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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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we do not pay any attention to modern trends in belarusian political construction, which are very important, we are so somewhat arrogant about this, but in vain, because these forms of democracy are exactly what we need to study, we need to implement, because the stability of the system is ensured, among other things and competent design. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, for connections with the partisans, they burned the village of everyone inhabitants, a ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30
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million slavs were to be exterminated, why is it important to recognize the genocide against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. a very well thought out attack in the information field on... our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series. cinema and. films,
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educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. paradoxical as it may seem, this arrogance, well, partly takes its toll paradoxically, so to speak, beginning in the complex.
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i realized that the military machine of the kiev regime is thinning and wearing out, this is their inability to make strategic decisions, for example, to move on to the formation of divisions, corps, front-line commands, and this reminds me, you know, that the second half of the great patriotic war, when the same generals, the same model, the same gudarian, the same bush, who showed their best qualities, suddenly it was as if they had been replaced, here’s the operation, he’ll soon be 80. it’s as if their eyes were blinded, they didn’t see anything the concentration of soviet troops in huge numbers, and but the front stood, the german soldiers stood and the sesovo units held out to the last, trams ran in berlin until the last, but the quality of the strategic command was constantly falling, and by the way, i think i’m convinced that whether the west will decide to intervene or not, which you are talking about, will depend on the speed, quality and strength of the victory of russian weapons, which they see, if they see... a truly high-class
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manifestation on the battlefield and not decide to intervene, but it’s like would we go to such a side in the field of the unknown, as far as concerns.
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of this regime, there is a competitive struggle, yes, some are allowed to vote, some are not, so about the struggle, there are some groupings within what is different in this regard from selection, for example, in the american political system, there americans were driven, either trump, or biden, or biden, or trump, and if someone wants to choose a third something, no, here you go, either biden or trump. in this regard, even the iranian system, it looks more advantageous, began kennedy, but they found a worm in his brain, yes, yes, this became news number one.
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authoritarianism, democracy, totalitarianism, it no longer corresponds to life at all, we still teach the laws of marisa duverger about the party system, how they relate to the current reality, we admire detaquiliam, his works are only my dear rice, about american democracy, this a stunning monument of the 19th century, written in specific conditions, a specific french political situation, where he saw america as such...
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you will be like a certain subject, but you will not be, it’s like flying over the cuckoo’s nest, they will give you a political lobotomy, you seem to live, but you are a vegetable, political vegetables, so they turn those who disagree into political vegetables, then, that they are now trying to create an alternative for germany, with other parties, such a political labotomy, not to kill, not to drive into a concentration camp, just like that, very softly, so soft totalitarianism, or, for example, ezheviator, an amazing polish political scientist , etc. ..zelensky
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and how he raises this topic the western press, because that’s where they talk about it, they talk about it, they talk about it, only now the tragic events of the voran have somewhat pushed this topic into the background, but it continues, it is gaining momentum, they talk about its real rating, they talk about why they are going...
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the power bloc, if your country is a member of nato, intelligence, counterintelligence, the military department, you will not control, they will control where the founding treaty of nato lies from washington, and by the way, i would carefully look at how robert fitz’s security guards acted during this assassination attempt, and what generally stands behind it, these are the real levers that control this so -called democracy, and not what we have. often contained in textbooks, now advertising, after that we will not continue with a new composition,
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we were caught by storm, we entered for the first time there, they got tired of me to wound, all the bullets were fired, there was only one. conquest, no more strength it was, post, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful, not for what it’s like, for example,
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to remember how i breathed 5 years ago, how promised, but how he breathed, how he breathed, it’s just like he said, that 5 years is all, that’s it, 5 years the land is ready, that’s right, well listen, i can’t handle it, i’ll leave, that’s why i’m going for 5 years, that’s why i’m offering one from the first laws, the law on impeachment, we... were arguing with the guys, but wait, what, what law about 5 years, restrictions, what are you talking about, suddenly will it work? no, it’s not possible in our country, not yet in ukraine. in our native country, in ukraine, you cannot give anyone the opportunity in the first term, during the first term, to think what you will do next, in 5 years, work now, here now, make history, do everything you can, you brute, why wasn’t it my sovereign language, then it was still possible, now they would have
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shouted to him like that, yes, well, yes, muscovite, aren’t you washing your words with my sovereignty, oh?
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under 5000 for the sake of what in order to conquer lands where ukrainians are hated, ukrainians zelensky, not ukrainians as a people, in order to return to the borders of the ninety- first year, crimea, donbass, terson region, zaporozhye, well, well, well, no one asks people why?
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here is the answer to political support for zelensky: the legs are running! why? a friend of vasily dmitrovich and a recent employee of the zelensky administration, monsieur went back and forth 20 times, ran behind the front line for beer, arestovich? so did you explain it? we are ruled by morally incompetent monsters who steal with blood. capable of making decisions, unable to provide positive motivation, capable only of making the situation worse, worse and worse, it is being made worse by incompetence, theft and the inability to give positive, well , positive motivation, explain to people why they are fighting, give hope for the future and so on, making everything worse, killing business, persecuting groups of thinkers and dissident people and so on, that’s all, but why do they
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rule us, because we ourselves are to a large extent the same and choose the same people, they didn’t fly to us from mars, we chose it, that’s right, that’s all, that diagnosis, the second ukrainian republic is the end, if it continues to exist for any more reasonable time, then several hundred thousand more people will die, everything will fall apart even more, it turned out to be, how to say, a failed project, first the upr failed, there is a directory and a hetmanate, now it’s a failure, a failure the second ukrainian republic, formed in ninety-one, if there is a third, well , what? more competent, ukraine has a chance, if it doesn’t, well, that means we won’t lose at all, but we’ll be such a gray area to exist as a murdered one, the only question is why did people die, hundreds of thousands of people died, for what? that's all, what for? the answer is obvious, so for whom is zelensky legitimate for
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the bbc, for cnn, for some city, for... several armies are not hiding abroad, the main efforts are not being made to run not to the front, but as far from the front as possible. yes, by the way, aristovich explained why zelensky is not able to govern the country. kharkovites told me how zelensky went to kharkov, yesterday in kharkovskaya
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region. speak, he came, heard people who told him that the local administration, that everything is in order, that the fortification is the best in the world, and that bad news about kharkov is being spread by enemies. he agreed, left, shook hands, distributed awards and left. and me, the people, the serious people who are there... are involved, including the military, they start asking me questions, saying: listen, how is this even possible, why not drive around the region to see for yourself, or why not order photographs of the area where in black and white it’s clear that there are no fortifications, and why doesn’t he listen to the sbu there, why doesn’t he listen to the dbr, doesn’t listen to the bp, which is supposed to be reported to him there, why can’t he demand a real report, why can’t he provide himself with real information, i i say, guys, you don’t understand, he is an actor, for him the work ends when he...
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i did my part of the work, then it’s not my fault if i was deceived during the report, it’s the bad ones who deceived me, not i, who am responsible for everything in a warring country that could not, i can’t provide myself with real information, yes, so come up with whatever you want about zelensky, about the bright european future of ukraine, while everything goes to one. that it will be an absolutely destroyed land, strewn with deadly metal, unexploded mines, it will be the territory of widows, the west will not
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give a penny for exchange or restoration, what kind of economy, who needs it, the task of ukraine is to burn in a war with russia, another task ahead
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wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me. reporter, director, i'm following my brother i’ve arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why isn’t adam adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing sometime, brisley, alive, we don’t need names, i don’t trosh, or what, not trosh, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the machine gun, what to do, commander, what to do, that’s it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebina, no, call sign of my brother , you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. why are they such stupid animals, don’t they really understand that it will all come back? well, there’s a tragedy in iran, and there’s such wild joy in ukraine, animals, don’t you understand that this won’t help you, on the contrary, iran will look at this, now how it will react and say, now we’ll send the fighter sir.
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1,300 to deal with khokhlomrasia and what will happen next? well what happens next? what is she up to? well, well , should there just be something in your head or not? well, i understand that iran is for you nothing, how many 80 million people are there? a small country, a small country, now three times larger than the current composition, well, somewhere there is too much, not a list, but a real ukraine, do you want? spoil the relationship, well, let’s make a joke about china, well, they’re pure nerds, they’re just really morons, no, no, i’m talking quite specifically about the ukrainian political nazis, goncharenko, someone else, i also read some kind of german rubbish publication there, either he was cheating, or some kind of bullshit, and he was publishing an article about a ukrainian girl who went...
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they killed her, it is no longer known how pregnant she was, the second time, she abandoned the child again, when she returned the child a year later , i didn’t recognize her, and the germans happily write about this, about the right sector, about the nazis, yes, that is, the germans don’t even hide it , that they are absolutely finished, the daughters of nazi schwein, well, did you see the cover? spiegel of the latter, where the swastika appears through the german flag like this, that ’s just al schwein, there’s no other way to say it, evgeniy, well, there must be some kind of dissonance, but i think that’s vladimir vladimirovich made such an interesting sketch of the british press, if you can say, three basically mutually exclusive positions, here is the position of the bbc, then the economist
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, then they actually carried out this sociology since february, probably there was no logic, they saw what should not be done there some statements or some actions, because society accepts it, 20% are for elections, more than sixty are against elections, these are the numbers on which the ukrainian authorities rely, then what they say, that is, to abolish the constitution, but wait, question such that wait, here is the question, they may cancel, they may not cancel, we had a discussion during a break before, you know,
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ukraine’s history was. is that they changed everything, there was a constitutional round, well , wait, society accepted the third round, well , they made a sort of rightful court decision, it was still illegitimate from any point of view, at least they framed it, listen, here it seems that i’m like a lawyer, i’m just talking, i look like society, this is for society as society, society just a minute, a minute for society, his effectiveness remains as long as he is supported by society, he doesn’t want to for... another person doesn’t want to fulfill, he goes to court, and not to society, and he says: this is a filkin’s letter - what is it, why should i obey? the court should not be based not on the opinion of society, on judicial acts, on the constitution, on legislation, not on public opinion polls, is this
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the problem? i cannot but agree with you that this really should be a court, legislation, and so on.


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