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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in moscow 10:30 onwards. briefly about the main thing. in kazakhstan today , the heads of diplomatic departments from belarus and pakistan are attending a meeting of the sco council of foreign ministers for the first time. the focus is on preparations for the organization's summit, which is due to take place in july, as well as key international and regional topics. at these moments, residents of the iranian city of tabriz are saying goodbye to the president.
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the ninth cipr conference starts today in nizhny novgorod, mikhail mishustin will take part in it, the prime minister will speak at the plenary session, its main topic is the technological independence of russian industry, and the head of the cabinet will also visit an exhibition of the latest developments. in yakutia, due to floods , a state of emergency at the republican level is in effect; in the region , more than 400 residential buildings remain under flood waters. meanwhile, in the namsky region , the water level in the rivers gradually began to decline, and six settlements were freed from water. the yuma region is struggling with floods; approximately 600 houses are flooded in the north of the region. next on air on our tv channel is the program fifth studio, after advertising, me. with this
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please, can you smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile, safely and comfortably with s'. cool stuff, thank you, the fifth studio is on the air, i'm anton potkovenko, we are discussing the topic of arms supplies from western countries to kiev and the topic of barbaric shelling of the belgorod region by the armed forces of ukraine, just from the morning messages, a ukrainian kamikaze drone attacked a car in the belgorod region region, a woman died, three more people were injured, they are now receiving medical assistance. radion miroshnik, special ambassador instructions from the russian ministry of foreign affairs, he recently returned from the belgorod region, he observed the situation, as they say, with his own eyes, here is a very
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clear video, let’s see, there’s an air raid warning in belgorod again, but we’re moving. what exactly did you see, who did you talk to during your trip to the belgorod region, as i understand it, there was a lot of things and... minister, it is our diplomats who must have the task that i am performing, on behalf of, absolutely accurate information about those criminal actions taken today
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kiev, and today belgorod is one of the hottest destinations, so there was a need to meet with the governor, there was a need to meet with the heads of the directions who... issues of ensuring conditions for saving the population and to visit the front-line, they are also border territories that are involved security issues, which are now subject to maximum shelling, but unfortunately , not only urban districts such as shibekina and grayvaron are under shelling, in fact, i was in grayvarone, but belgrade itself is also subject to massive shelling, because literally, probably every hour... the siren goes off and they report a missile danger, a drone danger, because a huge amount of ammunition is now flying towards belgorod , this is the house that came under fire last week, where the entrance was formed and 17 people died in this place,
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a lot, many people lost their homes, because there are wounded, that’s all, this is the kharkov mountain, which is a suburb, well, actually this part of belgorod, but it. is constantly subjected to shelling and shelling for which western weapons are used, that is, there are huge quantities of missiles, that is , such as czech-made vampires, a huge number of 155 caliber shells are flying, of course, probably in first place are drones, here drones are made from western components , so according to the statistics that i have, since the beginning of the year , more than 2,500 drones alone have flown across the territory of the belgorod region. mlrs are very actively used, including rszzo with cluster munitions is used and there is constant shelling with mortars and artillery, in border areas, that is, for graiveron, every day these are
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destroyed houses, these are constant arrivals to many of these populated areas. the regional authorities were forced to evacuate the population, so i was still somewhere in five or six temporary accommodation centers, where people told me in detail about the state of the ukrainian militants and what they were doing, because somewhere before the presidential elections , that is, massive shelling began, attempts to put pressure on the population and shell, just hit with direct fire, that’s because the strikes were carried out not just to scare the rumble somewhere nearby and in the fields. no, the strikes are carried out directly, the local hospital was damaged in the same area, that is, one of the regional hospitals was damaged , a psychiatric clinic was damaged, schools were shelled, multi-storey buildings, a huge number of private houses that were literally just
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destroyed, as of today, from the beginning of the year, here are the statistics available to the regional authorities: more than 4,500 apartments were destroyed or damaged. and more than 90,000 children who are of school age, they simply do not study, they are forced to switch to distance learning, because going to schools, educational institutions, kindergartens there is simply unsafe, and this can end in tragedy, and as soon as the child leaves will simply leave the house, so the situation, the atmosphere there is very complicated, when we talk about creating a cordon sanitaire there, it actually looks like one of the most effective measures, because
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it appeared early in the morning from the very last spain announced the preparation of a new package of military assistance for ukraine, this package should arrive before the end of june, these are leopard tanks, these are various types of ammunition, these are defense systems against - unmanned aerial vehicles, then yes - europe continues to escalate the conflict, please tell me, in your opinion, as a diplomat who was directly on the spot and who saw it. everything with your own eyes in europe, why is this why they have not yet been disappointed,
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as they say, because no matter how much arms it supplies kiev with, things at the front for the kiev regime, for the ukrainian militants, they are getting worse and worse, and yet spain has a new tranche, and accordingly there is also a statement from washington that every the zelensky regime will continue to supply weapons for a month. the main problem is. here is that the subject in this case is the united states, this certain association of anglo-saxons, which is already putting pressure on the european union and, which are its satellites, in general, are in no way guided by their national interests, i very much doubt that it is in the interests of spain to continue the conflict on the territory of ukraine, to continue the bloodshed, the americans profess one point of view, it is extremely important to them. now there is continued tension in this territory, while they absolutely do not care how many ukrainian citizens, ukrainian
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manpower will be utilized in this conflict, they understand perfectly well that there will be no result in this, that is, no result, they will not get any victory on the russian battlefield, there is no doubt about that, i think, in all analytical and expert circles, both european and american, but they are extremely interested in this period of time, which is accompanied by preparations for the elections. in the united states, we need, we need a pause so that the ukrainian case exists somehow separately, and constantly disturb russia, creating a threat along the line of military contact, and this, accordingly, will have an impact on the economic situation, but on on the political moods that exist in the world today, so the priority is not in victory, in prolonging the conflict, which is why the americans today have allocated an amount somewhere in the range of, well, a little more. $60 billion is already off the scale in the total official supplies of the united states, this is
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about 180 billion. but for comparison, to make it clear that this is not a war of ukraine, but of the west against russia, you just need to compare the financial capabilities of ukraine itself. if ukraine's budget is only 84 billion dollars, of which 42 is international subsidy, and ukraine in previous years allocated about 10-12 billion for its defense needs. there are neither financial nor military means to wage this war, it can only act as a kind of shock instrument that is in the hands of the westerners, they are actively using it, it seems that they intend to use it until they simply smash it into the trash, and then the fate of this percussion instrument called ukraine simply will not interest them, so now
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they simply drag out the conflict more and more often, more often they add more fuel to it so that it simply doesn’t... stop, they put pressure on ukraine so that these most severe norms of total mobilization are introduced, in addition to western weapons there is cannon fodder or manpower on the part of the ukrainians, which will be disposed of in the same way as western military assistance, but from the point of view of our ability to report everything that is happening, in particular barbaric terrorist attacks on our borderland to the belgorod region. of all this to the world, international community, what opportunities are there, why am i asking, but the day before there was a meeting of the un security council, in particular, it was also about the supply of western weapons to kiev, that’s how much we have the opportunity to speak out, how much the likelihood that we will still
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be heard, because we know about intentional deafness, about intentional blindness. almost literally the west to such statements, and the topic of shelling of the belgorod region is also rises at various international venues, what kind of stands do we have and what capabilities do these stands have? you know, we have the opportunity to speak out, at all international platforms today russian diplomats take a proactive position, because literally every time from our delegation in the same security council. more and more new meetings are initiated, at which detailed information is presented about the criminal actions of kiev, and in fact the criminal actions of the satellites sponsors of this bloodshed that is taking place on the territory of ukraine, because there is no other way to interpret the constant supply of weapons to the ukrainian regime, and
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that is, it contradicts a whole list of literally conventions that were adopted and... in which a huge number of people participate, including including western states, but you are absolutely right when you say that the key question is not what we say, the key question is how we will be heard, because the impression after yesterday’s council meeting security, where the issue of supplies was considered, yes, that is, it was not a conversation with a deaf person, but because the americans hear only themselves, the british, the french, these are the satellites that are currently part of the security council, and here they are literally... they speak simply according to the manual that they use, that is, they give the same numbers, they name the same precedents, they are the key thing, they say, if russia had not attacked, then, that means that then, then, then ukraine would she simply boldly destroyed the population of donbass and the bloodshed simply would not have been seen by the world, but the americans prefer to consider history in general, the beginning of history, on february 24
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of the twenty-second year, before that nothing existed for them at all, and those 1500 people who were there. .. died during the eight-year-old anti-terrorist ato operation or, well , practically the civil war that kiev waged in the donbass, in principle, no one is interested in this, the protective mission of russia, which stood up for the people living in donetsk, in lugansk, here in novorossiya, too, in principle, westerners are not at all interested in it, and practically none of them mentioned belgorod, no one, they said, constantly expressed concern that people in kharkov are suffering from the fact that russia... is creating this sanitary cordon, these hundreds of victims who now exist from belgorod, they simply do not interest anyone, no one is interested in the people of donetsk, lugansk, kherson and the kherson zaporozhye regions, none of the westerners are interested in this, they such selective vision and selective hearing, so all these interpretations they
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draw fantastic conclusions, they say, everyone is forbidden to help russia, because russia will then win.
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well, to my great regret there is nothing, but nevertheless our position is attacking and we are constantly drawing attention to ourselves, we declare the data that we have, but at the same time this is all accompanied by outright rudeness on the part of representatives of ukraine, they just , well, you already know such a thing has slipped to a completely marginal approach, well, little by little, i i think that soon they will completely switch to swearing, which is why ukrainian representatives are allowed to do all this, even... on international platforms, and the rest demonstrate such selective blindness and deafness, so well , we will talk to those who are ready to hear. thank you very much, radion valerievich, for
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your detailed answers and such clear assessments. radion miroshnik, ambassador-at-large of the russian foreign ministry was in touch with the fifth studio, they talked about the double standards of the west, about the supply of western weapons to kiev, about the barbaric shelling of the belgorod region. now we move on to one of the main international topics: the consequences of the tragic death of iranian president ibrahim raisi in a plane crash in the mountains ; a five-day mourning period has been declared in the country. ibrahim raisi was one of the main supporters of rapprochement with russia in the middle east; we will talk about what awaits the country now with lana ravandi fadai, head of the eastern cultural center of the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences, associate professor of the department of modern oriental studies. africa rggu is now in touch, lana medzhidovna is with us, i greet you, hello, hello, please tell us, here is iran now after
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the rac, what in your opinion can change or, on the contrary, will not change, will remain stable from the point of view of the vector of internal foreign policy, ahead of early presidential elections, in your opinion, what are the real chances...
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to organize presidential elections, and i think that elections, if there are presidential elections,
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they will be unpredictable, well, because in iran many elections are unexpected, very often in iran a little-known candidate wins elections, let me remind you, this was the case in the nineties in the seventh year, when no one expected that the little-known khatami would become president, this has been the case since... but as for what could happen in iran, it seems to me that there will be no destabilization, because the government will take control of the situation, and there will definitely be special presidential elections, which a conservative must win, because now the conservatives have all the power, now the conservatives have the main levers in iran. therefore, iran will remain stable and function smoothly even in the face of such a tragedy that happened, well, today.
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significant foreign policy changes in iran and iran will continue to draw closer to both russia, china, india, and resist the west led by the united states, perhaps, well, at some point now, relations with the united states are bad, i think that it is possible to worsen even more, i probably also wanted would, thank you
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thank you very much. head of the eastern cultural center of the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences, associate professor of the department of modern east and africa at the russian state university of humanities, was in touch with the fifth studio and discussed what kind of internal political the situation is now developing in iran after the tragic death of iranian president ibrahim raisi in a plane crash and... in particular, the media headlines now leading are that the death of the iranian president will not change the main thing, and the main thing is, in particular , the strategic partnership with the russian federation. this was the fifth studio, see you.
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the cypr technology conference opened in
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plenary on artificial intelligence in business, digital economy and industrial transformation in nizhny novgorod. omsk, historical record broken for the entire observation period. let's ask our correspondent in the region what the situation is on the streets and how public utilities are coping. with hundreds of thousands of people on the streets and long hours of waiting, a farewell ceremony began in iran for those killed in the crash of the president's helicopter. the sco foreign ministers are meeting in astana with an agenda that includes preparing for a summit of leaders of the organization’s member countries. we will show sergei lavov’s key statements live, we are waiting for the broadcast from kazakhstan. what are the challenges ahead? ministry of culture in the next 6 years, about this, about this in an interview with the head of the department olga lyubimova in the second half of the hour. and
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we start with the situation in omsk in the city.


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