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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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this volume-detonating bomb of fire destruction, a high-rise building, which the militants of the kiev regime actually turned into a stronghold, was destroyed by a russian aerial bomb in order to reduce the resistance of the militants of the kiev regime and facilitate the advance of the assault units of the north group. russia, but it is worth noting that fierce fighting continues in other directions, the enemy is transferring additional forces, and this process continues. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, alexander pushin and stanislav yalovsky. news. kharkov directions. well, the united states is pretending that the actions of the russian military in the kharkov direction are a surprise to the west. the head of the pentagon admitted that the situation for ukrainian troops is difficult.
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failures of the ukrainian troops, although vladimir putin warned back in march that due to ssu attacks on russian territory, it would be necessary to create a sanitary buffer zone, however, neither the united states, nor europe, nor nato responded in any way to the shelling of civilians by the armed forces of ukraine, and vladimir posin during visit to china again specifically stated: a buffer zone will be created. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they...
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ukrainian terrorists continue attacks on civilians in the belgorod region. a kamikaze drone hit a car near the village of oktyabrsky. a passenger was killed and three other people were seriously injured. the village of rzhevka was shelled, there were casualties. about senseless cruelty, alexander revonov. everyone is alive, no one was hurt. two ukrainian rockets fell near the entrance of a five-story building in center of shibekin.
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remembering some fragments, i am in such a state of shock that the doctor actually showed that there was a shrapnel there, said that a lung was wounded, such shelling from ukraine has already become commonplace, the number of killed and wounded residents of the region is measured in hundreds, the siren is heard again, two enemy drones were shot down in the sky over belgrade. unified duty dispatch service 112 for the city of belgorod, all information about emergency incidents, including shelling, flows here. their
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consequences, these operators trigger a signal missile danger. rockets, drones, mines, dispatchers, coordinate the work of the rescuers of the ambulance brigade, knowing that their children, parents, are also sitting in the shelter at this moment. information comes in, people start calling, everyone is in tragedy, everyone is in grief, well, as far as possible, we reassure, support, record the data, and pass it on. following the rescuers and doctors , utility services go to the place of arrival, repairmen close the thermal circuit.
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this room was destroyed by a direct hit from a shell and completely collapsed. wall, reporters, editors, producers of the belogorod state television and radio broadcasting company are trying to convey the most up-to-date information to the country and the world. about events in the region, often risking their lives. today , the leaders of our holding came to belgorod to support their colleagues. you tell the truth, you show what is really happening, you record the monstrous crimes that are committed daily by the ukrainian regime, you support people, and you are perhaps one of the most important points of support, moral support, information support for thousands. the building of the state television and radio broadcasting company in belgorod itself was damaged during the new year's attack on the city, among the company's employees there were also those who died; cameramen and journalists now often go to filming in helmets and bulletproof vests, talking about the lives of people in the border area. i am very grateful to your team,
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because as quickly as possible, as professionally as possible, absolutely fearlessly, they rush straight to the front line in order to show the truth. in our conditions this is actually very important, the main thing is that today, it seems to me, we are doing yes, we have not deceived anyone, everything is as it is, despite the difficult operational situation in the region, the restoration of the civilian infrastructure destroyed by shelling is going on without pause, work will begin in the near future on the repair of a partially collapsed house on shchorsa street, rescuers are helping to remove things from the surviving entrances.
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failure of the first stage of the exercises, which work out the use of non -strategic nuclear weapons, a column of equipment from the southern military district, under the cover of combat security units, is sent to the launch site. our special warhead is so miniature that we can fit it into an artillery shell, it can, in principle, be added to any modern missile that we use, these include sea-based supersonic onyxes, these are all the types of cruise missiles that we launch air base. no, these calibers can also actually contain a special warhead, so for now the exercises are testing what is probably the most common one that can be used. crew fighters iskander operational-tactical missile systems are equipped with a launcher. the complex can
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target targets within a radius of five thousand kilometers with ballistic and cruise missiles with various warheads, including, of course, special ones, that is, nuclear ones. the charge power can vary from 2 to 50 kilotons. the military movement has been honed by years of service, it acts coherently, fulfilling the task set by the commander-in-chief, the general staff conducts the exercise on behalf of the president, the first stage will be followed by two more, will join belarus. vladimir putin discussed the conduct of the exercises with alexander lukashenko on may 9 after the end of the parade on red square, since non- strategic nuclear weapons were deployed on the territory of belarus, this time we proposed to ours.
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throughout russia , units of the aerospace forces, aircraft crews and engineering personnel, for example, tu-22 strategic bombers and mik-31, are also involved in the exercises. hypersonic dagger missiles are also equipped with special warheads; they capable of hitting targets at a range
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exceeding 2.0 km, maneuvering in all parts of the trajectory. evgeny nipot, olga lvukhina, lead. these teachings are designed to sober up the west, and, apparently, this... has already been partially achieved. germany and nato do not intend to shoot down russian air defense missiles installed outside ukraine. this was stated by the head of the german ministry of defense, since such intervention was at the request. kiev means direct involvement of the alliance in the conflict with russia, however, it seems that zelensky just needs this. in an interview new york times, he again demanded that the west attack russian targets. he wants nato countries to send troops into the square. he admitted that ukrainians were tired of the conflict, but said that they would continue to fight. when asked about his legitimacy, he stated: elections are not needed. war is a version of ukrainian democracy, into the furnace of which he is ready to throw the happiness of the people. however, zelensky’s legitimacy, or rather his illegitimacy, is becoming a key issue, as this
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indicates. he banned elections and then refused to receive a constitutional verdict ukrainian courts. as a result, according to the american publication, the west can overthrow zelensky by replacing him with a more sane figure. peace negotiations are on the agenda. the main obstacle is the stubborn zelensky. he also examines the situation at the front and concludes that kiev will lose in any case. also in the united states they recognize that crimea is actually a russian peninsula, and kiev received it by accident. ukrainian officials act as if crimea is some kind of sacred ukrainian territory, but the russians just took it back. crimea with its important ports on the black sea, in fact transferred the rsfsr to the ukrainian republic in 1954 by order of nikita khrushchev. the principle of nationality. eastern ukraine has value with mines, foundries,
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petrochemical plants and fertile soils. its loss is noticeable, but will not be destructive for ukraine. this region is home to a russian-speaking majority. ukraine would be better off without so many of them. authorities in russia must work without failures and interruptions, especially in the current conditions. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with chairman of the state duma vyacheslav. it was a very important period, the whole procedure took 4 days, this is
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the first time in the history of modern russia that the state duma makes such decisions, approving the chairman of the government, deputy chairman of the government and ministers, and in the future this should definitely bring positive results, this is development democracy and parliamentarism, and of course democracy, the formation of government bodies. executive authorities, primarily the government of the russian federation, after the presidential elections, this is a very important stage in the work of the state duma, because, as i have already said, there should be no failures or interruptions in work, in general there should not be any in the normal mode, in today’s conditions this is even more important. at the meeting they also talked about vyacheslav volodin’s upcoming trip to iran for the forgiveness ceremony.
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that the agreements will be implemented, we, for our part, will do everything to
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ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein, please convey these words to the leadership iran and if our colleagues have a need, then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster. russia is ready to show tehran expert assistance and support in the investigation of the plane crash involving president ibrahim reisi. in the wound there is a ceremony of forgiveness with him. the residents of tabriz and the city of qom have already said goodbye. hundreds of thousands of people, then the body was transported to tehran. the spiritual leader of iranal ali khamini will conduct a special maleben, and on may 23 the body of raisiya will send him to his hometown of meshkhet, where the funeral will take place. the thai authorities have denied information about the second death as a result of the emergency
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with the singapura airlines airliner. according to updated data, one person died and 71 were injured. seven wounded are in critical condition. a booing 777-300 flight from london to singapore suddenly encountered turbulence 3 hours before landing. there were approximately 240 passengers plus crew on board. there were no russians. before the shaking began , the pilots managed to turn on a warning: fasten your seat belts. those who suffered did not, as well as almost all the crew members. the conductor on board was just serving breakfast. in 3 minutes the plane descended 2 km, leaving... the plane just began to fall, it was an incredible surreal sight, i clearly remember how hand-held objects, pillows, cups, anything were flying around the cabin, it was very scary, i saw seriously
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wounded people lying in the passage, many injured, even more very frightened. supporters of palestine waylaid the us secretary of state for hearings in the senate foreign relations committee. anthony blinken has arrived there to tell him why the state debt was asking for another 60 billion dollars, but he was interrupted. the need for american global leadership and cooperation with our allies and partners has never been greater. people's republic of china, brother was 6 years old, you are israeli. the demonstrators were indignant that the us authorities supported the operation in the gas sector, although the protesters were taken out of the hall by the police, but not all of them turned out to be as soon as blinken again uttered the phrase chinese people's republic, as if behind the back of the public sector,
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shouts were heard again, you are a war criminal. western countries are outraged by the decision of the international criminal court in connection with the arrest warrant for the prime minister and minister of defense of israel. they are accused of war crimes due to the operation in the gas sector. details from natalia solovyova. the humanitarian crisis in the gas sector has reached an endless queue for bread, which only lasts a few days.
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rafah, on the border with egypt, is the last refuge for hundreds of thousands of refugees; these people have no water, gas, or food. social networks flew around video of an egyptian handing food to palestinian children through a hole he made in the border wall. with american-made aircraft ammunition, the idf is actually erasing the palestinian enclave from the face of the earth. this is israel's response to last fall's brutal hamas attack and hostage taking. the number of casualties in the gaza strip has already exceeded 35. the united states considers the deaths of civilians acceptable damage and rejects any accusations against the israeli leadership. let me be clear, despite the international court's accusations against israel, what is happening is not genocide, we reject it. the day before, the international criminal court demanded an arrest warrant for
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the prime minister and minister of defense of israel, as well as three hamas leaders. the prosecutor said in a statement that he has reason to believe. until recently, the us authorities considered the decision of the hague court justified and legitimate, and today in the house of representatives of congress they called for sanctions against musa and are even ready to consider them urgently.
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tanyahu, which may now become a reality, due to allegations of corruption in his position under the israeli prime minister is already shaky, and the prospect of a trial in the hague is unlikely to loosen its grip. mr. khan creates a distorted and false moral equation between the leaders of israel and the minions of hamas. this is the same as creating a moral equality between president bush and osama binladin after 9/11, or during the second world war between roosevelt and hitler, what a travesty of justice? what a disgrace! the decision raised difficult questions for israel's allies, as the new york times writes, in the event issuing a warrant, they will be obliged to detain netanyahu on their territory, and
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there is no unity in europe. some countries have already demanded accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity. france supports the international criminal court, its independence and the fight against impunity in any situation. brussels agrees with paris on this issue: crimes in gas must be prosecuted. according to the law, at the highest level and regardless of the perpetrators, bloomberg quotes the belgian foreign minister, who considered the arrest request itself the most important step in the investigation, moscow called the situation more than curious. we are not parties to the relevant statute, accordingly, we do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court, this is the first thing, in general the situation is indeed more than curious in terms of, probably, the attitude of the united states of america, its readiness to use. the gap
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between the allies, for whom until recently the moral leadership of the united states was unconditional, is becoming obvious. natalya solovyova, emil mirsaev, news! the investigative committee awarded today heroes who , despite the danger and even injuries, were saved during the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall. firstly, i had and i wasn’t confused, that is, it wasn’t out of fear or fright, there was misunderstanding, but i figured it out later, on adrenaline, well, with a certain experience, after all, i had 5 years in the army as they were
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affected, as if everything happened automatically, that is, as if apparently thanks to the preparation or some kind of previous education, that is, no panic, on the contrary, i seemed to be trying to tell everyone to they didn’t panic, because as soon as you start to panic, you start screaming, you start... attracting the attention of terrorists to yourself, and as a rule a bullet will fly, so in order to avoid this, i told everyone not to scream and be silent, how they would do it all. a creative evening was held in moscow dedicated to the centenary of the front-line writer boris vasiliev, the author of piercing works about the great patriotic war. the story of zora here tikha brought wide popularity. and then they were still not on the lists there was a war tomorrow. many stories and novels by writers have been filmed, and the famous film “officers” was based on the play “tankmen”. hollywood actress scarlett johansson
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accused the neural network of stealing her voice. the actress herself did not allow any manipulation with him. sofia sergieva found out how the developers justify themselves. there is another scandal in the usa with the theft of votes, but this time not of voters, but of film actresses. at the presentation of the new version. sky was voiced by another person, and after
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the launch of the project. altman published in social network x post with one word, she made a reference to the film of the same name, in which the actress voiced samantha, the voice assistant with whom her owner fell in love. those people who actually wanted the voice of scarlett johansson - to use their artificial intelligence, voice assistant, as a voice-over, they were guided, of course, by some kind of mass media settings, let's say, yes, that is, people already know her voice. it has already sprouted in popular culture, we have already seen this film, just like alice’s voice, we know very well too. out of respect for mrs. johanson, skye's voice acting work was suspended. over the past 5 years, the voice and speech synthesis industry has developed by leaps and bounds. according to some estimates, today its volume exceeds a billion dollars. and while some are betting on its merits, the creation of talking robots restoring the voices of those who have lost the ability to speak, others warn that
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there is another side to the coin. if we take such a consumer segment, then a friend, colleague, etc. may contact you there someone’s voice, and you will realize that it is he and you can transfer money there , for example, if we take some global things, but imagine, there is false information coming from the stock exchange that the shares of such a company are collapsing, and you are selling shares are faster, in the end there was nothing like that, you just lose millions of rubles, well, if not dollars. at the same time, experts remind that artificial intelligence is just a program, the direction of its work is set by a person. artificial intelligence - used - as a tool, then it already helps designers, sound and text engineers, script writers very well, that is, this does not mean that artificial intelligence will write war and peace, artificial intelligence allows you to test some hypotheses, develop some texts, or short ones, perhaps
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suggest stories. for example, a tv series is currently being filmed in russia, the plot of which was written by a neural network trained in comedy, and on the twitch streaming platform in real time it is shown as nothing forever, which will never end, since new scenes and lines for it are generated every minute. against this background , the question of which scenario will develop events in the spirit of isaac asimov, the terminator or the adventures of electronics remains open. sofya sergieva, olga albukhina, news! only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. no, order
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