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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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floods in russia, the emergency situation in yakutia, struggling with high water in the omsk region, how do they help the victims? our attack aircraft are beating
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neo-nazis in the avdeevka direction, tankers and artillery are striking at militant positions, a report from our war correspondent from the front line. we don't pay for insurance; many people don't have money for food or gas. americans are horrified by the policies of their authorities, biden is under fire from criticism on the streets on social networks, what is he accused of? it is celebrated in the far east, on the fronts of special military operation in the mediterranean sea, we will tell about the difficult service and perseverance of pacific sailors in the issue. we start with the progress of a special military operation; they are working in the avdeevka direction.
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military district. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. call signs often correspond to the position that military personnel actually occupy. the young man will get ready for work. akatsiya artillery systems also operate in the avdeevsky direction. commander calculation tells us about the details. of our combat work, targets come at night, we always practice during the day, when ours are on the offensive, they set up a bird, they see where our guys can’t get through, that’s it, and we practice 100% hits there, it is the artillerymen of the central military district that support the infantry offensive, the gunner with the call sign the taper has been on the front line for several months now, as our infantry advances into either a regiment, then into a house, or into some kind of equipment, we are going, it’s already good that we are advancing from... we are driving them away from here and that our infantry
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let's help her. strikes from powerful long-range guns always precede the work of assault troops, everywhere, including near kharkov, in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, mikhail taperov, news, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. in naginsk, near moscow , they put out a large fire all night; the building of a former garment factory caught fire there; firefighters who arrived at the scene took 20 people out, the flames covered 600 km, the roof burned out completely, the fire was extinguished only in the morning, there were no dead victims, and now eyewitness footage from the telegram channels of the emergency with the plane...
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and now about the floods in the regions, let’s move to the omsk region, where the water level in the irtysh river in the ustishimsky region has decreased slightly over the past 24 hours, but many more areas are flooded. according to the latest data, more than 600 houses and a thousand adjacent plots. and our correspondent elena belyaeva communicates directly with the studio. elena, i welcome you, tell us how the situation is, how they are fighting flooding, and most importantly, how they are helping the residents. tatyana, good morning, yes, indeed, the water level in the irtysh river has been steadily decreasing for several days, according to the latest data, the water level is 941 cm, another minus 3 cm per day, but still more than 600 houses remain flooded, and thousands more areas are flooded,
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more than 2 thousand people have been evacuated , but now we see that even some residents are starting to return to their homes, somehow calming down, because information is coming in that the level is decreasing... stones, fuels and lubricants, since the road still remains, the main one is large the route is flooded and only special equipment passes there, and the ferry is such a reliable way to ensure that there are no interruptions in the supply of goods, let's listen to what the acting head of the ustyushima region says about this, our
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food supply is being restored, this ferry is intended for in order to deliver , first of all, food products, medicines, animal feed, fuels and lubricants, mail, well... today, in principle, we have no problems with the state transport service, our guys are coping with it, we are provided with the state transport service, therefore, it is not so relevant for fuel and lubricants, well , if something happens, there is such an opportunity, this list, the list, it is exhaustive, because today it is clear that everyone is trying to get there, to solve some of their own issues, but this is a paron that was organized by decision of the regional headquarters , and it is primarily for these tasks, today we are already receiving the first products via this route, this route, tatyana, this is the information for this hour, thank you, thank you for the information, elena belyaeva spoke about the situation with floods in omsk region. and again to telegram channels, this is already vladivostok, the city is covered in severe fog, on social networks they even claim that the bad weather affected the work of the airport, several planes from beijing and
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moscow were redirected from vladivostok to land in khabarovsk. aircraft engine parts that were previously assembled from several elements. now they will print on printers. a unique workshop with equipment for three-dimensional printing was opened on the basis of the rostec research center. my colleague evgeniy nipt saw how the products are grown. this domestic machine a huge 3d printer that literally grows parts for future engines. under the action of a laser, metal seedlings melt and grow layer by layer. the process is being studied and improved on the basis of research technologies for organization of engine production, united engines construction. rostec corporation. the center for additive technologies is, in fact, an experimental workshop where new methods for producing the most complex modern parts are tested. 3d printing technologies, that is , additive technologies, allow you to save resources to speed up processes when it comes to experimental models. and the first part
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that we make is for experimental motors, so as not to waste time on equipment, and not to spend on preparing production; we will soon have a lot of such machines, and this will allow us to quickly leave new engines. these machines are used to create parts for various engines. including for the promising high -power pd-35, which is intended for long-haul passenger and cargo aircraft. elements for pd-14. testing of the ms-21 airliner with this power plant is already underway. these are blanks for bearing housing parts; they are intended for a promising gastrub engine. the maximum weight of parts manufactured on this machine can reach 400 kg. the developers say such indicators are not available to many similar industrial complexes. our. the machines operate with a productivity of 2 kg per hour per product, which is approximately three times more than the best foreign models. it turned out so simply because the domestic design school is very strongly relies on domestic science. uec rostec and st. petersburg marine
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technical university entered into a cooperation agreement to jointly develop additive technologies, a truly promising area for the high-tech industry. many employees here combine the work of an engineer with scientific activities. research just to understand all the main dependencies, prospects for the future, or somehow reduce the cost, speed it up, and this is precisely why research is being carried out. before you start printing operators build up the so -called sacrificial layer of the workpiece itself. made of cheap metal, which serves as a kind of pedestal for the product, and is cut off after finishing the work. such dimensional parts are created on a hybrid complex, which is equipped with a laser system and a modern milling machine. if we, for example, want to make a titanium part with a thin wall of large dimensions, it will not be possible to do this by casting, simply because titanium will not flow to the end. this is quite a thermally conductive material. if we make it additive technologies, then layer by layer will not be disconnected. from each other, and we can produce a part of any geometry. highly durable with a unique geometry,
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new products, thanks to modern domestic machines and the work of engineers and researchers, will soon be able to be grown at various machine-building enterprises in the country to create new engines. evgeny nipot, evgenia turchak, danila klishchevsky, tatyana klepcha, lead. and now let's talk about the economy. alexander the cabinet of ministers lifted the ban on gasoline exports. tell me how long will this suspension of restrictions last? tatiana. it will be possible to ship fuel to foreign markets until june 30, for now i’ll start with another topic. electricity consumption in russia is growing steadily. since the beginning of the year, the figure has increased by more than 6% in annual terms, and this reflects positive trends in the economy, vladimir putin said at a meeting on the development of the fuel and energy complex. gas production in january-april increased by 8%, reaching almost 246.5 billion cubic meters. but for oil.
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until june 30, from july to the end of august restrictions remain. the decision was made
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taking into account the saturation of the domestic market for motor fuel, preventing a decrease in refining volumes at individual oil refineries due to overstocking of motor gasoline, as well as the need to free ports from the volume of fuel planned for export, but not exported by direct producers after the introduction of restrictions. the press service of the menergo tas agency reported that they are monitoring the suspension of the ban on gasoline exports and may be extended. by according to the ministry, at the moment , refining volumes at the refinery have been restored, the overall situation with the delivery of petroleum products to consumers has been improved, and the needs of the regions have been fully satisfied. more than 755 km of roads will be restored in the donetsk people's republic in the next 2 years, about this. deputy prime minister marat khusnulin reported following a meeting with the head of the region denis pushilin. also, the agenda
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for renovation of educational facilities in makeyevka identified 20 schools and kindergartens that need to be restored first. a we will also renovate a children’s and youth creativity center in the city. the list of tasks also includes the regulatory settlement of issues related to the use of ownerless property. today, about 9 objects have been identified in the dpr; it is necessary that they do not stand idle, but are useful. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are usd 90 rub. 65 kop. euro 98.58. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. alexandra, thank you, this was a news release with my colleague alexandra nazarova. and now to the news from transbaikalia. a state of emergency was introduced there due to strong forest fires. the head stated this. alexander osipov, he noted that there is now an abnormal level of fires in the region, most of them were the result
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of arson. now on to the international news: the us is putting pressure on its allies to give ukraine tens of billions of dollars, and kiev could receive the money in the form of a loan backed by profits from frozen russian assets, sources say. but there are problems, as maria skorodelka will tell you about it. they came to beg for scrap metal and have tea with them they didn’t drink, the ukrainian delegation arrived in london, they wanted to ask the british for old cars, but the mayor of the british capital didn’t even come to... but the ukrainians were offended, refugees from square wrote to the newspapers, complaining about the official. ukraine demands money, western aid to the ssu is about a year late. the allies are slow to make a decision, at first they generously promise, and then back down, they said in kiev. the united states is once again changing its official position on the fly. they pointedly
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stated that american weapons should not used for attacks on russian territory, supplying missiles to ukraine, portraying the pentagon. we will continue to provide ukraine with all the support it needs, but i must remind you that the united states opposes expanding the geography of the use of american weapons in the arsenal of the armed forces of ukraine. residents of the states are tired of being silent; there are dozens of problems, too many to count. we don’t pay for insurance, many don’t have money for food and gas, and we’re still surprised that we get sick all the time, we don’t fight criminals, we don’t save the planet, we don’t solve problems. starving children. we cannot close our borders to cope with the crisis, but we protect the borders of other countries at our own expense, how many billions have we sent to ukraine, the shocks of everything that is happening and the people of france, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the national assembly, jean-louis boulanche, calls on macron to give the armed forces of ukraine carte blanche for attacks on russia, in response to this, the french do not choose words, let him take a backpack and a gun and
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go to the battlefield, proof that ignorance and stupidity do not spare anyone and... nato troops under the guise instructors will be sent to ukraine, this will be a recipe for disaster , they will violate one of the few remaining red lines preventing the war in ukraine from escalating into a direct conflict between russia and the west. the responsible state shaft warns about this, but daily beast reporters openly admit that the ukrainian army is massively addicted to alcohol and drugs. according to the publication's interlocutors, many ukrainian armed forces soldiers drink while on duty, and some, while drunk, kill civilians and their own co-workers. live bait in an interview to german journalists, the militants literally acknowledge the powerlessness of the kiev regime. bk. we're really low on ammunition. now 30 shells a day is a great luxury. the enemy's resources, be they human or material, are incommensurate with ours. they are incredibly large, so i believe that a protracted war is not good for us. why is all
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this unclear at all? there are now almost 100,000 draft dodgers on the ukrainian wanted list. military commissars serve summonses around the clock. however, a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine is still possible, for this it is necessary to eliminate the first reason for the start of the svo, said russia’s ambassador to the un vasily nebendya, emphasizing: right now it would be good for kiev’s allies to take into account the fact that zelensky’s powers have long expired, which means signing any documents with him simply loses its meaning. maria skorodilka, vesti. but
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in the kharkov region, the ukrainian armed forces are intimidating residents and forcing them to evacuate to the west of ukraine. under pressure from the entrepreneur, the business is closed. people are selling their only home. my colleague anastasia will tell you about the situation ivanova. fear and hatred of the kiev regime and ukrainian propaganda. kharkov is now being left not only by those who are afraid of military commissars, but also by those who succumbed to panic against the backdrop of the advance of russian fighters in the kharkov region. for example, one of the residents walks around the local shopping center, alarmed, she looks around, confusedly looking at the boxes near the closed chain stores. i talked to businessmen, but things didn’t get any easier.
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yeah, there are a lot of people, i’m stuck in a traffic jam, i don’t know how to get out of it. ironies of a resident of kharkov it is understandable that there are only a few days off on the streets, even despite the fact that vladimir putin stated that there are no plans to liberate kharkov, people do not risk staying in the city. people are being intimidated, unreasonably, intimidated, and forced to evacuate from a trap in ukraine. no, not that there are reasons, there are no reasons. now even some ukrainian sources talk about this.
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it turns out that selling your only roof, having at least some money in your hands, is much more reliable than trusting the zelensky regime, it’s easy to leave, just move into we arrived in dnepr for a new apartment, much more complicated, and have already looked at several options for apartments. there are no good options, prices have gone up, realtors take 75%, only a good option appears, someone takes it right away, we liked one option, they just put it out today, we called right away, they said, but no, they already gave a deposit, also people from kharkov, people who work remotely are leaving due to interruptions in communication, it is not always possible to get online, those who are afraid of justice, the military-political leadership and unscrupulous business are also leaving, all sorts of there are civilian activists who, more than anyone... shouted how they help the army, how they hate russia, in fact, all these people are already either packing their bags, or have already even
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gone away from kharkov, because they understand that in the event , even if the russian army bypasses kharkov, then administrative chaos can and will definitely arise inside, in fact themselves... the townspeople, in general, will remind them of all this russophobic rhetoric, whatever one may say, tales about evil orcs in ukraine also work, while at the bank sitting the real criminals, they will feed their citizens made-up stories about russians because they have nothing else to offer. and now let’s talk about sports, danil, in the national hockey league , all the stanley cup semi-finalists have been identified, tell us how many of our athletes are left. good morning. long-time captain and goalkeeper of cska moscow igor akinfey
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will soon extend his contract with the club for 2 years. an agreement in principle has been reached. this season, akinfeev took part in 26 cska matches in all tournaments, eight of which i didn’t miss. the game against parien did not work out well for igor. the opponent scored twice, but in response to two conceded by cska. scored the bottom six times, and there was not a single double: oblekov, musaev, zdellar, davila, zabolotny and glebov. csk's victory 6:2, which drew a line under the penultimate most productive round in the history of the rpl, 39 goals. despite the crushing victory, the army team will not rise above sixth place this season, that is, they will definitely find themselves below spartak lokomotiv and dynamo, which almost never happened quarter of century. for the first time in history, the championship can...
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a day earlier, the entire top four teams at the end of the season were determined. in the penultimate round against clubs from a division of a lower rank, where the first league tula arsenal
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hosted talyatinsky akron. here everything was decided by the only goal of tulikov legionnaire jonathan kokoronkov in the 28th minute. arsenal won 1:0 with akron in third and fourth place. both teams found themselves in the play-off zone for the right to enter the rpl, although arsenal did not pass licensing, its place took the homeland, which is in fifth position, losing last weekend to dynamo makhachkala away 0:2. soslan kagermazov scored for the hosts with a successful header. and angolan striker egas casintura in kasane, who closed in kiril zinovich's cross. for the first time in its ninety-seven-year history, makhachkala dynamo enters the top division of russian football, but this became known after the match, so the players learned about entering the rpl while watching the game of their competitors in the standings. together with
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dynamo makhachkala, after a year of break in the rpl, returns to khimki, which the day before played a match in krasnodar against the local kuban, which is already definitely relegated from last place to the second league. the team of andrei talalaev, thanks to a goal from a pinati by alexander rudenok, won 1:0 and took first place, ahead of dynamo by two points, but there is one more round ahead in the first league. two nascar drivers got into a fight afterward. the finish line of the all-star race. ricky estenhouse jr. completed only two laps and retired from the race. in he accused kyle busch of this and immediately after the end of the race he went to his team to express his dissatisfaction. during the showdown, ricky punched kyle , after which a fight began with the participation of members of both teams. true, the participants in the conflict separated everyone quite quickly, and together they watched the continuation of the race, in which joey lagana became the winner. that's all about sports for now,
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see you next hour, so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking. jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds , this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful,
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just like that. love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film is in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations,
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. usuri paratroopers in the hall stormed the position of militants in the area of ​​​​andreevka and kurdyumovka. they beat the enemy with small sniper weapons, breaking resistance, and captured enemy fortifications. the us is afraid that tehran
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will blame. america or israel are involved in the helicopter crash with iranian president reisi, politika reported. people in the white house are nervous because of such a development of the situation could lead to an escalation of tensions. washington does not recognize the genocide taking place in gas, as joe biden has said.


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