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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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spend the creation, essentially an analogue of sapa. we have no other way, sap is becoming obsolete, today we are sober from vendr and cannot make updates, especially those related to cybersecurity. mikhail vladimirovich, we fully share your concern in advance , so we ask for the opportunity to contact you, the government, maksud igorevich, apparently dmitrievich now, regarding support for this project from the state. the second topic, which i spoke to last time, is the development of a management system based on open source. we talked about this challenge. last year, i would like to thank the companies gazpromneft and eurochem, as well as the ministry of industry and trade and the ministry of energy for their joint efforts, which brought certain results. over the course of the year , the number of participants in the open stp working group increased to thirty companies, and eight working groups were formed. at the same time, we have begun a pilot to create our own russian controller, with a russian manufacturer, we expect that in the first quarter of next year we will be able to present a russian controller made to our order, with our design, together with the russian developer. we started working on itsk microelectronics. at the facilities of which
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it would potentially be possible to implement this project on a large scale, and we are not just talking about reverse engineering, but about the creation of a product that would, the creation of a russian sutp, which would reflect the best practices, which, well, in general, are modern sutps, foreign do not really reflect this, this is artificial intelligence, virtualization and so on, and we expect that we, russian manufacturers, should work together to do this, and to do it on the principles of open source, which we have already talked about, which is very important, given the complexity and multidisciplinary nature of the task, we wanted to ask, of course, for state support in this matter, too, thank you very much, thank you for one, the main developer , the central committee has been working for your active position since the first days, thank you for uniting, literally in short, i absolutely support the fact that you are looking for a competitor, well, kindly, there are so many customers and so many applications that there will be enough for everyone, if there is effective decisions, i fully support, i know the company is called consist, which you proposed, we don’t know anything about it yet, but...
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your choice is clear, and we will do everything to support this, i think that colleagues from the ministry of digital development will also get involved, this first, second, regarding the remaining solutions, you spoke about an absolutely whole class of solutions, which today, among other things, need to be developed according to the icc, and work related to other elements. regarding finances, regarding grants, i know that according to your itc, approximately 2.7 billion rubles have been invested, somewhere more billion - this skolkovo grant is only 2.7. and somewhere else you are spending your own funds, approximately 665 million rubles, which are available, we ask you to increase the spending of your own funds, here is the same request to dyukov, to vladimir patanin, to all colleagues, colleagues, help us all, thank you , thank you, final speech, i’ll give you the floor now, i heard that...
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imported products for robotic process automation have been completely replaced, these solutions for analyzing business processes of design systems. and as i understand it, you prepared and presented in proposal to the government regarding the provision of state data. please tell us about your initiatives to ensure digital sovereignty of industry. thank you. dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, 3 minutes is not enough, i want to say something important, important in my opinion is what will allow us. we will continue to work rhythmically to achieve our goals, so first of all i will remember our previous forum, at which we expressed concern that such a situation could arise within the framework of government information systems. sweet blanket, it was your mikhailovich’s instruction to unify this process with the joint, so to speak, relevant ministries and, above all, the ministry of digital development, rosstat, we came to the decision to create a single data showcase. accordingly, this
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is a very convenient form for business, but it seems to me that this is already beginning to have an inter-industry character and we need to create a center of competence that would carry out this inter-industry coordination, because individually we have very good contacts with the ministry of digital development, with rosstat, with the ministry of industry and trade and with ministry of energy, but the time for intersectoral coordination is coming, i would think it is important to create such a center of competence, the second thing i would like to say is that the source of import substitution is various... our systems and products are either products that our russian vendors already have and we successfully use them, or those created in within the framework of the icc , new products, they mainly relate to non -managerial, mainly production, transport, logistics processes, here i would like to support alexey in that we really have very good interaction and we borrow what other companies do, they take it from us, and here again we have started now to carry out your mikhal. an order to ensure that
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the results of this work become more accessible to the market, so we are now starting to transfer the fruits, so to speak , of this work. into the hands of independent ones , accordingly, it is fair to divide the royalty on the one hand, on the other hand, to form a digital platform on which all vendors, users, and vendors could communicate, and subsequently we are thinking about creating a request for what we still need, we would be able to see smaller vendors on this platform, which are currently not visible due to the fact that, so to speak, large customers, large contractors basically dominate, the third thing i would like to say: the government has provided an opportunity for companies, well, first of all, not state-owned companies, a window of opportunity that would allow, within the framework of replacing critical infrastructure, information, to conduct a dialogue and prove that there are no analogues, yes,
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so that’s what it means, it seems to me , important it would be that there are such individual, well , self-written programs in many companies that are not very well documented, but in fact they... it means that about or resource management systems, then the fact is that there is one such category of resources, which , in fact, for which, well, the iron, roughly speaking , was purchased, from the vendors we freed ourselves from their influence, we are able to safely support
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this kind of work, in addition, this is often included in a more serious technological process; they are part of the gas pipeline there, for example, or there is equipment in a... your order, as it turned out, was very relevant, because with a shortage of resources and a large volume of demand, there is pressure on prices, and the cost of this type of service is growing, so i would still suggest
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monitoring how- then the situation with this. the last thing i want to say is that many companies invest with their own funds and you encourage us to invest and we... are ready to invest, so i would think that it would be fair to charge a fee for this mandatory licensing or compulsory licensing, which is planned to be carried out by those companies that invest their own funds in development, to tie them up, well , at least for the amount of these investments, thank you, thank you, vladimirovich, vladivich, he said this very wisely, since he invested it himself, i’m looking at the numbers now i looked, 4.5 billion rubles, thank you for this because the personal, well, funds of the company that you own are invested in the common cause of itsk. and i would literally like to briefly comment to ask you: you always talk about the need to open data, synchronizing their work with rosstat, so that business can receive a common
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palette, including government data, which one way or another belongs to federal executive authorities, rosstat, anyone, i have a question for you: will business be ready?
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and interesting, look, mikhai vladimirovich, i ask you, dear friends, i hear you, once, twice, dear friends. but i want to thank vladimir, you establishment, all respected colleagues who rose here and bravely, i would say, in the face of both customers and contractors, industrialists, entrepreneurs, officials, it doesn’t matter, but they were held accountable for how they carried out, first of all, the presidential decree related to the sovereignization of our domestic decisions, because achieving national development goals is impossible without... technological and industrial sovereignty and sovereign decisions , this is a very difficult task, for many
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years, i will say frankly, we did not pay attention to the most important industries, and the solutions that were implemented, including by a huge number of our trained specialists, foreigners have become part of the work, part of the life of many factories and industries that are represented here and by colleagues who own them privately and in the state. companies, today we figured this out, classified the solutions that existed, although many were specialists in them, but we often did not think about how to approach this, today the work of industrial competence centers, let me remind you, there are 38 of them, allowed us to deal with these tasks, today there is the first result, this is approximately, let the specialized ones correct me ministers, this is approximately 50%. import substitution in basic, in fact, software products, so maksut igorevich, this is something like this, we
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also have leaders, i mean, leaders, because many were ready for this, industries, this is the oil and gas industry, this is our chemistry, this is metallurgy, energy, where things have gone faster, there are still questions for industries where it is more difficult to do this quickly, but critical infrastructure is not so there. is rapidly being replaced, this is shipbuilding, this is automotive industry, automotive industry, this is ours pharmaceuticals, this is probably mechanical engineering in general, the manufacturing industry, so, denis valentinovich, these are still issues there, but we are moving towards this consistently, it is very important that we are able to solve this problem, replicating our solutions, we need investments in these areas, investments in market solutions, because...
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i tell us all, i tell myself this too, we need to be extremely careful in choosing vendors and choosing such solutions, we need to take the best solutions that are on the market and make them national champions, not hesitate to make them national champions, let these decisions be born in the struggle, and then we will support the leaders of the central committee, especially the wealthy leaders of the central committee, think about how to properly bring in investments so that this is for everyone, but such a time has come for the country that is ours. .. for everyone to make those decisions that sometimes, probably, will be to the detriment of competition for your
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company, which you own, probably, but you need to think about sharing at least those decisions that can be replicated, alexander valeevich, here you are, i know that you and i are doing this we talked, but everyone is doing this, and potanin, and mardashov, i understand all this, it means, but it is very important that we learn to do this systematically and understand how then this replication will lead us to the mass introduction of elements related to, including heavy software, with saprom, life cycle systems. i am absolutely sure that we can replace this. oleg, you said that you shouldn’t call the rp, yes, the sapov system, you should, as you called yours, your proposals: resource management system, that’s the word to speak, resource management system, you need to get used to saying astp, not ms, because it is our russian abbreviation.
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the formation of key sectors of the economy, their implementation is possible only through joint efforts, the developers’ customers, the state and the government are committed to just such... a constructive conversation, such a well-coordinated interaction, i count on your support in this. thank you. vladimirovich, thank you. so, mikhail mishustin held a plenary session of the conference digital
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industry of industrial russia in nizhny novgorod novgorod. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with. president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyuev, according to the kremlin press service, the leaders discussed preparations for the upcoming state visit of the russian president to the republic. in addition, they discussed expanding cooperation and strengthening bilateral relations. putin and mirziyoyev paid special attention to increasing trade turnover, cooperation between leading enterprises, and promoting cultural and humanitarian exchange programs.
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well, now astana, where the heads of the foreign ministry met sco countries the member countries of the council of foreign ministers of the shanghai cooperation organization expressed confidence that the continuity of tehran's foreign policy will be maintained, including in relation to the organization. the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, told reporters about this. he also noted that during the meeting, the participants expressed their most sincere condolences and solidarity with the iranian people. our sapkor in the region, robert frantsev, closely followed the progress of the meeting. now he is in direct contact with the studios, so, robert, hello, what other statements have been made, what is the focus of the ministers’ attention? hello, alexey, it must be said that the meeting of the heads of the sco countries is the final event in preparation for the summit of the leaders of the countries of the association, and the parties confirmed their commitment to the course of
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building a single eurasian space based on mutual respect and equality. along with the president of iran, the head of the country's diplomatic department, hussein amir abdalahian, also died. abdalahian was supposed to be present at this meeting today.
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introducing sanctions. which include a ban on the supply of spare parts for american aircraft, they put people’s lives at risk, the americans deny this, but in fact, in other countries against which the united states declares sanctions, spare parts for american equipment, including aviation, are not supplied , therefore, the mantra that we hear all the time from the west is that the sanctions... that they apply are aimed at correcting the behavior of the authorities of the respective countries, and do not affect the interests of ordinary citizens, these spells lies, obvious, frank, it is precisely against such injustice that the shanghai cooperation organization is speaking out,
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the unification has every chance of becoming the main driving force for building in the eurasian... space a single space of justice, equality and development, so the countries of the collective west are trying more and more actively to establish total control over the eurasian space, they use for this the usual methods in the form of pressure and blackmail. similar instruments, as told by sergey lavrov, west, united the states and their satellites are now using them to force as many countries as possible to take part in the so -called peace conference on ukraine in switzerland, at the same time. moscow has repeatedly noted that the purpose of this event is only to present russia with another ultimatum. we have information.
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in hysterical tones he demanded to support his peace formula as a means of forcing russia to kneel: these games have nothing to do with diplomacy, just like other foreign policy steps of our western partners who have lost their diplomatic skills. alexey, you have the floor. yes, robert, thank you, chief of our central asian bureau, robert frantsov, council of foreign ministers . sco countries in astana. now a short advertisement. stay with us. remember what
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well, now some footage from the presidential press service. the republic is also called the land of tulips.
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that’s right, it’s a very interesting, beautiful republic, how do you assess the situation? vladimirovich, would you allow me?


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