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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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and this situation demonstrates the split in the west, and not only on the topic of the middle east conflict, the gap between the allies, for whom until recently the moral leadership of the united states was unconditional, becomes obvious. natalya solovyova and emil mirsaev, news! this is russia 24, we continue in the southern military district. the first stage
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of exercises began with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. as the ministry of defense said, the exercises are taking place in accordance with instructions president. as part of this stage, the personnel of the missile formations are practicing combat training tasks to obtain special ammunition for the iskander operational-tactical missile system. equipping them with covertly advanced launch vehicles to the designated positional position. well, as the russian ministry of defense previously reported, the purpose of the exercise is to support the readiness of personnel and equipment, units of combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons for response and unconditional... vladimir putin
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gave on may 6. exercises using strategic nuclear weapons will take place in three stages. on the second, the armed forces of belarus join. and now about the progress of the special operation. units of the north group continue to advance into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. this was stated by the ministry of defense. for the kiev authorities and their western sponsors , the actions of the russian army allegedly came as a surprise, although moscow warned about this forced step, stated it more than once, and vladimir putin spoke about it during his trip to china. sanitary a zone in ukraine is necessary to protect the territory of the country, primarily, of course, belgorod from attacks in the ssu. but our correspondent, denis alekseev, has details about this and the progress of the special operation. and
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the north group continues to advance into the depths of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense. intense fighting is now in volchansk and the surrounding area. our artillerymen and aircraft are helping to push back militant units. units of the north group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. manpower and equipment were damaged under division of the 125th mechanized brigade, 112-13 territorial defense brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of konstantinovka, akhrimovka and granov. three counterattacks of enemy assault groups were repelled in the areas of the settlements of volchansk and staritsa. losses of the armed forces of ukraine up to 245 military personnel. the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, said the day before that the situation for the ukrainian troops is difficult at a meeting of the contact group on providing military assistance to ukraine. for the west, our advance in the kharkov region seemed to be surprise. our meeting is taking place at a difficult moment.
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what is happening in the kharkov direction is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including.
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it will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign -made ones, here is the latest data from the ministry of defense, so that there is no doubt, the commander of the armed forces of ukraine continues to give commands to launch cruise missiles, clearly indicating the targets, russian border region, in the zaporozhye direction our group is consolidating its success in work, not so long ago the settlement was liberated from the ukrainian militants, now every day the zone of control in this area is expanding, we are talking about the dnepr group and
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with the onset of darkness after additional reconnaissance they went on an assault. the vsushniki, those who understand the situation, surrendered, some withdrew, some were liquidated. denis alekseev, kirillov, to lead. well, today in the belgorod region the missile danger signal sounded again; within 24 hours the ssu released more than 90 shells, including from rszzo grad and vampire. our correspondent margarita semenyuk will talk about the consequences and the situation. my child was very afraid, that is, he asked us to leave, he screamed, well, he was very scared when there were all these explosions and sounds. alarm siren several times per hour, aviation.
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our evacuation. the ambassador-at-large of the medrossiya visited the belgorod region. radion miroshnik. he emphasized: the situation is tense. before the presidential elections, that is, massive shelling began, attempts put pressure on the population and fire, just hit with direct fire, that’s because the strikes
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were not carried out not just to scare the rumble somewhere nearby, yes, in the fields, no, the strikes are delivered directly, but they suffered in the same grivaran, the local hospital was damaged, that is . one of the regional hospitals , a psychiatric clinic was damaged, schools, multi-storey buildings, a huge number of private houses were shelled, which were literally just ... destroyed. over the past 24 hours alone , 112 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces have been recorded in the region, including rockets, artillery and mortar shells, kamikaze drones are aircraft- type drones. due to the dangerous situation in the region, 90,000 children have been transferred to distance learning. temporary temporary accommodation has been deployed for those whose houses have been destroyed. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, news. german foreign minister annalena berbak arrived in kiev on an announced visit. the diplomat said that within the framework of the german initiative. they collected 1 billion euros for ukrainian air defense, but immediately emphasized that this was not enough. it was reported that
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berbeck was initially going to visit kharkov, but changed this point of the program. all the details evgeniy nipod knows. from a blue carriage in a yellow coat, annaline berbak, german foreign minister, tramples the kiev platform for the seventh time since the beginning of the northeast military district. she kept her visit a secret; she wanted to visit kharkov to express her unwavering support for the kiev regime, but decided to limit herself to a walk through the destroyed tets. burbak repeated. words of a press release from the website of the german foreign ministry that the german authorities do not sleep at night, looking for patriot air defense systems for ukraine. in april, let me remind you, madam minister said that her country had already exhausted the possibility of assistance specifically for these complexes, mentioned that berlin intends to support kiev so that, quote, russian troops do not end up at the border of the european union. russian attacks are aimed directly at civilian infrastructure, including those that produce electricity, which is necessary for everyday life, so...
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communication points there, command and development centers, they consume huge amounts of electricity and this huge amount of energy needs to be stable. to reduce the threat to his military installations, zelensky on the eve called on nato countries to use their own air defense aircraft to counter russian missiles from the territory of the alliance state, that is, to directly participate in the conflict. he complained that help from partners was coming extremely slowly, mentioning lenin’s phrase about one step forward and two steps back. as noted in the kremlin, such emotional statements. bordering on hysteria are increasingly heard from representatives of the kiev regime, primarily due to the difficult situation of the ukrainian
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forces at the front. secondly, this, of course, is associated with a rather difficult situation in which now the ukrainian military is staying, despite all the promised help, the desired rhythm is not there, the understanding that even if this rhythm of supply of military products is restored somehow, it still will not allow, will not allow the ukrainian armed... this here is the idea with the swiss conference
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, according to some participants, zelensky spent most of the time chaotically improvising in raised, almost hysterical tones, demanding support for his peace formula as a means of forcing russia to its knees, these games have nothing to do with diplomacy, just like other foreign policy steps. the head of the kiev regime’s nervousness is added by the apparent situation with his presidential powers, which, according to the country’s constitution, expired on the night of may 21, as recalled by the chairman of the council of the other ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk. in fact, zelensky has driven the state of ukraine into legal collapse; this is an open usurpation of power, which contradicts the constitution of ukraine. eu representatives, however, said that for them zelensky is quite legal figure, although they are always. this is what they say, even after the war crimes of the kiev regime. the heads of square spoke at the un about the presidential powers. these are internal
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problems of ukraine that need to be resolved within the framework of ukrainian processes. president zelensky continues, i mean, for us, he is the head of state in ukraine, and the person the secretary general talks to when he needs to talk to the ukrainian leader. well, do the citizens of the country agree with this position of zelensky ? bank. puts out polls that show almost 100% support, activates a 24-hour telethon, but, for example, a petition has appeared online demanding that the leader be given a summons to be sent into the trenches. some ex-deputies are happy to convert at all. like its western allies, such as germany with its foreign minister, there is a desire to prolong this conflict for a long time, saturating its defense complex, gaining political points, pr and so on, supplies
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get bogged down in various discussions, negotiations and so on and it is clear that no one in the west... a lot of things can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. you owe the bank. i have already ordered
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will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - easy to grow. more than half of all russian companies will use domestic software for organizing its activities by december of this year, said russian prime minister mikhail mishustin, speaking at the plenary session of the conference “digital industry of industrial russia”. vera moroz will talk about the transformation of the industry. vera has joined us and welcome you. i welcome loans and grants to consolidate the transition to domestic software at the legislative level, digital transformation of the economy, and public administration. from the social sphere is possible only through widespread use information technologies, the main topic of discussion at the digital industry conference in nizhny novgorod. russian industry
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must switch to domestic software by 2030, at least by 80%. and business understands very well the importance of such innovations, noted mikhail mishustin. investment in digital technologies across all industries is growing faster than in the economy as a whole. over the past 4 years, growth has been more than 80%. increased, well, for example, every third manufacturer of petroleum products - machinery and equipment, this is a good example, every the fourth enterprise producing electronic
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optical and metal products, every fifth in the metallurgical industry. according to mikhail mishustin, over 4 years, sales of russian software have more than doubled, and ready-made package solutions have increased fivefold; about forty new projects will be implemented by the end of this year. more than 150 initiatives are under development to implement advanced russian programs at enterprises in key sectors of the economy. particularly significant ones received grants from the state. overall volume financing from all sources exceeded 180 million rubles, reported mikhail mishkusten. the cabinet of ministers is considering the idea of ​​providing preferential loans to reimburse companies up to 50% of the costs of implementing russian software. the transition can be very expensive, especially when it comes to so-called heavy software, we will launch a new
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support tool for organizations that will use such russian solutions, we are now considering the idea of ​​​​providing additional incentives to organizations that will give preference to our russian ones developments, and, accordingly, loans at a preferential rate for relevant purchases, which... will give them more resources for development. despite state support, mikhail mishustin asked large metallurgists and oil companies to increase their own investments in the development of domestic software . chairman of the board of directors of severstal alexey mardashov noted that the company spent $200 thousand on the artificial intelligence tool alone, increasing productivity by 6%. and now, together with the sibur company.
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from my point of view, it’s still not a problem, but a task. norilsk nickel president vladimir potanin proposed simplifying the licensing system for analogues of russian software. there are many so-called home-written programs, those that were created at enterprises without intending that they would be replicated. according to them, it is probably necessary to simplify the licensing system, because in fact this is import substitution, but it is complicated by documentation, this is necessary, in my opinion. the head of government emphasized that it was technological and industrial sovereignty is the main vector of development of our country. the first results are already visible.
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russia has reached approximately 50% in the replacement of key software products. yes, thank you, vermoroz spoke about plans to introduce domestic software. iran is today saying goodbye to president ibrahim raisi, who died in a plane crash, and will bury the politician tomorrow in his hometown in the northeast of the country. meanwhile, the world press continues to discuss whose trace may lie behind this tragic incident, the main versions were collected by elizaveta khromtsova. a technical malfunction remains the official version of the investigation into the plane crash that killed the iranian president and others. soon after the accident, the former head
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of the ministry of foreign affairs of the islamic republic, muhammad javad zarif, accused tehran's eternal enemy washington of indirect involvement in the crash of the bel helicopter. tough us sanctions are one of the main reasons for the tragedies. the fact that the sale of aircraft of aviation units to iran is prohibited will be included in the list of american crimes against iran people. “this is ridiculous,” an unnamed white house employee responded to the accusation. i quoted his words.
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white house staff no longer seemed crazy, but in public, through the mouth of the us secretary of defense, they demonstrated calm and confidence. the united states did not play any role in this crash, this is a simple fact. and israel, are you not afraid that they will blame israel? i won't speculate on the accusations. they must conduct an investigation into the causes of the crash, there may be several. israel did not do statement at the official level, but sources in the netanyahu government denied any involvement in the tragedy. however, opponents within iran itself could have wished for risi’s death, writes turkish hüriyet. about
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the helicopter crash. could be the result of a dirty game, say chinese analysts who spoke to the global times. they note that the basis for different theories about the causes of the accidents is the difficult domestic and international situation that iran faces. however, analysts are confident that political the structure of the islamic republic will be able to withstand the death of the president. elizaetta khramtsova, news. one of the important shrines of the russian orthodox church - the tikha icon of the mother of god - was brought around moscow. until the end of this week. or the image will be displayed in the cathedral of christ the savior, where from tomorrow it will be open to believers. the farewell will take place on sunday after the divine liturgy. this year, let me remind you, marks the 20th anniversary of the icon’s return to russia. during the fascist occupation, she was taken first to pskov and then to latvia. with since 2004, the shrine has been permanently located in the mother of god assumption monastery in tikhvin.
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in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels and all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries . we look, look in the application or on website.


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