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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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for the fact that in just a few months, well, 6-7 months you decided, you finally chose your developer for support design, the company csoft, you said that its director, igor khanin, is present here, there will also be a double question for you and for him , so, twenty-sixth year, it’s great that you honestly show the level of maturity, the level of implementation, but the fact that today there is already an understanding of where to go is worth a lot, well...
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igor danilovich, you are in the hall , the stand said, we have this question, it will suit him, a little later let's ask, thank you, andrey serge, thank you, thank you, so, let's move on to aircraft construction, as the son of a pilot, i am very interested in aircraft construction. and i was recently
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talking with yuri borisovich, and i suddenly realized that the aircraft industry is somewhat similar to the nuclear industry. alexey evgenievich, here the life cycle of a nuclear power plant is calculated in decades, but it turns out that the aircraft was launched into series design, launched into series production, modernization and up to 100 years, as i understand it, the same boging was in operation in sixty-seven, in sixty the eighth year was and will be until the seventies, that is, the cycles are very long. all of this also poses quite big challenges for you, please tell us about them, thank you very much, respect colleagues, well, precisely from the point of view of ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, which they mentioned in their report, this also applies to production and design bureaus, taking into account those really cycles that are in production, because we actually spend a decade developing, launching into production, and then the aircraft it has been in operation for 50-60 years, that is, in principle, those boeings that are being launched now will fly until the end of the 20th century. we really hope that domestic
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aircraft will have the same operating cycle, so it is extremely important, of course, trusted, verified by our software, independent, in this situation, here is a slide with the dynamics that we have, shows that over the past year we have made quite serious progress, with this has been achieved to a large extent with systems, and as for plm, this is still ahead, of course, therefore, of the three projects, which in our base and main is the project of transition to the current plm, our partner company tflex, we have a significant stage in may 24 - this is the completion of the technical project and the transition to the stage of finalizing the testing of pilot industrial operation, more moreover, just like in design, we must in this situation parallelize all these three processes, we discussed with sergey antonich, we will not wait for the system to be finalized completely in theory, like some kind of model that will be adapted from a boxed solution to aviation, let's immediately move on to designing individual units directly on the basis of tiflex, and just like in civilian ones. both
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in the military and in the unmanned direction, we will take all three directions, and for us it is extremely important, of course, in this situation the timing is quite a tight year, but at the same time, the challenges that we face, in fact, we understand, the system that we have now, it will provide enough functionality to start designing, for now, individual elements relating to the physique, glider and individual systems, but work must not begin while waiting for the entire system to be finalized, unlike our colleagues, we have personnel, there are many of them, we have everyone, all kb employees, they are all it specialists. another thing is what i said when i answered the question, motivation, so far, of course, well, our generation of designers grew up in siemens, it’s comfortable, it’s actually ergonomic, and of course, now it can multiply risks in a hyperhypnotic way only with the correct organization of work , we agreed with our colleagues what we will do by allocating teams, forming such parallel teams that will to work alongside our current projects to design a new system directly, that means two projects that we have at vtsk, one together with fdc, our strategic partner, these are... systems
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based on 1c, and here we are inside under the heading of rustec, inside the unified accounting project a system that is already based on osd, to a large extent, which is why there is a high percentage of import substitution, and of course a lot. remains to be done from the point of formation of the general appearance of our cluster, the third project, no less important, is the introduction into the enterprise the defense industry complex of software and hardware modules for virtual design based on supercomputers is what we are already using for now, but so far on the basis of foreign hardware, so to speak, and now the colleagues from the saga, together with the team they assembled over several years, have taken on the task of terrorizing this complex in the interests of all design bureaus, not only the aircraft industry, this is extremely important for us, because it also...
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does the design module in a composite and the design and actual pre- production, today don’t be offended, we’ll come, look at both proposals, choose one, but there’s no project yet, we have it in the second stage and the key problem for us is, of course, co-financing, you know the problem of pricing, but we can’t even afford 20x80, but we simply have nowhere to get these 20%, so we ask you to bow deeply, if possible, in 550 an exception for us is 98x2, because, so to speak, besides the state money, unfortunately we do not have any money for this. i say yes right away, because this is a long-overdue decision, we need to do it, i need the appropriate instructions, then denis vantinovich we’ll work together, you’re done, thank you, that’s all i have. yes, thank you, after all, i will constantly ask you this
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question, well, the first thing is that all decisions that are made today in the field of aircraft manufacturing, and in any other industries, construction must be safe for people, so reliability is the main thing. factor in decision making, including import substitution of software products for the design and operation of the relevant elements or all, say so, aircraft manufacturing, all technological elements. my question is the following: when will you start or are you planning to design a digital twin or something else at the domestic council, you said that there are moments, but you still need to start, even if it doesn’t have to be big...
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because of course the requirements of the company will increase, so to speak, and the number of employees, because it will be very difficult to accompany this, right, please, thank you for the question, the second one, yes, in your presence, it seems to me that he will give exhaustive obligations that also apply to us, and regarding reliability, well, first, regarding , so to speak, the program in which we are now working, an unfriendly team that we are transferring to the domestic language, this is extremely important for us, now we are at the certification stage, therefore, in the domestic version , go through the entire fault tree, respectively. calculation of all systems, it is necessary to immediately design the whole thing in a domestic format, then, as for the approach to the design of individual units, once again, i do not promise that those, now units, let’s say for ms21, we took compartment f2 or even for a combat drone, please say so, that tomorrow they will be part of a common product, but we must begin
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with them to work out the very functionality, the construction of the entire architecture, which is important for us, we are already doing this, our task is often simply to multiply, to bring more units here, in principle , somewhere around the turn of the twenty-fifth year. we will consistently endure and cope with this task, and the sooner we start design, the faster we will achieve the result, thank you very much, that is, they are ready to design the units, great, we remember the twenty-fifth year, the first deputy prime minister wrote it down, thank you, thank you, as i
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understand it, igor, danil chikhanin also came up. thank you, well, just yes, as i understand it, the question is whether we will have time to finish or at least there, yes, the answer is clear, no, we won’t have time, honest man, but there are many factors here, in fact, the system is really complex , if you look at the world experience, i certainly understand what we have. own experience is now more important, but such systems have been created for decades, even there
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it is usually an ordinary clone of autocad, it took us 15 years for this to become a real market product, which is actually used by tens of thousands of users, and we have a very good base today, to develop solutions for heavy cad and plm for shipbuilding, i believe that this is the basis.
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how are all your projects progressing now, what are the main challenges, and how do you generally view sarus from the point of view development and promotion, yes, thank you very much, but our itsk is unique, on the one hand it is the nuclear industry, everything is fine. well-known, on the other hand, this is a whole series of enterprises, and the slides mentioned here, well, which can probably be accurately united according to one principle, are an enterprise of the arms-industrial complex, with all its specifics, primarily from the point of view of information policy, uh, if we think in terms and metrics of the ministry of digital development, we have five projects of the open plan, so-called, especially significant since the twenty-second year, two grants, is being implemented at the expense of the actual funds of enterprises, primarily the state corporation rosatom, to this number
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a number of large new projects have been added since the twenty-second year, i would highlight first of all almas antey, vsmpo avisma, well, again due to the specifics of defense , it is not possible to talk about their essence. the landscape of icc companies is also presented on the slide, so we rate it more like a four. than a lower estimate, but it is clear that there is still a lot of progress to be made in many directions, the general financial scenario, so to speak , so to speak, of the work on the mcc project, is 18.7 billion rubles, taking into account the fact that two of them are grants, 16.7 were raised through the members of the mcc, well, that’s a miracle, if we talk about ... work like this already in the industry, then all projects are going according to plan, many even
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ahead of schedule, but this does not mean that we are satisfied with the work, i would name three large topics that, in my opinion, require additional, additional understanding and additional solutions, the first is connectedness, this is the connectedness of those decisions which are being implemented today, both within the framework of vendors, developers, and within the framework of consumers, the life cycle, it was approved by members of the central committee, and to make a complete integration platform , i really hope that we will offer not only our partners, but also itsk, itsk from other
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industry directions, piloting the life cycle platform. already since the twenty-fifth year, the same work has been going on on the platform of engineering mathematical calculations, we showed you its prospects at the stand, we planned to completely launch it by the thirtieth year to technological parity, but accordingly we can speed up this work; technological parity with an imported analogue, but we think we have maksut igorevich to speed up this work.
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in the work to fill these very technological gaps we need, we very often have a situation where everyone is running in the same direction, well, conditionally in the fashionable direction of composites, where it’s thick, where it’s empty, so a certain planning and coordination and, of course, deadlines for the white spots are absolutely needed, and a third, probably topic, which we wanted to bring this up for discussion today, this is work in that very sensitive system of the military-industrial complex, i think that in this room there is no need... to discuss what the defense industry is, what the state order is today, the timing, the cost, in this sense, of course, any problems that arise during the introduction of new products are extremely painful, primarily for enterprises carrying out state defense orders, and therefore the responsibility of the vendors, the opportunity within the framework of very strict costs and fixed returns,
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find money for infrastructure solutions, find money for implementation, today, of course, this is... we would put such solutions on the table today, under such proposals. thank you very much for your attention, thank you alex evgenievich. thank you, alexey evgenievich, thank you. alexey evgenievich, i also want to thank you and support you, because you took it on, you talked and talked to me that difficult projects, rosatom in this regard, is one of the world's leading companies in the field of nuclear energy, there are a lot of large large
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projects, successful projects, but you still took up the software, trying to ensure that...
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sarus is ready to make the second version of the atom on it in pilma, whether it will be ready or not, this is the first question for you, the second question is about logos about logos - platform, because some of the vendors, alexey ergenevich, some of the developers complain about the closed system, i understand that it probably exists, but here too, either you have to decide to open it in some version or not, you know what my proposal is , i just wanted to ask our minister. meet with your colleagues , let them discuss it publicly, maybe even at your level, at the manager’s level, but it seems to me that this is very important, because not to rewrite, yes, well, they are talking about rewriting some...
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on the applicability of sarus in the coming years to different aspects of this product, but in general to this product, we will be greatly honored if indeed the atom is not only such a super russian automotive gadget, but also completely import-substituted in terms of products and software, which regarding the development of logos, specifically the settlement system, mikhailovich, all the teams are sitting here. both the sarus team and the logos team, of course, led by valentinovich kostyukov, i think that your colleagues not only heard you, they are grateful for the assessment, we will do even
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more, we will do even more to ensure that the program, engineering and mathematical calculations and the product life cycle management program in the next five years will be completely on par with, perhaps, foreign analogues, well, everything is scheduled, all the dates are all ours...
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which exist, there are geometric kernels, we also talked with the developers, well, solutions, some things, perhaps, do not need to be rewritten, we need to look at their integration, i think this is important, because unfortunately, we are late in proposing this solution we will get together like this every year and say, well, next year again, yes, i understand, 65% of his competence in comparison with ans, of course, we were improving the product, but we ourselves would not have increased it by 20%, but its integration with top systems, with others products made it possible to cross the 85% limit.
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from the point of view of cooperation, including, you have very big challenges, as i understand it, please tell us what the main challenges are, and how do you solve them? thank you, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear forum participants, itsk metallurgy, as already mentioned, unites 18 players, not only the largest players in the metallurgical industry, but also a number of our partner companies, so i would like
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the next slide, please, we evaluate level of implementation of russian solutions at enterprises in the industry as clearly insufficient, about 35%. although many classes of software that have already been developed could potentially be included in the category of significant objects of critical information infrastructure. the main directions of import substitution in metallurgy today are projects in three classes of software. the first is the production management system, these are six projects with a total volume.
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rubles from the severstal company, and the third is one project worth half a billion direction is supply chain management, this is also one project, amounting to one and a half billion rubles, also severstal, including 600 million rubles in grant support. i would like to emphasize that despite the use of grants, the vast majority of projects in our center for callurgy are implemented at the expense of the customers’ own funds. the percentage of co-financing is about 90%. in fact, the only time a grant is received is when a grant is received. severstal, thank you very much, mikhail vladimirovich, i would like to take this opportunity thank you, members of the government, and the industry committee of the ministry of industry and trade, the ministry of industry and trade in general, the skolkovo foundation, the ministry of digital development, for the allocated grant support, and i would like to say that we are taking this opportunity for both projects that we took on ourselves and the places of metallurgy and production planning , who received a total of grant support in the amount of one billion 75 million rubles. we are implementing according to the schedule, the first check
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of the implementation reports has passed,
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the metallurgy site systems, production planning from severstal represent interest for evraz, tmk, vsmpovis, ogmc, omk and mechil. i would like to note the work with companies in related industries. colleagues from eurochem have already mentioned our joint work on the use of the management system, maintenance, and repairs developed by severstal, and this project was called “reliability”. we really love our severstal motto: achieve more together. both the work and the central committee are a vivid example of how companies from the same industry and different industries. efforts can achieve a lot, i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone participants of all colleagues from related companies for their joint work. at the same time, we see that outside the company, those included in our working group are implementing projects, for example, with projects to replace the system, automated control systems, with a total investment of about 400 million rubles. the companies pmh, ummc, polyus are in the selection camp for the dfpi project. the company is implementing a transition to a current laboratory
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diagnostics system.
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but in these 5 years we will spend together creating essentially an analogue of sapa. we have no other way. sap is becoming obsolete, we today we are sober from vendra and cannot make updates, primarily related to cybersecurity. mikhail vladimirovich, we fully share your concern in advance, so we ask for the opportunity to contact you, the government, maksud igorevich, apparently dmitrievich now , regarding, therefore, support for this project from the state. the second topic, which i talked about last time, is the development of a management system based on open source. we talked about this challenge at the last cipra, i would like to thank the companies gazpromneft and eurochem, as well as the ministry of industry and trade and the ministry of energy for joint efforts that brought certain results. over the course of the year, the number of participants in the working group on open stp increased to 30 companies , and eight working groups were formed. at the same time , we began a pilot to create our own russian controller with a russian manufacturer. we expect that in the first quarter of next year we will be able to present a russian controller made to our order, with our design, together with a russian developer. we have begun.
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work of the central control center microelectronics.


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