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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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in the industrial sector, today it is in great demand by our enterprises in their daily work, and in general to fulfill the task of achieving technological sovereignty, which was set by our president. naturally , we will consider all the proposals that will be made during the conference, the most useful ones, and will include them in the national project data economy and digital transformation of the state; by the way, the government has already begun its formation on behalf of the head of state. well , let's start the discussion, thank you, thank you thank you very much for the settings, for the beginning of our plenary meeting, we now wanted to start with short ones like this, maybe, you know, a blitz, even one blitz question to all participants, but before i ask this blitz question, i would like you... show voting , which we
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did, we ourselves haven’t seen the results yet, uh, just when you were coming in, we asked the question, what are the main risks you see, what is stopping you, i don’t know what we have in the center, but you can take a look, and i would ask a similar question as a participant in our plenary meeting, well first let's see the results, uh, unfortunately, you'll have to turn around, it's not possible to duplicate here, that is, frames. no money, financing, all the problems are in my head, high cost, dutch auction, yes, not enough money, bureaucracy, specialists, here’s the loan rate, so i have a question for you now, so that everyone can literally answer in 20-30 seconds maximum to... a question, and after that we will begin
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your speech, which you have been preparing, so this is without slides, a very short question, here we are now in nizhny novgorod the m12 highway leads, but in general - on a good highway you can drive at a speed of 130 km/h, you can, of course, go 200, but this is probably not the order, it’s very dangerous, well, 130 is good, 140 maybe, the question for you is at what speed? how quickly are you moving towards your internal digitalization and the use of domestic software, the use of domestic solutions, and maybe, briefly, what could speed this up? of course, i understand, now it will be hard for any of you to tell, we are moving at a speed of 40 km/h on the highway m12. what is your current rate of progress towards the goals set by the president for 80% software by 2030, and what could speed it up? well, maximum.
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with development teams to switch to domestic software. thanks a lot. andrey valerievich. yes, i think that our speed is quite decent, but i probably wouldn’t call it maximum. and here are two reasons, i probably agree with the fact that here on the screen, two reasons that do not allow achieving maximum speed. the first is, probably, after all, personnel, second, well, since we are a tariff-regulated company, then, probably, all this is financed. thank you. andrey sergeevich, well, in order to. to start moving, you need to choose a car, well, we ’ve already chosen it - but if we’re talking seriously, of course it’s very difficult to measure speeds, i ’ll actually tell you in my report - in principle, it’s correct to set the task from the very beginning, then you can then drive picking up speed, here we are now - mikhail vladimovich spoke about this, we may we may not be at the forefront, but we clearly know where and how long it will take us to arrive. i’ll tell you,
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thank you, vladimir olegovich, yes, thank you for the question, as they say, uh, you know, in motor sports there are races, and there are rallies.
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i really like your analogy in approach to nizhny novgorod, i know firsthand what it was like to get to moscow there 20-25, or even 30 years ago, and of course, in this sense, the new route is four hours long, ah, for i am very close - from the point of view of analogy to
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the national project, the digital economy, which was built by the government, it really gave a new quality, to answer your question directly about vehicles,
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it was also planned for nizhny novgorod and we have a project, we now have the president’s instructions, and we will definitely implement it, just the same for all crossings, we need move faster in all directions, despite the fact that i have an internal feeling that we are moving as quickly as possible, we need to be better coordinated in order to speed up the speed, all the same. this task exists, my subordinates say that we are doing everything we can, the government supports us, we are a state-owned company, and when discussing budgets, the maximum amount that we can put into the figure, i am grateful to the government, is supported, but the pace
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should still be faster, i’m still i’m not completely satisfied, thank you very much, first of all, thank you everyone for the brevity, interesting angles, the comparison really sucked, of course i liked it, indeed, sometimes here you can’t rely on maximum speed, there can be many different risks, but we’re starting, i i would like to invite... very cooperative people with high results, please tell us how your
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projects are being implemented now, what challenges you are facing and what will be the main thing happening for you in the near future. thank you. we have prepared another presentation. this? yeah, or is this, is this the first slide? this is the first slide. okay, but i can start right away. from this slide, because behind our central committee, probably everyone already knows, in principle, the information that is given on that slide will be repeated further. so, the first slide, industry landscape, our icc was the first to propose this approach to the formation of an industry it landscape, and we were the first among all iccs, accordingly, to form and develop our own industry landscape along... the entire value chain in our industry, we did this back in the twenty-second year, and
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this reference landscape is a landscape that is compiled according to the methodology of the ministry of digital development, and there is a difference from our landscape, our landscape will be shown on the last slide, if we talk about the methodology of the ministry of digital development, then in principle everything is divided into 14 classes, if talk about our industry, and if you look at - accordingly, the indicators that are given on this slide, this is, accordingly, an assessment of the implementation of russian solutions, this is the level of maturity, then we can confidently say that - our icc and, accordingly, our industry have reached a fairly high level of technological independence in it, there is, well , with the exception of one class po, this is with...
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the ozp project is supposed to postpone the deadlines, these are two projects of rosgeology, rosgeology
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came to us with these projects from another itsk, subsoil use claim, the reason for the postponement, accordingly, the transition of state funding to corresponding financing at the expense of own funds, and as already said, all projects in our uzp, in our itsk, are accordingly formed at the expense of own funds. respectively , one project, but is it possible to return the slides to these screens so that i don’t have to turn around? one of us has turned off the replay, okay, so one project requires transfer, since a decision was made to expand the functionality, and three more projects, these are projects gazprom nedro, respectively gazprom nedro, like rosgeology, came to us with these projects from... the claim of subsoil use, respectively, the reason is that those solutions that are proposed are not
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critical and are not unique, but how can be seen below, we are adding two more projects to our rfp; accordingly, an analysis of our industry landscape showed that we need solutions, solutions such as seismic data processing tools and hydraulic modeling. third slide this slide respectively shows leading customers in terms of implementation, respectively shows leading developers, external developers software for... from our itsk, in total, if we talk about development companies, there are currently 156 companies, right now, yes, good , the number of companies will grow accordingly, then there will be a process of consolidation, we are sure of this, in principle the market is quite well developed, but is not yet mature, this is evidenced by a bias in favor of upstream solutions,
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these are mining and development, respectively, as i said. there is a certain personnel problem, what are we doing for this, we are launching corresponding master's programs in universities, both universities that respectively provide that education, and, accordingly, in our universities, in principle, if we talk about the market volume for solutions for our industry, this is already a big market of 110 billion rubles, this is 110 billion rubles only , respectively, orders from state companies, this is the twenty-third year, so we see opportunities. for growth in market volume, accordingly, the final slide, uh, on this slide we can’t show the entire heat map of our landscape, it’s 108%, there ’s a certain enlargement here, but at the moment the coverage is 78%, we set ourselves the task of achieving 100% by the twenty- seventh year, uh, 319 industrial po is
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already po with a maximum of nine. readiness level, 40 accordingly are already being replicated, 57 use technology such as artificial intelligence, respectively, these solutions have export potential, there is accordingly, we have already supplied ours abroad, asked to indicate the problem, but we rather believe that this is not a problem, but rather an opportunity, working communication with other itcc showed that we have projects... which we are working on together, in particular, this monthly systems, management of production systems, this certainly requires increasing efficiency, consolidation, coordination of efforts, one of the possible solutions is, accordingly , the creation of intersectoral committees, in particular, which could deal with this this work on this project,
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respectively the development of locations and production management systems, thank you, thank you.
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completed, six are already being replicated, respectively, the remaining six that have been implemented will be replicated this year, they were just completed last year, in total, as i said, if we talk about our landscape, 319 solutions from utg9, and 40 solutions are already being replicated , i can give examples, respectively, these are products developed by the transneft company, respectively, we use this product, our product cyber-grp is used by gazprom and other companies. and already, yes, accordingly, if we talk about messystems , the production management system with this product was developed by us and uses ibrahim and sibur, respectively, and there are also, there are already a number of solutions that,
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accordingly, were successfully exported by us to neighboring countries, our colleagues from oil and gas. countries of neighboring countries successfully use and apply these solutions, and i will clarify the question: well, after all, the company always strives to maximize your profit, and making effective decisions, investing your own funds, but you are not going to share this with direct competitors, if you have them, as you manage with a joint venture, you invest a lot together in joint ventures with companies, well, let's say so, follow the export version of the solution both internally. countries are so outside, that is, are there moments of competition here and tell me honestly, what you answered like that, everything, it seems like everything is possible, are you ready to give up everything that you do? partners or are there still some restrictions? we are, of course, ready to give everything, but not completely, and yes, and as for a number of solutions, we
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do not offer a boxed solution, we offer a service, that is, accordingly , this is a solution that will be accompanied by our company for, well, quite a long time, which will allow us, accordingly , to receive additional income from its use, thank you very much, dear speakers, please adhere to the time limit of 3 minutes, we will have a gong, you heard, we will make it louder, don’t be alarmed, it’s like that thunders, here you are within 30-40 seconds, please, already then - finish your speech, so, we continue, i would now like to give the floor to oleg vladimirovich shuryaev, general director of eurochem, chairman of the itsk chemistry, i know that itsk we are new to chemistry.
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khimya has been working for 2 years, we are combining the efforts of twenty largest companies, the main of which are companies such as eurochem, siburchem, phosagro, at the moment the work program of the central committee includes nine projects, of which seven projects are being implemented with funds companies, two have grant support, in total, the total budget of projects being implemented within the central committee is 3.5 billion, but this does not actually complete the portfolio of projects that we are implementing. there are many more of them, more than thirty of them, at the moment the total budget that we estimate as part of the implementation is about 13 billion rubles, these are the costs that companies collectively incur
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on our projects, we are already or are completing some of the projects, in this completed the first project in april, this company eurochem, did a project for collecting data and diagnosing equipment together with the company dikh, here is a whole series of projects - will be completed in the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth year, and what is important, i wanted to share how the central committee works, what we live, and where we are, well, i would said, in a state of catching up, since by and large we were solving two problems as part of the work, well, at least the implementation of our products, the first is the modernization of our production and digitalization, the primary digitalization of many processes, the second is the translation of those projects there ... on russian software, so we had a huge range of solution options, and the main limitation, as you can already see,
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for everyone is personnel, resources, so our main approach was first, to highlight those projects that are a priority for us, this is, of course, industrial platform, digitalization of basic production processes, the second is to make maximum use of the total resources of already available solutions, and we went first of all to our colleagues, gazprom neft, we created, accordingly, a number of projects for digital industrial platform, we implement them extremely quickly, from the moment decisions are made to the moment the first solutions appear on industrial units, less than a month and a half passes, that is, this is very...
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honestly, at the end i wanted to thank you for, in my opinion, a very wise, very timely and the right work, which was organized by the government within the framework, it gave a huge impetus and a huge, became a huge catalyst in the digitalization of our production, thank you very much, thank you, oleg vladimirovich, oleg vladimirovich, very briefly, you see that synergy has appeared between you, and the fact that you
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are engaged in cooperation, in the form of solutions over... you showed at the stand that eurochem is actively, in fact today, implementing an import substitution program across the entire spectrum, except epp, except sapovsky decision. do you think there is no danger that vender will stop supporting it, are you going to do anything about it? i think this is a very important point. mikhail vladimirovich, a very relevant question, yes, we believe that there is a danger, that is, we have seen how
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irresponsible the behavior of the westerners is. due to the limited resources for the most critical production processes, everything related to safety, the next stage we know that colleagues are now actively working on the irp system, of course we will use the experience of colleagues for the future, but there are two or three solutions, i don’t i look back, although they are manufacturers sitting here, it seems to me that we need to think about it, this is like good advice, i just don’t understand why you don't do this. thank you, thank you for the advice, thank you, and andrei valerievich lyumin, please, general director of rossedi, chairman of itsk electric power industry, it’s not easy for you, you said at the beginning that the tariff is regulated, each additional investment is bound by tariffs, as i understand it, a lot of equipment , in general, the tasks are not easy, we are moving at a fast pace, i ask you, thank you for what was possible and what challenges, thank you,
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dear mikhail vladimi. dear colleagues, i will briefly talk about the work of itsk electric power engineering, about the projects that we we are implementing, about the results and, of course, about the problems, in particular, this, as has already been said, tariff regulation, of course, does not quite allow us to move at the maximum speed that our colleagues spoke about at the beginning, but maybe the first slide, uh for our industry, we can divide all systems into two large groups, the first is the corporate governance system. the second is a production asset management system, here we took probably the most necessary and most critical systems for us, and made a certain cut on them regarding import substitution, overall import substitution, the percentage will of course be lower, i will talk about it through the slide, but here it turns out that what is absolutely most critical for us, so to speak, we see here that we have a fairly good percentage, this is 85% of what imports for replaced, separately.
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i can say regarding the production asset management system that for us, probably, the most important thing is systems such as automated control systems, scada, we now have a lot of domestic solutions, and here, probably, the question is not that there are no solutions, here the question is that they need to be implemented, implementation is very difficult, partly precisely because of how we are regulated, why, because we need to modernize the energy facility for this, and a lot of them , for example, are not. ..


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