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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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well, now some footage from the presidential press service.
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how do you assess the situation? vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to tell you about our republic and what we have achieved over the past 5 years, it’s not without reason that my team and i called the republic of kalmykia a place of power. this is, first of all, a territory where the main wealth is hardworking, talented, hospitable and brave people. people who unanimously believe in the victory of our country, and are ready to do a lot for it, including risking their lives. i'll explain why the place is strong. today we are seeing quite a lot of interest in our republic, in every sense. we are in the top 10 in terms of tourist flow growth. and according to the reviews of our guests. as guests
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of kalmykia say, it fascinates with its energy of the steppe and bright colors, in my opinion, this is largely due to the fact that our republic, the only european part of russia and the westernmost buddhist region in the world, against the backdrop of the development of domestic tourism, this is a serious attracting factor, in this regard, i would like to thank you for the fund created by your... promoting buddhist education and research, and kalmykia, like other buddhist regions there , takes an active part in this work and in the twenty-fifth year kalmykia will become a place where all the buddhists of the world will come, we will hold the third international buddhist forum, i would like to take this opportunity invite me to this forum, when is it still, this is the twenty- fifth year, september, yeah, thank you. russia is
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a big house in which all the peoples of our great country live, and we are all one big family, we can handle all the tasks, but i want to emphasize, that based on the results of last year, kalmykia is considered a recognized leader in the field of harmonization of interfaith relations, so we pay great attention to working with all diasporas. the council on nationalities works very effectively, by the way, i would like to note that during these years we began the construction of the orthodox cathedral named after cyril and methodius, because they are our patrons, we have a small people, nevertheless, the sons of kalmyks have been here for more than 400 years.
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will forever serve russia and we stand kalmyks about dnh within the framework of the russian forum exhibition held a commemorative event, emphasizing that the second kalmyt regiment under the command of lieutenant colonel tyumen also fought in the ranks of the russian army. why am i talking about this, because it is important that young people, our youth, know about this, as well as the fact that in ho
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you signed a decree conferring the title of hero of russia on the guard to captain mengian lidzheev, and i handed the star to the heroes and his mother in his native school, i saw the photo, thank you very much, thank you, and today my fellow countrymen, our guys from kalmykia are shoulder to shoulder with representatives of all the peoples of russia fighting for the future of our homeland. during meetings they tell us the following words: we are here on the front line fighting for russia, and you work at home and try to do it with diligence, try to do it responsibly, this way it will be easier for us, this way we will come to victory faster,
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and of course, they give we are instructed to take care of their families; we carry out this responsible work as part of the activities of our branch. from the defenders of the fatherland fund, how do they work, how do you evaluate their work of this fund? i'm working i rate this fund as very effective, well , they have selected a very responsible team, this fund is headed by our fellow countryman, and chir kholgaev, who himself is a combat veteran, accordingly pays a lot of attention to families, well, i meet myself, that is, all support measures. as of today - more than 70 requests, we have processed more than one and a half thousand of them, 30% are now in work, naturally, all authorities interact, all the leads, that is, for us this is very important and no one is left without
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attention, thank you, this is what concerns the situation as a whole, look, your grp is growing, agricultural production. recovered, began to grow too, and industrial production began to grow, in general, in general, this trend is good, thank you, because well, all this is being done with your support, yes, indeed, our regional product has increased by 38% in 5 years, industry in three times and in general kalmykia is considered an agricultural region, but i still want and my team, with your support , to ensure that you... kalmykia becomes an agrarian-industrial region, and such practice, such experience was, well, in the soviet years, there were a lot of industrial enterprises, one caspian machine-building plant, what is it worth, now our task is to gradually, fully restore all this. this year we are already launching
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the first agro-industrial park in history, the interesting thing is that we will produce there - bulletproof vests, furniture and... society, because i believe that it is this unity, this spirit of my fellow countrymen, that is just such a foundation for sustainable socio-economic development, for example, this unity and focus is also victoriously expressed in the fact
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that my fellow countrymen are going with great enthusiasm to help the residents of the sister region, this is the anthracidovsky district of the lugansk people's republic. our volunteer movement has grown 11 times, young people are getting involved in this work, in this sense, in your message to all of us , you said that the era of a new elite is now dawning, well, here are your words about the new elite of russia, that is, this is really very, very relevant, from the very first days of the mtr , real leaders were identified who today... in kalmykia, they already occupy a number of leadership positions, one example, for example, dzhangaev chimit nikolaevich, he is a combat veteran, a participant in the ksso, was a volunteer, detachment bars4, was awarded a medal for courage, today he
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is the head of the branch of the warrior center, he is also a member of the parliament of the republic of kalmykia and is an otoman... of the cossacks, it was our decision to consolidate all this, you pulled him there, and in these structures, yes, well, because a person is devoted to his homeland, a responsible person. continue now with my report on our
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economic indicators, the growth of the regional gross product by 38%, yes, yes, by 38%, as i said, the interest of kalmakia is awakening, now, according to reviews from the same business community, a healthy investment climate, yeah, honest, transparent, open, well, we hope that all this will lead... a more significant indicator, vladimirich’s own income has doubled, i note that the number of small medium-sized businesses was increased from 9.00 to more than 20 thousand, the unemployment rate was reduced from 9% to 6%. of course, the numbers are quite high, but nevertheless we are seeing positive dynamics, yeah, we’ve reduced them. the poverty level from 23.5% to 18%, we increased
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retail trade turnover from 22 billion to almost 33 billion. yes, maybe these numbers there in absolute terms are not so great, but for our team, for the residents of kalmykia, it is important to show this dynamics , it is important to have faith that there are opportunities, you just need to be diligent work. we have achieved largely thanks to the individual program for the socio-economic development of our
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republic, thank you for extending it for another 6 years and kalmykia, along with some regions, will continue to participate, i note that in the current five-year plan we have allocated 60% of the total funding the creation of economic instruments, thereby supporting 150 projects and creating more than 2 thousand new ones. for every budget ruble, we attracted two extra-budgetary jobs; in addition, we are building such social facilities as as a hospital for combat veterans, this year we are completing a center for social services and support and what is a very, very important issue for the capitals, prickly sheets, we are modernizing wastewater disposal facilities, that is, we are modernizing sewers, yes this is very important, there are such serious environmental problems , i...
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started in kalmyk, i say without attracting attention, we are the epicenter and the practices that we develop, the experience that we gain, will naturally be spread to all other regions where this problem exists, that is, the health problems, which do you consider the most pressing, today, i believe that, of course, we also need to increase in terms of demographics, the birth rate of children, we have now increased - in terms of the number of families, large families, people are now giving birth to a third child there, and fourth,
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fifth, but in general, the birth rate needs to be increased, in our case, this is, of course, first of all the infrastructure, in many ways the infrastructure is a little outdated, thanks to your decision, on your instructions, we built a city children's clinic, in in the center of the city, it is now located, here too... there is a presentation, they are very popular, that is, people feel cared about them, well, they have quite seriously increased the fleet of vehicles in the area. healthcare, ambulance, especially since we have a fairly large territory for the south of russia, but of course, we mainly purchase all -terrain ambulances, well, people note this and thank us, we actively take part in national projects, in thirteen projects
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we participate, and here, of course, our task is try to cover all regions of the republic, we have 13 of them. plus the capital of kolmyka, the fight against infectious diseases tuberculosis, well , now the problem of tuberculosis in kalmykia is not so acute, at one time we had a hospital, it functioned because a microclimate was formed there in that place , pine trees grow nearby, dry steppe, such air all helped people, but now from the point...
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than in the previous period, you opened the construction slide, increased housing by 40%. and the good news is that completely solved the problem of deceived dual players, yeah, that turns out to be more than 500 residents, we are planning to build a large residential neighborhood for whist, it’s called a youth district,
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30% of schools, the reaction of residents, schoolchildren, teachers and parents is simply amazing, we were also among the top ten regions that managed it most successfully with this task, many thanks to the ministry of education sergei krovtsov. andrey anatovich turchakov, because they are also supervising this process, helped with this project. we have closed the waiting list in kindergartens, children from zero to 7 years old are provided with places in kindergartens, but again the residents of kalmyk are glad that the modernization program for schools and kindergartens is expanding, it will now be possible
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to bring kindergartens into compliance, and as you say, not just paint a wall, but create one. modern, favorable conditions, yeah, well, here are the next elections, in general the trend is good, they are obvious, so i wish you success, thank you very much, well , the main thing here is the support of the people of kalmaki, this is the most important thing, the main thing, vladimirich, thank you for trust, we won’t let you down, good luck, thank you, this was footage of the meeting of the president of russia with the head of the republic of kalmykia, now a short advertisement, stay with us, you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious, period, meet a free children's sber card , limited
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almost more russian air defense systems were shot down in one day. fifty enemy drones, this is new data on the special operation from the russian ministry of defense. in addition, two otak operational-tactical missiles were destroyed, four haroma missiles and eight hymers jets, all american -made weapons, plus french scalp cruise missiles, guided hammer bombs. fighting is taking place along almost the entire line of contact. subdivisions of the north group are actively promoting in the kharkov region. in this sector, the enemy lost two more tanks and the same number of pickup trucks and armored vehicles. in omsk , the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated. there was a heavy downpour in the city and more than a month's worth of precipitation fell. according to forecasters, the record for the entire history of observations has been broken. flooded
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embankment and several streets, while there are more in the region. are coping with the consequences of the spring flood, in the ustishimsky district more than 600 houses remain flooded, more than a thousand plots, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the water level in the ishim and irtysh rivers is decreasing, specialists of the department’s aerobic group work in flooded areas around the clock, are on duty in the most dangerous areas, and deliver rescuers to residents drinking water, food, basic necessities and medicines. one of the important russian shrines was brought to moscow orthodox. divine liturgy this year, let me remind you that the farewell will take place on sunday after the 20th anniversary of the icon’s return to russia. during the fascist occupation, she was taken first to pskov, then to latvia. since 2004, the shrine has been permanently located in the mother of god assumption monastery in tikhvin.
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3:00 pm
kalmykia was in the top 10 among russian regions in terms of growth in tourist flows, the development of tourism, the construction of new schools and kindergartens, and the strengthening of the economy, vladimir putin and the head of the republic batuhasikov discussed. the president called the growth of production in kalmykia a good trend and... khakhassikov wishes success in the upcoming elections of regional heads. republic.


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