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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
even those who don’t fit in with it at all, no, here you go, give this, this and this, so that you have this, this and this, this is the separation of powers, these are the parliaments, so to speak, these elections and so on, etc., etc., by the way, there are elections in iran, and by the way, there is even a political struggle, sometimes quite tough, so to speak, right up to, so to speak, mutual murder, that’s why there will also be its own undoubted intrigue, but nevertheless, nevertheless to a large extent as if the whole world was simply raped by this very model, this is her... inner gloomy spirituality, it is completely obvious, by the way, it was expressed here the other day, again in the same, so to speak, city of kiev, with the nose of the church that stood nearby, the church, that is, of equal-to-the-apostles vladimir and olga, which stood next to the place where the tithe church once stood, the tithe church, yes, it is dedicated to the mother of god, this is the tithe church, which is why it is important this church, it is important, it important because it was the main christian temple before... the construction of sofia, yes, in kiev, yes,
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that’s why it was supposed to, the first was destroyed by the baty, the second was really rebuilt, so to speak, into the third, the third was destroyed in twenty in the eighth year, that means, during the anti-religious repressions of the soviet government, now and now what was destroyed was destroyed by mr. zelensky, and he destroyed it cynically, i destroyed it in such a way that there, along with the icons, with the artwork, with everything, they just mixed to the trash, well, it seems to me that the historical parallels are completely obvious, on my opinion... this clearly, even in terms of dates, almost coincided, intersects with the eurovision final, these are these people, this is the spirit that rushes, this is this, this is about this, this is about this, you need to understand these very clearly things, it seems to me that this is very important, very illustrative, so to speak, a couple of words literally about callas, well, a couple of words right after the advertisement, maybe not.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a film, rich, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with soviet films, i wouldn’t call it remakes, reshooting, the film is completely independent, uh, uh, has it moved away from me? this is an adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, what right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film on one... breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100
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years ago, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what svetray helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what in general with production, raw materials? export, what it is, our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. yes, about the kailos, who dreams of dismemberment.
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that nothing will happen, no one will ever take advantage of it, this is also somehow somewhat naive, yes, so they understand what they can play, yes, i think this needs to be taken into account from a security point of view, but i wanted to end with something a little different: china announced sanctions against several american companies, including boeing's defense division with the simplest formulation: they supply weapons to taiwan, i think that you know, i don’t like to say the word like that, but nevertheless, they are handsome, you know, well done, well done, at that time...
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the chinese show, in my opinion, even if not not absolute, as it were, but still an example real sovereignty, because the americans need to let the same westerners know, so to speak, that they do not rule this world with one snout and that they do not have such a right, so
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to speak yes, that others do not have, if you think so, that it is possible to do so do, then we can also think so, and transferring, as it were, onto our soil once again what we have talked about here many times, while these...
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took place in moscow, i didn’t understand this at all, with the ambassadors of european countries, listen, this is an insult, and if you don’t send it out, to hell with you mothers, this is insulting, you know, the ambassadors who had not previously appeared on the call of the minister of foreign affairs, the ambassadors of those countries that supply weapons, that kill our soldiers, calmly and greyhound, i would say, are gathering in the center of moscow, just like that, without this could not happen with someone’s permission, and they behave absolutely brazenly, this supports their feeling, understand, he wants to say: this supports their feeling of complete security, yes, you can shoot at a ukrainian, but we, they say, are a superior race, we people of the first class, and these russians will not shoot at us, they will not do anything bad to us, we will go to kiev, drink beer there, they will not do anything to us, worse,
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not only in kiev, we will gather in the center of moscow and we’ll be there discussing our, so to speak, stinking conversations, why this is, i don’t understand, maybe, of course, it has some operational goals, maybe we overheard someone there, identified someone. the hamas group, speaking in a telegram, claims that the helicopter pilot was a masad agent, he even names the name elikoptar, whether this is true or not, but of course, all this is part
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of the rumors that are circulating, this is political analyst daniel haik on the french channel 24 news, there is such a book. which was written by one of the historians of israeli, well , israeli history, so to speak, it’s difficult to define, probably military history, it’s called rise up and... killing the first history of political murders, he wrote his book, despite the large number of protests there, trying, trying prevent him, and he describes how the practice and explains why for israel political assassination is an absolutely acceptable form of struggle for the survival of one’s country. america has committed a colossal number of political murders, i don’t remember a single case where these countries immediately recognized it, but that’s why it’s us. when israel says: no, no, it's not us, wait, what if it were you, would you
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confess, or what? israel was never recognized, of course, so when this statement comes now, no, it’s not us, but before that there was at least one time when you said, yes, it’s you, why are the americans, if they can, on the territory third country to kill one of the legends of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, a leader, a person who, well, in terms of status, was probably one of the most... you cannot kill a leader, one of the leaders of iran, what is the problem, that is,
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for the americans, what is the problem , they want us to believe them, or what? just like now the international criminal court, the prosecutor demanded that we issue an arrest warrant for both the leaders of hamas, the prime minister of israel and the israeli minister of war, and biden says the prosecutor demands that mus issue... an arrest warrant for the leaders of israel is outrageous just a minute, when these idiots have an arrest warrant for putin and levov belov, that wasn’t outrageous, that’s something else, are you actually degenerates, we told you when we told you that this is an idiotic structure that cannot be recognized, you said no, no, what are you, now try to explain to me why one decision is good and the other decision mus is bad? are american cretins able to explain this? no, blinkin, no, but the beloved
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americans have gone, what about, this is different, right? this not another idiots, this is not, this is the same thing, so when we told you that mus is nothing, and you said, no, no, no, this is very important, now try to arrest the prime minister of israel. in those countries that recognize mus, armenia, for example, europe, it would be nice, well, you start arresting netanyaha, everything is fine, the arresting officer will not break, giggle about this topic, ukraine, i hope, now i’m instantly drawing rice, estonia , estonia, i don’t understand this at all, i remember andersen, the snow queen when it was necessary to lay out four icy...
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a poem by konstantin simonov, which he wrote in 1942: kill him, as many times as you see him, so many times and kill him, so only by force can we restore order to win, i would also like to join in expressing my sincere condolences to the iranian in connection with the big situation , it should be noted to the people that our government responded immediately.
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various publications, will anything change in relations between russia and iran? i think it won't change. the supreme power in iran is in the hands of supreme leader aatala ali khamenei. he ruler for life. and in fact, he determines the general line in the country, the president is the second person, he is the head of the executive branch, earlier in 1989 the post of prime minister was abolished, and the president is involved in signing international agreements, the state budget and state planning, and the government reports to rahbar, him the president does not rule, it is
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the spiritual leader, yes, well... he is one of the real candidates who can become president, as the first vice president, he was responsible for developing relations with russia, with china, arab and african countries, if he is elected president of iran, this course will continue, in the same way, i think that harsh anti-iranian rhetoric will continue, the second candidate... who is being considered in iran for the post of president is the current speaker of parliament galibav is a former commander of the air force of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, he has long-standing ties with the corps, one of the other often visited russia, they are known to us, in principle, both advocate the development of relations with russia and
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china, as with the main centers of the current multipolar world, as for... the situation in north africa, from where i just returned with a group of employees, excuse me, can i ask a stupid question, if necessary, how many fighters can ksir give to the front line with the ukronazis? now the ukronazis have insulted iran so much, goncharenko is all kinds of other bastards, but if they wanted to, how many trained fighters can they spare? i think that there is more than one ten thousand, iran’s mobilization receiver is huge, they have it.
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ukraine's gas sector has forgotten about us. indeed, the situation in north africa is dire. libya is assessed as a failed state, a split. this, tribal society. while muammar gaddafi was still able to maintain this, the current rulers are not. two governments, one in benghazi, the other in tripoli. behind each there are external forces with their own interests, but the main interest is to pump out as much as possible. from libya oil, what will happen to the country and the people, they don’t give a damn, the crisis continues in tunisia, there are many reasons, the people live worse and worse, there is a civil war in sudan war, almost 9 million refugees, a lot of people went to chat, well, the neighboring state went to egypt, the most severe violence, the capital khartoum
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was destroyed, it is not able to perform its functions as a capital center, and like in egypt. sudan was described to me as a destroyed state, there is a threat that darfur will now be divided after southern sudan, that is, in fact there will be no state of sudan as such, an outbreak, that is, kyle’s dream is coming true, yes, outbreaks of cholera are coming true, and i would like to warn russian tourists, that more than 200 thousand sudanese refugees are already in in egypt, our people go there to resorts and can steal anything they want; the border there is difficult to control. egypt, more or less such a prosperous country, but egypt has a lot of its own problems, due to the fact that shipping on the soviet canal has decreased, foreign exchange earnings to the treasury have fallen by about 50%, since a high exchange rate has been introduced pound, then
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migrant workers, egyptians somewhere. those working abroad have stopped sending money to egypt, the treasury also receives less, in the country about 70% are either on the verge of poverty or already beyond the border poverty, they are forced to receive food on ration cards, i looked at cairo, the dirt, the garbage, the heat, the nile, plastic bottles and... honestly, i felt sorry for egypt, there are a lot of beggars, against this background egypt has no solutions problems with ethiopia on the blue nile river. the dam has been built, the reservoir is filling, well, i asked, will there be a war between you and ethiopia, we say, no, we will somehow solve it, that is, war
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is unlikely, now they are trying to solve water supply problems by building a large stations on the mediterranean sea for desalination of sea water, and are working among local farmers, the authorities so that they stop sowing moisture-loving crops, and somehow a replacement occurs. complex issues arise in the gas sector, well , there is a corruption component, and i think it’s not for nothing that palestinian refugees end up on the territory of syria, as for oh, egypt, as for the statement of this euro-idiot, mrs. kallos, today with some we discussed it with our staff this morning statement: and young people say to me: isn’t it time for us to raise the question of correcting the historical injustice committed
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by lenin during the collapse of the russian empire and by stalin to demand the return of narva to russia dvinsk, which is now called for a long time pilsa memel, which is now called, so i would like this would be all this balt.
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well, the process is still not easy, they have enough people and weapons, they are delivering massive attacks on our territory, so the russian
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soldier and the russian gunsmith still have to work and work, it’s definitely too early to relax, we can’t relax at all, i ask for the program, millions of people are watching, including specialists in aviation, helicopters , and therefore, although i also strongly doubt that we will get some kind of... landing when the equipment is being tested tension when pilots make some decisions, after the plane or helicopter has taken the flight level, the probability that a technical incident will occur tends to zero, so he
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and i discussed this when, unfortunately, the plane from the usa was flying in st. petersburg , fell over the china peninsula, after he learned that the incident occurred there at the thirty-fifth minute, he said that don’t even think about it, there were no technical things, it was just a terrorist attack, and today in general... i would like to talk, of course about iran, the reason is tragic, i also have friends in iran, i have been there , we express our condolences to them, that’s all, iran is now going through a very interesting stage in its history. iran is a civilization, the same as russia, china, india, it is a civilization that for the last 300 years was in very difficult conditions, its spread, expansion in different directions, ended. in the 18th century, then in the 19th century there was the sick man of europe, the ottoman empire, but iran, persia was also the sick man of europe in the 20th century, not without the participation
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of russia, great britain, in the fifty-third year after the coup d'etat the united states, in general iran put under more or less total control, now the process of iran’s return to the community of states of the planet is taking place, and in a very interesting way, if you look at how closely events have been developing over the last few years, iran has become a member of brix, brix plus, and in the alliance for the twenty-third year. neighboring states, yet iran was simply the very first to apply to join brix after brix decided that the organization could expand. in the same twenty-third year, iran finally became a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization, it had been asking for this for many years, and in the twenty-third year, by the way, it entered the first proposal he made, it was very interesting, although it might be a little
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radical, he simply proposed that all... sco member countries sign a non-aggression treaty with each other, well, it is clear that we are talking about non-aggression by india, pakistan or india china, but however, if this happened, i hope the diplomat would work on it, it would be a very serious step forward in the institution of nationalization and the transformation of the sco into a powerful organization.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had orders to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we stormed, we got off, for the first time there we got tired, they wounded me, all the bullets were gone, one was a root, there was almost no more strength, i thought that was it, at that moment
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a local came up to me. guy, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy, then in the same twenty-third year, and iran
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signs. the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union comes into force, if you look at the statistics, so far the trade statistics between iran and the eu or russia, it is not very impressive, although we of course understand that the bulk of the deals are in the shadows, here on the show we looked at sergei shoigu’s greenhouse, where geraniums grow, and yet here are the numbers 3.4 billion dollars a year is small. numbers that, of course, show that our relations will grow. so, all this is happening to a state that before this, for 300 years, had not entered into any integration associations with anyone, well, it was once very weak, then the first years after the islamic revolution, iran he didn’t particularly look for any equal alliances in the world, he created his own shiite community there, now iran is trying even more.


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