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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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there is no information about what exactly loginov and diyakov are suspected of. there have been no official comments from investigators yet. new reports of stabbings continue to emerge in the south of the capital. as it turned out, the alleged criminals fled in a bmw car. officers are now searching for the vehicle using the city's surveillance camera system. according to the official telegram channel of the investigative committee of russia, a criminal case of hooliganism has been opened in connection with the mass brawl. according to the ministry of internal affairs, participants in the confrontation were: at least 15 people, several of them were detained, two more are now in the hospital with stab wounds. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. he withstood the hail
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of enemy thrones. the enemies hit him with drones seven times and still missed. the story of the incredible resilience of a russian soldier. without rotation and namphetam drug battalions in the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine. they shoot at their own people and attack priests. why did the daily beast again remember about the alcohol and drug front lines? the trial in the hague has ceased to be the fairest. as soon as they requested an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu, russian foreign agents began to choke in criticism: why were they previously delighted with decisions against moscow? the americans spoke about plans for a depopulated ukraine. when taras and oksana run out, migrants from africa will be brought there. and what else remains with such a rate of destruction of the country’s indigenous population. not went unnoticed.
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they came to the ex-head of the moscow district sokol with searches, what are nikolai stepanov accused of? has he already regretted taking pictures with terrorists? the fighter freezes for a second, then makes a sharp leap forward to avoid the attack of an fpv drone with explosives. these are the initial frames without the controversial main video of today from the zone of a special military operation, where an as yet unknown russian soldier demonstrated real miracles of dexterity and endurance in a confrontation with... with the ukrainian armed forces. as is easy to see, the enemy is literally was targeting a guy in an open area when one drone was not enough to kill him, obviously he intended to finish what he started, so after a short time the second kamikaze copter was used. but he also did not achieve his goal for similar reasons. our serviceman again managed to dodge the blow, actually at the last moment, avoiding, well, at least serious injury or even death. well, it would seem that the enemy hole-makers could calm down with this mistake, but bloodthirstiness... all
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appearances intoxicated them completely, and it is all the more surprising that the hero of the video turned out to be simply invulnerable for the ukronazis, anton potkovenko will confirm, a whole swarm of ukrainian drones was hunting for him, and not a single one hit, there was luck, and the professionalism of our fighter, and also nerves of steel, imagine , what kind of endurance is needed, and training, of course, too, he was hit once, hit again, dodged, then a completely cinematic episode. that's it, well done, well done, okay, didn't hit, didn't hit, let's repeat our recording again reconnaissance drone, look how deftly the fighter dodged, took cover behind a pillar, threw himself to the ground, the enemy drone exploded on a sharp turn, our warrior deceived the drying operator, he gave the direction to the drone that he was going that way, he himself jumped in the other direction, this... the practice works, it’s as if they even
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go through it, people are trained in this sudden appearance of a drone, so that they can make a false maneuver to avoid the explosion, that is, he defended himself with the help of this pillar, he offended the drone and it just jumped in a completely different direction and he behaved somewhat just saved me once normal competent actions, that is, he did not panic, the fighter was attacked seven times, these were fpv drones - experts say, that is , drones that the operator controls by wearing a special helmet. they can be aimed very accurately, the enemies, apparently, were trying to hit the fighter himself was not nearby, maybe that’s why he managed to dodge. the warrior makes his way across the field pitted with craters, carefully, calmly, leaving his hands free so that nothing interferes with his combat mission. i would like to note the blood flow with which the fighter performs the assigned task, that is, he acts extremely calmly, carefully, that is, he does not twitch. he’s not nervous there, it’s clear that
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the person intuitively, apparently observing such attacks, made a decision for himself on how to act, this time he was lucky, that is, he’s generally great, everything is really at the level, at the level of instincts, in fact, he has a well-developed, let’s say, vestibular apparatus, so he didn’t succumb to panic again, he has good physical fitness, it’s clear that he was tired, he threw off some ammunition there, there some things kept moving. the rules on how to behave when attacking drones are just being developed, say the svo fighters, the weapons are new, so they have to improvise,
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he continues to fight on the front line, his comrades are probably asking him how he is such a drone. do you remember how another fighter, private khattamov from the third battalion of the ninety-first rifle regiment, saving a wounded comrade, shot down an enemy drone with a bag of potatoes, naturally, he simply brushed the drone away with this bag. bapala detonated, but everyone is alive, such the method is also not in any regulations, nor in any textbook, of course, but there is military ingenuity. for example, our fighter shoots down a drone. from his kalashnikov assault rifle, some kind of absolutely crazy accuracy, and there is also luck, when, for example, an enemy drone got stuck in the windshield and did not detonate, that was scary, thank god, but we were born in a shirt, there’s no other way
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to say it, yet there is a similar, very recent story, 2 days ago we had an incident during a rotation where a drone worked for us in pivi, and it wasn’t a break, well, we were just lucky, how to say, under god there were dozens, hundreds of cases of front-line luck, heroism, resourcefulness and courage, this is the mosaic from which the picture of the front line and the path to victory are formed. the first stage of exercises on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began today in the southern military district. let me remind you that earlier , supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin personally decided to hold such events in response to the threats and russophobic attacks of a number of western leaders. well, now you can see what russian weapons if necessary, they are ready for use as carriers of special combat units, and these are not only already known iskanders. details in the material by evgeniy nipet. the first stage of the exercises has started, where issues of the use of non-strategic
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nuclear weapons are being worked out. a column of equipment from the southern military district, under the cover of combat security units, is heading to the launch site. our special warhead is so miniature that we can do it. launcher. the complex can work against targets within a radius of five thousand kilometers ballistic and cruise missiles with various warheads, including, of course, special ones, that is, nuclear ones. the charge power can vary from 2 to 50 kilotons. the military movement has been honed by years of service and acts harmoniously, fulfilling
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the task set by the commander in chief. the general staff conducts the exercise on instructions from the president. the first stage will be followed by two more. belarus will join. vladimir putin discussed the conduct of the exercises with alexander lukashenko on may 9. after the end of the parade on red square, since the territory of belarus has non-strategic nuclear weapons, then this time we offered our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages, the second stage is belarusian. ..colleagues join our joint action in accordance with the instructions given by the ministry of defense and the general staffs of our country for russia to transfer the aviation ground component of the nuclear triad to belarus. this is our third training session.
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well, there were probably dozens in russia, so we are synchronizing and the general staffs have already, as the russian defense minister told me, they have begun execution. the russian ministry of defense noted that the maneuvers are being carried out in response to provocative statements by western politicians macron about the introduction of troops into ukraine and the head of mid-britain cameron, who is calling for permission for the ukrainian armed forces to carry out strikes. western long-range weapons throughout russia , units of the aerospace forces, aircraft crews and engineering personnel are also involved in the exercises for example, the tu-22 strategic bombers, as well as the mik-31 , are equipped with special warheads and dagger hypersonic missiles; they are capable of hitting targets at a range exceeding 2.0 km, maneuvering in all parts of the trajectory. evgeniya nipat olga alvukhina, news. many go on a killing rampage. civilians, fellow soldiers and animals, while others are already being treated in psychiatric hospitals. the gloomy
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picture painted by the american edition of the daily beast in its resonant material about the total dependence of the ukrainian armed forces militants on alcohol drugs. the text turned out to be quite substantial in volume, here they talk about how alcohol along with psychotropic drugs is brought directly to the front line of smuggling, about what specific types of substances end up, are preferred, or rather used by the bloodthirsty, and of course. about the consequences in the form of uncontrollable outbursts of aggression or, on the contrary, deep depression, that is, the authors of the article approached the matter thoroughly, and it just so happened, or maybe it did not coincide, that almost simultaneously a similar publication was published in a german newspaper jungevelt, which calls ukraine, attention, the main drug hub of europe, and at the same time, again, talks in detail about the craze of zelensky’s soldiers for all kinds of stimulants, well, in general , everything looks like this: as if for the western press this topic suddenly became some kind of revelation, although in in reality, it doesn’t even smell like a sensation,
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evgenia petrukhina was convinced. tired amphetamine troops, the american online publication daily beast writes that the energy on the ukrainian front line has diminished, but how can it be that there are entire drug battalions in the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces, the supply of amphetamines is organized both through the so-called volunteers and through commanders, is it really not possible even with pills, and the libist somehow arrogantly expects to give out a sensation, the headline says that in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there is alcoholism and drug addiction, happiness pills, ecstasy and amphetamines soldiers they almost drink alcohol. in this interview , a certain valery, who was in the ranks of the ssu before being wounded, says that he used amphetamine to avoid falling asleep. there was no choice. 25 days without rest, otherwise not hold out. valery took up to 500 mg per day and used... cats together with his colleagues, so out of 92 people in the unit, twenty-two required a dose,
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that is, almost a quarter of the unit are drug addicts. so, what will happen if you sit on amphetamine for 25 days, as the unit of that same valery had to do, this can only be considered as a monstrous experiment on one’s own soldiers, the result is a terrible uncontrollable creature with a reduced sensation of pain, with sensation. incredible excitement with rage, then why be surprised by such an episode, which also leads to elbist that they say that the armed forces of ukraine, high or in a drunken stupor , kill civilians or shoot at their own people. here is another clearly clinical case, a drunken dryer, apparently decided to atone for his sins and went to the church, where he pushed aside the parishioners, blew out the candles from the icons and attacked the priest. it is likely that he is more than one day away from drinking alcohol. tried to suppress fear and depression with narcotic blends, what is shown there suggests that
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alcohol is combined with two things, the first is either the deepest and most profound background damage to the psyche due to combat operations, stress and the same psychostimulants, or alcohol is used together with stimulants, this is already an extreme reaction, it can be anything, it can be uh... a brutal creature, here is a resident of the dpr tells how drunken drivers in semyonovka, in a deranged state, tried to control tanks, as a result, the combat vehicles fell from the bridge. when, during the liberation of mariupol by russian, russian troops, not far from mariupol, about 30 kilometers, there is a village called a village, called sopova, and there for the first time our people saw what looked like a fairly serious laboratory, like a remnant. laboratories where there were the initial substances from which it was prepared, they launched western laboratories and
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, so to speak, make these for the poor, the so-called drugs like methadone, which is clear that for the poor, it means it can be stuffed everywhere en masse, and it goes to the army . ukrainian soldiers buy drugs in online stores, writes the daily beast. price up to 50 dollars per gram, per gram, which will only worsen vsushnikov’s protracted depression. this is drugs, this is alcohol, this is constant depression from hopelessness, hopelessness, you know, people there in any case understand that the side they are on is... the losing side, and sooner or later everything will end for them , amphetamine was used back in hitler’s germany, so, well, because they stuffed their nazis there with this amphetamine, well, it helped them, no, it didn’t help, here too, but why yes or bist now it was necessary to look for black sensations in in the trenches in the ssu and once again point out
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drug problems, have they become so obvious that it is simply indecent not to notice them either? from the top to the trenches she is infected with drug addiction, although happiness pills can only be overcome in the format of hallucinations; in reality, death is more likely, either from a bullet or from an overdose. a unit of the russian group of forces north, during the day, repelled three counterattacks of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of volchanskaya and staritsa, and also continued to delve into the enemy’s defensive formations on
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kharkov direction of the special operation. according to the defense, up to 245 militants, two tanks, and three self-propelled artillery were destroyed there. the kiev regime in sectors of the front, despite this, our units and subunits are operating successfully and continue to build on the success that was achieved in the first days. operations to form a sanitary zone in order to protect residents of large cities in the belgorod region from enemy terrorist attacks on residential areas, and i remind you that the enemy has been deliberately launching rocket attacks for several months multiple launch rocket systems in belgorod in other cities of the belgorod region, it is worth noting
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that in the last 24 hours alone , several dozen weapons systems have been destroyed, in particular western production of the pro... ukrainian military-industrial complex, and this is, well, what is called the everyday life of war, every day our fighters, reconnaissance officers, artillerymen
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manage to hit dozens of targets that operate in the kharkov region, some of... these systems and the militants of the kiev regime are used purposefully to cause terrorist attacks on residential areas of cities in the belgorod region, but i remind you that for several months, fighters, commanders, and groups covering the state border conducted a targeted hunt for militants of the kiev regime who were involved in the terrorist attack on belgorod, after the group’s offensive began. north, the russian army, this hunt continued with a different intensity, forces appeared in order to destroy the crews of multiple launch rocket systems, operational-tactical missile systems are much further from the state border, since our units and subunits were able to push the enemy back
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quite far from the state border, now the fiercest battles are taking place in the area of ​​​​the settlement of volchansk, and also... in the immediate vicinity of the village of leptsy, these two settlements militants of the kiev regime used to deploy multiple launch rocket systems in the so-called waiting zone, it was from these settlements that the enemy advanced to firing positions for in order to hit residential areas of belgorod and other cities in the belgorod region, but now the enemy does not have such an opportunity, in addition, the enemy uses some of the weapons to try to slow down the advance. our troops, while the kiev regime and the command of the ukrainian armed forces are using quite a lot of forces and means to build up the special forces detachment. aviation aircraft were transferred to the kharkov region, so in particular it was here that the active use of aviation aircraft by the formations of the kiev regime began
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means of destruction of american and french production, we are talking about gliding bombs, but our air defense system, most of this ammunition is destroyed in the air and in this sense here on the territory of the belgorod region, and also partially... already formed on the territory of the kharkov region a powerful air and missile defense system; fighters are truly, well, capable of repelling up to 90% of airborne threats, and this is a very high figure by all world standards. fighting continue and the enemy continues to transfer additional units to strengthen the defense of slobozhanshchina, throws into battle... not only infantry units, but also special forces, as far as we know, more than a dozen detachments of the main intelligence department
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of the armed forces of the kiev regime are already operating here, many of these detachments are known for cases of looting, murder of civilians, murder, abuse of civilians, but these detachments are now being transferred by the kiev regime to the kharkov direction, in general, according to our data, the command... migrants from africa, and what else is left with such a rate of destruction
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the entrance to the high-rise building collapsed, have been identified. today, on the ninth day after the tragedy, the investigative committee announced the completion of genetic and other examinations. list of seventeen names of victims in a terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces published by governor vyacheslav glodkov. well, today missile sirens sounded again in the region. read more about the situation in the report by alexander rivunov. everyone is alive, no one was hurt. two ukrainian rockets fell near the entrance of a five-story building in the center of shibekin. before the ambulance arrives, neighbors. they themselves tried to help the wounded, the woman was wounded, they heard, bang, they quickly went to the bath, ran to the toilet, sat down, we heard bang again, they went out, we heard, well, they called 112, because the woman started, heard, called an ambulance, apparently militants of the ukrainian armed forces marked for busy places, hostels, shops, playgrounds, shrapnel knocked out windows, car bodies in holes, there’s a pool of blood, to be honest, i’m just now starting to remember some...
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unified duty dispatch service 112 for the city of belgorod, all information about emergency incidents, including shelling consequences. these. we reassure, support, record the data, and pass it on. following the rescuers and doctors , utility services go to the place of arrival, repairmen close the thermal circuit and restore it.
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we have to do the work, we feel sorry for the people, we have to close the windows, people are sitting with tape, of course there is fear, but we work in belgorod and it’s scary, not scary, here it’s our job, the borderlands have long lived united as one, ordinary residents, doctors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations , guys from the territorial defense and of course journalists, the entire territory is dotted with craters, all three floors, all apartments are completely destroyed.
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