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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, 24. news with you, briefly about the main thing. ussuri paratroopers in the hall with an assault on the position of militants in the area of ​​​​andreevka and kurdyumovka. they beat the enemy with small sniper weapons, breaking resistance, and captured enemy fortifications. the united states is afraid that tehran will accuse america or israel of involvement in the helicopter crash with the president of iran (rs), politika reported. the white house is nervous. this development of the situation
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could lead to an escalation of tensions. washington does not recognize what is happening in gas genocide. this is how joe biden spoke about the death of civilians in the enclave. in addition, the united states rejects the international criminal court's charges against israeli leaders. six more villages in the namsky district of yakutia have been freed from water and more than 2.0 victims will receive financial assistance. ice drift on the lena river continues. the peak of the flood is expected. in the kabyai district , almost 500 houses and 700 courtyards were flooded in the region. assault groups of the central military district are working in the vdievsky direction. before the fighters go into battle the crews of the akats artillery systems and the tank crew are working on enemy positions. from the line of combat contact. report by our war correspondent, alexei baranov. and in the sand, this armored vehicle
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is approaching the front line in the avdeevsky direction. the footage of the work of the assault groups of the central military district is truly impressive. first, of course, is artillery preparation, in which tankers also participate. then the real promotion. troops in the vicinity of avdeevka, ready, it is the avdeevka direction that today is the key to the connection of the central military district. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. call signs often correspond to the position that military personnel actually occupy. to work,
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acacia artillery systems are also working in the ovdeevsky direction. the crew commander tells us about the details of his combat work. targets come at night, during the day, we always practice when ours are attacking, they get the bird, they see where the guys can’t get through ours, that’s it, and we are practicing 100% hits there. it is the artillerymen of the central military district that support the infantry advance. gunner with... equipment, we're coming, it's already good that we're advancing, driving them away from here, and that we're helping our infantry. strikes from powerful long-range guns always precede the work of assault troops, everywhere, including near kharkov, in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov,
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alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, mikhail tapererov, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. in in naginsk near moscow, i spent the whole night putting out a large fire; the building of a former garment factory caught fire there. firefighters who arrived at the scene removed 20 people from there. the flame covered 6. m2. the roof was completely burned out. the fire was extinguished only in the morning. there are no dead victims, and now we are transported to yakutia, there six more villages in the namsky district have been freed from water, now the ice drift on the lena river is moving downstream and the kabyaisky district is under threat, we learn about the flood situation from our correspondent vitaly prokopyev, soaring, i greet you, tell us what the forecasts are, when the water will completely recede, how many houses are flooded, how people are being helped, most importantly,
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there is a wave of the veluy river emerging onto the lena. the jam that formed below the city of velyuysk has collapsed, and there is a thick ice drift. in the central regions there is a drop in water level from 2 to 10 cm/h. many settlements in the namsky district are gradually being freed from water, with the exception of two villages - tumul and segagennakh. the damage from flooding of settlements in the namsky district is very serious and literally the day before the head of the region came there on a working visit and met with the victim.
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the opening of the lena river near the village of dzhigansk is expected in the next two to three days by the operational group of the ministry of emergency situations, rescue services dispersed in areas where the likelihood of flooding and congestion is the highest. hydrologists continue to monitor the situation around the clock; in general, the situation is as follows; we will monitor developments . tatiana! vitali, thank you, vitaliy prokopiev spoke about the situation with floods in yakutia. and more than 130 military families in kaliningrad received new housing. the house was built by specialists from the military construction complex of the ministry of defense using advanced technologies. each apartment has modern finishing, gas and fire alarms, and in faye there is an automatic lighting system. there is a children's playground in the courtyard
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and parking. within walking distance from the new building there is a branch of the nakhimov naval school. the energy complex of russia is developing steadily, the steady growth of indicators could not be changed even by negative global processes, the president announced this at a meeting with representatives of the government and leading companies in the industry. vladimir putin, in particular , spoke about the extraction of resources and key tasks for the coming period. despite sanctions and strong volatility in global and regional energy markets, the domestic energy sector is developing steadily. open new export directions, and what is fundamentally important and is a priority for us, reliably and fully meet growing domestic needs. for january-april, gas production in russia amounted to 246 billion 400 million cubic meters, which
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is almost 8% more than in the same period last year. quite stable indicators in the oil industry, for example, since the beginning of the current year. less than for the same period last year, but we proceed from the fact that we have agreements under opec plus and this is a voluntary reduction, in addition, and this reflects general positive trends in the economy, production, electricity consumption has been steadily growing since the beginning this year... when compared with the same period of the past, this increase was 6.1%. a pensioner from the chelyabinsk region, who celebrated her 80th birthday this year, has finally fulfilled her dream. she attended the main victory parade of the country in moscow. now
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they are making new plans. and what will our correspondent, yana skonechnaya, tell us about this? a warm blanket, light hacks, chocolate, a cap, all this was in a gift set for those who watched. the parade on red square is not broadcast, but with your own eyes from the podium. in the phone of natalya ponkova, a pensioner from the meat industry, there are now dozens of photos of herself solemn event of the year. that day it became sharply cold, snow was flying, but the woman’s soul was warm. the fact that on may 9 i’m in such a parade right here and i’m here, well, it ’s worth a lot. i was just happy, and the fact that our military was coming, i felt sorry for them, it was so cold. she started working on it immediately after school, a little later she moved to the design bureau
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of the makeev missile center, for more than half a century the engineer has been working for the defense industry, here, for example, the famous skif and sarmat complexes were developed. last month natalia turned 80, but the woman does not retire. i really love my company, my department, and for now, despite being so old , i don’t plan to leave, i’m still quite capable. what natalya ponkova likes most about her job is the frequent business trips, she doesn’t put her suitcase far away, already at retirement age she went up in a hot air balloon three times, traveled to 25 countries, and has no intention of stopping in many cities. docker is from marseille, this is picasso himself from the picasso museum in spain, also nice. get to the red podium square during the victory parade was a long-standing dream, which the woman shared on social networks with the head.
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it will be possible to supply fuel to foreign markets until june 30, for now i’ll start with another topic. electricity consumption in russia is growing steadily. since the beginning of the year, the figure has increased by more than 6% in annual terms, this reflects positive trends in the economy, vladimir putin said at a meeting on the development of the fuel and energy complex. gas production in january-april increased by 8%, reaching almost 246.5 billion cubic meters. but according to there was a slight decrease in oil due to a voluntary reduction under the opec
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plus deal; about 196 million tons were produced. the president emphasized that russian technology is developing steadily to meet the needs of the domestic market, while vladimir putin instructed the cabinet of ministers to speed up and complete the preparation of a long-term energy strategy as quickly as possible. the government has temporarily lifted the ban on the export of gasoline for... it will not be in force until june 30, but from july to the end of august restrictions remain. solution adopted taking into account the saturation of the domestic market for motor fuel, preventing a decrease in refining volumes at individual oil refineries due to overstocking of motor gasoline, as well as the need to free ports from the amount of fuel planned for export, but not exported by direct producers.
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education in makeyevka has identified 20 schools and kindergartens that need to be restored first, and in the city we will also update the center for children and youth creativity, on the list tasks and regulatory settlement of issues of use of ownerless property. today, about 9.00 such objects have been identified in the dpr; it is necessary that they do not stand idle, but are useful. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that today’s exchange rates are 90 rubles. 65 kopecks, euro 98.58, that’s all i have for now, tatyana. alexander, thank you,
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my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. in new regions of russia they plan to double the number of cinema halls. the minister spoke about the development of this area in an interview with my colleague alexandra suvorova culture olga lyubimova. we, of course, have a huge number of organizations lined up .
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when it came to foreign policy, she chose this intonation. of course, i love the people of cuba, nicaragua, russia, venezuela, but i will not invite their military to march in mexico city. soldiers of the russian preobrazhensky regiment took part in last year's parade in honor of mexico's independence day. the current president greeted them from the podium and even applauded them. the spanish editorial office of the american cnn naturally covered this topic since angle that the ukrainian ambassador in mexico city actively opposed the presence of the russians, but the president rejected any criticism. we invited all governments with which mexico has relations. the president's supporters really value relations with russia. i believe it is extremely
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important to have an alliance and exchange with such a rich country as russia. by this, i mean wealth not only in the literal sense of the word, but in all senses. it is also important what the culture of russia and the russian people represents. let's not exaggerate anything. completing his constitutional term lopez obrador is not a pro-russian politician. and regarding the trade agreement, mexico is tied to the united states and canada. but the president calls himself a supporter of peace and, for example, condemned the supply of german tanks to ukraine. and also, memorably, he stayed at home in mexico city and did not go to the summit. we are talking about non- intervention, about sovereignty and, of course, about peace. we will defend the foreign policy followed by the president of the republic. important point, today's debate on foreign affairs was headlined in mexico as migration
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foreign policy. the whole new story here is that from mexico's southern border to the rest. kolach and evgeny makarov. news from mexico. and again, during the course of a special military operation in the donetsk direction, a fortified area of ​​militants was broken. the strike was carried out by a crew of howitzers d-30 from the southern group of forces. gun shot. the militants tried to gain a foothold in the forest belt, but were spotted from a drone. the coordinates of the target
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were transferred to the artillerymen, and they quickly completed the combat mission. fire adjustments were made. from the air, the task is set, we carry it out at any time of the day, they give us a goal, they give us everything, only on command, everything and as much as necessary, we practice as much, even if he says 100 times and shoot 100 times, everything is natural for taking a fortification of some fortified area or populated area, everything is done for this , so that our troops can advance further. the united states is putting pressure on its allies to get them to allocate tens of billions of dollars to ukraine, as they say from... sources kiev will receive money in the form of a loan, which will be secured by profits from frozen russian assets. but there are problems. and here’s what maria skorodelka will tell about it. they came to beg for scrap metal and didn’t have tea with them. the ukrainian delegation arrived in london, they wanted to ask the british for old cars, but the mayor of the british capital did not even
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come to meet them. later he explained that he was busy. but the ukrainians were offended. refugees from square write to newspapers and complain. ukraine demands money, western assistance to the armed forces of ukraine is delayed by about a year, the allies are slow to make a decision, at first they generously promise, and then back down, they said in kiev. usa in once again they are changing their official position on the fly, they pointedly stated that american weapons should not be used to attack russian territory, by supplying missiles to ukraine, the pentagon feigns innocence. we will continue to provide ukraine with all the support it needs. i must remind you that the united states opposes expanding the geography of the use of american weapons in the arsenal of the ukrainian armed forces. residents of the states are tired of being silent, there are dozens of problems, it’s impossible to count them all. we don’t cover insurance, many don’t have money for food and gas, and we still we are surprised that we get sick all the time, we don’t fight criminals, we don’t save the planet, we don’t solve the problem of starving children, we
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can’t close our borders to cope with the crisis, but we protect the borders of other countries at our own expense, how many billions have we sent to ukraine, the residents of france are shocked by everything that is happening, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the national assembly , boulanche, calls on macron to give the ussr carte blanche to attack russia, responding to this... the french do not mince words, let him take a backpack and a gun and go to the field battle, proof that ignorance and stupidity spare no one, and if nato troops are sent to ukraine under the guise of instructors, it will be a recipe for disaster and will break one of the few remaining red lines preventing the war in ukraine from escalating into a direct conflict between russia and the west. the responsible stageshaft warns about this, but the daily beast reporters openly admit the ukrainian one. the army is massively addicted to alcohol and drugs. according to the publication’s interlocutors, many ukrainian armed forces soldiers drink while on duty. some, while drunk, kill civilians and their own colleagues. in interviews
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with german journalists, the militants literally admit to the powerlessness of the kiev regime. bk. we're really low on ammunition. now 30 shells a day is a great luxury. on our side. the enemy's resources, be they human or material, are incommensurate with ours. they are incredibly large, that's why. i believe that a protracted war is not good for us, why is all this unclear at all? there are now almost 100 thousand draft dodgers on the ukrainian wanted list, military commissars hand out summonses around the clock, but there are no people willing to fight, to be slaughtered at the mercy of fate, or to prison, of course to prison boys, everything is fine there, people live normally there, they will welcome you, especially if you get caught for something you don’t if you want to serve, if you don’t want to support power, then i’m sure there will be praise and honor, i want to know, i want to know where mine is. he is a sick person, how could a person with cancer be taken away? meanwhile, these leaflets appeared in kiev, calling for them to be sent to the forefront of zelensky himself, however, a peaceful
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resolution of the conflict in ukraine is still possible, for this it is necessary to eliminate the first reason for the start of the svo, said russia’s permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya, emphasizing: right now it would be good for kiev’s allies to take into account the fact that zelensky’s powers have long expired, and this means that signing any documents with him simply loses its meaning. created specifically for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes. tufon - triple action for eye health, breakfast, go out, look how beautiful you are.
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employer in russia. in lesichansk, artists completed the creation of a mural with the image of the donskaya blessed virgin mary. it appeared on the facade of one of the high-rise buildings. a team from the kaluga region worked on the dart object. on tatyana tubovaya attended the opening. priests read a prayer at the muralal of the donskaya blessed virgin mary. the mother of god holds the baby jesus in her arms. this fifteen-meter art object is an exact copy of the icon that the cossacks presented to prince dmitry donskoy before the battle of kulikovo. the orthodox believe that she brought victory. the bishop of skopino and shatsk piterim previously held a prayer service here for the locals, baptized soldiers on the front line, and came under fire. today, at a height of almost 20 m,
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the face of the virgin mary illuminates. christ is risen. u in the skopinsky district, there is the dmitrievsky monastery, where the army of dmitry donskoy rested after the battle of kulikovo. and i myself, piterim in honor of piterim velikopersky, and my angel day is september 1 - this is the memory of the don icon of the mother of god. on the same day, the foundation of lysichansk is celebrated for the residents of the city. the face of the virgin mary is a landmark and spiritual shield. the art object was created on the initiative of the foundation. tatyana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk, lesechansk. so colorful,
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bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a film, intense, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh , moved away from me, this is an adventure, it’s very interesting. comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general the fouls were delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, like that, love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in
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the future... 100 years from now, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you have the incomparable originality of your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it like? our product, we will take on this matter, it will be...
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an honest detective story, briefly about the main thing, for this minute, vks russia destroyed another stronghold of the militants of the kiev regime, struck uncontrollably... after successfully defeating all targets, they released heat traps and returned safely to base. in the omsk region , the water level in ertysh in the ustishimsky district decreased slightly over the course of the day. a ferry runs there, transporting food and medicine to flooded areas. the water is coming to...


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