs and other prisoners. he also organized the ainsatz groups. death squads that massacred civilians in the occupied territories of the ussr and eastern europe. at the end of april forty -fifth gimli. tried to reach an agreement with western countries behind hitler's back, but the fuhrer regarded this as a betrayal. the day before
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his suicide, he removed himler from all positions and deprived him of all titles. himmler fled. and in the british zone of occupation in lower saxony he was detained by a regular patrol. two a red army soldier from among the liberated soviet prisoners of war. during interrogation, himmler said who he was, during a medical examination, he bit through an ampoule with ceonide and died. his burial place near lüneburg is not marked. on the cards 30 years ago, on may 21, 1994 , quentin tarantin's film pulp fiction premiered at the cannes film festival, and it was a triumph. the nonlinear plot, the intersection of crime stories, and the philosophizing gangsters of the movie were immediately called a masterpiece of postmodernism, and it became a cult film. the film won many awards, including kan's palme d'or for directing. it was dismantled into quotes. as in paris they call a quarter pounder with cheese, what then is a royal with cheese? royal with cheese? the film starred: john
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travolta, sammy lal jackson, uma thurman and bruce willis, tim roth and harvey keitel, the star cast about the episode and the master tarantino himself. with a budget of $8 million, five of which were spent on fees for the stars, the film grossed $213 million worldwide. tarantina still calls pulp fiction his best work. that's how this day in history was, i i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, with exhibitions. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at
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the russia exhibition, how to apply for a subsidy or where to find workers, capital entrepreneurs can at any time receive free consultations on various... issues of doing business, for 12 years now a state institution of small business has been operating in the city moscow or mbm for short. we will now tell you how the organization supports those who decide to open their own business. here at we are in the embroidery part of the production, now the embroidery is being applied to the towel. what kind of film is this? this is a special film that allows the meatballs to lie flat. on such warsy terry cloth, and then where does it go, because we don’t see
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this kind of film on towels, it is then removed with water, towels, robes , slippers, and also hats and work uniforms for cooks, every month the workshop produces up to 200 units of production, production owner ekaterina evplanova twice participated in the programs of the state budgetary institution small business of moscow. during classes, the mentors recommended delegating part of the work, and... a school for seamstresses who could work on industrial machines, there are already two graduates, both of them got jobs at other
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enterprises in the city. household sewing is usually done on household machines, they are low-powered, industrial machines are quite powerful, they sew from 500 stitches per minute, with powerful motors that will sew hands easily, sewing on an industrial machine, like driving a car, is quite difficult, and therefore requires special skills. this is an acting school, head daria berezentseva took her children to such classes for many years, and then decided to become an educational partner. network and opened two of its branches. guys aged 8-11 years old, learning various techniques, chekhov, stanislavsky, cinema, working on camera, guys trying different tunes, improvisation, training in speech and stage movement. mbm helped develop branches. daria completed the free
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moms in business 2.0 program, a project for women with small children. they took us on a tour to. business from people who also started from scratch without much knowledge rich experience, and what’s more, almost all of the mentors were female, these were already mothers themselves, many of whom had several children, they walked this path, that is , it turns out that you can consult with a person who is still in the same situation your marital status, how to combine it, you are both a mother and an entrepreneur, rosslav also collaborates with mbm, an honored coach of russia, trained the olympic team in taekwondo, and now he has his own business, a network of swimming pools for children, already six branches, classes are structured like this, so that no one distracted, parents can watch through monitors. a child and a coach work one -on-one in an individual room in an individual pool bowl, the water in which
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is filtered once every 30 minutes. dmitry entered the mbm program a year ago. exchange of experience, new knowledge, and now he himself is a mentor, supervises aspiring entrepreneurs with a socially oriented business, we share our knowledge absolutely free of charge, give the opportunity to develop and categorically do not support all these purchases and sales , the monetization of certain knowledge and skills, which, that cannot be monetized, either you have them and you share them, or you don’t have them and you sell them. for those who want to know more, the ibm holds conferences and seminars on specific topics, also free of charge. today, for example, we are talking about government procurement. i came to this event to get acquainted with what basic laws govern interaction on government procurement, what the main changes are and how to start interaction correctly. for some, this is
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an opportunity to ask their questions, and for others, to cope with doubts. such as times... they help you to master in a short time, what to pay attention to, and to gain experience from people who already have such knowledge, and apply it to avoid some negative aspects. over 12 years , the establishment of small business in moscow has supported more than 360,000 entrepreneurs. the organization has helped launch 48,000 new companies. services and measures. support was provided more than one and a half million times, of which more than 12,000 were business events, but mainly this was advisory support, experts gave more than a million practical recommendations. we tell entrepreneurs how to open their own business, prepare documents for registering a business, talk about accounting, taxation, when reporting is submitted,
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including the nuances of participating in government procurement, and elections. gryachishny on kefir, with apples and even potatoes; they produce one and a half tons of bread per day, and another 85 types of confectionery, from japanese cotton cheesecakes to pies with cabbage, all traditional recipe, all our products are clean label, we do not use dyes, substitutes, improvers, and even marshmallows
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contain nothing, but here is an apple, applesauce and... black currants. thanks to mbm, the owners of this bakery were able to receive a preferential loan. experts explained the conditions and helped prepare documents. the funds received were used to purchase a new stove. as a result , bread production increased by one and a half times. this is a deck oven, the principle of the oven is like a russian oven, stone, on stone, bread, for good crust taste and aroma of bread. there is complete automation here. process, the baker only needs to select the name of the bread and press a button. the oven does everything itself, bakes, stops. the bakery sells its products. own shops and cafes in moscow and the moscow region, already more than 10 points. the city also helped develop the network. the company received a grant to open one of
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the stores. since 2019, mbm has been creating online services. there are already 35 such services on the institution’s website. for example, you can remotely check the reliability of a potential partner, or choose a tax regime. i also wanted to note. such a service as check the legality of a sign, it allows you to find out whether your sign, that is, the entrepreneur, has violations, in what time frame they need to be eliminated, in this area we, in addition to providing information, also advise entrepreneurs on how to comply with the requirements for placement signage. we have completed the entire first floor and finished the ceiling of the first floor. and we are partially finishing the second floor, respectively, another month and a half, and we will finish this house. in 2 years the company built 30 country houses,
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the construction period of each was no more than six months, now there are seven projects in the works, mbm online services came in this way, by the way, at a difficult moment, they provide free access to what is probably the largest recruiting platform in russia , and we used this me... indicated above all, it is necessary to self-organize and have a fairly strict timing, this is exactly what we
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learned very well at the forum from the state budgetary institution small business, our coworking space houses a recreational zone, right here an entrepreneur can meet a courier, a partner for up to 15 minutes, then we move to a noisy zone, the main activity takes place here, entrepreneurs can talk on the phone, carry out... there is a business service center in every moscow district, here you can personally receive any consultation, co-working spaces are organized in four centers, any entrepreneur has the right to reserve a workplace with all office amenities for free. we offer two meeting rooms for our entrepreneurs. human, entrepreneurs like to hold brainstorming sessions and master classes here, you can also invite investors and partners to chat, it’s a very convenient space, but the infrastructure
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is not everything, the atmosphere itself promotes cooperation among residents, this is what happened with anna and marina, now they have a common brand of women’s clothes, before we organized our business, we often worked here in our own areas, i am a stylist, marina is a marketer very often, and as a self-employed person. namely some joint projects we can say our common business has grown, our lyubiyng, as we call it among ourselves, you know, this is the starting point of our joint business, a joint sewing project, and more than a year has passed since then, the company is growing, there is already a production and a warehouse, but leaving the owners have no plans yet. with other residents, which is also very valuable, who are engaged in business in completely different areas, some are engaged in advertising,
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others are engaged in some other areas that help us in business. natalia is also a regular at this co-working space, is engaged in creative promotion of brands, she, as a manager, has a separate office in the office of her own company, but it turned out that it is more convenient to work here, since we have an agency. it can be very noisy, chaotic, we are also involved in holding events, that is, we bring souvenirs there, and some big noisy meetings are held, and it is often very difficult for me, as a manager, to work there with documents and with some things, that is , we need peace, we need silence, and we need somehow abstract. moscow small business establishment is ready at any moment to show a way out of a difficult situation or inspire new achievements. such support is one of the factors in creating the necessary business climate in the capital. as a result, there are more small companies. now there are more than 430 in the city
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. individual entrepreneurs, this is...
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stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, why
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adam and not adam, am i a chechen artist? white rose can? can you sing sometime? friends, quickly, we don’t need names, she’s not worth a damn, or what? not a trosh, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, right? russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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five days of mourning have been declared in iran in connection with
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the death of ibrahim raisi. the helicopter of the president of the iranian republic crashed the night before; none of the passengers, including the minister of foreign affairs , survived. vladimir putin sent a telegram of condolences to the supreme commander.


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