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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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i will still be grateful to a stranger here , this is a big information evening, that’s what we’ll talk about in the next hour. he withstood a hail of enemy drones, the enemies hit him with drones seven times and everything was gone, the story of the incredible fortitude of the russian soldier, without rotation and naamphitama drug battalions in the army, they shoot at their own, attack priests, for which the daily beast again remembered alka and drug front, the trial in gogue ceased to be the fairest. as soon as they requested
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an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu, russian foreign agents were drowning in criticism: why were they previously delighted with decisions against moscow? the americans spoke about plans for a depopulated ukraine. when taras and oksana are gone, migrants from africa will be brought there, and what else is left with such a rate of destruction of the country’s indigenous population. didn't go unnoticed. the head of the moscow district of sokol came with searches. what is nikolai stepanov accused of? he already regretted taking pictures with terrorists. the fighter freezes for a second, then makes a sharp leap forward and avoids the attack of the fpv drone with explosives. this. the initial frames of what is undoubtedly
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the main video of today from the zone of a special military operation, where an as yet unknown russian soldier demonstrated real miracles of dexterity and endurance in a confrontation with the ukrainian armed forces. as it is not difficult to notice, the enemy was literally targeting the guy in an open area, when one drone was not enough to kill, apparently he was confident in finishing what he started, so after a short time the second kamikaze copter entered, but it also did not reach the target for similar reasons, our the soldier again... managed to return from the strike, actually at the last moment avoiding at least serious injury or even death, well, it would seem that the enemy drone pilots could have calmed down with this mistake, but bloodthirstiness apparently intoxicated them completely, and that’s all the more surprising , that the hero of the video turned out to be simply invulnerable for the ukrainian nazis, anton potkovenko will confirm, anton, good evening, well, how many more such arrivals did he manage to avoid, greetings, there were seven arrivals and the fighter was safe and sound, as a result... it sounds incredible,
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let's see how it all happened, a whole swarm of ukrainian drones was hunting for him, and not a single one hit him, there was luck, and the professionalism of our fighter, and also nerves of steel, you can imagine what kind of endurance is needed, and training, of course, they also hit him once , hit another, dodged, then a completely cinematic episode, come on, come on, lie down, that’s it, well done, well done, normal. did n’t hit, didn’t hit, let’s repeat the recording of our reconnaissance drone again, look how deftly the fighter dodged, took cover behind a pillar, threw himself to the ground, the enemy drone exploded on a steep turning around, our warrior deceived the dry operator, he gave the direction to the drone that he was going there, he himself jumped in the other direction, this practice works, it’s like they even go through this, people are trained in this sudden appearance of a drone. so that he could make a false
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maneuver to avoid the explosion, that is, he defended himself with the help of this pillar, he offended the drone, and it just jumped in a completely different direction, and he saved himself several times simply by normal, competent actions, that is, he did not panic , the fighter was attacked by seven once, these were fpv drones - experts say, that is, drones that the operator controls by wearing a special helmet, they can be aimed very accurately, the enemies, judging by everything...
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in fact, he has a well-developed, let's say, vestibular apparatus, here it is again, he didn’t succumb to panic, he has good physical fitness, it’s clear that he was tired, he threw off some ammunition there, some things there and continued to move. the rules on how to behave during an attack by drones are just being developed, their fighters say, the weapons are new, so we have to improvise in connection with the appearance on the field. combat of a new type of weapon, this is the drone of feeding devices, kaminkadze drones and those drones that drop ammunition, new rules have appeared that are not prescribed in any charter, which were not there before, and we see how the fighter in the video is simply getting rid of the drones of the pekaza, who flies at him,
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they just make a hand, falls, the drone flew past, fell, exploded, in the end our warrior didn’t get a scratch... now he continues to fight on the front line, he’s probably killed his comrades ask, how is he such a drone? remember how another fighter, private khatamov from the third battalion of the ninety-first rifle regiment, while saving a wounded comrade, shot down an enemy drone with a bag of potatoes, naturally, he simply brushed away the drone with this bag. bapola detonated, but everyone is alive, this method is also not in any regulations, not in any textbooks, of course, but there is military ingenuity. for example, our fighter shoots down... a drone with his kalashnikov assault rifle, some completely crazy woman accuracy, and there is also luck, when, for example, an enemy drone got stuck in the windshield and did not detonate, that was scary, thank god, they were born in
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a shirt, there is no other way to say it, there is also a very similar recent story, 2 days ago we an incident happened. during the rotation for us, he worked in pividron and there was no break, well , we were just lucky, how to say, under god there were dozens, hundreds of cases of front-line luck, heroism, resourcefulness and courage, this is the mosaic from which the picture of the front line is formed, and the path to victory. antom botkarenko and an invulnerable warrior. a unit of the russian group of troops north repelled three counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the regions within 24 hours.
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kiev regime in sectors of the front, despite also other important for the formation of this, our units and subunits are operating successfully, continue to build on the success that was achieved in the first days of the operation to form a sanitary zone in order to protect residents of large cities in the belgorod region from enemy terrorist attacks on residential area, and i remind you that the enemy has been deliberately strikes from rocket... several dozen weapons systems, in particular western ones, were destroyed within a day . it is worth noting that only in recent production, the enemy in the kharkov direction is using the most modern western weapons of fire destruction, which
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are at the disposal of the formation of the kiev regime , in particular, on the screens our viewers see footage of fire damage according to the system. the kiev regime managed to strike using rockets, as well as self-propelled artillery installations were also destroyed, in particular the bogdan installation, this is the latest development, well, a relatively new development of the ukrainian military-industrial.
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the kiev regime, who were involved in the terrorist attack on belgorod, after the offensive began. grouping north, the russian army, this hunt continued with a different intensity, forces appeared in order to destroy the crews of multiple launch rocket systems, operational-tactical missile systems much further from state border, since our units were able to push back the enemy, quite far from the state border, now the most fierce battles are taking place in the area of ​​​​the populated area.
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belgorod, other cities of the belgorod region, but now the enemy does not have such an opportunity, in addition, the enemy uses some of the weapons to try. slow down the advance of our troops, while the kiev regime and the command of the ukrainian armed forces use special forces in slobozhanshchyna, quite a lot of aviation forces were transferred to the kharkov region, so in particular, it was here that the active use of aviation weapons by the formations of the kiev regime began with the defeat of american and french production, we are talking about glide bombs, but here is our system ... air defense, most of this ammunition are destroyed in
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the air, and in this sense, here on the territory of the belgorod region, as well as partially already on the territory of the kharkov region , an air defense and air defense system has been formed missile defense, the fighters are really capable of repelling up to 90% of air threats and this is according to the entire world... a very high indicator, combat operations continue and the enemy continues to transfer additional units to strengthen the defense of sloboda, throws into battle not only infantry units, but and special forces, as far as we know, more than a dozen detachments of the main intelligence department of the armed forces of the kiev regime are already operating here, many of these detachments are known for cases of... murder civilians, murder, mockery of civilians, but
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the kiev regime is now transferring these detachments to the kharkov direction; in general, according to our data , the command of the ukrainian armed forces is doing everything possible to slow down the advance of the fighters of our group, the northern group of the russian army in the direction of kharkov. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, alexander pushin and stanislav yalovsky. news. kharkov direction, many fly into a rage, killing civilians, colleagues and animals, and others are already being treated in psychiatric hospitals. the gloomy picture painted by the american publication daily beast in a resonant article about the total dependence of ukrainian armed forces militants on alcohol and drugs. the text turned out to be quite substantial in volume, they talk about how alcohol along with psychotropic drugs is brought directly to the front line of smuggling, what specific types...
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all sorts of stimulants, well, in general it looks as if this topic has suddenly become a topic for the western press some kind of revelation, although in in reality, it doesn’t even smell like a sensation, evgenia petrukhina was convinced, evgenia, hello, but could someone really not know all this until now, yes alexey, hello, yes of course they knew, they just now got the go-ahead to publicly notice, tired amphetamine troops, the american internet -the daily beast writes that energy is on the ukrainian front line. but how is it that in the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine, entire drug battalions are organized for the supply of amphetamines both through so-called
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volunteers and through commanders, is it really impossible to survive even on pills, and somehow a libist arrogantly hoping to give out a sensation, the headline says that in the editors of the armed forces of ukraine there is alcoholism and drug addiction, happiness pills, ecstasy and amphetamines, the soldiers almost drink alcohol. in this interview, a certain valery, who had not previously been in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, says that he used it. amphetamine, so as not to fall asleep, they say there was no choice, 25 days without rest, otherwise he would not last, valery took up to 500 mg per day. an experiment on his own soldiers,
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the result is a terrible, uncontrollable creature with a reduced sensation of pain. with a feeling incredible excitement, with rage, then why be surprised by such an episode, which also leads to elvist that they say that the armed forces of ukraine are high, or in a drunken stupor they kill civilians or shoot at their own. here’s another, clearly clinical case, the drunk lsuushnik, apparently, decided to atone for his sins and went to the temple, where he pushed aside the parishioners, blew out the candles from the icons, and attacked the priest.
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yes, it can be anyone, it can be, a person falls into a berserker, a beast that goes berserk, here is a resident of the dpr telling how drunken vosushniks in semyonovka are insane condition, they tried to control the tanks, as a result, the combat vehicles fell from the bridge, when during the liberation of mariupol by russian, russian troops, not far from mariupol, about 30 kilometers away. a village called a village called sopovo, that’s where for the first time ours saw what looked like a fairly serious laboratory, like the remains of a laboratory where there were the starting substances from which they were preparing, they launched western laboratories and, so to speak, produce in such for the poor, so-called drugs like methadone, that’s what it’s clear for
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poor people, which means it can be massively shoved everywhere, and it goes into the army, drugs. ukrainian soldiers buy from online stores, writes daily best. the price is up to $50 per gram, per gram, which will only aggravate vsushnikov’s protracted depression. these are drugs, this is alcohol, this is constant depression, from hopelessness, from hopelessness, you know, people there in any case understand that the side they are on is the losing side, and sooner or later everything will end for them, amphetamine used still in hitler's.
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they show the mechanics of what is happening, that is , they do not understand, the western world does not understand the excessive passion of the ukrainian leadership for this topic, journalists from the same the daily beast analyze video footage of all kinds of official visits of zelensky, they even came up with such a symptom, a symptom that they noticed on zelensky, this you know, a runny nose without a cold, that is, now even the beast essentially recognizes that ukraine is from the top to the trench. married to drug addiction, however, you can only win with happiness pills format of hallucinations, in reality it is more likely death, either from a bullet or from an overdose. evgenia petrukhina and the army of drug addicts. the identities of all those killed in belgorod after the ukrainian missile strike.uу, which resulted in the collapse of the vysotka entrance, have been established. today
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, on the ninth day after the tragedy, the investigative committee announced the completion of genetic and other examinations. a list of seventeen victims' names.
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following the rescuers and doctors , utility services go to the place of arrival, repairmen close the heating circuit, they restore gases and electricity, they work even during missile danger,
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it’s scary, it’s not scary, this is our job, we have to do the work, we feel sorry for people, we have to close the windows, people are sitting with film, of course there is fear, but we are working in belgorod and the border areas have been living for a long time having united into one whole, ordinary residents, doctors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, guys from the territory. what is really happening, you record the heinous crimes that are committed daily by the ukrainian regime, you support the people, and you are, maybe
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to be one of the most important points of support, moral support, information support for thousands of thousands of people. the state television and radio broadcasting company building itself in belgorod was damaged during the new year's attack on the city, and some of the company's employees were killed. often now there are cameramen and journalists filming. that’s all as it is, despite the difficult operational situation in the region , the restoration of civilian infrastructure destroyed by shelling is ongoing without pause. in the near future
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, work will begin to repair a partially collapsed house on shchorsa street, from rescuers are helping to remove belongings and furniture from the surviving entrances. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod region. the situation is more than curious, but russia does not recognize it in any case. no decisions of this authority, this is dmitry peskov’s commentary today on the scandal surrounding the so-called international criminal court, which as soon as he brought charges against the israeli leadership because of the situation in the gas sector immediately found itself under the threat of sanctions from the united states. joe biden personally spoke out, considering the decision is outrageous. and senator linsigram, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, and the latter also made a reservation, saying that if washington does not stand up for netanyahu now, then the next warrant may be issued for the arrest of americans. in short, there is a form of hysteria, and we, of course, must recall how the states fully supported the same court when it tried to indicate pressure on russia, but now, entering because of its middle eastern
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ally, they quickly change the record, although the official representative of the state guard, matthew miller, does not seem to see anything strange here, in fact, he stated in plain text that moscow can be blamed, but tel aviv cannot, well , that is, it’s just a perfect illustration of a meme, you don’t understand, this is different, so what? interestingly, along with the line of the american party, all sorts of russian-speaking grant-eaters and relocants have already begun to waver, how ridiculous their behavior looks, boris ivanin will show, boris, hello, well, are they clearly practicing the washington training manual? alexey, greetings, well, yes, if it’s a feeling that foreign agents with bad grades copied from the bad students in the state department, but that’s not the case, we worked on their mistakes. the court in gaga has not yet made a decision, but they have already managed to condemn him. russian foreign agents who settled in the west. how their grantors are drowning in indignation. after prosecutor karim khan demanded that arrest warrants be issued for prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the israeli defense minister, and on the basis of
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numerous evidence collected just...
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adagamov, speaking about the warrant that moose issued addressed to vladimir putin, predicted to the russian president the fate of the libyan leader muammar gadafi, then the justice of the gaga court, for some reason neither the blogger himself nor other democrats doubted that they are not subjective, they are now actually acting as voices or mouthpieces of those western structures, firstly it's the british turn. american intelligence agencies, who are given the task, criticize exactly what is needed at the current moment, and there is no consistency in this criticism. another foreign agent leonid follows in the same farvatra nezlin writes that karim khan, blaming israeli politicians for the humanitarian catastrophe, the quote does not read the news well and aid in gas is another quote, it is delivered regularly, but the prosecutor himself is fair only in relation to hamas, in general, everything is like
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last fall, when the foreign agents unanimously approved. israel's actions in gaza, but in fact justified heinous crimes against palestinian civilians and the death of innocent children during massive shelling. but when russia saved ukrainian children from under the fire of the ukrainian armed forces, these pseudo-liberals demanded, at all costs, to bring the russian authorities to justice, and even when the children were returned to their families, not to cancel the order of the hague court, well, as they say, that’s another thing. for me, in many cases, foreigner and prostitute are synonymous words. that is, they mean that the head of our state can well be accused of all crimes against humanity, yes, and mr. netanyahu and galmont, the minister of defense, on whose conscience are thousands, i repeat, thousands of lives of palestinian children, they seem to be clean before by law, and even before our conscience, we must not forget that the majority of foreign agents, people
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who left ours... they still have a passport of the state of israel, well, here is foreign agent yulia latynina, the person concerned has an award from the association of russian-speaking writers of israel. she calls the arrest warrant for netanyahu disgusting, although the court has not yet issued it, but she is already demanding to be deprived of government funding, here is a quote. subscribers in response call for lotynina herself to be deprived of foreign funding; she rightly writes that she actually tramples independence of the judiciary. can be good or bad, it can be a court, regardless of what decisions it makes there, and when you start saying that some court decisions are wonderful, while others there cause irritation, anxiety and anger, uh, then you are politicizing this issue , and there cannot be a politicized court, so naturally, those decisions that the united states puts into the mouth of the international criminal court are, of course, on command,
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welcomed by our relaxants. by the way, on agent latynina, who even writes in a foreign language on social networks, ultimately pronounces a verdict on almost the entire “mus.” they say the arrest warrant for netanyahu has devalued everything that this pseudo-opposition in exile had previously been so happy about. and many others, the same kashkin, one can endlessly list these agents, enemies of our country, supported the international criminal court, which, as it seemed to them, finally made a fair decision: the president must be arrested. raised other officials there, now suddenly everything, as soon as it strokes the wrong the wool of their owners, american-british, immediately...


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