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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. usuri paratroopers are in the hall storming the position. the united states is afraid that tehran will accuse america or israel of involvement in the helicopter crash with iranian president reisi, the publication reported to the politician. the white house is nervous, because such a development of the situation could lead to an escalation of tensions. washington does not recognize the genocide taking place in gas, as joe biden has said. about the death
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of civilians in the enclave. in addition, the united states rejects international criminal charges trial against a leader in israel. six more villages in the namsky region of yakutia were freed from water. more than 2.0 victims will receive financial assistance. ice drift on the lena river continues. the peak of the flood is expected in the kabyai region. in total, 500 houses and about 700 yards were flooded in the region. it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit at thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone. will go on a long-awaited vacation,
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sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house, or maybe everything everywhere at once, find real estate , submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service, in love appetite in place, papalism, only dad will tame the papal. are attacking credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one holva card from sovcombank, refinance them for 24 months, conveniently pay them off, and also with the holva from sovcombank effectively buy in installments, holva - simple installment plans, again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy.
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if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn't be such a fad. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. i love it, it’s delicious, period. tomorrow, come out. a smile would make everyone brighter. from a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up, share all the love with yours, it will come back to you more than once, hello, me, hello, me,
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delivery, and also a 40% discount on popular products, order a magnet in the app, this the ivanovs are an average russian family; they throw away 664 plastic bottles per year, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and
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give things a new life. apply for a loan from sberbank and get a chance. win money to pay it off, and also get a monthly cashback 2% rate, it’s more profitable with sberim, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you i didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfa. the best bank for business. this is hosted by the studio philip trofimov. russia now has fifth-generation communications, satellite ones,
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although it is still in test mode. bureau 14:40 is part of the ex-holding engaged in space projects, reported that three communications satellites launched a couple of days ago as part of the experimental mission rosvet-2 were successful. one of the companions even took a selfie and sent this is a photo of myself in space, the selfie is really dark, but it’s what it is. it is noteworthy in this story that the equipment of these satellites supports the protocols of the 5g ntn standard, that is, not the terrestrial 5g network; the point is that until recently, satellite communications involved the use of separate , rather bulky, very expensive equipment. now it's about receiving. from low-orbit satellites directly to a regular smartphone, in one form or another the first implementation of such an idea already exists. so from 2022 from iphones, well with some restrictions, but you can send a sos signal using global star satellites. the first smartphone that supports voice satellite communication
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is the huawei mate 60 pro, released last year. it is known about this experiment that it works within china; in the nearest territories, communication is organized through a chinese satellite. a larger project is being promoted by elon musk. testing of communication through starling for subscribers of the cellular operator t-mobile began several months ago in certain areas of the united states. from psx plan to launch smartphone satellite voice and data transmission as a commercial service as early as 2025. however, this still requires convincing the federal communications commission that such a service does not interfere with the operation of traditional cellular networks. as for bureau 1440, the experiment that has now started is already. already for the second year ago , again three satellites of the rassvet-1 series were launched, as they say, the data transfer rate there was 48 megabits per second with a delay of 42 milliseconds, which is, in principle , enough for video communication, the second generation satellites already standard 5g ntn, will probably
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serve as the basis for a commercial broadband network access service, which was previously promised to be launched in the twenty-seventh year, by which time the satellite constellation should consist of 250 devices per... with the initial plan by the thirty-fifth year there should already be satellites 900, and the network coverage is more than seventy countries; for comparison , the starling satellite constellation has more than 5,000 active devices. and an interesting story about the opposite, not promising, but outdated technology youtube blogger eric parker decided to check how long an uncompromised computer running the windows xp operating system, which microsoft has stopped supporting, will live today. exactly 10 years ago, in april 2014. the conditions of the experiment are quite simple: an out-of-date operating system is installed on a virtual machine, and no security tools are installed, no antiviruses or firewalls. all this is connected to the internet, but strictly passive in the sense that even
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no one launches the browser, let alone open any suspicious links. as a result, after 15 minutes , four trojan viruses were already running on this computer, two backdoors and... malware, someone created a new user in the system and set up an ftp server, gaining full access to the contents of the machine, presumably to make it part of botnet or send spam from it. it remains to add that according to the statcounter service running windows xp, today 3% of windows computers on the planet are still running, which doesn’t seem like much, but in absolute terms this is millions of cars. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker, a children's sber card - an adult approach,
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alpha profitable, magnet, price, what you need, mayonnaise mr. rico 1499, mom, write us a message, why, or we’ll call, we found out that the phone works, even at zero, we left account, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is it, it’s safe, connect support at zero in the beeline application. girls, let's talk about safety. so we already have a deline. beeline is the safest operator. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback bonuses. magnet. doctor's sausage. velikoluksky meat processing plant. 1590. magnet - the price is what you need,
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maybe a session, anywhere appetite, only dad will tame, dad can help, if appetite, a snack won't hurt, an incredible appetite, sausages will help, children are growing, we need new solutions, such as de. sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now, children's sber card - an adult approach, forget it. come out, look how beautiful you are, from a smile you will become
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brighter, from a smile a rainbow will wake up in the sky, share all your bast, it will come back to you more than once. "hello to me, hi, please pay, please, or you can with a smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently with drink, cool stuff, the us state security service commented on the death
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of the president of iran and eight other people, they emphasized that the tragedy does not change the attitude towards the sanctions policy against tehran. american restrictions are not going to be lifted. and anton dadykin will tell you everything in detail. the un security council meeting began with a minute of silence in memory of the iranian president and his companions. started by diplomats from china, as well as algeria, guyana, switzerland, japan, sierra leone,
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representatives of many western countries decided that a minute of silence was enough for them. the french figaro noted that the condolences of the leaders of western countries were only a tribute to politeness, and the german welt honestly called them fake. the us state department actually confirmed these estimates. we regret any death, for example when we see people killed in a crash. but most importantly, our fundamental approach to iran has not changed and will not change; we will continue to confront the iranian regime. in connection with the death of the president, the minister of foreign affairs, as well.
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the west is using the death of the president to split iranian society, stooping to outright lies. reuters, having interviewed a couple of oppositionists, reported that crowds of people in the islamic republic are allegedly celebrating the death of the president, the british magazine the economist is spreading conspiracy theories in an attempt to quarrel with the leaders of iran. israeli and us officials were quick to say they were not involved in the helicopter crash. i wouldn't speculate on this regarding this, iran must conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the crash, it could be a technical malfunction, pilot error, and so on. iranei created a commission to
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investigate the causes of the crash. military and civilian experts are carefully examining the wreckage of the helicopter and the crash site. so far the main version is a technical malfunction. iranian territory is partially under the responsibility of turkey's maritime air search and rescue center. therefore , we monitor signals from all air and sea vehicles in the region. in first of all, we tried to determine whether the helicopter was sending signals. we immediately contacted the seranian side. unfortunately, it turned out that the alarm system was either disabled or did not exist at all. pakistan, india, türkiye, iraq, syria and lebanon. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. and now footage from telegram channels in ukrainian public pages is shared with videos from odessa and kiev.
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due to widespread power outages, cities were plunged into darkness. also reported. that explosions thundered in kharkov last night, in the odessa region, a blow was struck at the railway station in chernomorsk. a big holiday in the far east, today is the day of the pacific fleet. some units will mark it far from their homeland, on the fronts of a special military operation or in the mediterranean sea, where strategic tasks are also carried out. at bases in primurye and kamchatka , ceremonial formations and coastal maneuvers were held in honor of the date. andrey kolesnikov has all the details. surface, underwater, as well as hydrographic ship communications, supplies and even memorial museums on all, without exception , ships of the pacific fleet, today the st. andrew's flag is raised and flags are unveiled on the decks in coastal parts. the ceremonial formation of the best today honors and thanks the command. 293 years ago
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it was a coastal outpost in okhotsk; now the area of ​​responsibility of the pacific fleet is the largest in russia. the defense of the country's vast borders is constantly being improved, so a patrol boat with sailors and machine gunners goes out into the sea area of ​​​​golden rock bay to check information about saboteurs. bye patrol is underway, all ships of the base are already in state of readiness number one, if the threat is confirmed, the crews proceed to operational actions. new aerial target based on piping 180 section 5 km, classified as an unmanned aerial vehicle. conditional vs. sent flying and floating drones to the russian coast, the equipment was discovered and destroyed. in addition to dshk machine guns , they used the latest detection systems, anti-drone weapons and ship-based automatic gun mounts. new methods were developed to combat unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. the ship completed all assigned
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tasks, the personnel destroyed all the drones. exercises to protect vladivostok from attacks by sabotage groups took place right off the coast. the pacific fleet actively interacted with the coast guard and the grand service of the fsb of russia. maneuvers with such a large number of participants have not been carried out in peter the great bay for a long time. more than 15 ships of various types practiced repelling drone attacks from the air and water. the topic is perhaps one of the most relevant in modern naval combat. while the residents of vladivostok were watching the coastal exercises, they were meeting in kamchatka. tomsk the nuclear strategic submarine returned to its home base of velyuchensk after a multi-month voyage. right at the cleaning pier , the missile carriers present awards, thanks, and congratulations to the crew. roasted pig, this is a long-standing naval tradition, guys, in twos, where they are, there, of course, is victory, it so happened that by the next anniversary, the marines of the legendary 155th
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brigade had successfully gained a foothold on a new frontier, the enemy retreated under the pressure of the elite of the pacific fleet, now from novomikhailovka, this operation of the primorye marines significantly improved the tactical position of the russian troops in the donetsk direction. strategic tasks of pacific sailors. are constantly expanding, now, for example, the flagship missile racer varyak and the frigate marshal shapochnikov are in the mediterranean sea. constant renewal of the fleet allows russia to be present in almost any area of ​​the world ocean, maintaining security and defending state interests of the country. everyone who serves in the pacific fleet feels involved in the common cause. pride, confidence in the future and i hope that tomorrow we will have more such ships , more tasks, more.
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the dnepr group of troops destroyed the enemy's firing positions and floating assets; the attack was carried out by crews of towed howitzers d-30 of the northern fleet marine corps. china hopes that the united states will not show bias in the conflict in the middle east and will seek a ceasefire in the gas sector. this statement was made by the president of the people's republic of china at un, commenting on the humanitarian disaster in ropahi. several provinces were affected by heavy rainfall. in the netherlands , traffic in the region is difficult, people can barely move on the streets, the hail was so strong that it broke windows and fell inside the building. the atmosphere has already been saturated
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with the energy of summer instability, so today the thunderstorm will continue to rage on both sides of the ural ridge. which metropolis in siberia could flood on tuesday in the same way as novosibirs the day before and can we expect something similar in moscow? it's the weather itself. for the project tv channel russia 24 center fos, i’m anna volkova, hello, thunderstorm activity today will continue to increase in siberia on the russian plain. this is what a squall looks like, a sudden sharp increase in wind. according to the tolmachevo airport weather station, the day before during a thunderstorm, the air flow in novosibirsk accelerated to 24 m/s. the hurricane tore roofs off houses. and felled trees. apparently, a thunderstorm supercell passed right over the city, otherwise how to explain this flood? after the rain ended,
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there was water on some streets that covered the windows of cars, some motorists even tried to take advantage of the temporary buoyancy of their iron horses to tow them to dry areas, well, someone decided to simply climb onto the roof of the car and wait for help there. come on, let's go! oh, look, he caused an accident, on tuesday the thunderstorm lines will reach kemerovo, here in the city about 12.5 mm of precipitation will fall in one day, this is almost a third of the monthly norm, so local flooding is also possible here, and the cyclonic nature of the weather will remain in region until the end of the week, over the next five another 25 mm of rain is expected in the capital of kusbass; a powerful outbreak of thunderstorms is possible today in europe. parts of the country, it’s all because of the cold front that is advancing from the north in the rear of the cyclone, a stream of icy arctic air will rush onto the russian plain, and this will make
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the atmosphere literally seethe, because the cold will come to the surface heated by the may sun; in moscow, for example, last day was the warmest year, the thermometers stormed the twenty-five degree mark, it is not surprising that in such weather there were those who wanted to open the swimming season in metropolitan. in reservoirs today, the thunderstorm zone will cover the middle latitudes of european russia, the south of the urals and the urals, as well as the kurgan region, certain areas of the tyumen region and ugra. its northern border will run approximately along the line of tver, vladimir, yuzhka-rala, izhevsk, nizhny tagil, and the southern border along the line of kursk, saransk, ulyanovsk, kumertau, orsk and tyumen. we have plotted the forecast intensity of precipitation on this map. as you can see, the main bad weather in... is localized in the polar urals; on the russian plain, the heaviest rains of up to 10 mm per day will occur in moscow, vladimir, ryazan and nizhny novgorod regions. however, i’ll make a reservation.
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that these are just average model estimates, when it comes to thunderstorms, the determining factor is not the total amount of moisture, but how quickly it falls; in moscow, for example, 10 mm of rain is enough to drown if they fall on land in half an hour. fortunately, we are not expecting such extreme weather today; precipitation will begin in the afternoon, thunder by 3 p.m., and the showers will peak at 6 p.m. in general words. on tuesday the thermometer in the capital will reach +23, on wednesday focal rains cannot be ruled out again, around +10 at night, +21 in the daytime. on thursday, the initiative in the atmosphere will pass to a low-cloudy anticyclone of scandinavian origin, the center of which will be over the capital region, the weather will be calm and clear, however, the maximum
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temperature will not exceed +20. but on friday it will warm up to +21-23, on the weekend in moscow it is possible even +27. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the cypr conference is opening in nizhny novgorod, what its participants will talk about. today a council of heads of the mit-sco is taking place in astana, the russian delegation is headed by sergei lavrov. what topics are in focus? the main
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goal of changing the tax system is to reduce inequality, how will the mechanisms be adjusted? yakutia and the omsk region are suffering from floods, we are waiting for direct coverage from our correspondents. minister of culture olga lyubimova gave an interview to russia-24. what challenges does the department face today? showers are expected in the center of the country, and heavy fog in vladivostok; we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. death president of iran may be connected with the struggle for power in the country, one of the turkish newspapers stated. now my colleague in the region, leila alnazarova, is in direct contact with the studio. lailla, greetings, tell us what details are known at this time and what
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the media is writing. alexander, greetings, yes, this theory that you just mentioned was written by the khuryaat newspaper, it reports that raisi was one of the strongest candidates for the post of spiritual leader, here is the ex-head of the foreign ministry of the islamic republic, muhammad javad zariev declares washington’s indirect involvement in the death of the iranian president, since the white house banned the supply of spare parts, which led to engine wear and the crash of the helicopter. the investigation into the crash continues. another reason is poor weather conditions. meanwhile, one-day mourning has been declared in turkey in connection with the death of the russian president, the country's president recep tayeb erdogan announced this the day before. the turkish leader noted that there was a test between the two countries.


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