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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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it seems to me that we will do it, that is, we did not deceive anyone, everything is as it is, despite the difficult operational situation in the region , the restoration of the civilian infrastructure destroyed by shelling is ongoing without pause, work will begin in the near future on the repair of a partially collapsed house on shchorsa street, rescuers from the surviving entrances help remove things and furniture. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod region. well, another message from the belgorod
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region, according to information from the ministry of defense , another one was destroyed in the region ukrainian drone, the department reports that at approximately 2145, russian assets shot down an aircraft-type drone. another attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack has been thwarted. the situation is more than curious, but russia in any case does not recognize any decisions of this authority. this is dmitry peskov’s commentary today on the scandal surrounding the so -called international criminal case. court, which had only to bring charges against the israeli leadership because of the situation in the gas sector, immediately found itself under joe biden personally expressed the threat of sanctions from the united states, considering the decision outrageous, and senator lynsey graham, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, and the latter also made a reservation, saying that if washington does not stand up for netanyahu now, then the next warrant may be issued to arrest the american authorities, in short, there is a form of hysteria, and of course... we must recall how the states
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fully supported the same court when it tried to indicate pressure on russia, but now it is intervening because of its middle east ally, quickly change the record, although the official representative of the state department, matthew miller, does not seem to see anything strange here, in fact, he stated in plain text that moscow can be blamed, but tel aviv cannot, that is, it’s just a perfect illustration of a meme, you don’t understand, this another thing, and what ’s interesting is that along with the american party line they have already begun to waver. all sorts of russian-speaking grant-eaters and relaxants, boris ivanin will show how ridiculous their changing of shoes looks. the court in the hague has not yet made a decision, but they have already managed to condemn him. russian foreign agents who have settled in the west, like their grant givers, are drowning in indignation. after prosecutor karim khan demanded that arrest warrants be issued for prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the israeli defense minister, based on numerous evidence collected during the gas attacks. and what else is interesting. a couple of months ago, foreign agent rustem
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adagamov from prague admired when the international criminal court decided to arrest two of our senior officers, this is the commander of the black sea fleet and the head long-range aviation of the russian aerospace forces. adagamov asserted that the mus court is real, not read by russians, this is a quote. he was immediately reminded of the war crimes of american presidents in the comments, the gulf war under bush the elder, the invasion of iraq and afghanistan under bush jr., libya, syria and ukraine under obama. the courts in gaga, they are all from... and then he writes, and the head of the international criminal court, karim khan, yeah, that is , such a purely xenophobic prank, yes, that is, they can do anything.
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at the moment, with no there is no consistency in this criticism. in the same forvatra, another foreign agent, leonid nezlin, writes that karim khan, blaming israeli politicians for the humanitarian catastrophe, quote “he reads the news poorly and aid in gas is another quote, it is delivered regularly, well, the prosecutor himself is fair only in relation to hamas. in in general, everything is like last fall, when foreign agents unanimously approved israel’s actions in gaza, and in fact justified monstrous crimes against palestinian civilians and deaths.” what innocent
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children suffered during massive shelling, here when russia saved ukrainian children from the fire of the armed forces of ukraine, these pseudo-liberals demanded that this not happen, that the russian authorities be brought to justice, and even when the children are returned... in their family, the order of the hague court should not be canceled, well, as they say, that’s different. for me, in many cases, foreigner and prostitute are synonymous words, that is, they imply that the head of our state can well be accused of all crimes against humanity, yes, and mr. netanyahu and galmant, the minister of defense, on whose conscience there are thousands, i repeat, thousands lives of palestinian children. they seem to be clean before the law, and even before their conscience, we must not forget that the majority of foreign agents, people who left our country, they have a passport from the state of israel, well, foreign agent yulia latynina, an interested person, she has an award from
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the association of russian-speaking writers israel, netanyahu calls the arrest warrant disgusting, although the court has not yet issued it, but she is already demanding that latinina herself be deprived of foreign funding, here is a quote, subscribers... are calling for latinina herself to be deprived of foreign funding, rightly writes that it actually violates the independence of the judiciary. a court cannot be good or bad, it can be a court, regardless of what decisions it makes, and when you start saying that some court decisions are wonderful, while others cause irritation, anxiety and anger, then you are politicizing this issue , and there cannot be a politicized court, so naturally those.
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supported the international criminal court, which, as it seemed to them, finally made a fair decision: it was necessary to arrest the president of russia, other officials there, now suddenly everything, as soon as it strokes the wrong fur of their owners, the americans, the british, this instrument suddenly becomes bad. in general, everything is in the usual style, foreign agents who live off donations from the west profess the double standards accepted there, and massacre is carried out. west of avdeevka in the central zone of responsibility. in a group of russian troops , four bradley infantry fighting vehicles were disabled in one day and over 400 people of the armed forces of ukraine were eliminated, while the enemy 7 made attempts to attack on a collision course in the areas of ocheretin, solovyov and umansky, but in none of the cases did he achieve success, from the line of contact, reporting by alexei baranov. real
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advance of troops in the vicinity of avdeevka. it is the vdeevsky direction today. is a key formation in the central military district. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. call signs often correspond to the position that military personnel occupy in reality. the young man will get ready for work. akatsiya artillery systems also operate in the ovdeevsky direction. the crew commander tells us about the details of his combat work: targets come at night, during the day, we always practice, when ours are attacking, they get a bird, they see where our guys can’t get through, that’s all, and we practice getting a 100% hit there, namely the artillerymen of the central military district
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support the infantry offensive, a gunner with the call sign taper has been on the front line for several months now, as our infantry has been advancing in leisopolka, then into the house, then into some kind of equipment, we go. this is already pleasing that we are advancing, driving them away from here, and that we are helping our infantry. strikes from powerful long-range guns are always preceded by the work of assault troops, everywhere, including near kharkov, in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, mikhail taperov, news: line of combat contact. will become the first african country in europe, a forecast for ukraine from the independent british journalist and political activist rahim kassam, who, unlike the western stream sees perfectly well what kind of future her western curators are preparing for square. in a conversation with
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a former adviser to donald trump, kassam wondered what exactly was the brilliant plan that had been prepared for ukraine, judging by how angry the kiev regime and the population were. people, so that kiev finally ceases to be the mother of russian cities and turns into a stepmother, well, for example, for african migrants, well, how high is the probability that this crazy plan will actually become a reality, let’s figure it out together with vadim zavodchenkov, dark prospects for a beautiful future ukraine, is the senseless cannibalism of the kiev regime finally beginning to make sense, and so this is why the taras are dying and suffering in the trenches of the oxus.
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update the data in the shopping center, consider surrendering to meat, requires girls, pharmacists, doctors, biotechnology specialists, toxicologists. if we are talking about the percentage of women in the ukrainian army, then their number has already exceeded 35%. they are literally being forced to mobilize them, this was primarily the case at the beginning. women who are medical workers, but later
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it turned out that they take absolutely all women and put them on the front lines, kiev’s manic insistence on exterminating its men and women of fertile age really seemed like something irrational for a long time, having no chance of winning, the bank continued and continues to turn the handle meat grinders, but maybe we are in vain...
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the theory of controlled immigration actually explains many logical paradoxes, for example, why europe is so indifferent to its own culture, why encourages migration to the continent, turning their own cities into seething cauldrons of multiculturalism, and what if this is also part of the plan and it is... these people are going to be invited to the fertile ukrainian land. the west wants, in order to maintain the combat readiness of, let’s say, ukraine in the face of huge human losses, to populate it with representatives of countries where human life is cheaper in force, so that in the next few years it will be possible to mobilize and send to slaughter as adult africans who moved there as migrants, so and their, let’s say, offspring, that is, they want to create a long-term one.
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they make up for the threat to russia’s western borders and in the conditions of human shortage in ukraine with other, from their point of view, cheap lives. if the plan can be implemented, then ukrainians as such will disappear, tall, with blond or brown hair, blue eyes, eastern europeans will become an extinct species, this is who will replace them: we asked the neural network to show what the ukrainian of the future will look like, it turned out nice , smiling the lad, and what’s important, he doesn’t look like a russian at all, this is the most important thing for anti-russia, isn’t it, but before this future , the independent one still has to experience mass extinction, judging by fresh footage from ukrainian cities, it is already underway, on ukrainian sites job search, vacancies have appeared with the option: from the armed forces of ukraine service. in this way, companies are trying to somehow attract employees of the enterprise, complaining about
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a shortage of personnel, because men simply stopped going to work, fearing mobilization. after all, now the leader enterprises are obliged not only to hand out summonses, but also to deliver conscripts to the military registration and enlistment office. and also report if someone suddenly quits. about the new reality of the population of ukraine, in the material of stanislav bernwald. the empty streets of ukrainian cities and only military commissars, as if in urdolaki , are shadows darting from block to block in search of food. 13:00 bezlyudin kiev has been abandoned by kharkov and kherson, only rare daredevils with reinforced concrete armor from conscription or track and field athletes who can run fast dare to appear on the street, some creative individuals say an invented legend for the military commissar right on the fly. the military is buzzing, it seems: you know, it ’s already the 19th of today, i think i know, i think i’m
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an opikon, i’m keeping an eye on the self-made women, everything is with god, happily, well, what...
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the consequences after the adoption of the new law on mobilization for the economy of ukraine are already starting to be written and leading western media, the financial times recently published an article talking about the threat looming over ukraine’s largest steel producer from krivoy rog. of the 1,800 workers, 3 and a half have already gone to the front, and after the new law comes into force, their
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number will increase sharply. because of this, the plant has already been forced to reduce production in the near future. a lot of things can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation;
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control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now, children's savings card, adult approach. he complained that his doorbell had been ringing for 20 minutes, people in uniform, then he heard screams, the connection was interrupted, that’s exactly what municipal deputy from the communist party of the russian federation andrei grebennik described the situation in which his colleague, nikolai stepanov, found himself this morning. as it became known, investigative actions have begun at the place of residence of the former head of the municipal assembly of the capital's sokol district, namely searches that are taking place as part of the investigation of a criminal case. actually, this is confirmed by operational personnel. as you can see, the door is for law enforcement officers . no one opened it voluntarily, so i had to use a sledgehammer, after which an order was heard with a hand on the head. and here are the details about the reasons for which
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law enforcement agencies became interested in stepanov, a little, but it is not difficult to guess that the investigation is connected with very suspicious business trips of politicians from neighboring countries. anastasia ivanova will tell you what is known. the door to selyika’s apartment is not broken down for innocent people. there are few details yet, but it is known that stepan. suspects of connections with terrorists, says tast’s source. law enforcement officers came to search stepanov, the ex-assistant of former russian state duma deputy rashkin. stepanov is suspected of having connections with fugitive politician ilya panomariov. a number of criminal cases have been opened against panomariov due to his connection with the ukrainian intelligence services and investigative bodies, including treason and justification of terrorism. nikolai stepanov himself did not speak out radically, openly, did not support any criminals, but he took pictures with them. here you go, smiling ilya ponomarev and gary kasparov, included in russia on the list of terrorists and extremists, and stepanov, as if old friends came to the forum of an undesirable organization in our country, the so-called free russia
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in vilnius. stepanov himself later made excuses, saying that he just took a photo with the famous chess player as a souvenir, for some reason he never explained the presence of the badge from the liberota meeting on his chest, by chance with kasparov, with panomariov in the baltics. a few years ago , moscow city duma deputy andrei medvedev attracted attention to stepanov’s person; he rightly asked whether the communists wanted to check what their representative in
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vilnius was doing. hi stepanov filed a lawsuit about defense of honor and dignity, but lost, he wanted to run for a deputy of the moscow city duma, but it didn’t work out, even during his short career as the head of the moscow district, sokol, did not become famous for anything, became the head of the sokol municipality, due to the fact that the diverse composition of deputies in general, he was selected after the elections, and even there they could not choose a head for 3 months, for example, and one might say out of despair they chose him, then for 5 years, well, he was in the post of head.
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man, but here it’s really possible talk about mental problems, because to believe that he can get away with all this, collaborating with terrorists and extremists, is not only naive, but stupid. of course, the exact reasons for the searches should be expected from the investigative committee, one thing is clear: it will definitely not be possible to remain in the shadows and befriend the terrorists.
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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su, and zelensky’s formation lost thousands more.
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regime are doing everything possible to slow down the advance of our units in the kharkov direction, with for this purpose, not only additional reserve units and units of the ukrainian armed forces are being transferred here to the sloboda region, but also the most modern western -made equipment that is at the disposal of the militants of the kiev regime, first of all we are talking about fire reconnaissance equipment , in the last 24 hours alone more than a dozen different western weapons systems. were destroyed by our fighters in the kharkov direction, these included counter-battery stations and self-propelled artillery installations multiple launch rocket system, as well as ground reconnaissance equipment. the most fierce fighting is now taking place in the city of volchansk, as well as in the area of ​​​​the village of libtsy. here in volchansk, half of the city is controlled by units of the russian army. the southern part of the city has been under the control of militants of the kiev
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regime for this reason. in order to weaken the resistance and destroy the point of temporary deployment of ukrainian armed forces militants, russian aviation used an od 1500 aerial bomb, this is a volumetric detonating bomb of fire defeat, a high-rise building, which the militants of the kiev regime had actually turned into a stronghold, was destroyed by a russian aerial bomb in order to reduce the resistance of the militants of the kiev regime and facilitate the advance of assault units. grouping of the russian army north, but it is worth noting that fierce battles continue in other directions, the enemy is transferring additional forces, and this process continues. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, alexander pushin and stanislav yalovsky. news: kharkov direction. well the united states is pretending that the actions of the russian military in the kharkov direction are a surprise to the west. the head of the pentagon admitted that the situation for ukrainian troops
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is difficult.


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