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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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iskanderov, what other tasks do the military have? reserves are being transferred to su in the kharkov direction of the special operation. the task of our military is to push the formation away from the border of the belgorod region, evgeniy’s report. the european union approved the use of proceeds from zamoro. of russian assets in favor of ukraine , it is planned that about 3 billion euros will be transferred to kiev, but the eu kept some for itself for legal costs, but will this money be enough and how can we trust the western financial system after this? paris approves international court's decision to seek arrest warrant netanyahu, london, against such a decision , washington threatens to impose sanctions against muscovy. paradoxically, in the united states, they use this court for their own.
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crossover and sedan, we analyze the details of the new product and find out when its assembly will begin and what the russian prime minister did not like about the rethought volga. right now on the russia-24 channel, again the main facts of this day: the first stage of the exercise with practical testing, preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons has begun in the southern military district.
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as the ministry of defense said, the exercises are taking place in accordance with the instructions of the president. as part of this stage, the personnel of the missile formations practice combat training tasks of obtaining special ammunition for the iskander operational-tactical missile system, equipping them with covert launch vehicles to the designated position area in preparation for missile launches. the personnel of the aviation units of the russian aerospace forces involved in the exercise practice equipping with special combat units of aviation more funds. including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as sorties to designated patrol areas. in the dpr, a warehouse with ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed, the ministry of defense reported this. russian air defense systems shot down almost fifty ukrainian drones, two atak ms missiles, four kharm missiles and eight hymers jets were destroyed. and also french cruise missiles scalp hammer aerial bombs. during the day , the enemy lost more than 1,600 in different directions.
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in the areas of konstantinovka, akhrimovka and granova. three assault counterattacks repelled enemy groups in populated areas . volchansk and staritsa. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 245 military personnel. the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, spoke at a meeting the day before that the situation for the ukrainian troops is difficult.
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be, but this is the result of their policy, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, that’s all it's obvious they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced.
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we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in the current territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, first of all, of course, foreign production, well... fresh data from the ministry of defense, so no doubts in general, the commander of the armed forces of ukraine continues to give commands to launch cruise missiles, clearly designating the targets: the russian border area. if you look at the numbers, they are frightening, but everything that is indicated on the screen was intercepted and destroyed, most of them
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are about french and american missiles and bombs. now about other directions, it became known that our group in the zaporozhye direction is consolidating its success in working on... not so long ago the settlement was liberated from ukrainian militants, now every day the zone of control in this area is expanding, we are talking about grouping dnepr, its fighters inflicted serious damage to the equipment and manpower of the ukrainian marines from the thirty-seventh brigade, the same one that was formed specifically for this direction, for that very counter-offensive, which was never destined to be realized, the remaining units continue to be thrown to slaughter in hoping for something, this...
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for days they consolidated their positions, with the onset of darkness, after additional reconnaissance of the area , they launched an assault, catching the enemy by surprise, disorienting him with accurate shots from grenade, our soldiers completed the task, the soldiers, those who understand the situation, surrendered, some retreated, some were liquidated, by the way, about the prisoners, their versions of what is happening on the fronts always, strangely, differ from the versions of the big bosses from kiev , if the commands...
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in short, it’s not easy, but now our military is closely approaching the populated area, the southern group has again improved the situation along the front line. in this area, and this is something that the captured private did not encounter, otherwise he would have told, this is not forgotten, this is what it looks like the arrival of a one and a half ton aerial bomb, this is what our pilots do, objectively, leaving no chance for the enemy. and today in the belgorod region the missile danger signal sounded again. during the day, the ssu fired more than 90 shells across the region, including from the grad and vampire rocket launchers. our correspondent will tell you about the consequences and the situation.
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passenger. the incident occurred near the checkpoint of a car in which the driver was located in the village of oktyabrsky in the belgorod region. unfortunately, there is a dead one. as a result of the explosion, the woman died from her wounds. on the spot. more often , there are drones in the sky over the belgorod region, according to radio data from miroshnik , ambassador-at-large of mitrossia, who specially came to the belgorod region to see the situation with his own eyes from more than 2 and a half.
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western weapons are used, that is, they are in huge quantities. ukrainian militants destroyed 4,500 apartments and 2,500 private houses with their attacks, people are leaving for temporary accommodation centers. after that, many houses were destroyed in the village of murom, there were deaths, i can’t tell you for sure now specifically, how many people, how many things, but there were a lot of dead, a lot of damage, about an order of magnitude suffered from the constant arrivals.
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temporary temporary accommodation centers have been deployed for those whose houses have been destroyed. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, news. transferred to distance learning, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank, alfabank - the best bank for business, jump in, come out, look how beautiful you are. a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile
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the european union has taken a step that many financiers assess as undermining confidence in its financial system. a plan has been approved for using income from russian assets, in favor, of course, of ukraine. our colleague christina kuruma knows the details. yes, christina, welcome, of course, there were conversations about how to make our assets work for the needs of ukraine, well, to be honest, for more than one month, we all remember this very well, we followed with you, first we waited until the united states did not... the european union has approved a plan to use military profits received from russia's frozen sovereign assets; they will be used for the needs and restoration of ukraine. let me remind you that the g7 countries froze russian
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assets amounting to about $280 billion. most of them are held in belgian euros. this , in principle, creates a very dangerous situation when the central bank of the world can doubt the safety of its reserves, now many other central banks of the world, looking at this, will think, and not should they actively reduce the share of holdings abroad in countries issuing world reserve currencies, without increasing the amount of gold in their reserves, no matter what happens, this is a very dangerous thing, which, probably... according to the plan, 90% of profits will be sent to the european a peace fund to finance military assistance to ukraine, another 10% for funding from the eu budget, european programs for the restoration of the region. this distribution will be reviewed annually. for the first quarter
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of this year, the assets of the russian central bank brought 557. belgian shells to the belgian depositary, despite the long- standing european assistance program, and the production of these artillery shells and the promised volumes were not produced. and it doesn’t seem that now this injection of 3 billion or a little less than 3 billion can significantly turn the situation around, that is, the question here is not what
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to buy for, but what to buy? the amount must be paid twice a year, kiev will receive the net profit generated from february 15. profit until february 15 euroclear will be retained to cover potential risks, for example, related to lawsuits in russia. the eu decision itself, even taking into account that this is an attempt to confiscate not the assets themselves, only the income that these assets bring, this decision is still illegal, the assets belong, these are sovereign assets, they belong to russia and everything that is formed on the basis these assets also belong to russia. federation, therefore, i think there will be litigation in the future. the european central bank has already issued a warning about
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that such measures may pose significant reputational risks for the european currency in the long term. western countries are outraged by the decision of the international criminal court to issue an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. the israeli prime minister, together with the country's minister of defense, is accused of war crimes and... he was taken to the hospital through
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the pagran crossings. i emphasize that stopping the supply of fuel means stopping the operation of generators, therefore stopping incubators and breathing apparatus, which in fact means issuing death certificates for these newborns. rafah on the border with egypt is the last stop. for hundreds of thousands of refugees, these people have no water, gas, or food. a video of an egyptian delivering food to palestinian children through a hole he made in the border wall went viral on social media. with american-made aircraft ammunition, the idf is actually erasing the palestinian enclave from the face of the earth. this is israel's response to last fall's brutal hamas attack and hostage taking. the number of victims in the gas sector has already exceeded 3,500 victims, doubled more. the us considers it doomed.
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there should be no equal sign between israel and hamas, no, hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that committed the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including americans. moreover, long before the current conflict, the united states made it clear that the international criminal court had no jurisdiction in this matter. until recently, us authorities. the decision of the hague court became justified and competent, and today in the house of representatives of congress called for sanctions against mus and are even ready to consider them urgently this
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week. the similar prosecutor karim khan himself learned with surprise that his jurisdiction extends only to enemies of the west. some elected leaders of poor countries have told me that this court was created only for africa and for thugs like putin. that's exactly what one of the big leaders told me. but we look at it differently. the us position was supported in the czech republic, hungary, austria and germany, as the telegraph writes, the arrest warrant is netanyahu’s biggest fear, which may now become a reality, because of the corruption charges against him, the seat under the israeli prime minister is already shaky, and the prospect of a trial in the hague is unlikely to loosen its grip. mr. khan creates a distorted and false moral equation between the leaders of israel and the minions of hamas. it’s the same as after one... before
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israel’s allies, as the new york times writes, if a warrant is issued, they will be obliged to detain netanyahu on their territory, but there is no unity in europe, some countries have already demanded responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity. france supports the international criminal court, its independence and the fight against impunity in any situation. brussels agrees with paris on this issue, crimes in gas must be prosecuted according to the law, at the highest level for...
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between our countries, we are talking about both parliamentary and interstate levels, our relations have a very great potential to develop which we will work on together. the investigative committee today awarded eyewitnesses of the terrorist attacks krokus sitikholi, who, despite danger and even injury, saved other people. alexander bastrykin presented departmental medals for valor and bravery to ilya krasnikov, sergei arkhipov, alexei lenivkin, nikita ivanov and vitaly zarubin. they consider such
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a hero, well, the reward is also good, pleasant, but i don’t think that i did anything serious, i did what most likely any person would do in my place, i realized that i should help, because well, i have the strength , firstly, i had and i was not confused, that is, there was no no fear, no fright, there was a misunderstanding, but i figured it out later, on adrenaline, well, after all, after all , i had 5 years in the army after a certain amount of experience. it was as if everything was happening automatically, that is , apparently thanks to preparation or some kind of previous education, that is, no panic, on the contrary, i seemed to be trying to tell everyone not to panic, because as soon as you start to panic, you start screaming, you start to attract the attention of terrorists, and how as a rule, a bullet will fly, in order to avoid this, i told everyone not to shout and
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to do it all silently.
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wait, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs.


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