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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the cypr technology conference opened in nizhny novgorod on artificial intelligence in business, the digital economy and industrial transformation. we are expecting a live broadcast this hour. hundreds of thousands of people on the streets and long hours of waiting. a farewell ceremony has begun in iran for those killed in a helicopter crash. president, it will last several days. record floods and rainfall in the omsk region, more than 600 houses remain under water, a federal-level emergency regime is in force in the region. vladivostok, in thick fog, in central russia emergency warning of thunderstorms, showers and squally winds. let's ask our
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meteorologists what other surprises to expect from the weather in the coming days. in omsk, the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated. there was a heavy downpour in the city and more than a month's worth of precipitation fell. according to weather forecasters, a record has been broken in the entire history of observations. the embankment and several streets were flooded. at the same time, the region is still coping with the consequences of the spring flood. in the ust-i shimsky district, more than 600 houses and more than a thousand plots remain flooded. as reported in ministry of emergency situations, the water level in the ishim and irtysh rivers is decreasing. airmobile group specialist. departments work in flooded areas around the clock, keeping watch in the most dangerous areas. rescuers are delivering drinking water, food, basic necessities and medicine to residents. to replace foreign software , about 40 competency centers have been created in russia. mikhail mishustin spoke about this. the prime minister is on a working trip to nizhny novgorod today; he is taking part in a digital conference industry of industrial russia.
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there is also a delegation among its participants. from iran and began today's work mikhail mishustin with words of condolences in connection with the death of the president of the islamic republic ibrahim resi, for us this is also a very big tragedy, he was a great friend of russia, did a lot to strengthen our, both trade and economic, and just friendly relations, the most sincere words of gratitude also to those who were with him, unfortunately died. the plenary session of the conference digital industry industry of russia will begin in in the next few minutes, we are waiting for the broadcast from nizhny novgorod. and in tabriz, iran , a farewell ceremony is taking place for those killed in the helicopter crash of the country's president. hundreds of thousands of people take part in the procession. funeral events will take place in a number of cities of the islamic republic and will last several days. tomorrow has been declared a holiday in the country. our own
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correspondent in turkey provides details. the death of iranian president ibrahim roisi may be associated with the internal struggle for power in the country; he was one of the most important candidates for the post supreme leader, the turkish newspaper huret writes about this. rossi was one of the strongest candidates for the post of spiritual leader, but the former head of the foreign ministry of the islamic republic , zariev, claims washington’s indirect involvement in the death of the iranian president, since the white house banned the supply of spare parts. which led to engine wear and a helicopter crash, the investigation into the plane crash continues; another reason is said to be bad weather conditions. meanwhile, a one-day mourning has been declared in turkey in connection with the death of president raisi, about this was stated yesterday by the country's president recep tayyip erdogan. the turkish leader noted that close multifaceted cooperation has developed between the two countries, including
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thanks to the efforts of reisi. iran-chumurbashki. iraq, india and pakistan also declared a one-day one. in syria and lebanon, it will last 3 days, in tajikistan mourning will last 2 days, in the islamic republic itself 5 days. the day before , iranian residents organized mass marches in memory of the deceased president; events took place throughout the country, writes the local farce agency. at this moment the earth goes away from under our feet, this is our grief. the funeral of the russian president will take place on may 23 in his hometown of mashhad,
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the iranian vice president said. the funeral of iranian president ibrahim resi will take place on may 23 in his hometown of meshhet. the event will take place at the imam riza mausalum. the bodies will be transported. the holy city of mishkhet, where the farewell funeral ceremony will take place. first, a farewell ceremony will take place in tabriz, in the province of east azerbaijan. the body of the iranian leader will also be sent to qom, tehran, bergent, and then to his hometown of meshkhet. after finishing funeral ceremonies, the main task will be a painless transfer of power. the next presidential elections will be held in iran on june 28. this was stated by the press secretary of the election headquarters of the islamic republic, muhsen slami. and according to him. the constitutional guardian council has proposed that candidate registration begin on may 28. among the possible candidates , the expert names muhammad mokhber, who became the acting president of the republic and had already managed to enter into a telephone
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conversation with vladimir putin, assuring him in the mood to consistently strengthen ties with russia. leila alnazarova, daria leonova, host turkey. the us is putting pressure on its allies to achieve. the allocation of tens of billions of dollars to ukraine, as sources say, kiev will receive the money in the form of a loan, which will be secured by profits from frozen russian assets, but there are problems, which maria skrodilka will tell. they came to beg for scrap metal and didn’t have tea with them. the ukrainian delegation arrived in london, they wanted to ask the british for old cars, but the mayor of the british capital didn’t even came to the meeting, later explained that i was busy, but the ukrainians. the allies are slow to make a decision, at first they generously promise, and then back down, they said in kiev. the united states
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is once again changing its official position on the fly. they pointedly stated that american weapons should not be used to attack russian territory; by exposing missiles to ukraine, the pentagon feigns innocence. must provide ukraine with all the support it needs, while i must remind you that the united states opposes expanding the geography of the use of american weapons in the arsenal apu. residents of the states are tired of being silent, there are dozens of problems, it’s impossible to count them all. we don’t pay for insurance, many don’t have money for food and gas, and we’re still surprised that we get sick all the time. and now there is a live broadcast from kazakhstan. the meetings of the council of foreign ministers expressed their most sincere condolences. and solidarity with the iranian people expressed confidence that the continuity of iran's foreign policy will be maintained, including with regard to active participation in the shanghai
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cooperation organization, we actively support the sco, as you know, in the foreign policy concept, which was approved by president putin in march last year, the sco is designated as... one of the priority areas of our activities in the international arena and it is gratifying that everyone is showing a similar attitude towards the priority of interaction within this organization exceptions, members, our partners in the shanghai organization, confirmed their readiness to continue to strengthen our interaction at multilateral platforms, including the un, and to develop
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cooperation. space of peace, stability, mutual trust and development, we talked about this a lot today, we are talking about combining the potential of all structures that are located in this vast eurasian space, harmonizing their programs, primarily in the field of economic development, infrastructure, logistics, but also in the field of security, because security... can be reliably ensured only by the forces of the countries of the continent themselves, without interference from outside regional forces, and we observe such trends from the united states, from
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the european union, and nato, by the way, who actively want to take responsibility for everything that happens, and , if translated into simple language, interfere
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in processes. well-known thoughts and, by the way, the democratic people's republic of korea recently expressed its serious concern about these provocative actions of the united states and its allies in this region, actions that are aimed at provoking an aggravation of the situation until the transition to its hot phase, we do not exclude that washington and its satellites are hatching these plans when they are trying to provoke
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unrest on the korean peninsula, of course, if you look at other parts of the eurasian continent, this includes central asia, the south caucasus, and even moldova, everywhere nato and european union members led by the americans are trying to introduce their structures, trying to subordinate these countries
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to theirs.. in connection, we discussed a number of proposals that are being prepared on behalf of the heads of state and are dedicated to the comprehensive modernization of the activities of the sco, improving the activities of its structures and bodies, including giving additional impetus to the work. secretariat and executive committee of the regional anti-terrorist structure, agreed with... the creation, on the basis of the regional anti-terrorist structure
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, of a comprehensive center for countering modern challenges and threats, it will have a center for information security and a center for combating organized crime within the framework of this center, they will be part of this universal center, and in addition an anti-drug center will be created in dushanbe, between it and the center and universal centers for countering challenges and threats will be concluded. agreements on the coordination of their actions, taking into account the direct, close connection of drug trafficking with the financing of terrorism, we are preparing these decisions for the leaders who will gather here in astana for the summit in july this year, and the expansion of our
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activities with dialogue partners , observers, we have two observers in the sco and 14 dialogue partners, two more countries
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have applied. good afternoon, dear friends, dear
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colleagues, vladimir, everyone on stage, i want to greet you all, greet you participants of the conference on digitalization issues. main industries, here traditionally, with the participation of representatives of the largest companies, government authorities, developers, experts, and the results achieved are discussed, which is very important, the results, and of course, we discuss the necessary further steps and joint actions. our first meeting in nizhny novgorod in such an open format took place 2 years ago, at a very difficult moment, when it intensified... and sanctions pressure on russia, there was also a pandemic, you remember, we had corresponding consequences due to the pandemic, leading foreign suppliers of it products actually refused to cooperate with us, then, based on the results of the discussion, we decided
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to create industrial centers of competence and support the transition of industry to the maximum domestic software security. last year, key
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initiatives. investments by companies of all industries in digital technologies over the past four years have grown by more than 80% and have now reached over 4 trillion rubles during this time, the amount of funds allocated for the development of it infrastructure increased by a third and one and a half trillion, and for the implementation of software products by 2 and a half times, but of course all this suggests that business understands it very well. the importance of applying innovation in their activities, especially in the energy sector, mining, construction, transport, manufacturing, all their investments in it solutions are growing with... much faster than, by the way, in the economy as a whole, good results in the manufacturing industry,
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last year only 6% of organizations in this sector cut their it budgets, and the remaining 94 either kept them at the same level or significantly increased them, well, for example, every third manufacturer of petroleum products machinery equipment, this is a good example, every fourth enterprise for the production of electronic optical... and metal products, every fifth in the metal industry, the most popular programs today are programs for managing business processes and production, now we saw a very large number of solutions at the exhibition, in second place, the system of digital design, modeling, we will systematically support investments in domestic it solutions, on the instructions of the president we must now increase the pace of investment, as you remember in... using only our own products can
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guarantee the uninterrupted operation of enterprises, protect the infrastructure, and the government, on behalf of the head of state , provides comprehensive support and assistance to the it sector, which includes a preferential rate for income tax, reduced
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insurance premium rates, certain special... to fulfill the task of ensuring independence from foreign digital products. such structures have united the efforts of developers, manufacturers, and customers. together they are implementing over 150 initiatives to introduce advanced russian programs at our enterprises in key sectors of the economy. especially significant, we received especially significant, we received grants, or rather, the state provided a. grants to particularly important enterprises and the total amount financing from all sources has now
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exceeded 180 billion rubles. by the way, these are mostly private funds; as i already said, entrepreneurs realize the importance of such investments for the future development of their enterprises. and, of course, i want to thank our entrepreneurs for their responsible attitude to business. most projects proceed with compliance. 41 deadlines will be completed this year, we are trying to measure all this, and although there is a backlog for some, we need to do everything necessary to correct this situation and, of course, how it is possible to produce a competitive, high-quality software product faster. many of our enterprises are seriously interested in using advanced domestic developments as part of digital transformation; they are waiting for them
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, including on the basis of, of course, large ones. solutions, we constantly thought about this, and both those already existing on the market and those emerging thanks to the industrial competence center, we will compensate up to half the costs of introducing key classes of domestic engineering and industrial software, we will also help with the accelerated transition to other types of russian software, now we are considering the idea of ​​​​providing additional incentives to organizations that... will give preference to our russian developments, and , accordingly, loans at a preferential rate for carrying out relevant purchases, which will give
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them more resources for development. well, in general, we will continue to stimulate demand for such developments. one of the tasks for the future in personnel training is, of course, the task of transforming sectors of the economy and the creation of so-called digital departments will continue. thanks to them, students can receive , in addition to the main one, a second specialty related to the introduction of modern technologies in particular. this profile, while it is proposed to launch such a unified platform for all universities, which will allow young people to master and develop skills in a convenient format. it is necessary to increase the production of automation and robotization engineers in the near future. more actively attracting companies to participate in training in it areas at universities, this should become
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a prerequisite for providing them with appropriate benefits. the priority is the further development of the infrastructure of cloud services and the construction, which is also very important, of new data processing centers, and even today in russia absolutely competitive advanced solutions are being created, the government is creating conditions for their entry into foreign markets, the service of the so-called digital ataches continues to operate, i let me remind you that these are employees of our trade missions of russia in foreign... countries, they are involved in export activities, they help to establish provide support to our it companies in communicating with partners, taking into account the specifics of the territory of residence, to navigate legal norms, especially where government regulation is complex, such specialists already work with us in 14 countries, there will be a total of thirty, it is necessary to ensure the development of the institute digital
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attachés taking into account the analysis of the results already obtained. let's talk about what additional steps are needed to create and develop domestic software in the industrial sector; today it is extremely demanded by our enterprises in their daily work, and in general to fulfill the task of achieving technological sovereignty, which was set by our president. naturally , we
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will consider all the proposals that will be made during the conference, the most useful ones will be included in the national project, the data economy and the digital transformation of the state, by the way, the government has already begun its formation on behalf of the head of state, so let’s start the discussion, thank you, thank you big for the installations, for the beginning of our plenary meeting, we now wanted to start with short ones, such as maybe, you know, a blitz, even one


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