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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army liberated the village of belogorovka in the lpr and opened it. the long-built fortification system of the armed forces and pushes the militants away from the triangle of lesechansk, severo-donetsk, rubezhnoye. this makes it possible to create a cordon sanitaire, making it possible to begin the full restoration of lesichansk; zelensky’s formation lost almost 1,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven tanks, six other armored vehicles and 18 self-propelled howitzers and missile systems were destroyed. our military correspondent talks about progress in the kharkov region. our troops continue
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operation, the purpose of which is to protect residents of the cities of the belgorod region, which over the past few months have been targets for terrorist attacks, the formation of the kiev regime, which operates in slobozhanshchina. the operation of the russian troops has been going on for more than a week; now our units and subunits are building on the success that was achieved in the first days of the start of active operations, which itself is fierce. fighting is now taking place directly in the city of volchansk, let me remind you that the city is now half controlled by russian units, the southern part of volchansk, which is separated from the northern part by the volchi river, is still under the control of the formation of the kiev regime, and fierce battles are also taking place near the settlement of leptsy, why these two settlements, volchansk and leptsy, are so important, the enemy used them as a district. ..
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expectations for multiple launch rocket systems, which were used to strike belgorod, other large cities of the belgorod region in residential areas, in order to throw the enemy back to a distance that is not will allow the use of multiple launch rocket systems to strike the cities of the belgorod region, our troops are pushing the enemy deep into the kharkov region, which the enemy is doing,
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their actions are really massively using attack drones in order to strike at transport by delivering personnel to the front line, also prevents the evacuation of civilians from volchansk and other small settlements that find themselves in the zone of active hostilities. the enemy uses operational-tactical missile systems. today it was announced several times throughout the belgorod region. tactical danger, it was about the fact that the enemy is preparing to use operational-tactical missiles, this is either point u or alha. there are western modifications, here now the formation of the kiev regime is using virtually all the most modern western weapons systems that kiev has at its disposal. also in the sky, in the kharkov region, not only our aviation operates, using parry bombs, but the enemy also uses airborne fire weapons. with bombs
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of french and american production, with planning and correction modules , it strikes, tries to strike even on the territory of the russian federation, but the air defense system that the russian army has built here in the belgogorod region destroys 90% of threats in the sky, here this also applies to rockets and otrk missiles, we are also talking about aerial bombs, they really continue at the forefront.
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abilities, but also those parts that were on other sections of the line of combat contact in the entire zone of the special military operation, that is, the enemy both from the southern part, the enemy and from the donetsk people's republic, is transferring additional forces to slobozhanshchina, it is also worth noting that during the operation it became clear that the formation of the kiev regime did not ensure the evacuation of civilians population from...
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how this day in history is remembered, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on may 21, 1731, empress annanovna signed. became a decree on the establishment of the okhotsk military flotilla with a base in the city of okhotsk. this was the first permanent naval formation of russia in the far east and was assigned to carry out patrol service to protect fisheries. important expeditions were equipped from here, including to the shores
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of america and japan. in the middle of the 19th century , the city of petropavlovsk, now petropavlovs kamchatsky, became the new base of the flotel. defending it during the crimean war, the russian navy was in the pacific for the first time. participated in the hostilities. from okhodsk the flotilla moved to nikolaevsk on the amur river and, finally, to vladivostok. at the beginning of the 20th century the flotilla participated in the russian-japanese war as a siberian flotilla, on a par with the amur flotilla. in 1935 , the pacific fleet was created here, which during world war ii contributed to the liberation of north korea and china from japanese invaders. the pacific fleet began to actively develop in the fifties, but after the collapse of the ussr. however, it was modernized in 2019 and recognized as the best fleet of russia, and may 21 , the day of the decree on the founding of the okhod flotilla , is now celebrated as the day of the russian pacific fleet. exactly 120 years ago, may 21
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in 1904 , the international football federation was founded in paris, hence the abbreviation fifa from the french name. by the beginning of the 20th century, football had become... very popular, international competitions appeared and the system needed to be streamlined, although four british football associations did not support the idea and the founders of fifa were france, spain, belgium, the netherlands, denmark, switzerland and sweden. after 2 years , great britain also joined. in 1909, fifa accepted the south african football association into its ranks, then argentina and the usa. after world war ii war football federations have already appeared on all continents. the ussr became a member of fifa. malchey's television broadcasts contributed to the world fame of football. popoleva, handsome. gobedini, gabedini, left. buffoonery! finally, this year there was a reason
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to say this, otherwise we would have celebrated the new year without a buffet. now fifa has even more members than the un, and the organization's income amounts to billions of dollars. the headquarters of the federation is located in zurich. on may 21, 1945, two soviet soldiers detained heinrich himmler, one of the most influential figures of nazi germany, ideologist and main organizer of the holocaust. even before hitler came to power, himler became the head of the ss. he turned 300 security guards into a multimillion-dollar paramilitary party organization of the national socialists. it was the members of the sss who created. civilians in the occupied territories of the ussr and eastern europe. at the end of april, forty
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death squads, massively killing the fifth, himler tried to come to an agreement with western countries behind hitler’s back. but the fuhrer regarded this as a betrayal the day before suicide removed himmler from all positions. said who he was during a medical examination, bit through an ampoule with cyanide and died; his burial place near luneburg is not marked on the maps. 30 years ago, on may 21, 1994 , quentin tarantin's film pulp fiction premiered at the cannes film festival, and it was a triumph. the nonlinear plot, the intersection of crime stories, and the philosophizing gangsters of the movie were immediately called a masterpiece of postmodernism.
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you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. the duma approved the composition of the government, it did not remain the same, however, vyacheslav volodin noted that all the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin to the deputies are well known. deputy prime minister, minister of industry and trade, denis mantarov, proposed for the post of first deputy prime minister, head of the ministry of agriculture dmitry patrushev, deputy prime minister in charge of agriculture and ecology, head of the ministry of transport vitaly savelyev, deputy prime minister in charge of transport and logistics. as the new cabinet stated, my colleague will tell you. monday 10
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am in the plenary hall of the state duma the full composition of deputy prime ministers. the candidacies introduced by mikhail mishustin are well known to everyone, notes vyacheslav volodin at the beginning of the six-hour meeting. all the candidates submitted by the prime minister are good for us. we went through a difficult time with the challenges that the country faced, the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year, we must note that the chairman did the right thing government, having consulted with the state duma, that he proposed people... who do not need to study, in which they do not need to start all over again. the day before
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, meetings were held in relevant committees with candidates for the new government. the future cabinet of ministers received almost two hundred questions from parliamentarians. and already as a candidate for deputy prime minister , the former relevant minister came to meet the agrarian committee. over the course of several years, we have found it together. and of course, the first leader in this regard , together with the entire peasantry, invested in these
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giving the result in full. marad khusnulin is serving a second term as deputy prime minister, so at a meeting with the committee on construction and housing and communal services he speaks not only about plans for the future, but about what has already been done. since last year , the ministry of construction has been involved in all capital investments in the country, and i can say that we have achieved the best results in terms of quantity and amount. in terms of funding, last year our fai was financed close to 100%, this has never happened before. deputies have worked together with denis mantrov for many years. the prime minister recommended. him to the position of his first deputy. denis valentinovich will deal with the most important systemic tasks of implementing national projects, ensuring technological sovereignty, projects for creating a line of new aircraft, rolling stock vessels, cars, agricultural equipment, implementing the state weapons program, increasing the capabilities of defense
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enterprises, implementing space projects , we have been all these years... closely interacted in different directions, in first of all, of course, the formation of all those state programs that are being implemented today, in which the deputy corps actively participated, and under this , measures of state support and a regulatory framework were formed, all this made it possible to lay a solid foundation for the industrial economic development of our country.
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and its centers of competence, which help enterprises ensure the transition to lean methods of work, and this work will certainly continue, candidate alexey overchuk questions on international policy: in during his address to the federal assembly , the president of russia instructed the government to increase funding for programs to promote the russian language, what do you think needs to be done to jointly resolve the issue of increasing finances. the government has now prepared corresponding proposals, a set of issues aimed at strengthening the role of russia in the global humanitarian space, and disseminating, of course, strengthening the position of the russian language in the world. for the first time, the government will have a dedicated deputy prime minister responsible for transport issues, which means special
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attention to the industry, noted the head of the duma committee, evgeny moskvichev. candidate vitaly savelyev is encouraging. i believe that the tasks and questions set before us by the country’s leadership, by the president of our country, will be successfully completed. when developing industries, we must not forget about river transportation, to ensure not only communication between the centers of the subjects, but within the regions, noted vyacheslav volodin. it is important not to throw this problem at the regional level. level, because they alone cannot cope. the cost there is high, for passenger ships, river boats, and city electric transport.
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110 laws and 520 amendments that apparently gave results. today, the key task is to make housing affordable, noted vyacheslav volodin. it is important that every meter of housing. was as cheap as possible. the state duma took control of this issue. when we talk about a mortgage, it should certainly be preferential, but targeted. so, you can take out a mortgage and then
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not know what to do with it. this bondage will come to the family and eventually bring problems. therefore, we must resolve all this in a balanced manner together with the government. it is important for us that people feel. in his speech, candidate for the post of deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko focused in detail on successes in the field of education. unprecedented and largest projects in the modern history of our country have been launched for the development of russian universities, these are the priority 2030 programs, advanced engineering schools. for every budget ruble, partner companies invested more than one and a half rubles. the faction leaders in their speeches highly appreciated candidacies. proposed by the prime minister, today we are holding a very important discussion, in fact, the captains of the economy, those who will
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determine our future, the country, the people living everyone, one thing is good, we already know them, and we know them from business, we support, and we will work together, and we will, i mean... colleagues, we will be responsible together for the good, for what we don’t do too, so there is more demand from us, the government has created a big reserve for the future, but here is the previous composition, and it’s clear like this reserve created in recent years, especially 2 years, since this team, we support all candidates for deputy prime ministers, first deputy prime minister, the ldpr faction will continue constructive cooperation.
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the decree will require a lot of political economic, i would even say, engineering and economic work to bring the named goals of our entire economic mechanism into line. the approval of the state duma and the chairman of the government, his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc is happening for the first time in the history of modern russia. the voice of a deputy is the will of the people, that’s why it’s so important, on behalf of citizens , to express support for the new government,” noted vyacheslav volodin. once again, i want to emphasize that our president, during the discussion of constitutional amendments, made a proposal to transfer part of the presidential powers
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to the state duma, so that, based on citizens’ proposals, they could participate in the formation of the government. this is a great responsibility for us. we must implement these decisions together, and a lot will depend on this. civil ministers - approves the state duma. and first i’ll tell you about the personnel changes. denis mantrov, as already indicated, has been promoted to his position as minister
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of industry and trade of russia. proposed by anton alikhanov, head of the kaliningrad region. three more governors were promoted. the prime minister recommended the head of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, for the post of head of the ministry of sports. i would like to note that dekterev was previously elected to the state duma for two convocations and moved to the governor’s chair from the post of head of the duma committee on physical culture, sports and tourism and youth affairs. governor of kuzbass sergey tsovilev came to the deputies as a candidate for the post of head of the ministry of energy. chapter.
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is considered for positions at the federal level, such a personnel lift is also working, but it is also important for us that people come to the government who know how life on earth works, how problems are generally solved there, how the situation develops. another newcomer to ministerial positions, oksana lut, came from the post of first deputy minister of agriculture. the rest of the cabinet are familiar faces, these are the heads of the ministry. natural resources and ecology, labor and social protection, economic development, construction and housing and communal services, science and higher education, development of the far east and the arctic, digital development, communications and mass communications. finance minister anton seluanov, education minister sergei krovtsov, health minister mikhail murashka and culture minister olga lyubimova remained in their places. how the state duma discussed the candidates proposed for
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approval, see the second part. our program, there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when... all residents of the village were burned for contact with the partisans, an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey the resolution. about
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the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, mostly europeans abstained, the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries . let's see. look in the app or at website.
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on the air of the parliamentary hour, we continue the main topic of the week, the approval of the new composition of the country's government. what program for the development of departments did the candidates for the post of ministers present, what did the deputies say about the assigned tasks, what opinion did the leaders of the factions express? alexander shavirin will tell you everything in detail. the procedure for approving the ministers of the new government took 8 hours. at first.


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