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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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later in the same twenty-third year, iran signed an agreement on a free trade zone with the eurasian economic union. if you look at the statistics, so far the statistics of trade between iran and the eu or russia are not very impressive, although we, of course, understand that the bulk of the transactions are in the shadows; we looked at sergei’s greenhouse here on the show.
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support, but still in june of twenty-two the russian president goes on a visit to iran, and we remember that after the start of the pandemic the russian president, not very many states travel only to those that are strategically important for us, the former soviet union, china, india, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, iran, and there , at a meeting with the supreme, supreme ruler of iran, ali khaminiya, it was said, the highest ruler. in the presence
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of the president who was killed yesterday or who died yesterday, that iran understands and supports russia’s position on the issue of a special military operation, and the logic of the actions is completely clear, iran would have done the same, in general, it was very an important signal that has largely changed the attitude of other states, first of all, let’s take one more step, after all, this is the fifteenth year the issue of syria, that is, we started working on syria. with iran it is very close, very close, it was then that our own political ties began to take shape, of course, and then we, well, as they say, stood the test, then, by the way, our image throughout the arab world changed dramatically, because we are not just we gave our word, we kept this, to save face, what we did, to lose face, what the americans did, it was such a very important moment of fork in the road, finally, at the beginning of twenty-four , the russian federation... sends to iran,
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sends to iran a draft of a large interstate agreement, our diplomats know how to keep the document secret, we nothing, well , maybe only very serious specialists know about this, we are specialists in diplomacy, we don’t know anything special, except that if we exclude all those issues that have already been resolved, trade, this is investment, this human-to-human contact, the military sphere remains, now this agreement lies somewhere on one of the tables in tigeran, of course,
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in the future, that is, the tragic incident yesterday, it forced us, perhaps, even to take a new look at the significance that iran is gradually acquires in our life, in our foreign policy, in our defense policy. ultimately, in a military sense, iran is one of the real superpowers, which has a whole line of missile equipment, artillery, it has excellent intelligence that works in different states region and iran, on this, on this page. history is our ally, of course, maybe not in a strict sense, and most importantly, we are building that very new world where civilizations talk to each other, and builds relationships not necessarily in the form of old integration associations or military alliances, but such relationships or such alliances that make it possible to solve the whole range of problems, economic, investment, technological and military, but can i just take a second, the next one, god forbid, may become a victim president of the republic seska.
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this is what surprises me, there are ukrainian nazis who directly said that it was necessary to blow up factories in iran, called for actions, here is one of the most vile ukrainian pedaras, a certain faithful serduchka, aka
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danilka, who celebrated the death of resi with such a post, don’t forget send a couple of geraniums to the grave of this good fellow, i have... a question, then, of course, it was too late, but iran will tolerate this for a long time, i just want to understand, in the islamic world in general, it’s interesting, they allow the tour of this pedorastic monsters, it’s normal to attempt to assassinate the leaders of slovakia, right? the west was afraid that he had survived, if you think about it, yes, he survived, so his position in relation to nato towards russia and european sanctions will be destructive. financial times writes about this.
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it is very interesting that iran requested us assistance in connection with the crash of the presidential helicopter, but the americans were unable to provide it for logistical reasons. blinken immediately declared that no, no, no, no, no, you’re moose, he has no jurisdiction over israel, that is, he had enough for that, but is it really the state department’s competence to resolve legal issues, uh, about what mus has the capabilities to do and what it doesn’t, well, to interpret international law, of course, mito also expresses, well, of course not, because.
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a clearly incompetent administration consisting of formally competent people, and blinken, of course, this definitely stands out even in this administration, he still thinks that everything is set up the same way, that the united states, yes, they are involved in every process in the world, these are actually these so-called
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liberal hawks or liberal interventionists, they also very often call themselves welzenians, referring to budr wilson, who was the first to formulate it on an ideological level, here. which means, accordingly, while still in princeton, so to speak , he formulated this idea that yes, the united states is so important, such a major country that it will interfere in any processes, later he, so to speak, spoke about this, that this is theirs, this is, in fact, not just their task, this is their calling, they must interfere in everything, the whole world must obey, hence , by the way, they completely turned the concept around with this exceptional nation, because an exceptional nation was understood mainly in a religious sense, as a nation...
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i only write down when the number changes, because no, no , well, because they are drawn to them, they have this magic of numbers, their nazism breaks through in everything, so of course... they can say, we are not members of this club at all, so to speak, and in general we are, as it were, not in business here, but at the same time with our point of view should be like this, well , they don’t seem to recognize anything at all, that is, they don’t recognize, let’s say, the sovereignty of the state, well, in the sense, except for their own, yes, although their own sovereignty is also very funny, but, by the way, they oppose their sovereignty, well, in the sense of their political opponents, the same trump, but the fact that they do not recognize any sovereignty is for sure. this is the basis of this velsonianism, in fact, then it seemed even more or
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less, so to speak, pretty design, but in fact even then it was clear to many what it was, and it is curious that now the military-industrial complex plays a smaller role, i think, in this union, but generally speaking , in the issue of america’s entry into the first world war played by this bunch of military-industrial complex and that means campus boys, those liberal professors, that is, some say:
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it is clear that iran was under such sanctions, which, probably, only russia now understands, yes, but iran, when they began sanctions against him, he was by no means in the same economic condition as our economy was, that’s it, but nevertheless he suffered through it. understanding the importance of developing this eurasian space without this euro-atlantic raid without the american plan, that is, in fact, these people were not just anti-americans or people there. who really loved that their relations with russia are good, not systemic, about some chinese comrades, it seems to me that they thought exactly that so systematically eurasian, that’s what it would be a shame, so to speak, to miss, so i hope that in this matter, by the way, there will be important, important, important continuity, because i’m sorry, just right now, please tell me, how should the iranians
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react to such a statement by israel's ambassador to the un, gelada jordan, advice that does not apply. no effort to free our abductees, today bowed his head to the man who is responsible for the murder and massacre of many thousands of people, in iran, israel and throughout to the world. what's the next step? with a minute of silence in the council on the anniversary of hitler's death, the security council became a threat to world peace. it's a shame. and after this, after this, now in iran it will be possible to convince someone. then it’s just, well, random , well, really, after such statements , what should be the reaction? us state department, the death of the lynx, the iranian authorities themselves are to blame for using a forty-five-year-old helicopter in poor conditions, an american helicopter, well, an american not an american forty-five-year-old not a forty-five-year-old, here arises, here an important feature arises
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in all these things, you know, and of course today i will definitely say it straight out... here’s something else we’re talking about here, since they said about the helicopter, i ’ll say a slightly different finale then, the point is, that it is very important what to fly on, what to ride on and what to use, which means, well, currency, i already said, let’s just talk about funds, about aviation equipment, and missile launchers, and there, you know, sergei aleksandrovich said here what it is the trouble is from
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everything that you import into, so to speak in a political sense, in a material sense, you understand that this is all...
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mikhail mikhailovich, well, first we’ll have to make a little adjustments in relation to airplanes, what needs to be said here, the fact is that some of the machines that were previously brought to a state of airworthiness , are certified, but their production cannot be resumed for a number of indicators, for example, here is the same tut-334, it was equipped
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with engines that were produced in zaporozhye, for example, but there is no engine, there is no aircraft, as for, for example, aircraft in. .. 204-214, then they are now being produced in relatively small batches, a decision is made to increase their production, but what other problems were associated with the domestic fleet of aircraft, well, completely objective, why many companies, for example, refused - from our aircraft, not from the fact that they we joined the party of boeing or airbus lovers there, but the fact is that the manufacturers of these aircraft had many things, for example, especially of a service nature. well, an order of magnitude two better, there if necessary to replace some spare part, this was done in an extremely short time, the same 204 2014 here could stand for a significant period of time, and if you add fuel.
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must meet, well, be no worse than all established world standards, in terms of fuel efficiency, in terms of service, after all. sometimes it is connected with objective things, as for the accusations against americans, like, he boarded a forty-five-year-old helicopter, well, it ’s still quite a stupid accusation, because in general there are no old or new aircraft it happens, all aircraft, it only has two criteria: airworthy, unairworthy, if the aircraft has passed all the necessary routine maintenance, maintenance, everything on it meets the safety requirements, age does not matter much, for the same ones. ..
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bel, and if they were, they were not damaged as a result of the fire, who will decipher them, if they may belong to the bell company, so bel will decipher the readings of these speech parametric recorders, so we can never no truth can be found out, but in general, this is how things stand with this for now, now about more pressing things, the russian army still has the initiative, in most sectors of the front it is moving forward, in this regard , before...
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replenishment, what is marching replenishment? they called up citizens for military service, sent them to the reserve regiments of the formation, prepared there for a minimum period of two months, then, as part of a marching unit, went to the front to replenish those units that are on the front line, which suffered losses during previous hostilities. this is one way, the second way is the formation of parts of the formation and reserve associations, sometimes it is called parts of the reserve. full main command, this is much more difficult, because - well, even there the same thing, if estonia helps, why are they going to
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take off their last shirt and send it to help ukraine, but at most we will dress one battalion with this shirt , we need a completely unthinkable amount of uniforms and medical equipment, food and fuels and lubricants, again all this is necessary somewhere before the training and retraining of these personnel. carry out at some training centers, training grounds, reserve connections. the russian army will not indifferently watch these mobilization events. surely, all centers, training centers, spare parts, where the formation of reserves and marching will take place, will be attacked by aerospace and naval forces , again, without extensive assistance from the collective west of speech. about conscription there are hundreds of thousands of citizens there, their necessary uniforms, equipment, in general, this is a rather difficult task, so far there is no
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sign that the necessary property, military equipment from the west is arriving in the required volumes for mobilization, well, again, everything this is still arithmetic, because even if some mobilization measures are carried out, then again we must ask ourselves, first of all , not so much us as the military-political leadership, but which ones? strictly speaking, we will solve strategic problems after carrying out certain stages of mobilization, we will recapture crimea, donbass, we will reach the borders of 1991, no one believes in this, even in the west, so it is quite possible that even with the implementation of mobilization measures, the armed forces of ukraine, well, are still facing political leadership will only face one strategic dilemma, or military-political leadership. goes to negotiations, given the current realities, or, after carrying out mobilization measures, participating in further hostilities, incurring
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heavy losses. so it’s just this or that, or that, or new flows of blood and negotiations on much worse terms, or negotiations now taking into account the realities that now exist at the forefront. mikhail mikhailovich, well, they see differently, they are filming as much as they can, there are probably 6 brigades already driven into volchansk, they are trying to infiltrate the mtr, all the specialists they can recruit, the detachments are standing behind the fence, they are not running.
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fpv sea, they were given missiles that are blasting far away, they ask the americans for more provided them with target designation and guidance, they want to strike deep into russia, they carry out massive strikes, including on the territory of crimea deep into russian territory, that is, they still hold the front line, they have a lot of people, they overwhelm them with people who are poorly prepared, yesterday they were captured, tomorrow they are at the front, but the root is... slavic, that is, to say that now they ran, no, at the front our guys show miracles of heroism, but there are swarms of drones in the sky, everything that is possible is flying, today there was a blow to lugansk inflicted by western weapons, they are expecting f-16s in the coming weeks and as platforms, they are dangerous, you know this better than anyone.
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the situation is quite complex, quite complicated, but nevertheless, nevertheless, in a strategic plan , in my opinion, it must be assessed in exactly this way, and for this and to solve this problem , all possible forces and means must be applied on our part and efforts, i’m still waiting for tactical nuclear weapons. i want to see a full-scale test, so that some hotheads understand that we are messing around with we won’t be a foreign contingent, we’ll just be talking about it completely, well , maybe i’m mistaken, of course, by the way, before i gave the floor to franovich, i raised a very deep topic when i spoke about democracy and institutions, but we are very bad we know the iranian experience, we are bad.
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you will get the opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 9 of one child, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, all the inhabitants of the village were burned for communication with the partisans,
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a plan was developed according to which ... was subject to destruction,


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