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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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then the death of the president of iran, since the white house banned the supply of spare parts, which led to engine wear and a helicopter crash. the investigation into the plane crash continues; another reason is said to be bad weather conditions. meanwhile, a one-day mourning has been declared in turkey in connection with the death of the russian president, the country's president recep tayyip erdogan announced this the day before. the turkish leader noted that close multifaceted cooperation has developed between the two countries, including through efforts. january and we have advanced
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our relations are moving forward by signing 10 new agreements. until today, turkey has sincerely supported its iranian brothers in their most difficult times and demonstrated an uncompromising position on this issue, after the helicopter crash, we contacted the iranian authorities and mobilized all our resources. the authorities of iraq, india and pakistan also declared one-day mourning; in syria and lebanon, it will last 3 days; in tajikistan , mourning will last 2 days; in the islamic republic itself, 5 days. the day before, iranian residents organized mass marches in memory of deceased president, events were held throughout the country, writes the local farce agency. at this moment the ground disappears from under your feet. this is our
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grief. the funeral of the russian president will take place on may 23 in his hometown of meshhet, the vice president of iran said, the event will be held in the imam riza mausoleum. the funeral of iranian president ibrahim reisi will take place on may 23 in his hometown of meshhet. the event will take place at the imam riza mausalium. the bodies will be transported to the holy city of mishkhet. where the farewell ceremony will take place, the funeral will first take place a farewell ceremony in tibriz in the province of east azerbaijan, the body of the iranian leader will also be sent to qom, tigeran, bergent, and then to his hometown of mashhad. after the completion of the mourning ceremonies, the main task will be a painless transfer of power; the next presidential elections will be held in iran on june 28, said the press secretary of the election headquarters of the islamic republic, muhsen eslami. and according to him
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, the council of guardians of the constitution has proposed that the registration of candidates begin on may 28, among possible candidates, experts calls muhammad mokhber, who became the acting president of the republic and has already managed, during a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, to assure him of his intentions to consistently strengthen ties with russia. alexander, thank you, i was with the latest news about what is happening in iran. my colleague leila alnazarova. and now about the flood situation in the omsk region, according to local authorities, the water level in the rivers is gradually decreasing. the most difficult situation is in the ustimsky district. there, according to the latest data, more than 600 houses and 1,000 plots remain flooded. we will find out all the details from our correspondent in the region, elena belyaeva. she joins the broadcast. elena, hello, how is the fight against flooding going in the region?
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alexandra, greetings, yes, indeed, the water level in ertsha has been steadily decreasing, for several days now, for example, now it is 941 cm, another 3 cm of water has gone in a day, but still, more than 600 houses remain flooded, more than a thousand sites, and more than 2,000 have been evacuated people, but now we already see that some residents continue, have already begun to return to their homes, those houses that were not flooded, and among other things... 23 settlements are cut off from the main road and it is only possible to deliver humanitarian aid to them with the help of floating craft, with the help of a special rescue boat , medicines, food, various foodstuffs, even mfc employees are carried, so that residents can fill out all the necessary applications for compensation. also the day before , equal communication with ustishimsky was launched area, and this is a fairly reliable way to deliver food to the store and the rest of the humanitarian cargo, because the road is still the main road. the highway that
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leads to the ustishimsky district, it is still flooded and only special equipment of the ministry of emergency situations operates there, let's listen to what the acting head of the ustishimsky district says about the ferry service? our food supply is being restored; this ferry is designed to deliver primarily food, medicine, animal feed, fuel and lubricants, and mail. well, fuel and lubricants today, in principle, we don’t have a problem, our guys are coping, we are provided with fuel and lubricants, so it’s not so important, but if something happens, there is such an opportunity, this list, the list, it’s exhaustive, because today it’s clear, everyone is trying to get to what... then resolve your issues, but this is a party that was organized by decision of the regional headquarters and... thank you, elena belyaeva spoke about the flood situation in the omsk region. and now to the news marked urgently: one
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civilian died, three people were injured as a result of an attack by a ukrainian kamikaz drone on a car in the village of oktyabrskaya, belgorod region. about this... and now in the kharkov region, where our assault troops are occupying new, more advantageous positions, the advance is supported by drone crews and artillery. igor pikhanov talks about active actions in this sector of the front. the combat crew of fpv drones moves to a firing position. the unit conducts a 24-hour hunt for militants near the city of volchansk, kharkov region of ukraine. the pilot is equipped with a cumulative projectile and the drone goes on duty. in modern conflicts, targeted drone strikes have proven effective in destroying enemy strongholds and tanks. the weather conditions are windy, but we have a fair wind, what plays into our hands is, in principle, excellent,
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we can work. all drones in the unit are russian-made, helping the assault unit of the north group of troops move forward. the drone operator detects enemy fortified areas and points. not only here, but in the world in general, this is , in principle, a tactical weapon that is more accurate, more simplified and inexpensive, but which causes damage to our enemies, supported by russian attack aircraft at the front and rocket artillery, after receiving the enemy’s coordinates, the rszzo uragan moves to... the firing point, several minutes of aiming at the target , 220 mm caliber shells fall on the fortification armed forces of ukraine area. the hurricane covers an area the size of several football fields, military equipment and ammunition storage dugouts are destroyed. after firing
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, the crew changes its location to reload. hurricane t16 fragmentation package high-explosive shells that can easily penetrate even well-fortified positions of ukrainian militants. moves over any rough terrain and this greatly hinders the movement of the enemy. our fighters show the village of pletenyovka, units of the ministry of defense occupied a strategic settlement, from here the militants in su fired at belgorod and shibekin, despite the fact that almost every house was equipped with firing points, the enemy was unable to hold the settlement. now the ukrainian army is trying to destroy village, shelling it with artillery. they have already moved well, he is running in panic, people can sleep peacefully. our guys work well, no one goes back, everyone fights with dignity. every day, russian fighters are increasing pressure at the front and moving deeper into the territory occupied by the enemy. the sanitary zone is being expanded, and the military is also helping the local population evacuate to the belgorod region.
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places have been prepared for people in temporary accommodation centers. after the end of the fighting, damaged by ukrainian by nationalists, housing will be restored, and local residents will be able to return home. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin. kharkov region. and now to international topics. the united states is putting pressure on its allies to get them to allocate tens of billions of dollars to ukraine. according to sources, kiev will receive the money in the form of a loan, which will be secured by profits from frozen russian assets. but there are problems. maria skorodilka will tell you which ones exactly. they came to beg for scrap metal and didn’t have tea with them. ukrainian the delegation arrived in london and wanted to ask the british for old cars. but the mayor of the british capital did not even come to the meeting, he later explained that he was busy, but the ukrainians were offended, refugees from square wrote to the newspapers and complained about the official. ukraine demands money, western assistance in the ssu is delayed by about a year, the allies are slow to make decisions, at first they generously promise, and then back
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down, they said in kiev. the united states is once again changing its official position on the fly. they defiantly declared that american weapons should not be used for attacks on russian territory. by supplying missiles to ukraine, the pentagon feigns innocence. we will continue to provide ukraine with all the support it needs. at the same time, i must remind you that the united states is against expansion.
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such leaflets have appeared in kiev, calling for zelensky himself to be sent to the front line, but a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine is still possible, for this it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the outbreak of the svo, said russia’s permanent representative to the un, vasily nebendya, emphasizing: right now kiev’s allies would do well to take into account the fact that zelensky’s powers have long
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expired, which means signing any documents with him simply loses its meaning. maria skradilka, news. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn't be so in favor. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. i love it, it's delicious. great crowd, bye everyone. you owe the bank. do you still owe the bank? i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on
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to win. i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. we continue broadcasting. in russia , the tax system will be adjusted; it should become fairer, the ministry of finance emphasizes. the proposed elements of the progressive scale will affect only citizens with high incomes. my colleague
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alexandra nazarova will tell you about the progress of the discussion; she will join me. sasha, good morning, tell us what changes await the business. created for the sake of optimization will pay fair taxes. the main goal of changing the tax system is to reduce inequality, this was discussed by participants in the meeting of the expert council of the state duma committee on the budget and taxes. additional adjustments should ensure the supply of resources to solve russia’s social and economic problems, primarily those set by vladimir putin in the decree on national development goals. historically . that the fairness of the tax system is determined not only and not so much by tax rates, but by how the state spends these funds? as noted in the ministry of finance, it is necessary to take into account the interests of citizens, business and the state, additional funds from taxes will be used, in particular, to support the economy,
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stimulate industries that ensure its long-term growth and restructuring, elements of the progressive scale will not affect the majority of citizens and will only affect people with high income, while those who need government support, on the contrary, will gain. in this regard, one of the specific proposals is for families with two or more children with low incomes to apply appropriate deductions for personal income tax. the head of the ministry of finance emphasized that citizens must have a clear understanding. that additional funds are coming, as for business, support will primarily be received by companies that do not transfer profits to offshore companies and invest them in infrastructure, especially in those regions where are working, and the adjustment of the special regime for small businesses will be carried out in such a way that it will not affect 95% of entrepreneurs, and companies created only for the sake of optimization will begin
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to pay fair taxes, and at the same time an amnesty will be provided. for those taxpayers who are ready to start working hard and abandon optimization schemes, business fragmentation, and so on. the heads of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs and the chamber of commerce and industry also noted the need to support companies that are actively investing. was it would be right to have a new federal investment tax deduction mechanism for...
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so that the tax system encourages this. the concept of fairness of the tax system also includes equalizing the capabilities of the regions, therefore, simultaneously with its additional adjustment on the initiative of vladimir putin, the subject will write off 2/3 of the debts on budget loans. according to the ministry of finance, this is just over a trillion rubles, based on the volume, which does not include infrastructure and special treasury loans, as well as funds for advanced financing. linear increase in rates taxes will lead to an increase in the gap in regional income, which means differentiation will only increase, so we need to look for
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mechanisms for redistributing income between regions, here it is obvious, in my opinion, that the easiest way to do this is through the federal budget, there is a clear task of reducing the number of regions with a low level of budgetary security, there is a task of equalizing regions in terms of... opportunities, well , thus ensuring equal opportunities for people. business representatives expect that after additional adjustments, the tax authorities the system will remain stable and efficient for many years. they expressed the hope that the state duma will consider all the necessary changes during the spring session, and they will be able to come into force from the beginning of next year. the next 6 years, at least, so that they do not change. the business president also spoke about this. must plan its activities based on a long-term forecast. secondly, we believe that it is necessary to make a decision on the development of the tax system in the spring session, and
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these changes to the parameters of the tax system, to come into effect on january 1 , 2025, this would be extremely useful. second, we also support the proposal for some kind of stability, that is, so that. so that the changes are accepted later, then they can prove their effectiveness, it seems to me that only after some longer time can they show this effectiveness, business can learn to work with them. the federal tax service is already preparing a package of proposals for a tax amnesty and the transition from special regimes to a general taxation system. as the chairman stated state duma vyacheslav volodin, large parliamentary hearings on construction will be held in the lower house of parliament on may 23. sasha, the changes will provide incentives for development, business representatives are sure. thank you, sasha,
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it was alexandra nazarova, she spoke about the prospects for changing the tax system. and to other news. in new regions of russia they plan to double the number of cinema halls. minister of culture olga lyubimova spoke about the development of this area in an exclusive interview with our channel. of course, we have a huge number of organizations, a queue of organizations those who want to go and share what they know, know and love in new regions from all other regions, we have a growing network of cinema halls, which is very important for us, because it all started with just a few cinema halls in terrible condition, including emotionally, yes , because the people who were involved in cinema there showed our russian cinema in the donbass, it would be more likely that
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mikhail yudaev would tell about the history of its formation and prospects. the date of birth of the pacific fleet is considered to be may 21, 1731 , when a personal decree was issued empress anna ioanovna, on the establishment of the okhotsk military flotilla with a base in okhotsk, the first permanent russian naval unit in the far east. the instructions that the senators compiled for the head of the okhotsk port, grigory skornyakov pisarev, have been preserved. in 1731, having arrived in okhotsk, to have a full command over this place and to multiply that place with people, and bread, and a pier with a small
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shipyard, also several sea ... ships for transportation to kamchatka and from there to kokhotsk, in order yacon place with good order it was brought to the benefit and profit of the state. from 1849 to 1855, the main base of the flotilla was petropavlovsk in kamchatka, and here it received its first baptism of fire. in august 1854 , a joint anglo-french squadron, six ships, 218 guns and more than 2,500 people, entered avashenskaya bay. at that time there was everything in the port of petropavlovsk. two ships, the transport dvina and the frigate aurora, and the garrison numbered approximately 920 people. the enemy made two attempts to storm the twentieth and 24 august, here on the shore enemy troops landed near nikolskaya sopka, and both times the defenders of petropavlovsk threw the enemy back into the sea. the defense of kamchatka was led by military governor vasily zavoiko. during the great patriotic war, the pacific not only provided protection for the entire far east,
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but also reached berlin itself. and in august. in september 1945 they liberated north korea from japanese militarists, sakhalin and the kuril islands. today the pacific fleet is the most powerful operational-strategic formation of the russian navy, and its zone responsibility is greater than that of all other fleets combined, almost half of the world's oceans. the ships of the pacific fleet successfully carry out their assigned tasks in various areas of the world's oceans. are in combat service and fulfill their assigned tasks with honor. the main striking force is also a number of ships and submarines of the fleet - nuclear submarine missile cruisers, which are based in kamchatka; they are constantly on duty in the ocean, returning to base every few months to replenish
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the crew changes. what is in his life, for me personally and for our entire crew, a sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of pride for the country has always accompanied us on sea voyages. today, the pacific fleet is developing dynamically, its composition is regularly replenished with new ships and support vessels. this year , the nuclear-powered missile cruiser emperor alexander ii will go on combat duty. very soon the flag will be raised on the icebreaking vessel evpati kalavrad. we are also waiting for new minesweepers of the alexandrit project and the most
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modern frigates and corvettes that will come. proudly carry st. andrew's flag over the pacific ocean. mikhail yudaev, dmitry sannikov, vesti, kamchatka.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order. we were storming, we went there for the first time, they found me, i was wounded by all the bullets that were fired, there was only one rooting, i didn’t have any more strength, i thought that was it.


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