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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, for the first time there they got tired of wounding me, all the bullets were fired, one was in the basket, already more strength there was no post, i thought that was all. at that moment , a local guy came up to me, i didn’t even notice where he came from, i will always be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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kalmykia is in the top 10 among russian regions in terms of tourist growth.
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my fellow countrymen, our guys from kalmykia shoulder to shoulder shoulder to shoulder with representatives of all the peoples of russia are fighting for the future of our homeland, these are the people who need to be raised, dozens of guys have now applied to participate in the project time of heroes, this is a colossal opportunity, this is very important for us, thank you also for this initiative, the selection is not here it may be massive, but this is only the first step, then we will increase the number of people. who
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will be included in this joint work, here are the next elections, in general the trend is good, they are obvious, so i wish you success, thank you very much, well, the main thing here is the support of the kolnoke people, this is the most important thing, the authorities will compensate up to half the costs of introducing domestic engineering industrial software, mikhail mishustin stated this, he spoke at the plenary: at the plenary session of the digital industry conference industrial russia, which takes place in nizhny novgorod. the head of the cabinet of ministers noted that russian enterprises are interested in advanced domestic it technologies. we will be systematic support investments in domestic it solutions. and on the instructions of the president, we must now increase the pace of investment, as you remember, at a level at least twice as high as the gross domestic product. use only your own. and
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the government, on behalf of the head of state , provides comprehensive support and assistance to the it sector, which includes a preferential income tax rate, reduced insurance premium rates, certain special preferences for employees and much more. all this has brought positive changes for...
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in 30 years, the next presidential elections in iran will be held on june 28, as decided by the council of guardians of the country's constitution, now there are many days of mourning in the islamic republic, a forgiveness ceremony is being held in several cities for ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash. the funeral will take place the day after tomorrow in the politician’s hometown in the north-east of the country, and the russian delegation led by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin will be present, this was reported in... well, now there is an active discussion in the world press about whose trace may lie behind this disaster. the main versions were studied by elizaveta khramtsova. a technical malfunction remains the official version of the investigation into the plane crash that claimed the lives of the iranian president and other passengers on the flight. but the death
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of the head of government, especially such an important player in the difficult region of the middle east, could not help but raise speculation about whether this tragedy had culprits who wanted ibrahim’s death.
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the military and civil fleet is one of the oldest in the world. however, he writes policy washington is still afraid that tehran will bring charges against it for organizing the assassination attempt on president risi, or will declare involvement in the tragedy of its main enemy israel. at some point, the publication writes, the idea that the third world war could begin this way. the white house staff no longer seemed crazy, but in public, through the mouth of the us secretary of defense, they demonstrated calm and confidence. the united states did not play any role in this crash, that is a simple fact. and israel, you don't are you afraid that they will blame israel? i will not speculate on the topic of accusations, they must conduct an investigation into the causes of the crash, there may be several of them. israel
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did not make an official statement, but sources in the netanyahu government denied any involvement in the tragedy. however, opponents within iran itself could also wish for risi’s death, writes turkish hüriyet. that. well, now we have urgent messages with a link to the ministry of defense, which are arriving at these very minutes on news agency feeds, so exercises began in russia to test the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. as part of the stage of exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, the acquisition of special ammunition, equipping launch vehicles with them, and moving into the area are being practiced. and launches, we are talking about the fact that the first stage of exercises has begun in the southern military district, where issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons are being worked out in practice. in addition, the aerospace forces aviation trains equipment with special combat weapons. parts of airborne weapons, including
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aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles. as part of the first stage , the task of obtaining ammunition for the iskander and covert deployment is also being worked out. exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces information is being updated, here are more details on preparations for the launch of iskander, the ministry of defense reports the missile formation of the southern military district as part of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces...
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well, for now, on to other topics, great britain's day of shame. called rish and sunok the day when the results of an investigation into mass blood contamination in the united kingdom were presented. this old story happened in the last century. from about the seventies to the mid-eighties, british people were transfused with blood contaminated with hiv and hepatitis c. as a result of this treatment , more than 30,000 people became ill, and about three thousand died. and considering that this happened several decades ago, and was hidden. the real number of victims means that the number of deaths could be much higher. in the early seventies,
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in britain, there was a shortage of a clotting factor drug needed by hemophilia patients, causing the government to turn to the united states for supplies. in america , drug addicts and prisoners were among the donors. they were paid for donating blood for decades and this material was not checked for primary hepatitis, despite the fact that there was only one. is there enough infection to ruin the entire batch? first of all, we were talking about both the blood transfusions themselves and the people who received blood components, well, in particular, hemophiliacs, they receive a concentrate from the blood coagulation factor and this concentrate is prepared from a pool of donor plasma, that is , the blood of 200-300 people can be collected there, the aids virus itself. they first started talking about him in 1981 in 1985 he
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was just identified and it’s impossible to even imagine, but the investigation into mass blood poisoning at the state level began only in 2017, it turned out that many documents, medical records were simply destroyed, for example, disappeared materials that related to delays in the introduction of screening of donor blood for... hepatitis c in the uk, due to the lack of documents, the victims received no compensation, no help, no answers, how could this still happen, but the reators agency cites an example is the case of steven lawrens. a british man received a blood transfusion after being hit by a car in london in 1985. 2 years later at the age of 15, he was diagnosed with hiv and hepatitis c. here is his quote, i was accused of taking drugs - lawrence told the agency, adding that i did not receive it. compensation, because his records simply disappeared, the munzir's honor,
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that's the reason why the investigation was not started, and then we are talking about compensation for those people who suffered, so saving face, saving money, that's the reason why the national health service was not willing this was investigated, in 2017 , by the trzmi conservative, what is called anointed with infected blood, not only by medical workers, but also by the highest officials in the uk. in materials the investigation states that in 1989 , margeret thatcher claimed that patients were, quote, given the best treatment available, and that this treatment actually saved their lives. the report indicates that this statement was repeated by many ministers until 2009, which means... there were repeated attempts to figure it out. former health secretary lord clarke repeatedly
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asked why he had to give any evidence at all. in 1983, clark, along with other officials , argued that there was no evidence of transfer hiv through the blood. he also stated that there would be no government compensation for those who suffer the inevitable side effects of these medical procedures. despite the fact that both the rishisunok and the chancellor. hunt and many other political figures in britain today express indignation and apologize profusely ; the results of the investigation into blood poisoning have, in fact, been known for a long time. back in august 2022, then-outgoing prime minister boris johnson called the hidden facts the worst treatment disaster in history national health service. at the same time , the government announced that thousands of survivors of the infected blood scandal would be given compensation of £100,000, but those involved. the companies said that most of the victims were simply ignored. in ukraine, small
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businesses are complaining of an acute shortage of employees after tightening mobilization. men are simply afraid to go to work, because management is now obliged to check lists with military registration and enlistment offices. about the situation in the country in stanislav’s material bernwald. the empty streets of ukrainian cities and military commissars, like shadowy ghouls in search of food, scurry from block to block. 0:0. kharkov and kherson have left kiev deserted; only rare daredevils with reinforced concrete armor from conscription or track and field athletes who can run fast dare to show themselves on the street. some creative individuals pronounce an invented legend for the military commissar right on the go. are you talking about the military, you seem to know that today is already the 19th ? i think i know. i say i’m a guardian, i keep an eye on
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self-sufficient women. everything, by god, is happy.
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and safely went to work at the ivano-frankivsk shopping center. he’s settled in well, he says, and judging by his contented appearance, that’s how it is. the drum of the apparatus will burst. the eardrum burst, i ended up in the hospital, i went to the commission, i was written off in the category of limited fitness, so i went to work at the shopping center. the military men who are on vacation come up and tell me: you are fishing more actively, we don’t have people there and there is no one to replace us. according to the norms of the new ukrainian law on mobilization, now the employer must also keep military records of employees. check data of persons liable for military service with the authorized body. another innovation, having received an order from the tsk, the company must not only notify the employee about the call to the military registration and enlistment office, issuing an appropriate order, but ensure his arrival. while the military commissars are working the old fashioned way, the same odessa, a man was forcibly dragged onto a bus by two people in uniform, as ukrainian public pages write, he was taken straight from
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the enterprise. the whole apartment, bachish, you call the service, and there it seems that everyone has been mobilized. after the adoption of the new law on mobilization for the ukrainian economy, he begins to write and leading western media . so fiinн times recently published an article talking about the threat looming over ukraine's largest steel producer from krivoy rog. of the 18 thousand workers, 3 and a half have already left for the front, and after the new law comes into force, their number will increase sharply. because of
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this, the plant has already been forced to reduce production, in the near future... excludes. electricity prices in ukraine will increase by at least 20% from june 1. for now this only applies to business. relevant the decision was made by the national commission for state regulation in the spheres of energy and utilities. in this way, the authorities intend to balance the deficit. this is a compensatory measure to ensure that the state
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has funds to pay for imported energy. and import volumes will only grow due to the fact that the ukrainian energy system cannot cope with the needs that arise from consumers. according to un estimates, by the fall of 2023 , ukraine’s electricity generation capacity was reduced by more than half; in may of this year, the head the country's ministry of energy stated that the energy system had lost the capacity to produce another 8 gw of electricity. deficit. compensates, including through imports. at night, the price drops below the average for neighboring countries, and makes the supply of electricity from abroad simply unprofitable. from june 1 , in the evening and night hours, consumers will pay about 228 dollars instead of 190 per megawatt-hour in the interval from 17 to 23 hours.
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taking into account the fact that there are also big problems with industry in ukraine now. in the evening there is an increase in energy consumption when people come home from work and turn on the electricity. and this additionally causes an additional load on the electricity supply in most countries where the economy itself is developing, industry is developing, the opposite situation is that during the day energy consumption is more expensive, because the majority of electricity is consumed by industry, evening tariffs and night tariffs are usually cheaper. in april, ukraine increased its electricity imports by 34% compared to. the largest share in the structure was occupied by hungary is almost 44%, the smallest is poland, there is
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a little more than 6%. the average daily volume of imports in april 2020 amounted to 7,500 mw. raising prices for enterprises, for companies. this is generally a natural process, since it is clear that. you can subsidize some consumers for some time at the expense of others, but it will in no way protect you from inexorable price increases. according to ukrainian media, citing state statistics data, since april last year the price of electricity has increased by almost 70%. utility tariffs increased by on average by almost 13%. this probability, starting in the summer, will increase by about one and a half times for household consumers. and this is not enough for everything to be profitable, household consumers must pay 2 and a half times more than they do not pay now, then the cost of electricity, including that which
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is generated in ukraine itself and which is imported, then this will happen enough, therefore the likelihood of a further increase in the cost of electricity for both residential consumers and industrial in ukraine is extremely high. despite these measures, the day before ukrenergo reported hourly power outages. across the country, company executives warned that restrictions could last for months. now economic news, briefly. the european union has officially approved the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets. so far we are talking about 3 billion euros, which this year will go to support ukraine. at the same time, 90% of the amount will be spent on assistance to the ssu, according to the website of the eu council. according to bloomberg, russia's assets will be. annually bring about 5 billion euros in profit, ukraine is expected to receive assistance twice a year. the russian economy remains overheated, as supply does not keep up
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with demand, said deputy chairman of the central bank alexei zabotkin. according to him, such processes create stable inflationary pressure. it will stop at the moment when production capacity catches up with demand. let me remind you that earlier, the head of the central bank, elvira nabeulina , stated that the peak of economic overheating had passed in the fall. but it has not yet returned to balance. in russia it began to decline parallel import of passenger cars, their market share decreased from 16% in february to 11% in april. this is the data of the opening bank and the automarketing company. such results were called expected there. in previous months , sellers were actively purchasing imported cars in order to be in time before the rules for their import were tightened. at the end of april, the leaders in such deliveries were lisyan, toyota, bmw and jelly. more than 60 billion rubles will be invested in the production of volga cars, this was stated in the company’s message, it was noted that serial production of cars will start this year
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year in nizhny novgorod, the full production cycle is planned for 2025. so far, the volga line has three models, a sedan and two crossovers. today these cars were shown to prime minister mikhail mishustin at an exhibition in nizhny novgorod. it was economic news, briefly. western countries are outraged by the decision of the international criminal court on the arrest warrant for bin netanyahu, well , everything that is known up to this minute is in the material of our correspondent natalia solovyova. queues for bread, which only lasts a few days, humanitarian crisis in the sector gas has reached catastrophic levels. the hospital is on the verge of collapse, it has run out of beds and medicines and is not working. this means we need fuel, it was supplied to the hospital through border crossings. i emphasize that the cessation of fuel supplies means the cessation of generators, therefore,
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the shutdown of incubators and... rafah on the border with egypt is the last refuge for hundreds of thousands of refugees, these people have no water, gas, food. a video of an egyptian handing over food to palestinian children through a hole he made in the border crossing went viral on social media. wall. with american-made aircraft ammunition, the idf is actually erasing the palestinian enclave from the face of the earth. this is israel's response to cruelty. hamas last fall and the hostage taking. the number of victims in the gas sector has already exceeded 3,500 victims, twice as much. the united states considers the deaths of civilians acceptable damage and rejects any accusations against the israeli leadership. let me be clear, despite the international court's accusations against israel, what is happening is not genocide. we reject this. the day before the international criminal court demanded an
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arrest warrant for the prime minister and... the minister of defense of israel, as well as three hamas leaders. the prosecutor said in a statement that he has reason to consider all of them involved in war crimes. the state department called this identification shameful. there should be no equal sign between israel and hamas. no. hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that carried out the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust and still holds dozens of innocent people hostage, including americans. moreover. long before current conflict, the united states has made it clear that the international criminal court has no jurisdiction in this matter. until recently, the us authorities considered the decision of the gaga court to be justified and legitimate, and today the house of representatives of congress called for sanctions against musa and is even ready to consider them urgently this week. prosecutor karim khan himself was surprised to learn that his jurisdiction extends only to enemies of the west. countries without impoverished people told me
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that this court was created only for africa and for thugs like putin, that's what one of the big leaders told me, but we look at it differently. the us position was supported in the czech republic, hungary, austria and germany, as the telegraph writes, an arrest warrant, netanyahu’s biggest fear, which can now become a reality, due to corruption charges against him, the seat under the israeli prime minister is already shaky, and the prospect the courts in the hague are unlikely to loosen their grip. mr. khan creates a distorted and false moral equivalence between the leaders of israel and the minions of hamas. this it would be like creating moral equivalence between president bush and osama binladin after 9/11, or between roosevelt and hitler during world war ii. what a travesty of justice, what a shame. the decision raised difficult questions for israel's allies, as the new york times writes, if a warrant is issued, they will be required to detain
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netanyahu on their territory. there is no unity in europe; some countries have already demanded accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity. france supports the international criminal court, its independence and the fight against impunity in any situation. brussels agrees with paris on this issue: gas crimes must be prosecuted according to the law, at the highest level, and regardless of the perpetrators. bloomberg, quoted by the belgian foreign minister, who considered the arrest request itself to be the most important step in the investigation.
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there is a gap between the allies, for whom until recently the moral leadership of the united states was unconditional. natalya solovyova and emil mirsaev, news. this is russia 24, we continue in the southern military district.


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