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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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we would like to bring to your attention our next original program from besagon tv. it will not be called in the trenches of atheists. i hope it will be interesting. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. vladimir putin met with state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. here are the footage of this meeting.
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the government tried to approach this responsibly, the whole procedure took 4 days, this approval of the post of chairman of the government, which you introduced, the approval of the deputy prime ministers of the government, and accordingly , within the framework of this procedure, a discussion took place in state duma committees spent a whole day on this, there were a lot of questions... more than 300 of them were raised during the discussion, i must say, if at the beginning even our colleagues from the government, they too, going through this procedure for the first time, somewhere, well, maybe they didn’t yet realize its depth, but then it became obvious that for them this is also very responsible, important, they understand that through
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deputies they communicate with people and answer these questions not only to deputies, to everyone who is watching this dialogue, because that’s all we have was live, we prepared in advance, connected regional parliaments via videoconference, representatives of the business community were present in the state duma, the questions were asked in a variety of ways, and... the tone itself was so benevolent and it was obvious that strong candidates were proposed, especially for the positions of deputy and chairman of the government, they were all familiar to us, and there, for example, if there are changes, then this is, as a rule, an assessment of the effective work of this or that minister, that’s all, it gave their result, somewhere... this is even
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unanimous support, somewhere the support was in advance, because, for example, when considering candidates for ministerial positions, we had a number of candidates proposed from the governor’s corps, they, for their part, showed their work , i must say, these are the leaders of successful regions and the attitude towards them is appropriate - at the same time , there were critical questions, and there were also proposals to improve the work of those candidates who previously worked as ministers, but at the same time there were problems exist, for example, in the field of demography, healthcare, education, housing and communal services, in matters of the development of physical culture and sports, we...
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spoke to the new candidate for the post of minister, our former colleague, about the need to support mass sports so that the guys could. got access to sports facilities, and of course, in order to create the environment and opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, we
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drew the attention of the candidate for the post of minister of conservation, which is extremely important for us to have resolved. personnel issue vzrugovroneniya, you gave such an instruction to the federal assembly, and we believe that it is right for us to resolve these issues together with the government, because today there are about 30,000 vacancies for doctors, and here we need to look for approaches together, in general, when we talk about this new procedure, which you initiated, i want to emphasize once again, by transferring the powers of the president... to the duma, of course, it, well, in principle, changes the attitude towards work and, first of all, probably the deputy corps, because we began to understand our responsibility for the decision made, for the final result,
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if earlier, for example, there were situations when , well, some kind of problem existed, the deputies explained it no... helping somewhere, suggesting, but responsibility must be taken jointly, so i would like to emphasize once again that this in the history of modern russia, for the first time, when the state duma makes such decisions, approving the chairman of the government,
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deputy chairman of the government and ministers, in the future this should definitely bring positive results, this and development of democracy and parliamentarism. and, of course, democracy. the formation of government bodies, executive bodies of power, primarily the government of the russian federation, after the presidential elections - this is a very important stage - in the work of the state duma, since, as i already said, there should be no failures, interruptions in work, in general there should be no perhaps, in today's conditions, this is all the more important, so i want to thank you and... all the deputies for the fact that the work was carried out based on the interests of the state, and not based on any group interests, as far as i saw, the deputies approached precisely from these positions, there was such a fear, i won’t hide it, when we were working on amendments to
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the constitution, this is natural, there is nothing special here, these are the features of parliamentarism when there is approval of top officials in the government by...
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uh, he did a lot for the development of relations between our countries, he spoke in the state duma when we came to iran, met with deputies, so, of course, uh, you correctly said that this huge loss. yes, indeed, uh, the death of the russian president is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran, the iranian people, so i ask you to convey my sincere, sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy, indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person, confident in himself, first of all, a man who... was guided by national interests, but of course, he was a man of his word,
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it was a pleasure to work with him, bearing in mind that if we agreed on something, it was always possible to be confident that the agreements will be implemented, we, for our part, will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein, please convey these words to the leadership of iran and - if our colleagues have a need, then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this disaster. i will definitely do this, as you instruct, so it is clear that in general the situation is so sad, but as you said correctly, we... need to support our partners our country, thank you. the russian army repelled
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17 attacks in so, zelensky’s formation lost another 1,700 soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and 13 other armored vehicles were destroyed, including american bradleys, 18 self-propelled guns, howitzers and other guns, mostly from nato countries, were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 45 combat drones, 14 atacoms, harm and scalp missiles and... five french hammer guided bombs. our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny talks about progress in the kharkov direction. the militants of the kyiv regime are doing everything possible in order to slow down the advance of our units in the kharkov direction; for this purpose , not only additional reserve units and units of the ukrainian armed forces are being transferred here to the sloboda region, but also the most modern western -made equipment that is at our disposal. militants of the kiev regime, first of all we are talking about reconnaissance and fire
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weapons; in the last 24 hours alone, more than a dozen different western weapons systems were destroyed by our fighters in kharkov direction, these are counter-battery stations , self-propelled artillery installations, multiple launch rocket systems, as well as ground reconnaissance equipment, the most fierce battles are now taking place in the city of volchansk, as well as in the area of ​​​​the settlement ... leptsy, here in volchansk half of the city is controlled by units and units of the russian army, the southern part of the city is still under the control of militants of the kiev regime in order to weaken resistance and destroy the temporary deployment point of ukrainian armed forces militants, russian aviation used aviation the odap 1500 bomb, this is a volumetric detonating bomb of fire destruction, a high-rise building, which the militants of the kiev regime actually turned into a stronghold, was... destroyed by a russian aerial bomb in order to reduce the resistance of the militants
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of the kiev regime and facilitate the advance of the assault units of the north group of the russian army, but it is worth noting that fierce fighting continues in other directions, the enemy is transferring additional forces, and this process continues. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, alexander pushin and stanislav yalovsky. news, kharkov direction. but in the united states they pretend that the actions of the russian military in the kharkov direction will surprise the west. the head of the pentagon admitted that the situation for ukrainian troops is difficult. lloyd austin is surprised that moscow has decided to push the front line further from its borders. our meeting comes at a sensitive moment, with russian military forces advancing in the coming weeks in an attempt to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. the us, apparently, is trying to withdraw
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assume responsibility for the failures of the ukrainian troops, although vladimir putin warned back in march that due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on russian territory, a sanitary buffer zone would have to be created, but neither the united states, nor europe, nor nato responded in any way to the ukrainian armed forces’ shelling of civilians. and vladimir putin, during his visit to china, once again very specifically outlined the buffer. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they fired and , unfortunately, continue to fire. residential areas of border areas, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, it’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so that’s what we’re doing,
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ukrainian terrorists continue attacks on the world against... residents of the belgorod region. a kamikaze drone hit a car near the village of oktyabrsky. the passenger died. three more people were seriously injured. the village of rzhevka was shelled. there are people injured. about senseless cruelty. alexander revunov. everything is alive, it didn’t hurt anyone. two ukrainian rockets fell near the entrance of a five-story building in the center of shibekin. before the ambulance arrived, the neighbors themselves tried to help. heard bang, quickly went to the bathroom, ran to the toilet, sat down, heard bang again, went out, heard, well, they called 112, because the woman started, heard, called an ambulance, the militants were clearly targeting busy places, hostels, shops , children's playgrounds, shrapnel knocked out the windows, in holes, car bodies, there's a pool of blood,
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to be honest, i'm just starting remembering some fragments, i’m in such a... state of shock that the doctor actually showed a shrapnel like this, said that a lung was wounded, such shelling from ukraine has already become commonplace, the number of killed and wounded residents of the region is measured in hundreds, again a siren is heard, two enemy drones are shot down in the sky over belgorod. unified duty dispatch service 112 for the city of belgorod, all information about emergency incidents, including shelling and their consequences, flows here. these statements run.
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how moscow can respond, evgeniy nipot found out. the first stage of the exercise has begun. where issues of the use of non -strategic nuclear weapons are being worked out, a column of equipment from the southern military district, under the cover of combat security units, is sent to the launch site.
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our special warhead is so miniature that we can fit it into an artillery shell; it can, in principle, be added to any modern missile that we use. these are sea-based, supersonic onyxes, these are all those types cruise missiles that we launch air -launched, this and... the libra can also actually contain a special warhead, so while the exercises are testing out what is probably the most common thing that can be used. soldiers from crews of the iskander operational-tactical missile systems are equipping the launcher; the complex can fire ballistic and cruise missiles with various warheads, including, of course, special ones, against targets within a radius of five thousand kilometers. nuclear. the charge power can vary from 2 to 50 kilotons. the military movement, honed by years of service, acts coherently, fulfilling the task set by the commander-in-chief, the general staff conducts the exercise on behalf of the president, the first stage will be followed by two more,
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belarus will join in. vladimir putin discussed the conduct of the exercises with alexander lukashenko on may 9 after the end of the parade on red square, since non- strategic nuclear weapons were deployed on the territory of belarus, this time we proposed to our friends.
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the exercises involve units of the aerospace forces, aircraft crews and engineering staff, for example, the tu-22 strategic bombers, as well as the mik-31 , also equip hypersonic dagger missiles with special warheads; they are capable of hitting targets at a range exceeding 2.0 km, maneuvering on all parts of the trajectory. evgenia nipat, olga olvukhina, news! apparently, it has already been partially possible to ward off the west with the help of the exercise.
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question about its legitimacy stated: elections are not needed, war is a variant of the ukrainian democracy, into the waste of which he is ready to throw away the happiness of the people, our border neighbors, however, zelensky’s legitimacy, or rather his illegitimacy, becomes a key issue, as indicated by his banning elections, and then refusing to receive the verdict of the constitutional court of ukraine. as a result, according to the american publication, the west can overthrow zelensky by replacing him with a more sane figure. peace negotiations are on the agenda, the main obstacle is the stubborn zelensky. neusvik also analyzes the situation at the front and concludes that kiev will lose in in any case, even now he is wasting his life's
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resources in vain. also in the united states they recognize that crimea is actually a russian peninsula, and kiev received it by accident, and donbass is only in the way for kiev. ukrainian officials behave as if crimea is some kind of sacred ukrainian thing. but the russians just took it back. crimea, with its important ports on the black sea, was actually handed over by the rsfsr to the ukrainian republic in 1954 by order of nikita khrushchev, a ukrainian by nationality. eastern ukraine has value with mines, tri-foundries, petrochemical plants and fertile soils. its loss is noticeable, but will not be destructive for ukraine. this region is home to a russian-speaking majority. ukraine. it would be better without so many of them. the thai authorities have denied information about the second death as a result of emergency situations on a singapura airlines airliner. 300 on
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flight london-singapore suddenly encountered turbulence. there were about 250 people on board. there were no russians. the flight attendants were serving breakfast when the plane suddenly fell 2 km. after which lanner made an emergency landing in bangkok. the countries of central asia are outraged by the west's unceremonious attempts to tell them how to live. such attempts are doomed to failure, foreign minister sergei lavrov said in astana. in the capital of kazakhstan, he meets with his colleagues from the countries of the sanghai cooperation organization. robert frantsev knows what issues are being discussed. the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the sco countries is the final event in preparation for the summit of the leaders of the association, which will take place in july. the parties once again
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confirmed their course towards alignment. general eurasian space based on equality and mutual respect, we actively support the sco, as you know, in the foreign policy concept, which was approved by president putin last march, the sco is designated as one of the priority areas of our activities in the international arena and it is gratifying that there is a similar attitude the priority of interaction within the framework of... this organization is demonstrated by all members without exception, our partners in the shanghai organization. as expected at the summit in july , belarus will become a full member of the sco already tenth, thus the organization becomes a system-forming structure of the new world order. the sco is more than half the population of the entire earth, 65% of the territory of eurasia, but the main one is not gigantic in size, they are all neighbors in a common eurasian home, they
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can decide for themselves how to live. at the risk of people's lives, the americans deny this, but in fact, in other countries against which the united states declares sanctions, spare parts for american equipment, including aviation, are not supplied, so the spell, which we hear all the time from the west, that the sanctions they apply are aimed at correcting the behavior of the authorities.
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they are trying to establish their total control in the eurasian space, and to do this they use pressure, blackmail and threats. these scos today, these are the countries of the collective west , are the same methods, as lavrov noted, the united states uses their satellites to force as many countries as possible to come to the so-called peace conference.
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so those who are now under courtship, under pressure, with an appeal to come to switzerland to create a crowd, to take part in this family photo, and then to talk about widespread support for zelensky, they must understand where to lure them. however, as sergei lavrov said, following the meeting and a number of bilateral meetings,


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