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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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cause irritation, anxiety and anger there, then you are politicizing this issue, and there cannot be a politicized court, so naturally, those decisions that the united states puts into the mouth of the international criminal court, they, of course, on command, greet with our relaxants, well, by the way, the latynina agent, who even writes in a foreign language on social networks, ends up pronouncing a verdict on almost everything, saying that the arrest warrant for netanyahu has devalued everything that this pseudo-opposition in exile was so happy with before. and many others, the same kachin, you can endlessly list them as agents, enemies of our country, supported the international criminal court, which, as it seemed to them, finally made a fair decision, it was necessary to arrest the president of russia or other officials there. now suddenly everything, as soon as it strokes the wrong fur of their owners, the american-british, this instrument suddenly becomes bad. in general, everything is in the usual style,
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foreign agents who live off handouts from the west, profess the double standards accepted there and commit lynching. boris ivadin and parade of hypocrisy. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the americans spoke about plans for a depopulated ukraine. when taras and oksana run out, migrants from africa will be brought there. what else remains?
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you have no chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud , it was something right the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future. 100 years forward, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is it like? our product,
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we will take on this matter, it will be... an honest detective, the opinion will stand that time speaks, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when...
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why is it important to recognize the genocide against of the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. in a very well thought out offensive in the information field. on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment to people have been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. the two components
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of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction. now live in a better future, already in the present with alpha insurance, under silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside a beautiful, ideal, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat of july carries a silver
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you can see which russian weapons , if necessary, are ready for use in as carriers of special combat units. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. on the roads of the southern military district kolodno iskanderov is a whole family of russian operational-tactical complexes, missiles for... which can be equipped with nuclear warheads. the main strike force of the russian army, the power of the charges can be from 5 to 50 kilotons. after the salvo, the installation leaves the firing position even before the missile reaches the target. damage range up to 500 km. it’s even difficult to track iskander’s movements from the satellite, two types of missiles are carefully equipped with nuclear warheads. this is the first stage of the exercise. practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, the supreme
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commander-in-chief signed a decree on this on may 6, and discussed the training itself with belarusian president lukashenko on victory day on the ninth, immediately after the parade on red square. we hold them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages; at the second stage, belarusian colleagues will join our joint actions in accordance with the instructions of the ministry of defense. and to the general staffs in our team it is given. joint. and so the joint training of russian and belarusian tactical nuclear forces began. not long ago, russia transferred two components of the triad to belarus: aviation and ground. this is our third training session. well, in russia there were dozens. that's why we synchronize. and the general staff has already, as the russian defense minister told me, they have begun to implement it. the forced measure was emphasized in response to the statement of the french president
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macron, who is still planning to send his troops into ukraine, and the head of the british cameron, who called for vysu to be allowed to fire western long-range weapons on russian territory. this is the fourth generation mig-31 interceptor fighter. in the west it is called the foxhound, a breed of large hunting dog, hypersonic daggers are specially adapted for it, the fastest. the russian missile, which has no equal in the world, by the way, has already been successfully used with a conventional warhead in the zone of a special military operation. on tu-22m3 is refueling on the runway, according to the nato classification backfiire, unpleasant consequences, a russian supersonic bomber capable of carrying almost any missile weapons, including nuclear ones, it is at this moment that it is suspended from its wings, with which it will fly for training patrolling. andrey grigorievich. will become the first african
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country in europe, a forecast from ukraine, for ukraine from the independent british journalist and political activist rahim kassam, who, unlike the western stream sees perfectly well what kind of future her western curators are preparing for square. in a conversation with former adviser to donald trump, kassam , kassam wondered what exactly the brilliant plan was that they had prepared for ukraine, judging by how angry the people in kiev were. regime about the population of the country, local authorities are least of all worried, including no one cares about the younger generation, so disappointing conclusions suggest themselves, europe and the usa are probably planning to simply bring some new people to ukraine so that kiev will finally stop to be the mother of russian cities and turned into a stepmother, for example, for african migrants, but how high is the likelihood that this crazy plan will actually become a reality, let’s figure it out together with vadim zavodchenkov, vadim, good evening, but it seems that the scale of... the migration experiment is still did not have. alexey, there was something
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similar in france after world war ii, but of course, not on such a scale. dark prospects for a beautiful ukraine of the future. has the senseless cannibalism of the kiev regime finally begun to take hold? meaning. so this is why the taras die and suffer in the trenches of oksana. really, suddenly realized. that war is not a woman’s business. ukrainians are being erased from history, and by their own hands. the statistics are scary. according to the latest data, 65,000 representatives of the fairer sex are already serving in the armed forces of ukraine, and there will be even more. in the new law on mobilization. they didn’t deprive you of attention, update the data in the shopping center, consider giving up meat, requires girls,
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pharmacists, doctors, biotechnology specialists, toxicologists. if we are talking about the percentage of women in the ukrainian army, then their number has already exceeded 35%, they are literally trying to mobilize them by force, this - first of all concerned women who are medical workers, but later it turned out that they take absolutely all women - they put them on the front lines. kiev’s manic insistence on exterminating its men and women of fertile age really seemed irrational for a long time, having no chance of winning, the bank continued and continues to turn the meat grinder, but maybe we were in vain trying to evaluate the actions
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zelensky’s butchers in the system of our moral coordinates. the british here... the theory of managed migration actually explains many logical paradoxes, for example, why europe is so lax about its own culture, why it encourages migration to the continent, turning its own cities into bubbling cauldrons of multiculturalism, and what if this is
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also part plan, these are the people who are going to be invited to the fertile ukrainian land? the west wants to maintain the combat readiness of, let’s say, ukraine in the conditions huge human losses, populate it with representatives of countries where human life is cheaper, so that in the next few years it will be possible to mobilize and send to slaughter both adult africans who moved there as migrants and their, let’s say, offspring, then there is, they want to create a long-term threat to the russian western borders and in human conditions... if the plan can be implemented, then ukrainians as such will disappear, tall with blond or brown hair, blue eyes, oriental europeans will become an extinct species, this is who will replace them: we asked the neural network
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to show what a ukrainian of the future will look like, and it turned out cute. a smiling lad, and what’s important, he doesn’t look like a russian at all, this is for anti-russia, the most important thing, isn’t it, but before this future , we still have to experience mass extinction, judging by the fresh footage from ukrainian cities, it’s already underway, and black ukraine, west of avdeevka in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the central group of russian troops were withdrawn from building four at once.
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it is the artillerymen of the central military district that support the infantry offensive; a gunner with the call sign taper has been on the front line for several months now, as our
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infantry has been advancing into either a regiment, or into a house, or into some kind of equipment. we are moving, it’s already good that we are advancing. we drive them away from here and help our infantry. strikes from powerful long-range guns always precede the work of assault troops, everywhere, including near kharkov, in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, mikhail taperov, vesti, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. let's return after a short advertisement, here's what we'll tell you about, which did not go unnoticed by the ex-head of the moscow sokol district. they came with searches, what are nikolai stepanov accused of? has he already regretted taking pictures with terrorists? sberbank mortgage for any type
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events in the life of his colleague nikolai stepanov. as it became known, investigative actions have begun at the place of residence of the former head of the municipal assembly of the sookol district, namely searches that are taking place as part of the investigation of a criminal case. actually, this is confirmed by operational personnel. as you can see, no one voluntarily opened the door to the law enforcement officers, so they had to use a sledgehammer afterwards. an order was heard - hands behind the head, here are the details about the reasons why law enforcement agencies became a little interested in stepanov, but it is not difficult to guess that the investigation is connected with the politician’s very suspicious business trips to neighboring countries, what is known, anastasia will tell ivanova, anastasia, greetings, but here it is important not only where i traveled, but with whom did i communicate? hello, alexey, and as stepanov himself says, it was an accident. innocent door from seloyka's apartment. few details have been revealed so far, but it is known that stepanova is suspected of having connections with terrorists, reports tast’s source. law enforcement officers
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came to search stepanov.
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they are not accused of criminal offenses, at least from what we see in the media, i think in relation to stepanov, now the most optimal thing is to wait for the results of the investigation, everything will probably be announced, i i think a lot of interesting things await us, and it’s far from a fact that only in relation to him. stepanov himself is also known for being an assistant to valery rashkin, a former state duma deputy who was stripped of his powers a few years ago. stepanov was attracted by moscow city duma deputy andrei medvedev, who rightly asked if the communists wanted to check what their representative in vilnius was doing? in response, stepanov filed a lawsuit to protect his honor and dignity, but lost, he wanted to run for deputy moscow city duma, but it didn’t work out; even during his short career as head of the moscow district, sokol did not become famous for anything. he became the head of the municipality of sokol due to the fact that
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the composition was diverse. in general , he was selected after the elections, and even there they couldn’t choose a head for 3 months, for example, and one might say out of despair they chose him, then for 5 years, well, he was in the post of head of the municipal formation of the council of deputies , more precisely, then, accordingly, he was no longer elected to the next composition, so went along party line, that is, assistants to various deputies at the state duma level, at the moscow city duma level, in principle there is little information about stepanov, now it is known that he is an assistant.
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collects money for them, appears in front of the television cameras of ukrainian tv channels of the western press, stepanov, one cannot say that he is a naive person, but here one can really talk about mental problems, because to believe that he will get away with all this , collaboration with terrorists and extremists, this is not only naive, but stupid. of course, the exact reasons for the searches should be expected from the investigative committee, one thing is clear: the terrorists’ friend will definitely not be able to remain in the shadows. anastasia ivanova, and the consequences of friendship with traitors.
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the division of the russian groupings of troops center south and east again improved the position along the front line and occupied more advantageous positions in all key directions of the mtr in donetsk. of the people's republic , the ministry of defense reports this, clarifying that the daily losses of the apu in the ovdeevsky, donetsk and south donetsk sections amounted to a total of 685 personnel, but in the kharkov region the situation is very difficult for the kiev regime - denis alekseev will confirm. shot! in the kharkov region, the north group continues to advance into the depths of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense.


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