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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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the israeli prime minister, along with defense minister job gallant, is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity due to the idf's military operation in the gaza strip. tens of thousands of palestinian civilians became its victims. a significant part of the civil infrastructure of gaza was destroyed. there is a humanitarian crisis in the enclave. according to international criminal court prosecutor karim khan, the quote "the complaint against israeli politicians is the use of extermination and starvation as a method of warfare." including refusal, supplies humanitarian assistance, as well as deliberate attacks on civilians, end quote. this is the first time the leader of a close us ally has been targeted by the court. israel, of course, declares that the accusation is without basis, and the court has no jurisdiction, since the israelis themselves do not recognize it. however, prosecutors have their own argument. they claim jurisdiction over the gas sector, eastern.
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jerusalem and the west bank because palestinian leaders accept the legitimacy of the international criminal court. extremely indicative reactions of some western countries, those that call themselves allies of israel. us president joe biden called the court's decision outrageous, said that americans will always side with israel, and believes that the actions of the israeli army do not fall within the definition of genocide. moreover, the americans are threatening the international criminal court with sanctions, at the very least. such proposals are now being heard in congress, but the british are trying to push for legal subtleties; the british government said that the decision is in any case will not have any force and no one will extradite benjamin netanyahu, but the french supported mousse’s decision, albeit in the form of a dry comment from the ministry of foreign affairs, saying that we support him in any situation. the kremlin stated that moscow does not support what is happening, but is carefully observing and recording the features of the situation. these are words.
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russian president dmitry peskov, but regarding the us intention to impose sanctions against the court, peskov said the following: the situation is more than curious. this is the decision of the bgaga court, it really led to such an unexpected effect, it managed to unite the traditionally divided washington, yes, that is, we are now seeing a reaction from republicans and democrats in america, almost everyone is indignant at this. well, except for the very left-wing democrats there, well, we’ll see, again, whether sanctions will be introduced or not, but this will of course be a severe blow for the gaga court, which is why here, of course, such a reaction is largely united, let me remind you, russia, like the united states, and israel, and a number of others states do not recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court. however, as noted in moscow, this does not prevent americans from using the court for their own foreign policy purposes, in particular as an instrument of persecution or threat. against those who do not
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agree with american policy on the world stage, the same notorious double standards. when the court made a decision regarding those who disagreed with washington, the americans did not hesitate to refer to this and even use it in their propaganda. this is another example of double standards and a parade of american hypocrisy. the us authorities deny the legitimacy of the international criminal court and intimidate this structure with sanctions when speaking. talks about the interests of washington itself and its allies, but without a twinge of conscience they use this pseudo-legal instrument against those whom they consider enemies. no one in the world should have any illusions about the blasphemous policy of the united states, which exploits human rights issues for the sake of one thing: settling scores with undesirable states. apparently this is the one order based on rules.
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company investments in digital technologies over 4 years have grown by more than 80% and exceeded 4 trillion rubles. this was stated by prime minister mikhail mishustin in nizhny novgorod, where the conference on the digital industry of industrial russia opened. business representatives shared practical experience in development and transition to domestic technology. maria filippova will tell you all the details. cyprus 2024 is in full swing and the participants are discussing it all day today. the digital future of our country, including the most important topic, the digital future of our industry. let me remind you that the speakers today include large medium-sized businesses, representatives of the scientific community and digital art. the plenary session dedicated to the technological independence of russian industry has just ended. prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke at it, he noted that measures to support the it sector continue to grow, and thanks to existing solutions , more and more companies today are switching to...
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double and even more than double, and ready-made package solutions five times, to them actively product, you know all the solutions have increased , organizations in the electric power industry, in the oil and gas industry, in the general tire industry in the aircraft industry, by december over half of all companies will begin to use domestic software to organize their activities, russian companies today are increasingly switching to domestic solutions large... automakers are also among those who choose domestic software; with its help, for example, cargo transportation will become more transparent and reliable, this is how kamaz shares its experience. we have significant funds in we invested 1.2 billion rubles in our own development over 2 years. the new production that we
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are launching also uses only a domestic solution, well, for example, this is moskvich, launched on the rpms landscape from the 1s company. artificial intelligence, the introduction of domestic technologies into production will increase its pace, and support will also increase in the future. we will launch a new support tool for organizations that will begin to use such russian solutions, we have constantly thought about this, both those already existing on the market and those emerging
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thanks to industrial competence centers. we will compensate up to half the costs of introducing key classes of domestic, engineering and industrial programs. software, we will also help with an accelerated transition to other types of russian software. support measures are especially relevant today, including for attracting specialists to the industry, because their shortage complicates the digitalization process. there is an outflow of personnel, therefore, the speakers state, state support is very important today. our common task now, this is our company, our group of companies in our country as a whole, is to overcome the technological gap that arose due to the fact that we were deprived of access to the advanced ones. and in order to overcome it, we need, firstly, to establish cooperation between
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different companies and different industries, since our tasks are largely similar, and it will be easier to solve them together; we, of course, need government help, with plans to increase effectiveness of education. two crossovers and a sedan in nizhny novgorod at the digital industrial industry exhibition russia was presented with new cars of the revived volga brand with a line of modern domestic ones. prime minister mikhail mishustin inspected the cars, but not without criticism. yes, indeed, we were waiting for this presentation, in nizhny novgorod today they showed three models at once, these are the volga k-30, a c-class crossover, the volga k-40, a slightly larger mid-size crossover, and also the volga c40, a business sedan.
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three models are equipped with a 188 horsepower gasoline engine and a seven-speed automatic transmission. also cars equipped with an intelligent driver assistance system. osma. it is reported that serial production of volga cars will begin at the end of this year, and from next year the cars will be assembled
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in a full cycle. let me remind you that in june of twenty -three, denis manurov, who headed the ministry of industry and trade at that time, announced that the gus group was discussing the idea of ​​​​resuming production in the volga. then he noted that for... look at the camera, get cashback as with regular payments, pay with your smile with
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tekna. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. if only there was a house outside the city. better apartment in the center. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. you owe the bank. i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valberes on yandex market. the state duma adopted in the first reading a bill on extension for another 7 years of the program of payments to large families to help pay off mortgages. the document was submitted by the government. this is one of the president’s instructions from his address to the federal assembly.
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our correspondent varvara nevskaya willingly joins the facts. barbara, welcome. another important topic of the plenary session today was measures to support vca participants. tell us what was discussed in this regard and what other initiatives the deputies managed to discuss? georgy, natalya, good evening, everything is correct, in principle, today is willingly the row was full. very important, significant social initiatives that were aimed at improving the quality of life of both military personnel and ordinary citizens of our country, among the projects that require the attention of the law, this is certainly a document on supporting the families of fallen heroes, we are talking about the provision of land plots for homes and children and such military personnel, regardless of the date of death or death of the hero. russian federation, if he did not exercise such a right during his lifetime. this law also establishes
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a one-time benefit to a family member of the deceased. in the second and third readings, the lower house of parliament adopted a law on additional monthly payments to holders of the order of st. george. let me remind you that this is the highest military award of our country. this law, among other things, will also provide for the right to receive a pension on occasion.
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the ministry of labor proposed to establish legislatively by various departments and, accordingly, a non-declaration procedure for an indefinite period. in the first reading, the state duma approved the bill, which implies an extension for 7 years of payments to pay off mortgages for large families. let me remind you that this document was prepared in pursuance of the president’s message to the federal assembly. now families
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with three or more children can receive 450 thousand rubles for repayment. announced that on thursday large parliamentary hearings on changes to the country's tax legislation will be held here on okhotnoy ryad. it is proposed to hold large parliamentary hearings on thursday on the issue of tax legislation, its improvement, the government will make a report, we are waiting for
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their proposals, for our part, we will begin to discuss these initiatives in order to develop recommendations, in the feedback mode of dialogue with representatives of the regions, the expert community, and the parliamentary corps, which then, we hope, the government will take into account when preparing the final versions of the amendments . yes, an important day at okhotny ryad, thank you, varvara nevskaya on the main topics of the plenary session of the lower house of parliament. on other topics: thunderstorms covered the regions of central russia. let's talk more about this with leading specialist of the foba center with vadim zavodchenkov. he's live. vadim, hello, when should we expect the peak of bad weather, how long will the rains keep the heat down? good evening.
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the main volume of cold arctic air leaves during the winter. muralala, so in the west of the russian plain the drop in temperature will be symbolic. already at noon, the first thunderstorms were noted in the south-west of the capital region; in new moscow, the rains soon gave way to hail, with a diameter of 3-4 mm. in the following frames, the first consequences of strong rains in vladimir: it was impossible to walk along some streets without getting your feet wet, and here, too, there was hail, in tver. the street scene will have to be re-installed. residents of the city of naberezhnye chelny in tatarstan witnessed something like a dust storm. before the storm, the wind picked up and the dust and sand kicked up the air. in kazan, the main negative
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weather factor was rain. the charges were quite strong, but not serious. flooding is out of the question at the moment, well in the north even 10 days before the start of summer winter does not let us forget about itself, winter, in mormonsk, ukhta, precipitation today turned into snow, with wind gusts up to 16 m/s, snowfall at times gave way to blizzards, and thunderstorms, dust storms, and blizzards are the result of the invasion of cold atmospheric conditions onto the russian plain front, and tomorrow it will move further south to the bryansk, samara-kurgan line. it must be said that the frontal section is shifting against an increased background of atmospheric pressure. therefore, showers and... thunderstorms in its area will be of a local nature, the west and south of the russian plain will only be affected by cold weather tangent, so the heat will only
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subside a little, and the temperature regime will still be noticeably warmer than the climate, in the afternoon +19:24, in the southern part of the country the thermometers will even rise to +25-30, and the main volume of arctic air, as i already said , the middle volga will go to the horns of the urals, here the weather will become like april, during the day no higher than +8-13. for example, in perm, until the end of the week, light showers are expected at night and in the morning in the surrounding areas, possibly with snow, and the daytime temperature will drop to +8:11. on saturday the weather will improve briefly and it will even warm up to +21, but on sunday the rains will begin again, lowering the temperature. in central russia , sunny and dry weather will prevail, so the air will continue to warm up well. in moscow on wednesday-thursday, after today's +24, +20-23.
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then the thermometers will creep up again, on the weekend in the capital it will already be +25-27, this is several degrees above even the july norm. the official city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg, the city of history and romance, architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. it's all a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. welcome! st. petersburg is a city where good mood is born. well, now about the main
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issues of culture. our colleague alexander svorova spoke with the head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova. first of all we discussed precisely, of course, what opportunities the younger generation now has for development in the field of culture. the minister here noted the special importance of the unique russian one. three-stage system of creative education. in kindergartens and schools, universities, special creative institutions, russians of any age can easily develop culturally and receive an appropriate education. in addition, schools of creative industries are now actively developing. according to lyubimy, there will soon be about 200 of these in the country. institutions. and it is also important to note that industry specialists, of course, have the opportunity to improve their skills and competencies within the framework of the culture national project. about 200 thousand specialists can take advanced training courses, and in a convenient online format. it is very important for us that additional opportunities appear in
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schools of creative industries, that there will be more than 200 of them in the near future, when young people from the age of 14 have the opportunity in their region to try themselves as a photographer, sound engineer, designer, 3d modeling based on creative buzz. with competent specialists, career guidance on the spot, when you really decide whether it’s for you or not, well, another important program is the zemstvo cultural worker, vladimir putin announced its launch in 2025 in his message to the federal assembly, the minister said that now in the country more than 16,500 cultural workers are needed, and in order to achieve the goals , more than 20 billion rubles will be needed. the program will help solve personnel issues. primarily in new regions, as well as in cities and villages of the far eastern federal district, the head of the ministry of culture separately noted the support measures that await young specialists; each of them, after relocation to
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a new region, will receive 1 million rubles. but, for example, some regions of the country are providing another additional million in support, for example, bashkiria, as well as donbass and novorosiya. however, according to lyubimova, of course, it won’t be possible to just play around for a few months and quit everything; a contract will be concluded with a specialist. for 5 years, indeed, calculating these funds, we understand that this number of employees may arise in the future, we will solve the problems up to 100%, we can close and resolve the situation in the far eastern federal district in the regions of novorossiya and donbass. and also, as she said in an interview with our channel, a national project. theaters and
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museums opened throughout the country and were available to residents of each region. separately, the head of the ministry of culture noted one of the most sensational projects of the department, the pushkin card program, which is aimed at attracting people to culture schoolchildren students. as lyubimova said, initially the organizers expected 5,000 cultural objects to participate, but as a result , today more than 11 thousand organizations participate in the program.
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sergei lavrov is in astana, where the council of foreign ministers of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization is taking place. our correspondent, robert frantsev, will tell you what statements were made. the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the sco countries is the final event in preparation for the summit of the leader of the countries of the association, and the parties confirmed commitment to the course of building a unified eurasian one.
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then, in order to correct the behavior of the authorities of the relevant countries and does not affect the interests of ordinary citizens, these spells are lies, obvious, outright, it is precisely such injustice that the shanghai cooperation organization stands against, the association has every chance of becoming the main driving force for building a single space of justice in the eurasian space, equality and development, these are the countries of the collective west. are trying more and more actively to establish total control over the eurasian space, they use the usual methods of pressure and blackmail for this. similar tools, as sergei lavrov said, the west, the united states, and their satellites are now using to force.


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