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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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we see here that we have a fairly good percentage, this is 85% of what imports have been replaced with. separately, i can say about the production asset management system, which for us is probably the most important, these are systems such as automated control system, scada, we have there are a lot of domestic solutions now, uh, and here, probably, the question is not that there are no solutions, the question here is that they need to be implemented, implementation is very difficult, uh, partly because of the way we are regulated , why, because - we need an energy facility for this to modernize, but a lot of them , for example, are not depreciated and it is not clear how to finance these projects, please, next slide, i wanted to briefly say about our ecc, we have eight vcc projects, in total this is 12 billion rubles, in all cases, the source of financing is the funds themselves, two projects have already been implemented, both projects were implemented by the interao company, we
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also plan to implement two projects this year, there is a large project, this is regarding billing, the company this also applies to sales, the problem there is that everyone was on oracle, and they need to switch, here by the twenty-sixth year it is planned to switch to the domestic system, these are... twins, the digital twin of tets, the t+luce company, these are objects in the area predictive analytics, a company, we, as rosseti, are developing, in principle, we are already finishing this one of the projects that will be implemented this year, the rs20 project, which we announced 2 years ago here on tsypre, i can say that the results are quite large, we we are already exchanging system operator, thanks to our rs-20 platform, we also work with other
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etsk, which we consider very important, tomorrow we will sign an agreement with etsk e housing and public utilities, specifically regarding the rs20 platform. please, next slide, and as i already said, on average, this was 85% for particularly important software systems, and our overall coverage of domestic software was 77%. and if we talk not only about uk projects, but in general about all po import substitution projects, then in total this is 42 billion rubles. and colleagues, i, since time is running short, will briefly talk about the problems, indeed, the biggest problem for us is, uh , probably financing, why? because in conditions of tariff regulation, and we have a number of companies in the all-russian central committee that are regulated by tariffs, it is very difficult, so to speak, taking into account the fact that our tariff, we understand, is limited, it is very difficult to finance large, uh, well, such a large volume of project data. the problem of personnel, as has already been said, is probably... i don’t
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even know what, which is the bigger problem, financing or personnel, and i would probably like to briefly touch on one more problem, which we have, taking into account the fact that companies grew from the bottom up, we have such patchwork automation, so we hope that precisely through import substitution we will solve this problem with patchwork automation, when we switch not only to e systems that imports, well, that is, domestic ones, and due to this we will also make all systems unified. inside our companies, thank you, thank you, andrey valerievich, thank you, what you say is very important, because competition, and even with the largest enterprises with such industrial centers will give birth to the best solutions, it is after this that all the so-called tender departments should be patched up with professional replicable solutions, my question is short, and you on the corresponding landscape...
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have shown practically no blind spots for your industry, that is, on the it landscape, this is very i am glad that your analysis shows that all the solutions are there, does this mean that practically you only need financing in order to quickly resolve all issues related to import substitution and sovereignty of the actually critical elements of their industry. thank you, well, if we are talking about critical systems for our industry, then in principle this is exactly the case, that is. there really is a solution, for us, what is most critical is the automated process control system, scada, our domestic solution is very good, i can say that there is our solution, an electrician monitor, which is a company from pyatigorsk that implements the system, well, it’s no worse than ab, schneider and so on, there are some kind of western software general electric complexes, but the question is that their launch requires a very large, well , amount of funding, and of course, this is not a simple and long process, and here it is also very important that in addition to software, we also need to talk about hardware, we probably ...
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we will definitely ask the ministry of energy , together with fas and the ministry of development, to look at your proposal on tariffs, because this is an important element, of course, the continuation of this work, thank you, thank you, let's move on to yes, thank you, thank you, let's move on to the automotive industry, i i give you my word anatoyvich kagogin, kamaz general director and chairman. your industry is at a very high stage of using all the most modern technologies, and many come to you to study, gain experience, i understand that for you there are probably other challenges somewhere, how to move from the fact that everything
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works very well and effectively to new domestic developments and how to generally switch to our software and all our technologies, even i have a question for you, when will you switch to them? hasn't changed, we're still focused to bring pimika’s cut-off solutions to an acceptable state, well , unfortunately, at the moment, next slide, please, at the moment... the penetration of domestic it solutions in our industry is only 38%, colleagues have achieved better results, but things the situation is much better in the manufacturing sector with solving problems of warehouse management and quality management systems; here the level
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of preparation exceeds 50%. well, it should also be noted that half of our colleagues in our industry use it limited. kit there is no engineering software for those colleagues who are engaged in the production of a borrowed product, there is no need for automation tools, design, just as there is no need for engineering calculations. for the automotive industry , two solutions were chosen as target programs, these are teflex, here are the top sarus systems in rusatom's solution. our role as customers in this work is to submit a qualitatively meaningful request for the creation of new functionality . mikhailevich, we have already said that for design tools the transition to a new platform can only be realized
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by designing new products. my colleagues in the mechanical engineering department will agree that such a transition is practically non-existent during the development process itself. following the results of the first stage of a particularly significant project, the gas group transferred its processes for entering product data into a topsystem solution. as for kamaz, in recent years we have made very significant progress in ms level systems. this is a level of automation that we simply
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didn’t have before. and creating a new automation layer we are leading with domestic technologies. we have invested significant funds in our own developments over 2 years - this is 1.2 billion. the new production that we are launching also uses only a domestic solution, well, for example, this is moskvech, launched on landscapes for 11 companies, the total project budget is 200 million, well, the french turned them off completely, so there was no choice, so i thank boris, we worked quickly. in 2023, we launched another big project in which domestic software plays a key role. this is a digital platform nadcar, a communication tool between shipper and carrier using road transport. we see that the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles on highways will be constrained by the fragmentation of the industry. therefore
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, our digital platform will act as a link for routing unmanned vehicles and connecting them with traditional cars. our prioritization of domestic products is a new order for it companies. compared to the twenty-first year, the order volume has increased almost six times. today there are 61 developers working for the industry, we talked a lot about the need to support the market of independent it players, however, many software in our industry are created in internal companies. this is what we do at kamas, and this is what other major companies do, avtovaz and gaz. well, the whole question is why? well, first of all, market companies are carriers of applied rare goods.
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well, let’s move on to complex issues, we as an industry are well aware of the expectations regarding the transfer of our processes to the domestic information system, but as you have already seen on the screen, only 38% of the solutions used today are russian, time is right at all, still the main reason for the low readiness of solutions so that we can easily replace foreign ones... analogues, but we work in a very competitive industry, and we we cannot be inferior to our eastern partners in terms of the speed and quality of these
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solutions, so any transition to a system that deteriorates to a custom one is impossible, and we will take all actions to speed this up, we have enough time competence to do this, this is necessary understand that the introduction of western products in our industry also cost several dozen.
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so gently, as it were, says that there is a second question, that the creation and design of complex technological things is a two-way street, it is also a readiness to replace imports by manufacturers of complex software products, which , in fact, are represented on the market, right? that is, you are saying that if there is readiness, you are already practically transferring digital twins there engage in parallel design. that you will move on to this, right, right, that means this is the first, the second point is what concerns
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erpi, you spoke so subtly about moskvich, where, i know, kamaz was invited as a consultant, and you did a lot for that , in order to build these processes now, yes, indeed, one of them has installed, so to speak, an appropriate replacement, so to speak, for the erp systems, and why didn’t you agree on kamaz, you still have glanders, that’s right, it’s just, well, sorry for these questions, but...
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we are ready to work with kamaz together in order to automate it, we really want this and have talked about this many times, yes, i’m trying to lead to solutions, this is the choice of kamaz, lord, there’s a solution -
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let’s stop looking for a solution, the main thing for us is to look for a solution, i now i would like to move on - to the ordzhd and the central committee of railway transport and logistics, well, oleg valentinovich, your task is generally not an easy one, as a person involved in implementing changes, i understand that when you have a million employees, and as i know, you still have since mainframes are standing somewhere, and when in this you work at great speed with great transformation, you, as i understand it, have the largest implementation.
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questions, but we have always historically and since the birth of russian railways, it was in russia in the 19th century that the task was always to make the most of everything that was produced and invented in russia, we were engaged in digitalization not only within the framework of the icc, but this... the action that was taken, it simply further systematized our work, for which i am very grateful, we, despite the fact that we saw that we were going constantly within the framework of import substitution, we have good products, regarding sapa, well , i’m ready to argue with you, this is information from 14 years ago, what you are talking about, now
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everything is completely different with us, that is, almost all programs ... we work in an offline mode, moreover, of course, our enemies would like our system of interaction with clients, including passengers, not to work so reliably, we experienced additional loads, everything withstood for us, this is an indicator of how we work, we have 1218 systems of russian railways...
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with companies that we understand, according to the work of itsk, efforts are aimed at those classes of software in which the share of the use of russian developments is below 78%, the industry average, this is the russian reason for management transport, production processes, fixed assets, transport and logistics companies, we selected eight particularly significant... projects in the first wave, the figure is 6.4 billion rubles. i already showed mikhail vladimirovich today that we have two main systems, large interaction with our clients, one concerns the preparation of documents with shippers, the second system is interaction with passengers, one system
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was completely rewritten last year and entered into the register, the second system will be finalized this year. year, but analytics and at the moment our sales will be completed by the end of the year. 133,700 users of the system, now there is a discussion of irp issues, uh, we consider ourselves at the moment to be the key developers for large enterprises of the sur system, management systems resources, yes irpi. and in collaboration with gazprom neft with the vtb group, with boris nuraliev, we are carrying out this work, we are working today. today, in part on the odines core, in total we need to transfer 260 thousand users, 133,000 users in
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a number of components have already been transferred to the new core, well, i already said that the fez russian post, rgd sber-3 has the best indicators in our etsk import substitution, that's it. well, we were asked to speak on the problems, we also expressed what our colleagues said, we believe that it is intersectoral and inter-kash interaction, it should be strengthened a little, these interaction platforms would give a better result, thank you, thank you, vich, thank you very much, really great progress, we record this every year, you say, it’s very cool that you borrow and, together with gazprombank, with one, in my opinion, with rusat, yes, also vtb, all colleagues there, this
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cooperation that arises in the all-russian central committee is very important, by the year twenty-eight, if i remember correctly, you said, that you replace the epp system with a corresponding system, an analogue that is being developed, i have a question, why do you think not all your colleagues appreciate it? import substitution of erp is critically important, two sub-questions at once: in accordance with 166 presidential decrees on critical infrastructure facilities, we must, you know, actually complete everything quickly enough, and that means, have you also managed, in addition to this, to abandon the aibimovsky mainframes, which have long been you were used, like many other companies, thank you, thank you very much, resource management system, maybe such a term we will accept it for ourselves and maybe we will use it, i think that maybe we
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are not finalizing it here in interaction with our colleagues, although we all know each other, as you say, take a closer look and offer a number of products to colleagues to show how we... plan that by the end of the twenty-seventh year we will complete this work across the entire landscape, while in the twenty-fifth year we believe
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that we will be ready to show the already defined application programs to our colleagues and offer them to use more widely, not only among the uh, let's say, founders, founders, in terms of mainframes, mainframes, we are now rapidly migrating. here are the dependencies, i would say this, at the moment we no longer have a dependence on them , migration is happening very quickly now, thank you, thank you, let’s move on to, thank you, let’s move on to shipbuilding, andrey sergeevich, i know that you have such a very big specifics in the industry, and here there is a separate class of design, everyone uses western design systems...
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as part of the first stage and two for today on the day of the project, they are awaiting a decision on financing, but as you rightly said, in the twenty-fourth year our main work was carried out in relation to the main project for us, the development of heavy cad, just last month we successfully organized the conversion of a digital model of the vessel, which is currently under construction at the usc shipyards from
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conversion from foreign software, this actually became possible thanks to the model studio software product from csoft, while the developments of others developers concerning individual engineering stages of design are not lost, and today we also talked with a number of colleagues, they will be used by us as part of this work, we will also test the created model on a number of projects, but from the point of view of the task of the central committee
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for us. a digital information model of marine engineering objects is the most important result, allowing us to launch the transition to russian software, well, in fact, of our entire industry, and i would recommend it to my colleagues - today, if possible an opportunity to look at sysoft's stand, see the results that i just talked about, the completion of work in this part is expected at the end of the twenty-sixth year, this is... an ambitious task, we are focusing on it for this period, although we may need it here additional time, but we proceed from the fact that this is the goal, it is the creation of digital modeling that is the most important for us, which means we presented the projects of the first and second stages here in slides, can we go to the previous slide,
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please, and i started talking about the key project on heavy sapper, from the first stage , the other three projects are progressing on schedule, the totality of technical solutions of all these projects for us forms the basis for the it-landscape of shipbuilding in the direction of kada, kaya, kama, and capp and rlma. and then we move on to the second stage: the project of the second stage is the most important - this is a large project that essentially extends support. on the next slide we present, please, on the next slide, we present the level of import substitution, it is clear that the level of maturity is very low, but we we believe that as part of the implementation of the tasks, in the first place we will solve the third and fourth positions, in the second stage we will completely
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the sixth year, oh great that you honestly said it, its leader, igor khanin, is present here, also a double question will be to you and to him. so, twenty shows the level of maturity, the level of implementation, however, and the fact that today there is already an understanding of where to go is worth a lot, well, here we actually have in bim-technologies, if what you have chosen should twenty-sixth year... to be fully presented as a pla system that will be able to design, calculate and actually present to us new tools for the production of domestic russian ships, we were not in a hurry with the deadlines, the question for you is: will you be able to do it in time in the twenty- sixth year? question for khanin: will the developer have time to complete all the elements? thank you, mikhailovich, thank you for your great support.


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