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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour.
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a farewell ceremony began in tabriz for iranian president ibrahim raisi, who died in a helicopter crash. at least eight countries around the world, including the islamic republic itself, have declared mourning. and previously it lasts 5 days. there is a meeting of the sco council of foreign ministers in kazakhstan today. for the first time , heads of diplomatic departments from belarus and pakistan are participating. the focus is on preparations for the organization's summit, which is due to take place in july, as well as key ones. international and regional topics. the ninth cypr conference starts today in nizhny novgorod. mikhail mishustin will take part in it. the prime minister will speak at the plenary session. its main theme is the technological independence of russian industry. the head of the cabinet will also visit an exhibition of the latest developments. in yakutia, due to floods , a state of emergency at the republican level is in effect. the region remains flooded. more than 400 residential
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buildings. meanwhile, in the unama region , the water level in the rivers gradually began to decline, from six settlements were freed from water. the umsk region is also struggling with floods. in the north of the region, approximately 600 houses were flooded. so, a farewell ceremony began in tabriz for iranian president ibrahim raisi, who died in a plane crash. several thousand people take part in the procession. memorial events will be held in other cities of islam.
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in particular, washington, the death of the president of iran, since the white house banned the supply of spare parts, which led to engine wear and the helicopter crashing. investigation plane crashes continue; another reason is said to be bad weather conditions. meanwhile, a one-day mourning has been declared in turkey in connection with the death of the russian president. this was stated yesterday by the country's president recep tayyip erdogan. the turkish leader noted that close multifaceted cooperation has developed between the two countries, including. we last hosted the late iranian president risi at hangar on january 24, and we moved our relationship forward by signing 10 new agreements. until today, türkiye wholeheartedly supported her iranian brothers in their most difficult times and demonstrated an uncompromising position on this issue. after the helicopter crash, we contacted the tsiran authorities and mobilized all our resources. to participate in search and rescue
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operations. authorities in iraq, india and pakistan also declared one day of mourning. in syria and lebanon, it will last 3 days, in tajikistan, mourning will last 2 days, in the islamic republic itself 5 days. the day before, iranian residents organized mass processions in memory of deceased president, events were held throughout the country, writes the local farce agency. at this moment the ground disappears from under our feet, this is our grief. the funeral of the russian president will take place. on may 23 in his hometown of meshkhet, the vice president of iran said, the event will be held in the mausoleum and mama riza. the funeral of iranian president ibrahim raisi will take place on may 23 in his hometown of mishkhet. the event will take place at the imam riza mausalah. the bodies will be transported to the holy city of mishkhet, where a farewell funeral ceremony will take place. first will take place farewell ceremony in tabriz in the province of east azerbaijan. the body of the iranian leader will also be sent to qom, tehran.
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started on may 28. among the possible ones , it is proposed that the registration of candidates of candidates, experts name muhammad mokhber, who became the acting president of the republic and had already managed, during a telephone conversation with vladimir, to assure him of his intentions to consistently strengthen ties with russia. in yakutia, where a regional state of emergency is in effect due to the flood, hundreds of houses are in the water. difficult situation immediately in in three areas, according to preliminary estimates, the damage exceeded 100 million. vitaly prokopyev visited the villages affected by the chaff. the stop in yakutia still
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remains tense, now the active phase of ice drift on the lena river is taking place in the kabyaisky region, the water level near the village of sangar is about 200 cm below the dangerous mark, and there is also a wave of the velyuy river reaching the lena. the jam that formed below the city of velyuysk has collapsed, and there is a thick ice drift. in the central regions there is a drop in water level from 2 to 10 cm/h. many populated points of the namsky district are gradually being freed from water, with the exception of two villages - tumul and sigenakh. the damage from flooding of populated areas in the namsky district is very serious. just the day before , the head of the region came there on a working visit.
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the opening of the lena river near the village of zhigansk is expected in the next two to three days. operational groups of the ministry of emergency situations of the rescue service, dispersed in areas where the likelihood of flooding and congestion is the highest. hydrologists continue to monitor the situation around the clock. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, leading yakutia. now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar costs 90 rubles. 30 kopecks the euro is trading around the mark of... rub. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading at 10:00 moscow time was 3.441 points and the rts was 1204 points. large details. aircraft engines weighing up to
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half a ton, which were previously assembled from individual elements, will now be printed on 3d printers. the workshop opened at the rosseh research center. all equipment is domestic and this domestic machine, a huge 3d printer, literally grows parts for future engines, under the action of a laser , metal seedlings melt and grow layer by layer, the process is studied and improved on the basis of the research institute of engine production technologies, united engine corporation rostec. the center for additive technologies is essentially an experimental workshop where new methods of producing complex, modern parts are tested. technologies. chati, that is, additive technologies, allow you to save resources and speed up processes when we are talking about experimental models. and the first part that we make is for experimental engines, so as not to waste time on equipment, and not to spend on preparing production; we will soon have a lot of such machines, and this will allow us to quickly weld new engines. such machines are used to create parts for
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various engines, including those for the promising high-power pd-35, which is intended for long-haul passenger and cargo aircraft. elements for pd-14 are also grown here. tests of the s-21 airliner with this power plant have already they come, these are blanks for bearing housing parts, they are intended for a promising gastrubine engine. the maximum weight of parts manufactured on this machine can reach 400 kg. the developers say such indicators are not available to many similar industrial complexes. our machine operates with a productivity of 2 kg per hour per product, which is approximately three times more than the best foreign samples. it turned out this way simply because... the domestic design school relies heavily on domestic science. uec rostec and st. petersburg marine technical university have entered into a cooperation agreement to jointly develop additive technologies. this is a truly promising direction for the high-tech industry. many employees here combine the work of an engineer with
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scientific activities. research just to understand all the main dependencies, prospects for the future, or somehow reduce the cost, speed it up, and this is exactly what research is being done for. before printing the workpiece itself, operators. if we, for example, if we want to make a titanium part with a thin wall of large dimensions, we won’t be able to do this in the summer, simply because the titanium will not flow to the end, it is quite a thermally conductive material, if we manufacture it using additive technologies, then layer after layer will not be differ from each other, and we can produce a part of any geometry. lenar shirgazin, a second-year master's student at baum university, who works closely with uec rostec enterprises, says that such a machine. allows create complex products, tasks that are interesting from a programming point of view, and work with raw materials that
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are affected by the laser. a bath of molten metal lasts practically less than one second. accordingly, as soon as our powder has melted, the laser moves to the side, and this bath already solidifies. it is worth noting that this property entails a rather finely dispersed structure, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of the product. high-strength with unique geometry, new products thanks to modern domestic machine tools and the work of research engineers will soon be able to grow at various machine-building enterprises in the country to create new engines. evgeny nipot, evgenia turchak, danila klishchevsky, tatyana klepcha, lead. vivo v30 lite smartphone with rub 3,000 discount. on yandexmarket. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of
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two weeks, mexico will elect a new parliament and a new leader, with two women fighting for the presidency. sergei brilev understood the intrigues of the political confrontation. in the central square of mexico, called socola, this flagstaff will help us, it is strictly vertical, now pay attention pay attention, you can see how the cathedral has tilted. the point is that this whole area. is located on a filled-in lake, a former sacred lake of the indians, the soil is walking, but today, all the more keenly, we are interested in what else is walking there under the surface of latin american politics. the presenters defined the format of today’s debate in one phrase: that is, the candidates and the candidate, that’s what it is: one man, an outsider on all issues, for the first time in the history of the country two women who are actually fighting for the post of president of the republic, while the candidate from the ruling party, claudia sheinbaum, spoke on
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the topic of social policy, the oppositionist , co-host galvez, laid out everything and laid out posters. of course, i love the people of cuba, nicaragua, russia, venezuela, but i will not invite their military to march in mexico city. soldiers of the russian preobrazhensky regiment took part in last year's parade in honor of mexico's independence day. they were greeted, even applauded, by current president lopez obrador from the podium. the spanish editorial office of the american cnn naturally covered this topic. from the angle that the ukrainian ambassador in mexico city actively opposed the presence of the russians, but the president rejected any criticism. we invited all governments with which mexico has relations. the president's supporters really value relations with russia. i believe it is extremely important to have an alliance and exchange with such
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a rich country as russia, and i mean wealth not only in the literal sense of the word, but in all senses. what is also important is what the culture of russia and the russian people represents. let's not exaggerate anything, completing his constitutional term lopez obrador is not a pro-russian politician, and on the trade agreement mexico is connected with the united states and canada, but the president calls himself a supporter of peace and, for example, condemned the supply of german tanks to ukraine, and also memorably stayed in mexico city and did not go to the summit both americas to biden when he did not invite the top officials of venezuela, nicaragua and cuba.
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an adult approach, what we bring from savita’s travels, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked with cashback bonuses. we continue broadcasting. large hearings on the final adjustment of the russian tax system are planned for may 23 in the state duma. this was announced by the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. alexandra nazarova will tell you what changes are currently being discussed. the main goal of changing the tax system is to reduce inequality. participants talked about this. expert council meetings state duma committee on budget and taxes, additional adjustment should ensure the flow of resources to solve russia’s social and economic problems, primarily those
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set by vladimir putin in the decree on national development goals. historically , the fairness of the tax system is determined not only and not so much by tax rates, but by how the state spends these funds. as the ministry of finance noted, it is necessary to take into account the interests of citizens, business and the state; additional funds from taxes will go to in particular, to support the economy, stimulate industries that ensure its long-term growth and restructuring, the elements of the progressive scale will not affect the majority of citizens and will only affect people with high incomes, while those who need government support, on the contrary, will benefit. in this regard, one of the specific proposals for seven... with two or more children with low incomes is to apply appropriate deductions - for personal income tax. the head of the ministry of finance emphasized that citizens should have
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a clear understanding of what the additional facilities. as for business, support will primarily be given to companies that do not withdraw their profits to offshore companies, but invest them in infrastructure, especially in the regions where they operate, and the special regime for small businesses will be adjusted in such a way that it... will not affect 95% of entrepreneurs, and companies created only for the sake of optimization will begin to pay fair taxes. at the same time , an amnesty will be provided for those taxpayers who are ready to start working hard and abandon optimization schemes, business fragmentation, and so on. the heads of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of the chamber of commerce and industry also noted the need to support the company.
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objects will have 2/3 of their debts on budget loans written off, according to the ministry of finance - this is just over a trillion rubles, based on the volume, which does not include infrastructure and special
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treasury loans, as well as... means of advanced financing, a direct linear increase in tax rates will lead to widening gap in regional incomes, which means differentiation will only increase, therefore, we need to look for mechanisms for the redistribution of income between regions. it is obvious, in my opinion, that the easiest way to do this is through the federal budget; there is a clear task of reducing the number of regions with a low level of budgetary provision. there is a task of equalizing regions according to their capabilities, thus ensuring equal opportunities for people. business representatives expect that after additional adjustments , the tax system will remain stable and effective for many years. they expressed hope that the state duma will the session will consider all the necessary changes; they can come into force from the beginning of next year. in the next 6 years, at least, so that they do not change.
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the business president also spoke about this. must plan its activities based on a long-term forecast. secondly, we believe that it is necessary to make a decision on additional adjustment of the tax system in the spring session, and these changes to the parameters of the tax system, so that they come into force on january 1 , 2025, this would be extremely useful. second, we also support the proposal for some stability, that is, to allow for change. the federal tax service is already preparing a package of proposals for a tax amnesty, and businesses can learn to work with them. transition from special regimes to a general taxation system. as stated by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, large parliamentary hearings on additional adjustments
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will be held in the lower house of parliament. on may 23, according to the opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, for connections with the partisans. according to which at least 30 million slavs were subject to destruction. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained.
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the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved is identified in all humane ways, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we stop, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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it's 10:00 in moscow. in 30 minutes and beyond, briefly about the main thing. today in kazakhstan there is a meeting of the sco council of foreign ministers for the first time heads of diplomatic departments from belarus and pakistan are participating. the focus is on preparations for the organization's summit, which is due to take place in july, as well as key international and regional topics. at these
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moments, residents of the iranian city. say goodbye to the president and


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